USMB Coffee Shop IV

Grits with butter, cheese and some chopped up Conecuh sausage tossed in is a great breakfast. Sometimes, I'll toss in the grated cheese and sausage bits and add a couple beaten eggs. Adding sautéed onion works too.
Why would you have to carefully prepare a bland food like grits to make it tasty? Makes about as much sense as eating dried out cornbread muffins. Which apparently you also have to prepare carefully and is a bland food. I see a pattern.

I would rather have mashed potatoes and gravy, I think.

Now, what is the difference between grits and polenta?
I can tolerate grits, but I'd much rather have oatmeal for a hot cereal type of food.

I won't even think about putting oysters in my mouth. I don't eat seafood, I certainly don't want to put the seafood closest to a pile of cold snot into my mouth. :rofl:

You don't know what you're missing. :D Those snots are delicious. Lol.
They are. No doubt. But I just can't handle swallowing something that feels like I should spit it out.
Why would you have to carefully prepare a bland food like grits to make it tasty? Makes about as much sense as eating dried out cornbread muffins. Which apparently you also have to prepare carefully and is a bland food. I see a pattern.

I don't add butter and sweetener to my grits because they're bland. I prepare them carefully so that they are the right texture. I don't prepare cornbread carefully because it is bland but again to get the right texture.

There are grits prepared by those who don't know what good grits are supposed to be and then there are good grits. :)

There is cornbread prepared by those who don't know what good cornbread is supposed to be and then there is good cornbread. :)
I can tolerate grits, but I'd much rather have oatmeal for a hot cereal type of food.

I won't even think about putting oysters in my mouth. I don't eat seafood, I certainly don't want to put the seafood closest to a pile of cold snot into my mouth. :rofl:

You don't know what you're missing. :D Those snots are delicious. Lol.
They are. No doubt. But I just can't handle swallowing something that feels like I should spit it out.

Well, I was raised on clam bakes and stuff like that. :) If you had grown up in this part of the country, you would probably like them too.

Just like if I had grown up in the south, I would know what the difference is between grits and polenta. :lol:
Why would you have to carefully prepare a bland food like grits to make it tasty? Makes about as much sense as eating dried out cornbread muffins. Which apparently you also have to prepare carefully and is a bland food. I see a pattern.

I don't add butter and sweetener to my grits because they're bland. I prepare them carefully so that they are the right texture. I don't prepare cornbread carefully because it is bland but again to get the right texture.

There are grits prepared by those who don't know what good grits are supposed to be and then there are good grits. :)

There is cornbread prepared by those who don't know what good cornbread is supposed to be and then there is good cornbread. :)

You have to be careful when making homemade cornbread about the brand of cornmeal you buy. I made it before, and it came out very bland. I tried it again and added even more cornmeal, still bland and tasteless. I then went online and found out that a lot of corn meals are not very flavorful and there are good brands and not so good brands. Next time, I am going to try a different brand and see if that makes a different. :)
Why would you have to carefully prepare a bland food like grits to make it tasty? Makes about as much sense as eating dried out cornbread muffins. Which apparently you also have to prepare carefully and is a bland food. I see a pattern.

I would rather have mashed potatoes and gravy, I think.

Now, what is the difference between grits and polenta?
Grits is ground hominy which is field corn treated with lye or some alkali. Polenta isn't treated and requires near constant stirring for about 45 minutes.
Why would you have to carefully prepare a bland food like grits to make it tasty? Makes about as much sense as eating dried out cornbread muffins. Which apparently you also have to prepare carefully and is a bland food. I see a pattern.

I would rather have mashed potatoes and gravy, I think.

Now, what is the difference between grits and polenta?

With polenta you start with coarse corn meal and it is a lengthy and highly technical cooking process for 40 to 60 minutes to create a substance that I have never found particularly pleasing.

With grits, you start with hominy grits purchased from some supplier, add water and salt, and simmer in the appropriate amount of water for 15 to 20 minutes and voila, you have grits.

Both are made from corn but they taste very different.
They served grits in the MacDill AFB chow hall in Tampa. I asked my buddy that was born and raised in Alabama what they tasted like because he got them every morning. He said they were good and talked me into trying them melted butter on top with salt. I about puked when I tasted them, even though they really didn't have much flavor. It was just the slimy, grittiness, something about them about made me gag. I think that's the way it is with most with grits. You either like them or you don't. Helps if you were raised on them though.

Give me a good omelet with ham, cheese, green pepper, onion and mushroom with hash browns, toast and bacon, and I'm in heaven.
I can do your omelet, or a feta and spinich omelet, but hash browns, for some reason, don't appeal to me at all

I have texture problems with certain foods too. I can't do raw clams or okra. They both feel like something you should quietly spit into a napkin.

Ever have steamers? I love steamed clams. Yummy! :D

I made one of my friends try one once because she had never had them, and she almost threw up. :lol: I was raised on steamers though. I love dipping them in the clarified butter. So yummy. Also mussels are very good too.
No thanks....... Had steamers before, don't like em, the only time I almost tossed my groceries was when I tried a raw oyster, like swallowing the largest wad of snot in the world.........

I'm with you on that one. I don't eat food that I have to neither chew nor swallow when I eat it.

But........Jello! :ack-1:

The only time I prepare plain jello is to feed Hombre during a colonoscopy prep. And even then you do have to swallow it--it won't just slide down your throat unassisted like a raw oyster does.
As I mentioned earlier, I picked up my big old Mac desktop computer from the fix it shop earlier this morning. They completely wiped my hard drive clean and installed Yosemite for me and this baby is humming along very well. A small problem though... I need to download and install all the drivers for my 3 printers, down load some word processing software, some photo editing software and the games I had on the desktop are all gone too. The hard drive on this puppy is as clean as a baby butt that just got out of the bath. However, it sure is fast now and I guess you could say, just like a new one.

When in doubt, format. ;)
Meanie....... :lol:
I can tolerate grits, but I'd much rather have oatmeal for a hot cereal type of food.

I won't even think about putting oysters in my mouth. I don't eat seafood, I certainly don't want to put the seafood closest to a pile of cold snot into my mouth. :rofl:

You don't know what you're missing. :D Those snots are delicious. Lol.
They are. No doubt. But I just can't handle swallowing something that feels like I should spit it out.

Well, I was raised on clam bakes and stuff like that. :) If you had grown up in this part of the country, you would probably like them too.

Just like if I had grown up in the south, I would know what the difference is between grits and polenta. :lol:
I grew up in Connecticut, Chris. I's attended countless clam bakes even ran a few. I had a 4 x 8 foot stainless steel steamer that was 3 feet deep 40 bushels of clams and 20 of sweet corn at a time plus 25 gallons of chowder.

What's your favorite type of chowder?
I can tolerate grits, but I'd much rather have oatmeal for a hot cereal type of food.

I won't even think about putting oysters in my mouth. I don't eat seafood, I certainly don't want to put the seafood closest to a pile of cold snot into my mouth. :rofl:

You don't know what you're missing. :D Those snots are delicious. Lol.
They are. No doubt. But I just can't handle swallowing something that feels like I should spit it out.

Well, I was raised on clam bakes and stuff like that. :) If you had grown up in this part of the country, you would probably like them too.

Just like if I had grown up in the south, I would know what the difference is between grits and polenta. :lol:
I grew up in Connecticut, Chris. I's attended countless clam bakes even ran a few. I had a 4 x 8 foot stainless steel steamer that was 3 feet deep 40 bushels of clams and 20 of sweet corn at a time plus 25 gallons of chowder.

What's your favorite type of chowder?

:D Red chowda is fake chowda.

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