USMB Coffee Shop IV

Great day for America yesterday. I will be doing my "Happy Dance" all day long today!
OH WATCH OUT BBD... I said I was happy and got jumped on for it.
I think Foxy needs to admonish both of you. She posted yesterday about you and me and again last night before she left for the night. We have a whole forum full of threads out there for you guys to gloat.
Well, Sar... the way I see it, all either of us said was we were happy. We did NOT, *DISCUSS*, politics, agendas, ideologies, or anything of the sort. But I know why you all on the left are getting your feathers ruffled. Thing is, there was a time when none of you people would step foot in here, and I guarantee you, back then had I or anyone else commented that we were happy today, there wouldn't have been peep said about it. So other people with their comments about how the CS is changing is right here on display, and why other old timers that were here from the start are no longer here.

Chew on that.
I think a lot of them left because the site changes suck, not because there are Libs here. You're kind of hurting my feelings saying that. I really like a lot of you here and Foxy was inviting me here long before I decided to stop by.

I just see the gloating escalating and I don't want to get anymore pissed than I already am. At Democrats!
Good day for the Pubs. Let it go at that. Or let Foxfyre take several names to the mods.

My Katie died in a dryer.

Geez, sorry. The meme was supposed to be funny and uplifting. :(

Geez, sorry. The meme was supposed to be funny and uplifting. :(

I know, no way you could know. I was going over to what use to be my house to help get the kids ready for school and the soon to be ex had me bury the poor cat. In a couple more weeks I would have had my house and both cats living there happily. A bad thing in the middle of a bad thing.

Guys, I don't know what to say, I thought we had a beacon of civility for the rest of the board to envy and a safe haven for all who entered. It is a sad day.
Great day for America yesterday. I will be doing my "Happy Dance" all day long today!
OH WATCH OUT BBD... I said I was happy and got jumped on for it.
I think Foxy needs to admonish both of you. She posted yesterday about you and me and again last night before she left for the night. We have a whole forum full of threads out there for you guys to gloat.
Well, Sar... the way I see it, all either of us said was we were happy. We did NOT, *DISCUSS*, politics, agendas, ideologies, or anything of the sort. But I know why you all on the left are getting your feathers ruffled. Thing is, there was a time when none of you people would step foot in here, and I guarantee you, back then had I or anyone else commented that we were happy today, there wouldn't have been peep said about it. So other people with their comments about how the CS is changing is right here on display, and why other old timers that were here from the start are no longer here.

Chew on that.
I think a lot of them left because the site changes suck, not because there are Libs here. You're kind of hurting my feelings saying that. I really like a lot of you here and Foxy was inviting me here long before I decided to stop by.

I just see the gloating escalating and I don't want to get anymore pissed than I already am. At Democrats!

No "gloating" here, Sarah G. Just happy that the political process in America works as well as it does. Take a deep breath and loosen up a little. It's all going to be ok. Now, back to my happy dance.
M'kay, I'll just take a little break from the CS then. Have a nice week and see you all next.
I can appreciate how those who liked the way the election turned out feel this morning, and as much as I love ya'll, this is not the place to celebrate and/or gloat. I do understand how those on the other side are feeling too, and those who are happy this morning have been there too--and our happy friends then really didn't gloat or try to make the rest of us feel worse then. And I appreciated that.

So please everybody take a deep breath, and let's get back to what the Coffee Shop is supposed to be. THAT will bring people back and/or retain our new friends who check in here.

I really do love you guys. And sometimes it really is necessary to just overlook some things and just shrug it off and move on. Every one of us, if we are here for some time, is going to say something or post something that irritates or rubs somebody else wrong or they are going to take other than we intended. It's a fact of life. Counting to ten helps. . . . and blessed are those who can shrug it off and just move on.
007? Can we practice a little compassion in the Coffee Shop? Thanks bud.
I give what I get, SL. I got jumped on for saying I was happy, and now you're jumping on me again for giving what I get.

See why people disappear from here and don't come back?

That's 'jumping on you'?

I think there's a difference between someone being a bit anal about politics in the Coffee Shop and someone making light of the possibility a CS member could lose a pet. And all save did was ask for some compassion.
Get off your high horse, Montro. I don't give a damn what you think.

And if something does happen to that cat, I know who's fault it will be.

Beating around the bush has never been my style. Tell the truth, even if people don't want to hear it.

If you don't give a damn what I think, why bother replying?

