USMB Coffee Shop IV

We pray or send positive thoughts or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list. Another surgery coming up.
Gracie for solutions and peace.
Ringel for continued wellness and his brothers' families for relief from adversity and illness.
Hombre & Foxfyre's son for continued wellness & their nephew dealing with ALS.
Beautress's friend Ken for healing and wellness.
Dale Smith for quality of life.
Boedicca's nephew for healing/adversity and baby Emma for healing and full recovery with good news for both now reported.
Mindful for successful preventative therapy.
SFC Ollie for healing and wellness

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

Today the Vigil List is posted in recognition of the Autumn Solstice as summer official ended today. Hopefully that means the terrible heat of the Summer of 2023 has or will soon fade into memory.

Hello Coffee Shop IV peeps!

I have two pet peeves today, so will begin the Festivus Festivities a bit early this year.

1. Last night, mr. boe and I saw James Hunter at a local club. He (and his band) were fabulous. A good time was had by one and all...except for one lost soul seated next to mr. boe. She was wearing TWO face diapers - a paper one covered by a sparkly (I'm guessing) fashion conscious one. The poor dear pulled the masks down to take a few sips of beer, but stayed fastidiously covered for over two hours. So my peeve is - why couldn't she sit elsewhere? Her energy was very negative.

2. Every restaurant we go to these days prominently features OCTOPUS on the menu. Why is this happening? Is this just another Californication - or are other states experiencing the same disgusting slimy menu choices? It was bad enough when Brussel Sprouts were spread about, but they are ambrosia compared to Spanish Grilled Octopii and all the other hideous preparations one finds with increasing frequency. When is this madness going to END?
Hello Coffee Shop IV peeps!

I have two pet peeves today, so will begin the Festivus Festivities a bit early this year.

1. Last night, mr. boe and I saw James Hunter at a local club. He (and his band) were fabulous. A good time was had by one and all...except for one lost soul seated next to mr. boe. She was wearing TWO face diapers - a paper one covered by a sparkly (I'm guessing) fashion conscious one. The poor dear pulled the masks down to take a few sips of beer, but stayed fastidiously covered for over two hours. So my peeve is - why couldn't she sit elsewhere? Her energy was very negative.

2. Every restaurant we go to these days prominently features OCTOPUS on the menu. Why is this happening? Is this just another Californication - or are other states experiencing the same disgusting slimy menu choices? It was bad enough when Brussel Sprouts were spread about, but they are ambrosia compared to Spanish Grilled Octopii and all the other hideous preparations one finds with increasing frequency. When is this madness going to END?
We really need a 'cares' icon for posts like this. But no octopus on NM menus so far as we've seen. The only place serving Brussel sprouts is Red Lobster and that is roasted ones with a crispy topping that actually is really good. My main pet peeve in restaurants these days is that the noise level in most approximates a squadrom of F-16s taking off and having a normal conversation is pretty much impossible for those of us with hearing aids.

As for the mask don't know what to tell you. Almost nobody wears them here anymore even in doctor's offices and hospitals except those who are especially afraid of catching something especially if they have an immune deficiency of some kind. They do ask those with symptoms that could possibly be the flu or COVID to wear them though.
I am in deep doo doo. So much has been going on, I rarely am online anymore.
My back has gone out of whack, I am stressed beyond belief, and in deep DEEP depression. My future looks bleak, I don't know what to do and what I CAN do given my circumstances now. Dennis is gone and now I have to deal with all this alone and it is overwhelming.

It's going to be a semi long post, so please bear with me. Its a post of woes, and although I had being so vulnerable, I have to talk about it and maybe get ideas of what to do.

2 weeks ago, I asked management here for a new filter because we are supposed to get new ones everyother month. I haven't had one for 6 months because they "ran out" when they got to the top floor, which is where my unit is. My filter was brown. The new maintenance man went to the office and accused me of smoking in my apt. I NEVER smoke in my home. A bear shits in the woods, not at home, says I. So I never have done it. I go outside, sit on my porch and smoke when I had a porch. Even as manager of apts the past 40 years. Now I am a resident, and policies here are no smoking on balconeys or inside the apts. Since I don't anyway, I didn't concern myself with it.

