USMB Coffee Shop IV

I don’t understand. What does “ too much pie” mean?🤣
LOL. So many in my family, Hombre and myself included, are trying to shave off some extra pounds, ANY pie is 'too much' these days. Not that it stops us from having a piece of traditional pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving though. We'll probably do the same at Christmas. :)
Friend of mine in South Dakota has a hunting dog for sale:
Friend of mine in South Dakota has a hunting dog for sale:
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One of our puppies born last year turned out to be stone deaf. The unconcerned one above reminds me of deaf Spotty, as he lives in his own little world, but I love him just as much as the ones with acute hearing faculties.

Worked all morning on a vertical yellow brick quilt with red and green sashes. Need a little nap now due to puppies waking up in the middle of the night. It would be great if I could complete the quilt. The hard part is done, though. Wow it's the end of November today. Where'd the time go? :dunno:
One of our puppies born last year turned out to be stone deaf. The unconcerned one above reminds me of deaf Spotty, as he lives in his own little world, but I love him just as much as the ones with acute hearing faculties.

Worked all morning on a vertical yellow brick quilt with red and green sashes. Need a little nap now due to puppies waking up in the middle of the night. It would be great if I could complete the quilt. The hard part is done, though. Wow it's the end of November today. Where'd the time go? :dunno:
Hombre and I were just talking about it being the last day of November. Cold and rainy in Albuquerque today but it's a slow rain and we desperately need the moisture. So we decorate the house for Christmas tomorrow, December 1. Will do a little more than I had planned again this year as our son and family just advised they'll be here for Christmas. That makes for a lot more work but it makes me happy. :)
We pray or send positive thoughts or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list. Another surgery coming up.
Ringel for continued wellness and his brothers' families for relief from adversity and illness.
Hombre & Foxfyre's son for continued wellness
Beautress's friend Ken for healing and wellness.
Dale Smith for quality of life.
Boedicca's nephew for healing/adversity and baby Emma for healing and full recovery with good news for both now reported.
Mindful for successful preventative therapy.
SFC Ollie for healing and wellness
Gracie for solutions and peace.
Mrs. Saveliberty for rapid and trouble free healing
Hombre & Foxfyre's nephew, Perry Ray, lost his battle with ALS yesterday. His older sister Connie succumbed to COVID two years ago around this time. That is two of Hombre's twin sister's three children who have preceded her in death. Devasting to her and the one remaining son. In the morning Hombre and our son will be enroute to Arkansas for the funeral. Neither are in the the best of health. I can't go and leave Aunt Betty. Prayers please for them and all the family.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

Be prepared for reading up on the Corniest Jokes ever!
  1. What did the horse say after it tripped?
Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t giddyup!

2. Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom?

Because the “P” is silent.

3. What do you call a well-balanced horse?


4. What do you call an angry carrot?

A steamed veggie.

5. Where do polar bears keep their money?

In a snowbank.

6. How do you make an egg-roll?

You push it!

7. What would bears be without bees?


8. What do you call a pile of cats?

A meow-ntain.

9. Why do cows wear bells?

Because their horns don’t work.

10. Why did the bicycle fall over?

Because it was two tired.

11. What did the triangle say to the circle?

You’re pointless.

12. RIP, boiling water.

You will be mist.

13. Time flies like an arrow.

Fruit flies like a banana.

14. I ordered a chicken and an egg online.

I’ll let you know what comes first.

15. Why was Cinderella so bad at soccer?

She kept running away from the ball!

16. What do lawyers wear to court?


17. What do elves learn in school?

The elf-abet.

18. Where was King David’s temple located?

Beside his ear.

19. What did one toilet say to another?

You look flushed.

20. What lights up a soccer stadium?

A soccer match.

21. What does corn say when it gets a compliment?

Aw, shucks!

22. What’s the difference between a poorly dressed man on a tricycle and a well-dressed man on a bicycle?


23. What’s red and bad for your teeth?

A brick.

24. What do sprinters eat before they race?

Nothing. They fast.

25. What has more lives than a cat?

A frog, because it croaks every day.

Credit to and Thanks for the Good Housekeeping folks.
We pray or send positive thoughts or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list. Another surgery coming up.
Ringel for continued wellness and his brothers' families for relief from adversity and illness.
Hombre & Foxfyre's son for continued wellness
Beautress's friend Ken for healing and wellness.
Dale Smith for quality of life.
Boedicca's nephew for healing/adversity and baby Emma for healing and full recovery with good news for both now reported.
Mindful for successful preventative therapy.
SFC Ollie for healing and wellness
Gracie for solutions and peace.
Mrs. Saveliberty for rapid and trouble free healing

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

By the way everyone, it's okay to have your Christmas trees and other stuff up now. Tis the season to be jolly and I hope all can have at least a bit of that spirit at this time.



Without getting into a discussion on religious beliefs in the Coffee Shop, back in the 1990s I was teaching Bible in a large adult Sunday School class at our church. And we were on the issue of how reliable was the oral tradition of the ancient Jews when it came time, many years later, to write down events that made it into the Bible.

I used the illustration of when Kennedy was shot. How those of us who experienced it 30+ years later remembered it vividly, who we were with and what we felt when we first heard, things people said. How we saw Kennedy and then his assassin shot on TV. And most of us spent a long weekend watching the funeral proceedings the likes of which probably no one will ever see again in the USA. And how any one of us could write down a credible account of those events and that funeral. We would likely get some things wrong, some events out of sequence. Different ones of us would remember different details. But each one of us could write a pretty credible account.

Turned out there were a lot of WWII veterans and their wives and others of that generation in my class. And they said they not only remembered the Kennedy assassination vividly but 50 years later they also remembered Pearl Harbor vividly and just as clearly. And all the people's reaction to it.

Oral tradition re certain things can be pretty darn good.
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Not to brag or anything but I make a darn good spinach smoothie. (But never before I have my coffee.)

I like a good fruit and greens smoothie myself - and yes, NEVER before coffee!
I’d like a blackberry . pecan . maple smoothie I’m thinking.. 🙂
Make it walnuts and you're on. I generally use raw unrefined honey as a sweetener in my smoothies--never refined sugar--but pure maple syrup isn't a horrible choice. Pricey. But not horrible.

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