USMB Coffee Shop IV

Blah blah selfie blah blah.....


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Good morning everybody. Good to see that Predfan stopped by--you need to do that more often. Several of us have good stuff going on-- several have put some less pleasant stuff behind them--and alas, Hobbes is stuck high in the tree again. But they usually can get down if they are inspired to do so--maybe a good rainstorm will be the inspiration? We'll hope so. Do you have a neighbor who can let him in the house when he does make it down, Pogo?

I'm getting ready for my sister to arrive this afternoon and stay with us a few days. She lives about 15 minutes away but does not drive, and her being of vintage age, I worry about her when her regular transportation and frequent roomie is away. So we just bring her over here and make sure she is fed and supplied with chocolate. (She is a chocoholic.)

So on with our day everybody.
Hobbes is quite and independent little fellow, now isn't he.....

I hope you find him, Pögochen.

That vagabond, Hobbes. I'm sure he'll come back, but I can understand Pogo's frustration leaving him out when he's going out of town, especially if he has wild animals near by that could hurt him. Hope Hobbes comes back before he leaves.

Well I've at least located the little guy this morning, and he's in a spot I never could have seen last night and can barely see now. Once again he's climbed a tall tree, sat down and realized he can't get down. This time he's even higher than before, must be 30-40 feet up, and there's no way I can reach him with anything. I can't keep calling the fire department every time this happens.

On the plus side he's not lying injured somewhere, and the jungle growth is so thick up there that I can't believe he doesn't have multiple branch routes out if he chooses one. Maybe this is just the time for him to learn self-reliance :(

I guess I failed to pass on my acrophobia gene.

It's been threatening to storm - lots of wind and clouds - maybe that will give him incentive. Otherwise I'm kinda helpless. All I can do now is stand at the back door, ring the dinner bell and call out "Hobbes! I got seventy cans of cat food here. You hear me? Seventy!"

"Hobbes!! Hobbes!! 72 virgin cats are waiting for you.... to serve you paw and foot..."

Just had one of the most intensive workouts of my life. Arms about to fall off. lol.

But it's a great way to pump out stress. :D

Actually, I can think of much better ways to pump out stress...if it's your arms that are about to fall off:D

Oh, you naughty, naughty boy.

Now my virgin brain is no longer virgin.


Somehow "virgin" doesn't come to mind when I consider you...well, maybe an ear or nostril.:eusa_whistle:
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Morning !

I give up, I admit it, I stole the butterfly shrimp off of your plate. :)
Bad Kitty!!!!!!!!

Just another criminal cat burglar. Glad that citizen was armed. Now his clowder of cats will think twice before stealing shrimp from that house again.

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Awesome class tonight. I did witness something which I wasn't happy about, though. A mother and her daughter, who is nine. Girl didn't have her hair tied back, and mum was going off at her for not packing her hair brush, so mum had to use her fingers to put u her kids hair. Daughter must have said something about forgetting her brush, and mum slapped her on the thigh.
Why couldn't mum have just tied the kids hair up before she left? Instead of humiliating her poor child like that. :(

Never been a parent, I see. While I don't condone slapping your child on the leg in public, I do believe in spanking.
Were you close enough to hear the possibly snotty remark the child made that ticked off her mother?
Awesome class tonight. I did witness something which I wasn't happy about, though. A mother and her daughter, who is nine. Girl didn't have her hair tied back, and mum was going off at her for not packing her hair brush, so mum had to use her fingers to put u her kids hair. Daughter must have said something about forgetting her brush, and mum slapped her on the thigh.
Why couldn't mum have just tied the kids hair up before she left? Instead of humiliating her poor child like that. :(

Never been a parent, I see. While I don't condone slapping your child on the leg in public, I do believe in spanking.
Were you close enough to hear the possibly snotty remark the child made that ticked off her mother?

Ernie S. on this issue has a solid point.

You did not know the background of the mother and the girl and the history.

And no child has a right to be rude to any adult, much less a parent, in public without some type of response.

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