When Dennis and I were shown this apt prior to moving in, the asst manager told me the previous tenant moved out and into another unit here due to smelling nicotine all the time. I said it was not a problem with me since I smoke and if it smells of it, it would not offend me. She said "great", and we moved in. I didn't know I would be accused of smoking in here, though. For 3 years, they have come up here to knock and ask if I am smoking, that there are complaints of me smoking. Each time, I invited them in to smell for themselves. Even when Dennis was on oxygen tanks gasping for air when he got sick, they would come up and accuse me of smoking, and each time, I have invited them in. They all claimed they smelled nothing and in fact it smelled nice because I do burn incense like others do with incontinence issues. And I always shut Dennis' bedroom door when I did. And that incense was always located just under the air filter that whips around each and every floor so anyone cooking fish or whatever, it wafts to every floor and into every apt. The main vent is on the roof, right over my unit, the ex maintenance man said. When the lady nutbar next door kept complaining, and Dennis griping that our ac fan made a racket, ex maintenance man said he would have to go on the roof and tweek it to quieten it down. Which he never did.

So on the 12th of this month, I got the new filter, new maintenance man claimed my filter was brown from cig smoke. He didn't change the filter..I did it myself, handed it to the janitor/maintenance helper, and he took it downstairs and put it in the trash with the other filters collected that day from replacements also that same day. The new maintenance man rifled thru all the filters, pulled out the brown one, and said it was mine. Manager was sitting there and said he was going to write me up for breaking the rules and if it happened again, I would get a 30 day notice. I asked how he knew it was mine and not one of my neighbors..or any of my neighbors since the 6th floor is the very top and smoke/odor rises. He said it came from mine. I said prove it. I said look at the blueprints to see where all the pipes are. Mgr said he didn't have them. 3 days letter, I got in the mail the official write up, which said I could respond/refute the charges against me, which I did.

I said this is a building built in the 1980's and used to a smoking allowed facility and nicotine is hard to remove and when was the last time all vents and pipes and walls and ceilings and carpets in the hallways cleaned from when it was allowed to smoke some years ago before the change of now being a smoke free complex. They said never to their knowledge. So I said I refuted the accusations because I am innocent of the charges. They put it in my file..both their write up and my response. I also reminded them that every staff member here has been in my apartment since we moved in and not once did anyone claim they smelled smoke. Non smoker residents, smokers, those who claim they have a sensitive nose and KNOW when someone is smoking...all have been in my apt. None smelled anything. Because I am not doing what they accuse me of. So, since all this happened with the write up, and for the past 3 years, I get reprimanded in writing which could affect future attempts to find another place to live. With no proof. None. Except a filter they claim is mine that is discolored.

Someone here did some research and found that burning incense CAN and WILL darken an air filter, so I told the manager a few days later what that discovery was. He rolled his eyes, more or less. But then he called me in his office and said he did not want me to move and "more people than I know" have come to my defense but he just wanted me to stop smoking in my apt. I sighed, and became angry, because I said "do you not hear me? I HAVE NOT BEEN SMOKING IN MY APARTMENT. The previous tenant moved because she kept smelling it. And since smoke rises, and the vents were never cleaned in the past 30/40 years, and I was warned of the problem of THIS apartment smelling like nicotine as well as cherrywood pipe smoke...probably coming from below me somehwere in the building, does itnot make sense it is probably someone underneath me or wafting thru the connecting pipes? No, he said. It means I am smoking in my apartment.

This whole back and forth has stressed me out so much, I have not eaten. I have lost 14 lbs in 2 weeks, can't sleep, can't find another place to live that I can afford and wil lprobably wind up living in my van again, with a cat. And no Dennis. At 71 years old. The stress has caused problems with my health. My back is killing me all the time (sciatica) and my doctor has given me extra xanax to try to calm me. He also ordered an xray on my lower back. He also wants an MRI done because L1 is cracked, L2 and L3 are skewered. This is from me stressing and preparing for the inevitable. In preparing I have given away most of my furniture and now am living a more simple style with just the basics. I kept what I could move myself if able, and what I can't move, I can ask one of the homeless surrounding this complex to help move me into a uhaul and put it all in storage when the shit hits the fan and they give me a notice to vacate. I have never in my life ever been evicted. And to be evicted over falso accusation is even worse. So, just in case it happens soo, and while I can hobble with my walker which I have to use now until my back is "fixed", I am ready for whatever they dish out. But it scares the crap out of me because I've been there before with Dennis, my yellow lab, and living in my van until we found the place in Paradise before the fire. But that was then. This is now. I'm much older. And rents have skyrocketed. I also have a friend in Texas who said I could live with her but its a 4 day drive from here. How the heck and I do make that trip and not die on the way? With a yeowling cat? I honestly don't think I can do it alone. So I sit here, sleepless, worried, and not sure what to do or where to go. The lady that we moved in with in Paradise before the fire asked us to leave where we were renting from another guy beause her husband died and she couldn't see (cataracts very bad), no drivers license, and didn't want to be alone. So we moved in with her, and we all escaped in my van.

