USMB Coffee Shop IV

Mondays grin :)


Got all of the monthly bills done and the Christmas Tree decorated this morning and the Christmas Cards addressed & ready to mail out for tomorrow.

Show off. :)

Tee Hee :)
not really I just like being lazy the rest of the month.

I'm with you. As previously posted our Christmas shopping is done. And now with Thanksgiving activity behind us, we will probably put up our Christmas decorations today too and will spend the rest of the season doing only what we most enjoy doing. It is amazing how much less stress there is.
Um, upper 20's...I would die.:lol:

I live in NE, so temps that cold are not unusual. If you dress for it, you can feel fine. It's not really so much the cold that gets to me as it is the wind. The winds here in the winter are just frigid. Brrrrr!

It is popular to say that it gets hot and it gets cold here but it is okay because it is a 'dry heat' or a 'dry cold'. Well let me tell you, 105 degrees of 'dry heat' is HOT. And 20 degrees of 'dry cold' in a 30 mph wind is COLD.

One of my neighbor's brothers died in Arizona from exposure when he went camping ill equipped on a mountain in Arizona.
Happens here, in Alaska, way too often. People who are raised thinking Disney=Nature are sometime sadly, and fatally, disappointed.
I did something for thanks giving this year that I don't think I've ever done before. shoveled snow.

walking in to town to get bagels this morning

the homestead

Beautiful! The snow looks so pretty until it gets all brown and disgusting.

That didn't happen to Spoonie much last year I don't think. He seems to live in the place that gets more snow than any of us.

Last year, we had huge piles of disgusting brown snow everywhere. You track that stuff into the house and it's all over your shoes. :cheeky-smiley-018: The back yard still looked pretty though. :)

I different take on watch out were the huskies go and don't you eat that...... brown snow........ :eusa_whistle:

Ah, yes...the yellow snow. When attending field exercises in the Winter here, we had to encourage drinking water. Although provided Porta-pots, there were always patches of yellow snow around camp.
Mondays grin :)


Got all of the monthly bills done and the Christmas Tree decorated this morning and the Christmas Cards addressed & ready to mail out for tomorrow.
Yikes. I just started thinking about planning to decide when to start :)
As per my medical insurance rules, my primary care physician has to refer me to an orthopedic in order for me to see one. So, during my ER visit on Saturday, the ER referred me to an orthopedic, but I followed the insurance rules and went to my primary care physician this morning for a referral. The doctor asked me what day and time was best for me, and I told her first available day and time will work for me. She told me they'd call me when they got an appointment with an orthopedic. As of 4:30 I hadn't received a call, so I called them. That's when they told me it is typically a week before they can secure a referred appointment.

What the heck? An entire week?

Good thing I still have 40 of the original 60 prescribed hydrocodone pills left over from my flare up in October and can get one refill on the original flexeril prescription if I need it. I discovered today that I can take one of the oxycodone pills in the morning to do the first knockdown of the pain and rely on the hydrocodone and flexeril for the rest of the day. Six of twelve oxycodone left in the bottle, 32 of 72 flexeril left in the bottle plus a refill for 60 more. The prednisone six-pack runs out on Thursday. So I can make it a week, but I'd much prefer to be on a path of physical therapy than drugs.
Made my heart healthy dinner of grilled hot Italian sausage with green peppers and onions. Damn it was good. I hope my coronary arteries forgive me. :)
What a pretty day we're skies and 75. The perfect weather for getting the lanai hosed down. I am going to miss the great temps we're expecting this week...I'll be traveling to DC, and the weather forecast looks miserable. I hope you all are enjoying your Sunday.:)

Just stay out of Sauffeast if you can........
(That's how the pronounce southeast in DC.)

I'll be staying downtown and will be attending conferences all day...may have time at night to check out some stuff on the mall, but I'll only travel in a group. I'm not going out though if it's in the mid 30's and raining. I can hold off on that stuff until my DC trip next fall which will be strictly for pleasure.:)
One of my previous incarnations required fairly extensive research in various DC locations, including the National Archives and the Library of Congress. So many cool things there, great historical information.
What a pretty day we're skies and 75. The perfect weather for getting the lanai hosed down. I am going to miss the great temps we're expecting this week...I'll be traveling to DC, and the weather forecast looks miserable. I hope you all are enjoying your Sunday.:)

Just stay out of Sauffeast if you can........
(That's how the pronounce southeast in DC.)

I'll be staying downtown and will be attending conferences all day...may have time at night to check out some stuff on the mall, but I'll only travel in a group. I'm not going out though if it's in the mid 30's and raining. I can hold off on that stuff until my DC trip next fall which will be strictly for pleasure.:)
One of my previous incarnations required fairly extensive research in various DC locations, including the National Archives and the Library of Congress. So many cool things there, great historical information.

I could give guided tours of D.C.

Must sees are the National Archives....Smithsonian Natural History....Air & Space....American History and Native American Museums. All of them are beyond excellent.

The National Gallery and the National Portrait Gallery are a must. Of course the Jefferson, Lincoln, FDR and MLK Memorials.

The Capital Bldg tour is awesome, but you need a pass from your Congressman.

The National Zoo is the best in World imho next to the San Diego Zoo. The White House tour was cool until Obama closed it down. Not sure how or why he could do that since it's the People's House....not his. Oh well...sadly off limits for now, but well worth seeing.

There are many other cools sites but those are the best. You could easily spend a week just exploring things on the National Mall.

Very cool.
Hey Folks,

I heard from Sherry. She arrived safely in D.C. on her business trip. She'll be back on Friday to post here in the CS. Said she had a great flight and likes her hotel and the group she's hanging out with.

I don't think she'll have much time for tourist stuff but I'm sure she'll give a full report when she returns. She said she hopes everyone is doing well.

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