USMB Coffee Shop IV

This is as close to a political post as I will make in the Coffee Shop :)

Plastic bags.jpg
Last night Hombre saw a long string of lights, all in a row, pass over our house and we thought for sure he was seeing UFOS. But what we were seeing was a Starlink satellite train. These are communication satellites. Our internet and GPS systems are dependent on them.

On September 29, Elon Musk posted this Space X photo of a launch of 22 of these Starlink satellites from Cape Canaveral. I'm guessing that was the train he saw last night.

Apparently these settle as a train into an orbit 247 miles above Earth for a number of weeks/few months for whatever reason. Then each satellite has its own thruster that fires and each go their separate ways deeper into orbit--341 miles above sea level.

Photo of the launch from Florida Sept. 29:

Not the same train but what they look like in the night sky.
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I've given up coffee, now I drink 4-5 mugs of Earl Grey tea a day.
I don't know what happened to my post greeting you last night Clinton Baptiste but welcome to the Coffee Shop. We're happy you dropped by and keep right on joining in.

First timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary beverage. We'll make it a long island tea made with Earl Grey tea of course. :)

Which is my favorite thing to do. I actually don't enjoy shopping for things I need unless I know exactly what I need because otherwise it is agonizing trying to make the right choice.
You're doing it is a matter of how fast can you get in and out. Go with the first thing you see that can work.
You're doing it is a matter of how fast can you get in and out. Go with the first thing you see that can work.
But what if it doesn't work? I hate returning stuff more than I hate trying to find the one thing that is best for my needs. :) (Plus do you know any women who don't have the compulsion to shop in all circumstances?)
It was a long week two weeks ago. The visitations, funeral, and other assorted issues. Went to mow a yard and my mower decided it was time to go to that hayfield in the sky. Off to Walmart for a replacement. I was hunting mowers. Found one, the first one I saw. Bought it with a business check, so I needed a cashier. It was the only thing I bought. As I was exiting the store with a giant box in the cart and nothing else, receipt in hand, the greeter says, mind if I check your cart? I quickly without hesitation said yes I do mind and kept going. If you're running a store without clerks for the most part, that is your problem.
Well, I've been in and out of the hospital twice in the last 10 days. I thought I had an eye infection, but the tests they gave me the second time showed a high indication I'm having allergy issues. I already though I had allergies to everything after having fibromyalgia for 15 years, but I'm feeling better although tired tonight after a day filled with playing "klondike" solitaire online. My sewing is down the drain, but I cooked up a meat treat for the doggies and bought dogfood and a lemon at the store that's supposed to miimize some of the lesser aspects of allergies. lol I also found some cute quilts on coffee, my favorite beverage. It too is good for all kinds of health issues, which is soothing,
I think of you all often and how lucky we are that Foxfyre started the coffee shop, which is the best effort for bring American people back together online, imho. So here's tonight's fiber art coffee tribute to all of you dear people who visit the coffee shop: these are all made by other people, by the way:



Coffee Love:



Hope everyone has a lovely weekend ahead. I'll be taking my whatever it is they gave me for clearing my allergy issues up. Love alla y'all!!!
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The one cruise we really wan to do is through the Fjords of Norway. It makes some of DNA to carthwheels to think of it!
We went there in 2006, boedicca, after my husband retired. It was breathtaking around every turn. I hope you get to go to Norway in good weather. Our tour of the Fijord was above Bergen on the map, and the tour was with my late husband's Illini Alumni association's Baltic Sea tour, and we got to shake hands with Lech Walesca, the famous guy from Poland on the other side of the Baltic Sea. I think we visited 9 or 10 countries, and all was so scenic, and Stockholm was colorful and the architecture of the buildings and museums there were astonishing, many of which were built many centuries ago. I hope you get to see the Fijord. There's nothing anywhere like Norway's Fijords.
I wouldn’t mind being a smoothie but 7 bananas in 7 days .. mmm .. Lumpy visits Cramps City.
Bananas have a lot of potassium that has a healing effect on tired old feet and skin. My favorite breakfast is a bowl of raisin bran, and it's more filling if you cut up a banana. I'm not even hungry at lunchtime and frequently not at suppertime either. I guess it's what you get used to. On a good week, I remember to buy a large bag of oranges, which provides an array of nutrients, especially vitamin C which benefits your immune system. As Ms. Allergic, it helps me get through the day without getting a chest cold winter, spring, summer and fall. This year the bananas at the store were half the size of the ones they used to sell at Wallyworld.

Have a great weekend, everyone. Y'all are the best! :thup:.
I thought I had an eye infection, but the tests they gave me the second time showed a high indication I'm having allergy issues.
Buy some Naphcon A, it is an over the counter eye drop. It took me years to realize that my eye pain was the result of seasonal allergies, but after I had had enough of my eye pain one day I called in sick to work one morning and got an appointment with the eye doctor the same day, and that's when I finally found out the cause.
We went there in 2006, boedicca, after my husband retired. It was breathtaking around every turn. I hope you get to go to Norway in good weather. Our tour of the Fijord was above Bergen on the map, and the tour was with my late husband's Illini Alumni association's Baltic Sea tour, and we got to shake hands with Lech Walesca, the famous guy from Poland on the other side of the Baltic Sea. I think we visited 9 or 10 countries, and all was so scenic, and Stockholm was colorful and the architecture of the buildings and museums there were astonishing, many of which were built many centuries ago. I hope you get to see the Fijord. There's nothing anywhere like Norway's Fijords.

Bananas have a lot of potassium that has a healing effect on tired old feet and skin. My favorite breakfast is a bowl of raisin bran, and it's more filling if you cut up a banana. I'm not even hungry at lunchtime and frequently not at suppertime either. I guess it's what you get used to. On a good week, I remember to buy a large bag of oranges, which provides an array of nutrients, especially vitamin C which benefits your immune system. As Ms. Allergic, it helps me get through the day without getting a chest cold winter, spring, summer and fall. This year the bananas at the store were half the size of the ones they used to sell at Wallyworld.

Have a great weekend, everyone. Y'all are the best! :thup:.
So .. sweet lady beautress , just wondering.. do you know the miracles of (local) honey being Ms. Allergic and all?

and… I don’t get bunched bananas much anymore but there’s usually 1 or 2 nervously hanging around.

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