I am in the same circumstances she was in when we moved in with her to help her and she wouldn't be alone, so I called her and asked if I could stay with her until I could find something. She said no. Her new boyfriend she lives with said he likes his privacy, and although they have a spare room in a large house, that room is reserved for a cat they said they would take care of when the cat owner goes to prison for 8 months. So I said I am to be homeless because your spare room is for a cat. She got mad at me and said I was putting her in an awkward position.

Betrayal, I felt and still do. Bad back. Stress. Pain from back, no place to go and not sure what to do about it all, or CAN or am physically able to do. I can't afford rents alone, but have nobody to ask to be a roomie with me to help with splitting rent and utilities. I'm between a rock and a hard place. I worry abot the cat a lot too.I love her. But will it be fair for her to live in a van? Can I have enough courage to find a home for her and be totally alone even if its best for her? And if I wind up in my van and my stuff in storage, where would I park to avoid the other homeless people who aren't so nice around here? The winters are cold, the summers are horrific. I'd die. Which brings me to another possible solution. Die on my own terms. Escape. But then, what would happen to the cat? Who would take Dennis and my furkids ashes to the ocean or a river that connects to an ocean since it was his last wish?

I am in a really bad place, physically and mentally. I struggle, snap out of it, fall back into the depression again. Texas is too far away. The inlaws are in Arizona which is closer and is 14 hours away from me. I could do that in 2 days. Drive 7 hours, stop at pet friendlymotel, drive another 7 hours and be there. Into a small 2 bedroom mobile home with my inlaws, their two dogs and their 35 year old grandson that mooches off them. Is that a plan I want to tackle? Texas is out because I have no way to get there along with my stuff I want to keep and not put in storage. And they can't fly here to help me drive a uhaul there. Movers gave quotes of 6k, which I don't have. Moving my van is an extra thousand, and flying would cost me over 700 dollars with my cat being added to the fee of flying. So that is out, too.

As you can see....everywhere I turn...its an impossible situation. PLUS, I still don't have my permanent teeth. I should get them by the middle of october. So eating has been difficult since Feb this year when they were all removed. I look horrible. Feel horrible. and really don't see an out for me. I pray every night to Jesus for help. I pray to go to bed and not wake up. And every day I do wake up.

I'm too old for this shit. And I am too old to be alone to make these decisions of the neverending WHAT DO I DO? Is there no end? Will I ever find peace, stability, happiness again? Doesn't look like it. When quality of life is gone for out pets..we lovingly and dreadfully send them over rainbow bridge but to do it for humans? no no no. Bad. But if someone wants to go bad enough, there are ways without a doctors help in pills that will do it. And I am afraid that may be the only way out. Afraid. So I talk myself back into common sense only to fall again because of the bullshit going on here, like today. A bunch of residents were in the hallway bitching about management, the corporation that owns this place and in general a bitch fest because one of the tenants washed and waxed his car in his car space. Which is against the rules here. Dogs pissing all over the carpets on each floor and the owner not cleaning it up. The smelly trash chutes that have never been cleaned and every floor stinks when you get off the mostly non working elevators. Slumlords here and I have always hated moving in to begin with but with dennis falling apart we really didn't have much choice.

I am on 4 waiting lists. All within driving range. But waiting lists here for low income houseing is a 5 to 6 year wait. Do I even have that much time left before winding up in a wheelchair? And what if my van breaks down? At least I have that and it got us out of Paradise althoug with melted wheels, it did it. But I know it mightnot make it to texas or even arizona.

I worry worry worry. And now I am sharing that worrying here because said as it is...I have nobody else to share it with. And I am so tired of being alone with these problems.

xanax is now taking affect. Going to bed. Maybe I can get some sleep. Maybe not. But at least I spoke of my woes, whether it is read or not. And I needed to purge myself. Lucky you.

Apologies in advance. Bring out the violins. Send me some cheese with my whines. At this point, I don't care anymore. About anything. Except who will take care of my cat.
Sorry for typos. Andyes, I have called housing authority, hud, and anyone else with the power to do so, to no avail. They can't/won't help. Another roadblock.

