USMB Coffee Shop IV

I've spent time all over New England. Love a Maine accent, but Rhode Island accents are irritating. Basstin is tollerable. Check your map. I grew up just north of Danbury. Was in Connecticut until 2002 except for a year as Foxy's neighbor
I've spent time all over New England. Love a Maine accent, but Rhode Island accents are irritating. Basstin is tollerable. Check your map. I grew up just north of Danbury. Was in Connecticut until 2002 except for a year as Foxy's neighbor

Rhode Islanders are the WORST drivers. Lol.

I had a person from Rhode Island ask me if I was from Massachusetts once. I said, yes, how did you know? She said, I can tell by your accent. I was like, what accent? You're the one with the accent. :biggrin:
Basstin has the worst drivers. Traffic laws are strange there too. I went down a street near Old North Church one afternoon that was barely wide enough for my caah and was horrified to find out it was 2 way.
After a week of heavy snow and cripplingly cold temperatures, we finally made it to the park for a walk yesterday. Daisy the Mutt took full advantage, running headlong into the plowed snow at the edge of the roads only to emerge caked in snow. Walking a miniature poodle in the snow is like dragging a Q-Tip through the snow. Gobs of the stuff the size of golf balls clung to her curly fur. Snow packed its way across every crevasse on her thirteen pound frame. And she enjoyed it thoroughly. All I could see was two dark eyes, a black tip of her nose and a pink tongue hanging from her smiling mouth.

When we got back in the car, she began chewing the snow off of herself the way a four year old eats an ice cream cone, with intensity and no regard for drips.

So, I consider her cleaned by frolic and frozen water. Tonight is dinner at Mom's. The whole family will be there. She is serving roast beef. Mom does not like meat. Not that she's a vegetarian, but the taste of beef or pork or mutton just turns her off. Consequently, she over cooks every cut of meat that comes across her threshold. All flavor, all juices and any semblance to tenderness must be eradicated by force of heat. I was in college when I discovered that roast beef actually has a flavor. I always used a vat of Worchestershire sauce to impart some taste to Mom's roast beef.

And so, the tradition continues tonight.
Tonight I am the mom everyone will be joining for dinner :)

My sons birthday today and a standing rib roast is on the menu. I love a house full of everyone, makes me miss the old days when I was needed on a daily basis. Now I just show off I still cook the best and can afford the most. An abundance food is the way to celebrate in my world
Today is my birthday too. That's why Mom is cooking dinner. I asked for coffee and cake, but my sins will be punished on the dinner plate

Happy Birthday, Nosmo:)
Brother, you live in Alaska, I thought 95.7% of the state was a man cave-ish.
Certainly, but that man cave décor is much more expensive than we'd use. We prefer lots of dead animals.
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Hehe, those dead animals are much more fully clothed than the stuff I have.
Head hunted trophy skulls from the Dayak of Borneo and the Ifugao of the Philippines.
Skulls from dozens of animals, and the entire articulated skeleton of a Lynx.
Fossils from almost a dozen more.
Add some tribal shields and weapons.
Toss in a few tribal medicine man artifacts mostly comprised of bone.
Mix in some tribal masks and head-dresses.
Add a pinch of items/artifacts carved from bone in the past 1000 plus years from various civilizations.
Stir in a couple grave markers.
Add one shrunken head from Ecuador.

Shit, I don't need a man cave, my entire house is a man cave of history.
Judging by the items you have shown us here, you must have quite a collection. Too cool for words, my friend!
I finally broke down and called the VA yesterday to get an appointment set up to look into why my back has hurt so bad for so long. Enough is enough. I could even need back surgery, don't know. That's what we're going to need to find out. I'm sick of the pain.
Backaches suck. I hafta sleep in a recliner so my back is bent forward gently. My doc said it won't get will only get worse. RA sucks, too. But I won't take their damn poisons either, so....sigh. I gotta deal with it. In your case...if it is constant pain, then I am glad you are going to have it checked out. Let us know what the doc says.
Only problem for me when I sleep sitting up is, one of my cats likes to sit on my chest, because I cross my arms over my chest. It's a bit burdensome, really.
Pretties used to do that. I finally got her to get the drift she can sleep in my lap..not my chest. Miss her. :(
After a week of heavy snow and cripplingly cold temperatures, we finally made it to the park for a walk yesterday. Daisy the Mutt took full advantage, running headlong into the plowed snow at the edge of the roads only to emerge caked in snow. Walking a miniature poodle in the snow is like dragging a Q-Tip through the snow. Gobs of the stuff the size of golf balls clung to her curly fur. Snow packed its way across every crevasse on her thirteen pound frame. And she enjoyed it thoroughly. All I could see was two dark eyes, a black tip of her nose and a pink tongue hanging from her smiling mouth.

