USMB Coffee Shop IV

I got a new computer and found I could not transfer my email accounts to it, then my old computer mail account went down. So I opened a new email account on my new computer and I am gradually updating my email address in various forums. That is until I got to Twitter. They don't seem to have a way of changing your address
If your old computer email is MSN, I found a fix for it.

Thanks but my old account was with a British company called and I think they have gone bust.

I have had the same e-mail account with AOL since I think 1985? I just have never had a reason to want to change.

I started out with AOL a long time ago, as far as I remember I was paying a subscription for a dial up service.
I use Gmail, Yahoo and AOL, all online, no emails stored on my computer, all free email services. Did that years ago when I switched from Comcast to Verizon Fios and lost most of my email because I forgot to back them up, now i don't have to worry about it.
The wife and I will be heading down to Albuquerque tomorrow for a couple of days to look around. There are some homes we want to look at and check out the neighborhoods.
Do you have or could you get a bb gun? Something with those rubber bb's that can maybe hit the branches near him? It might startle Hobbes too much, but maybe he'd actually start climbing down, too.

I agree that if he's going to consistently get stuck in trees, you need to do something new. Whether that's finding a way to close off his exits and making him an indoor cat, getting him declawed in hopes it prevents him from being able to get up the tree, taking that tree down entirely, or finding him a new home, I couldn't say. But clearly he either wants to be stuck up there or, as you said, just doesn't think about it on the way up. In either case it doesn't seem worth it for either of you to keep going the way you are.

I hope you can come up with a solution.

Actually I did something like that. Other than throwing golf balls (and my aim is very good) I started pulling on a branch of the tree next to the one he's in. It's smaller and I can get it to sway back and forth and crash lightly into the one where he is, the idea being to upset his complacency and convey the idea that where he is isn't safe and he'd better move. Eventually he got used to it though.

I almost cajoled him to start down. He actually got into a climbing position where he could come down backwards, but then he slipped, caught himself and pulled back up. He wants to come down. So I just came in just now as it's getting too dark.

I feel lucky about tomorrow. Will keep trying to find some help. Meanwhile I haven't been able to get out and vote so I have to do that now.
He may be too weak to climb down now. If it hasbeen five days, I am sure that is the case.

Knock him out of that tree. Put mattresses around it you wish, blankets, whatever, loop a chain or a heavy rope as high as you can get it, then hook to your vehicle and shake that sucker.

Have lightly warm canned milk and water and meat-flavored baby food, warmed, for when he comes down. He will be in shock.

It's getting dark. Spread whatever covering you can around the tree.

And put the water, milk, and watered moist cat food where can see it.
Locally the election is very interesting. My boss should win a state representative seat and a lawyer friend is in a tight battle for district judge.

Last night we were able to get a contract delayed, which should help with better fuel pricing at our airport.
Today is election day. If you have not already voted, please go to the polls and vote for the candidate of your choice and vote for the issues that are important to you.
Done and done... I pray Republicans take the senate.

Ahem -- Foxy?
Relax... I'm not discussing ideologies or agendas, I merely stated I was happy.

Worry about your cat... is he dead yet?
Today is election day. If you have not already voted, please go to the polls and vote for the candidate of your choice and vote for the issues that are important to you.
Done and done... I pray Republicans take the senate.

Ahem -- Foxy?
Relax... I'm not discussing ideologies or agendas, I merely stated I was happy.

Worry about your cat... is he dead yet?

Oh thanks Double 0, I needed a reminder. I forgot all about that. Slipped my mind. Forgot I even had a cat. What would I do without your help. I'll put that on my to-do list right away, yessiree Bob.
Today is election day. If you have not already voted, please go to the polls and vote for the candidate of your choice and vote for the issues that are important to you.
Done and done... I pray Republicans take the senate.

Ahem -- Foxy?
Relax... I'm not discussing ideologies or agendas, I merely stated I was happy.

Worry about your cat... is he dead yet?

Oh thanks Double 0, I needed a reminder. I forgot all about that. Slipped my mind. Forgot I even had a cat. What would I do without your help. I'll put that on my to-do list right away, yessiree Bob.
... and you didn't need to freak out because I said I was happy either.
Update: My boss looks to win at 70% of the vote. Also my slightly Democrat lawyer friend is now a judge, barring some weird last minute voting funny business.
I hadn't considered Hobbes might be a Republican. See if election results bring him down Pogo. Might at least bore him enough to relax and come down.
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