Been looking at mobil ehomes in parks. New politices they started. Space rent is anywhere form 650 to 700 to 1000 per month and to qualify for the moblie park is you have to have an income THREE TIMES the amount of the space rent, and be able to pay utilities as well. That leaves me out since I survive on SS. I even have an ad in craigslist asking for a room for at least a year for one of the other places I have been on the list for some time. Nothing. No response except one and he said he wanted 750 per month. I could do that, but not having to pay half the utilities which he sahd was about 3 to 4 hundred during the summer. Which takes me over 100o per month and no food. Which I don't bother to eat anyway.

More doors slammed shut. So here I sit. Waiting for the dreaded accusations to begin again, along with a 30 day notice to vacate and not sure where to vacate ti,

Ok....spelling really bad now. Sleepy. Again, apologies. Kinda helps to write it all out. And sleeping IS an escape. So sleep I will try at to attempt again and my brain shut off fir awhile.

Thanks for lisitening.
Sorry for typos. Andyes, I have called housing authority, hud, and anyone else with the power to do so, to no avail. They can't/won't help. Another roadblock.

Been looking at mobil ehomes in parks. New politices they started. Space rent is anywhere form 650 to 700 to 1000 per month and to qualify for the moblie park is you have to have an income THREE TIMES the amount of the space rent, and be able to pay utilities as well. That leaves me out since I survive on SS. I even have an ad in craigslist asking for a room for at least a year for one of the other places I have been on the list for some time. Nothing. No response except one and he said he wanted 750 per month. I could do that, but not having to pay half the utilities which he sahd was about 3 to 4 hundred during the summer. Which takes me over 100o per month and no food. Which I don't bother to eat anyway.

More doors slammed shut. So here I sit. Waiting for the dreaded accusations to begin again, along with a 30 day notice to vacate and not sure where to vacate ti,

Ok....spelling really bad now. Sleepy. Again, apologies. Kinda helps to write it all out. And sleeping IS an escape. So sleep I will try at to attempt again and my brain shut off fir awhile.

Thanks for lisitening.
Oh Gracie there are no words. You may in fact have to get out of California. It sounds like living with your inlaws would be as miserable as where you are, but doing a quick cursory search in several areas of CA, rents and housing and transportation costs are off the charts.

The ideal might be a sublet with an amicable person like you had in Paradise but again you run the risk of a not so amicable person, the place being sold out from under you etc.

There has to be a solution. I'll keep thinking on it.
I must apologize...again...for airing my woes. I have been musing on this situation for some time, and doing it without bouncing stuff off Dennis makes it harder.
I spoke with management today. They told me the "write up" goes in my file, but does not go to corporate, and it does not affect me regardless of the finger waggling. She said she knows I am not doing as accused, and if I do move on my own (they have no intention of evicting me), I would get very good reviews. I asked WHY then, that they wrote me up for something I do not do, and they have no proof to boot. She said she wouldn't have done it, herself, but the manager felt he had to do what he is required to do...which is what he did but to keep in mind that he is 83 years old and sometimes she has to fix his messes..but in this case, there is no fixing. However, I am to ignore it all, stay put, and just continue being a resident. I said I would try, but at first opportunity, I WILL go. I just can't abide the filth here. It is not managements fault the conditions here. Its corporate. Slumlord. Management just wants a paycheck and do as told. In short...she was embarrassed at the whole thing that went down.

With that in mind, I have made plans to probably go live with the inlaws in Benson Az. Spoke to them today and they have that spare bedroom, with its own bathroom. It will have to do until I think of something else. And I would be with family. via marriage. Seeing Dennis' brother will probably break me more than I already am since they look so much alike, but....its people I know, who know me and it will be a roof. I will put all my stuff in storage, go stay with them awhile, and see what comes up back here in Cali since I am on those waiting lists. And, she is only 14 hours away which is doable. Drive 7 hours, get a motel, up early next morning and be there at her place 7 hours later. My own room, my own bathroom, small town, not alone anymore and the option to return to Cali if I hate it there in az. Who knows? I might like it. called today. Said I am majorly depressed in his opinion and wants me on an antidepressant. I said I have to decline because although I hurt so much with my back, I have to have my mental facilities so I can plan and plot and have my ducks in a row, so to speak.

I am thankful I wrote what I did, but ashamed at the same time. Where the hell is Gracie? She is lost, and it bugs me because I am usually such a strong person. So I am sorry, again, that I woe'd you guys again. But it actually helps when I write it all down what is affecting me. Makes it easier to bear. But also shames me at the same time.