One can tell the truth and remain polite. It's not the truth or falsity of anything you're saying that's at issue, it's the callousness of it.
You know, I would like to think I'm wiser, more practical and sensible, more able to manage things, including my own feelings, fears, and emotions, and more capable than a lot of other people. But the fact is, I'm not. I am somebody who is trying to get along as best as she can and who has feet of clay like everybody else.

And right now I feel the need to vent. And I've decided I'm going to do that. And I beg everybody's forgiveness in advance and hope this will be understood as I intend it.

The Coffee Shop has survived many family fights, the socially awkward, those who couldn't grasp the concept of the Coffee Shop, those who took awhile to get the hang of it and ultimately became some of our favorite people.

We've survived the envious, the vindictive, the intentional disruptions, malicious trolls, childish fair weather friend types, and intentional efforts to discredit and hurt the Coffee Shop, and by association, me. We survived those horrendous hateful tags somebody was intentionally putting on the Coffee Shop. We survived multiple competing threads and multiple forced closings and reopenings.

And we have been holding our own against the resentment of what was sometimes perceived as uneven moderation and we have been hurt but are surviving the worst thing that has happened to us which was the new software.

I am not ready to give up on the Coffee Shop yet, but I really need some adults in the room to be above the fray. I am stubborn enough to not want the childish, the petty, the petulant, the ugly and contentious to win--but I admit that it is sometimes impossible to not be discouraged. And today I am. And I'm resisting the urge to just ask that the Coffee Shop be closed and move on.

And then I realize how much I would miss the really special and remarkable people who have hung in here with us through it all, even those who however rarely have sometimes said things others resented. I would miss them as much as those who didn't love us enough to stay. And I realize how much I am enjoying getting to know new friends who only recently found us.

So I pray that this too shall pass.
Foxy, turnover is the nature of the beast here. We've all made friends but at some point, they leave. You're great, just keep posting as you always have. Some will stay and some will go but you just can't let them make you feel so bad... If I did anything to make you feel bad, I am truly sorry.

You hear me?!! :)
Foxy, turnover is the nature of the beast here. We've all made friends but at some point, they leave. You're great, just keep posting as you always have. Some will stay and some will go but you just can't let them make you feel so bad... If I did anything to make you feel bad, I am truly sorry.

You hear me?!! :)

No, it is not you at all Sarah--you have certainly grasped the concept of what we have tried to be here. ((hugs)) And thanks for the kind words.

It isn't just the minor flap we've had here the last couple of days--that happens and its usually no big deal. And it isn't just the disappointment with some people who for whatever reason chose to diss us or leave us because of whatever reason, especially those who have received support, encouragement, and understanding from friends here over the months and years. It isn't just the tension of having to walk on eggs to avoid setting off those who react to everything, and it isn't just the fear of losing people who have become very special and important to me here.

I am just frustrated and heartsick today I think that there sometimes seems to be no constructive way to deal with it all, and I don't have the strength just yet to muster a personal attitude adjustment. In the grand scheme of things, and considering the very real and important problems so many of us are facing, I feel ashamed that I feel this way over a message board thread. We've had four and a half years of a remarkable run and I guess I just don't want to believe it has run its course.

In fact I will choose to believe that it has not. At least not yet.

I'm okay everybody. Like I say, I just needed to vent. A ham sandwich, a favorite song on the Bose, and focus on something else and it will all be okay.

I really do love you guys.
Foxy, we all appreciate that you started this oasis for all of us to enjoy, and you've made it pretty clear that it's "our" place and you don't want to claim ownership. I think it's one of the reasons that it's done so well. Over the years, for the most part, we've done a good job of self-governing. Sometimes one of us will pipe up with a gentle reminder, and other times it's just easier to overlook a comment and move on. You have occasionally played the role of mother hen, but you should never be made to feel like you are obligated to keep us in line, and none of us should be placing that burden on you.:smiliehug: Let the squabbles work themselves out on their own, and the CS will continue to thrive.:thup:
Okay, back in the hotel after running all over parts of Albuquerque today, The one house I thought might be a good deal....... well, not really. It's in pretty bad shape and the neighbourhood looked a little, how shall I put it, not quite reputable........ Looked at some others in Rio Ranch which kinda reminds me of Northern Virginia without all the trees. Stopped by Old town for a short visit and will probably go back tomorrow and maybe take a drive around NW Albuquerque.

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