When we got back in the car, she began chewing the snow off of herself the way a four year old eats an ice cream cone, with intensity and no regard for drips.

So, I consider her cleaned by frolic and frozen water. Tonight is dinner at Mom's. The whole family will be there. She is serving roast beef. Mom does not like meat. Not that she's a vegetarian, but the taste of beef or pork or mutton just turns her off. Consequently, she over cooks every cut of meat that comes across her threshold. All flavor, all juices and any semblance to tenderness must be eradicated by force of heat. I was in college when I discovered that roast beef actually has a flavor. I always used a vat of Worchestershire sauce to impart some taste to Mom's roast beef.

And so, the tradition continues tonight.
While it has gotten cold here, single digits, we have still only registered about 9" of snow. Sucks, too.
I know about how beef tastes, or doesn't. My mom was like that too, if it wasn't incinerated, it was unfit to her standards. I know better now.
After a week of heavy snow and cripplingly cold temperatures, we finally made it to the park for a walk yesterday. Daisy the Mutt took full advantage, running headlong into the plowed snow at the edge of the roads only to emerge caked in snow. Walking a miniature poodle in the snow is like dragging a Q-Tip through the snow. Gobs of the stuff the size of golf balls clung to her curly fur. Snow packed its way across every crevasse on her thirteen pound frame. And she enjoyed it thoroughly. All I could see was two dark eyes, a black tip of her nose and a pink tongue hanging from her smiling mouth.

When we got back in the car, she began chewing the snow off of herself the way a four year old eats an ice cream cone, with intensity and no regard for drips.

So, I consider her cleaned by frolic and frozen water. Tonight is dinner at Mom's. The whole family will be there. She is serving roast beef. Mom does not like meat. Not that she's a vegetarian, but the taste of beef or pork or mutton just turns her off. Consequently, she over cooks every cut of meat that comes across her threshold. All flavor, all juices and any semblance to tenderness must be eradicated by force of heat. I was in college when I discovered that roast beef actually has a flavor. I always used a vat of Worchestershire sauce to impart some taste to Mom's roast beef.

And so, the tradition continues tonight.
Tonight I am the mom everyone will be joining for dinner :)
Happy Birthday!!
My sons birthday today and a standing rib roast is on the menu. I love a house full of everyone, makes me miss the old days when I was needed on a daily basis. Now I just show off I still cook the best and can afford the most. An abundance food is the way to celebrate in my world
Today is my birthday too. That's why Mom is cooking dinner. I asked for coffee and cake, but my sins will be punished on the dinner plate
I guess I am going to plant my cauliflower, onions, zucchini tomorrow. 74 today. Forecast is 70's for the next two weeks. Been like this most of January. Weird. Trees are still not budding, plants are still sleeping, but some are popping out some new buds so I guess they are confused too.
I like just plain tea normally. I also really LOVE Chinese tea though. I put TONS of sugar in it. :D I've tried putting honey in as a substitute for sugar, but it's just not sugary enough for me. Tea with peanut butter toast. I like that for comfort food when I don't feel well.

Mrs. Liberty had tea and peanut butter toast for breakfast for years. Until she linked very dry itchy cracked bleeding hands in the winter to a peanut allergy.

Thankfully, I have no allergies that I'm aware of. If I was allergic to peanuts, I would be so bummed out!

My aunt is allergic to eggs. That tends to be a huge problem because so many things have eggs as an ingredient.
I made a pizza last night and added mushrooms, black olives, swiss cheese, salsa and then extra mozzarella, cooked on the Pizzazz. It was delicious.

I have no food allergies either. I'll eat just about anything but grits and rutabaga.
Y'all better stay away from Alabama if you don't like grits. You can walk into a coffee shop and order a piece of pie and the waitress will ask you if you want cheese on your grits.

This scene was in Wazoo, Beechum County, Alabama :)


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