Thank you for listening if you did read the latest drama. When I am here, I am either snarky, cruel and rude, or whining with woes. Sigh.
One banana will make me curled up in severe bloated pain for half a day, I don't even want to think about what seven would do............ I'm intolerant not allergic.
I'd be sitting on the commode for hours if I did that. Same prob for me. LOVE bananas, but they don't like me I guess. I can eat them....but only half of one. Like you...not allergic. Just intolerant.
I must apologize...again...for airing my woes. I have been musing on this situation for some time, and doing it without bouncing stuff off Dennis makes it harder.
I spoke with management today. They told me the "write up" goes in my file, but does not go to corporate, and it does not affect me regardless of the finger waggling. She said she knows I am not doing as accused, and if I do move on my own (they have no intention of evicting me), I would get very good reviews. I asked WHY then, that they wrote me up for something I do not do, and they have no proof to boot. She said she wouldn't have done it, herself, but the manager felt he had to do what he is required to do...which is what he did but to keep in mind that he is 83 years old and sometimes she has to fix his messes..but in this case, there is no fixing. However, I am to ignore it all, stay put, and just continue being a resident. I said I would try, but at first opportunity, I WILL go. I just can't abide the filth here. It is not managements fault the conditions here. Its corporate. Slumlord. Management just wants a paycheck and do as told. In short...she was embarrassed at the whole thing that went down.

With that in mind, I have made plans to probably go live with the inlaws in Benson Az. Spoke to them today and they have that spare bedroom, with its own bathroom. It will have to do until I think of something else. And I would be with family. via marriage. Seeing Dennis' brother will probably break me more than I already am since they look so much alike, but....its people I know, who know me and it will be a roof. I will put all my stuff in storage, go stay with them awhile, and see what comes up back here in Cali since I am on those waiting lists. And, she is only 14 hours away which is doable. Drive 7 hours, get a motel, up early next morning and be there at her place 7 hours later. My own room, my own bathroom, small town, not alone anymore and the option to return to Cali if I hate it there in az. Who knows? I might like it. called today. Said I am majorly depressed in his opinion and wants me on an antidepressant. I said I have to decline because although I hurt so much with my back, I have to have my mental facilities so I can plan and plot and have my ducks in a row, so to speak.

I am thankful I wrote what I did, but ashamed at the same time. Where the hell is Gracie? She is lost, and it bugs me because I am usually such a strong person. So I am sorry, again, that I woe'd you guys again. But it actually helps when I write it all down what is affecting me. Makes it easier to bear. But also shames me at the same time.

Thank you for listening if you did read the latest drama. When I am here, I am either snarky, cruel and rude, or whining with woes. Sigh.
No need to apologize, I'm glad you feel safe enough to "unload" with us. We all need sounding boards from time to time, you happen to need it more than the rest of us right now. I truly am keeping you in my daily prayers.
I must apologize...again...for airing my woes. I have been musing on this situation for some time, and doing it without bouncing stuff off Dennis makes it harder.
I spoke with management today. They told me the "write up" goes in my file, but does not go to corporate, and it does not affect me regardless of the finger waggling. She said she knows I am not doing as accused, and if I do move on my own (they have no intention of evicting me), I would get very good reviews. I asked WHY then, that they wrote me up for something I do not do, and they have no proof to boot. She said she wouldn't have done it, herself, but the manager felt he had to do what he is required to do...which is what he did but to keep in mind that he is 83 years old and sometimes she has to fix his messes..but in this case, there is no fixing. However, I am to ignore it all, stay put, and just continue being a resident. I said I would try, but at first opportunity, I WILL go. I just can't abide the filth here. It is not managements fault the conditions here. Its corporate. Slumlord. Management just wants a paycheck and do as told. In short...she was embarrassed at the whole thing that went down.

With that in mind, I have made plans to probably go live with the inlaws in Benson Az. Spoke to them today and they have that spare bedroom, with its own bathroom. It will have to do until I think of something else. And I would be with family. via marriage. Seeing Dennis' brother will probably break me more than I already am since they look so much alike, but....its people I know, who know me and it will be a roof. I will put all my stuff in storage, go stay with them awhile, and see what comes up back here in Cali since I am on those waiting lists. And, she is only 14 hours away which is doable. Drive 7 hours, get a motel, up early next morning and be there at her place 7 hours later. My own room, my own bathroom, small town, not alone anymore and the option to return to Cali if I hate it there in az. Who knows? I might like it. called today. Said I am majorly depressed in his opinion and wants me on an antidepressant. I said I have to decline because although I hurt so much with my back, I have to have my mental facilities so I can plan and plot and have my ducks in a row, so to speak.

