USMB Coffee Shop IV

Peace on Earth (1939)​

Peace on Earth (1939)​

Ugh. Not something small children should see I think. Interesting. 1939 was the year Germany invaded Poland which is considered the beginning of WWII. Pondering whether too controversial or political for the Coffee Shop LOL but it really was interesting.

Always happy when you drop in Mr. Beale. :)
Ugh. Not something small children should see I think. Interesting. 1939 was the year Germany invaded Poland which is considered the beginning of WWII. Pondering whether too controversial or political for the Coffee Shop LOL but it really was interesting.

Always happy when you drop in Mr. Beale. :)

Ugh. Not something small children should see I think. Interesting. 1939 was the year Germany invaded Poland which is considered the beginning of WWII. Pondering whether too controversial or political for the Coffee Shop LOL but it really was interesting.

Always happy when you drop in Mr. Beale. :)
Germany declared harrassment on ethnic peoples in their country in a coup they called "Krystalnacht", September 1938. Peace on earth went downhill from there on until many countries decided enough was enough. The rest is the history of WWII, and no one in the European theater was safe. The recent hostilities similar to Krystalnacht have been occurring on university campuses in the New World. That may or may not be controversial, but for some reason, my heart goes out to the victims one and all. May people lay down their hatred before it gets any worse. Prayers up for all concerned to reduce animosity with minority groups according to race, creed, or clan. Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me--a song I taught when I was asked to form a childrens' choir at our church in Casper, Wyoming, after their choir director quit suddenly for who knows why. I thought the Peace on Earth song was music our children needed to hear. The following summer, my husband's job took us to Oregon, which had an amazing children's choir, so they asked me to serve as a church elder, which I did to fill in an empty seat for a year.

Germany declared harrassment on ethnic peoples in their country in a coup they called "Krystalnacht", September 1938. Peace on earth went downhill from there on until many countries decided enough was enough. The rest is the history of WWII, and no one in the European theater was safe. The recent hostilities similar to Krystalnacht have been occurring on university campuses in the New World. That may or may not be controversial, but for some reason, my heart goes out to the victims one and all. May people lay down their hatred before it gets any worse. Prayers up for all concerned to reduce animosity with minority groups according to race, creed, or clan. Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me--a song I taught when I was asked to form a childrens' choir at our church in Casper, Wyoming, after their choir director quit suddenly for who knows why. I thought the Peace on Earth song was music our children needed to hear. The following summer, my husband's job took us to Oregon, which had an amazing children's choir, so they asked me to serve as a church elder, which I did to fill in an empty seat for a year.

I directed a Middle School choir at our church and then got drafted for the adult choir. And that was one of our staples for concerts both with the children's choir and the adult choir. One of the most rewarding and most fun unpaid jobs I ever had. :)
I directed a Middle School choir at our church and then got drafted for the adult choir. And that was one of our staples for concerts both with the children's choir and the adult choir. One of the most rewarding and most fun unpaid jobs I ever had. :)
Leading a children's choir had the same effect on me. But the children loved to sing, and they sang so well for their young age. I just adored every thing about them and their parents, too. One summer, we helped paint the childrens' Sunday school classes. It really brightened things up. :thup:

I found a picture of the dear Church we were married in online:

Went on my annual bladder check since my peter rooter a couple of years ago. Doing so well I no longer need routine checkups for the time being. If anything changes I give em a call.
Of course since the holidays are here my weight has increased by 10 pounds but I expected it so I'm not upset. After Christmas it's the nose back to the grindstone......... My exercise routine was severely curtailed, what felt like a muscle pull upper right buttocks that triggered. intense sciatica for 2 weeks, almost went to the ER twice because it was so bad. Finally the Cyclobenzaprine and ibuprofen did their job and now it's mostly just a dull ache.
Went on my annual bladder check since my peter rooter a couple of years ago. Doing so well I no longer need routine checkups for the time being. If anything changes I give em a call.
Of course since the holidays are here my weight has increased by 10 pounds but I expected it so I'm not upset. After Christmas it's the nose back to the grindstone......... My exercise routine was severely curtailed, what felt like a muscle pull upper right buttocks that triggered. intense sciatica for 2 weeks, almost went to the ER twice because it was so bad. Finally the Cyclobenzaprine and ibuprofen did their job and now it's mostly just a dull ache.
I was diagnosed with sciatica this past year, but still have time to time pain in my lower legs and swollen ankles. Yesterday, I had a foot cramp, and by the time I got to my homeopath, she massaged my upper calves until I felt like screaming out loud. She said she could feel the tightening of muscles, and they were the hardest ones she'd ever treated and gave me a panacea. She said "walk more" and "put your legs in the air if you can twice a day and rotate your feet like being on a bicycle. So I did that today and last night, plus massaged my upper calves again, too. I'm better, but didn't know it yesterday. The foot cramp started when I decided to drive to the Post Office and put some business papers in the mail. I still own that quilt store in Casper. People have to be dedicated to the nines to own a quilt store, because it has a very specific clientele of 99.9 % women shoppers, of whom only about 5% are quilters, therefore, most days are truly quiet for sales in a small, remote town in the lowest population state in the Union which was at the time, Wyoming. I'm shooting for a goal of 2 quilts a week for a year in 2024, but with 7 dogs (my sweet baby girl dog had a litter of 9 when she was almost 2 years old. 3 were given away after they were weaned, and I'm so attached to mama doggie and her 6 puppies that were too cute to give up. Now, they're a little more than a year old, and I have to keep them indoors whenever possible, because the neighbor will shoot 'em if they go over there. Today, I had them all in the house, but forgot to lock the front door. Two of the bigger boys pushed it open and they ran helter-skelter into the woods out back, I was so glad they didn't head for the cows next door. They are a full-time job, so I'm not sure I can do 2 quilt tops a week because I'm picky, picky, picky, picky when it comes to designing a quilt for a baby and work on pretty colors which are said to give human babies higher iqs. I love doing that as much as having my puppies around. Unfortunately, several of them ruined the mattress on the couch in the Den, not to mention the mess they made by chewing chunks out of the sad-looking mattress's border. So they're a handful, but their mother saved them from snake bite by putting herself in the path of the snake and took the bite instead of letting them get bitten. The mom's name is Song, and she's also a courageous, loving mother who won't let a poisonous snake get at her family. As soon as I saw her mouth swollen to twice its size, I figured the snake bit her someplace from the neck up, and got her into the car and did my best not to break any laws getting her to the vets. Two days after her shot, she was feeling a lot better, and I hope she and the puppies quit seeking out snakes. I don't see them very often, and I didn't see the actual event, but the swelling told it all, and the vet agreed and gave me some medicine to help her not feel pain for a few days. That's all over now. And I love that brave mama doggie, Ms. Song more than words can say.
Merry Christmas Morning, Everybody!


I made some gingerbread last night, but had to give it to the dogs. I put it in the lower oven, which for some unknown reason was stuck on broil. When I opened it up after baking the one hour it said to bake it on my recipe, I had a blacktop mess with ooey gooey batter two inches tall. So I have to settle for giving the above picture, with my deepest red face that something happened on the way to Christmas Day!
Oh, and the dogs loved it, 7 bowls for the cute little mutts.

With more love than smarts, :laughing0301:

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