I am thankful I wrote what I did, but ashamed at the same time. Where the hell is Gracie? She is lost, and it bugs me because I am usually such a strong person. So I am sorry, again, that I woe'd you guys again. But it actually helps when I write it all down what is affecting me. Makes it easier to bear. But also shames me at the same time.

Thank you for listening if you did read the latest drama. When I am here, I am either snarky, cruel and rude, or whining with woes. Sigh.

No apology necessary Gracie.

I think you might at least reconsider that anti-depressant. Many like low dose Amitriptyline (for example) can not only relieve your depression but also at least some of your pain. My Aunt Betty (age 97 next week) has taken 10 mg for a very long time as she suffers from a rare form of arthritis as well as a more common form and it definitely helps with the pain levels as well as help her sleep. And it does not affect her mental sharpness in any way. Always take such meds with a doctor monitoring of course.

High desert living is very different from where you have lived in California and if you make the move to Benson, be prepared for that. It takes awhile to learn to appreciate it, but those of us who have adapted to it do. :)
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Well now I'm depressed I missed a Gracie visit.

Hopefully I can get a word in here or there with Foxfyre and Ringel dominating the board. <wink, wink>

Tomorrow is a big day. My dad (87) is getting a pacemaker. It is hilarious. He's absolutely giddy about a faster heart rate, meaning more energy to do what he wants. He does plenty already. Also two visitations for a sister-in-law who died suddenly of a massive heart attack. The funeral is Thursday. As fate would have it I'm on "vacation". It was planned last year for now. Not doing anything, at least until the relatives got into the picture.

Bella the cat has expectations of sleeping on the bed which requires I am there, so good night.
I see posters are getting more stupid by the minute. Now we need little icons to tell that I've been here ten years? I suppose looking at my start date by my posts to too vague.
I see posters are getting more stupid by the minute. Now we need little icons to tell that I've been here ten years? I suppose looking at my start date by my posts to too vague.
I just translate that OG to "old goat" which is a little friendlier sounding than "old curmudgeon' and figure it's a marketing strategy for the board. :)

But hi Save. Good to see you and love it when you drop in for a visit. Hope all is well with you and yours. Did Harper have her surgery and how did it go?
It’s official.. the first fireplace start up of the season and knee knocking winds convincing me it’s time to layer up again. 😕

Then again, I do have hopes of a sweet goodbye and warm Indian Summer.. 😃
It’s official.. the first fireplace start up of the season and knee knocking winds convincing me it’s time to layer up again. 😕

Then again, I do have hopes of a sweet goodbye and warm Indian Summer.. 😃
Temps still in the high 70's to mid 80's for highs here so it's hard to give up on summer yet. We do have our air conditioning shut down and the furnace serviced and fired up next week but I doubt the furnace will have much to do for awhile. No storms on the horizon for us though the east side of the state has seen some intemperate weather.

The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta begins October 8 and runs through the 15th and temps are forecast to be about 70 for highs which is good. Early morning temps in the 50's are ideal for launching. Just like airplanes, hot air balloons don't fly as efficiently in hot weather.

Our fireplace is shut down but I do look forward to the pinon smoke later on though it makes me sneeze. :)
Temps still in the high 70's to mid 80's for highs here so it's hard to give up on summer yet. We do have our air conditioning shut down and the furnace serviced and fired up next week but I doubt the furnace will have much to do for awhile. No storms on the horizon for us though the east side of the state has seen some intemperate weather.

The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta begins October 8 and runs through the 15th and temps are forecast to be about 70 for highs which is good. Early morning temps in the 50's are ideal for launching. Just like airplanes, hot air balloons don't fly as efficiently in hot weather.

Our fireplace is shut down but I do look forward to the pinon smoke later on though it makes me sneeze. :)
Sounds sweet.. when we lived in Northern California (Hidden Valley Lake area) we had a tourist ballon crash in our backyard, nobody hurt but they sure weren’t happy about it. The screaming, the basket tip, oh .. such foul language. We let them use out bathrooms, guested them and such. Eventually, they took off with far less tourists and waves. 😀

I could be a snowbird but my darlin wife is still working and it’s best to hang around. I seem to wanna whine but life’s pretty sweet here as well.

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