USMB Coffee Shop IV


There is a great shop where I live, called CONTIGO, which offers Free Trade coffees, and they are excellent. More expensive, but excellent.

You just motivated me to cook an evening coffee!!!
I'm not much of a coffee person, except for the two cups of espresso that I have with breakfast in the morning. I need coffee to start my day, otherwise my production level drops. I don't discriminate on the type of espresso, any will do.

Years ago I was drinking Folgers coffee instead, but at one point it just wasn't effective anymore, no matter how much I drank.

Folgers is all my buddy drinks. I usually manage to gag down a cup to be polite when he offers.
When I go over to neighbors place for birthday parties or such, most of the time they offer Folgers coffee or similar. I always accept, except for me it's like drinking water, no effect whatsoever. Some neighbors have espresso, but they are usually the exception.

Saturdays for me is a treat, that's when I add some Sambuca to my espresso. I can't the other days due to work or church.
Well, no Triple Crown winner... That's a shame. My crystal ball failed me. I'm going to have to retire the old crystal ball. It hasn't done me well since I dropped it a while back. Think I will start reading tea leaves to have a look into the future. Might get better results. I must admit that I am a bit leary of trying to read tea leaves. Last time I tried, the tea leaves looked like Ringo Starr in the bottom of the tea cup.
Well, no Triple Crown winner... That's a shame. My crystal ball failed me. I'm going to have to retire the old crystal ball. It hasn't done me well since I dropped it a while back. Think I will start reading tea leaves to have a look into the future. Might get better results. I must admit that I am a bit leary of trying to read tea leaves. Last time I tried, the tea leaves looked like Ringo Starr in the bottom of the tea cup.

California Chrome's owner was livid about it too. California Chrome came in 4th. One, two, and three were all horses that had not run in the Derby or Preakness, so they had not had to endure the really grueling three races in five weeks. He believes for the Triple Crown, all the horses competing should have to compete in all the races. And after thinking about it, I tend to agree.
Mornin' Coffee Shop! I've made it through the first cup of coffee, but somehow, it wasn't quite enough.
So now I'm staring at coffee canisters wondering if I should brew a cup of Tanzanian peaberry, Costa Rican Tarrazu, Orgainc Guatemalan Estate, of Jamaican Blue Mountain.
Whatcha think? Please answer quickly. This is an emergency.

If it's an emergency...... First one that comes to hand....... :eusa_whistle:

I keep 5 or 6 different blends ready. Sometimes I'm not quite awake enough to decide what the second cup should be. Before bed, I just slide one canister forward and use that for the first cup.
Mornin' Coffee Shop! I've made it through the first cup of coffee, but somehow, it wasn't quite enough.
So now I'm staring at coffee canisters wondering if I should brew a cup of Tanzanian peaberry, Costa Rican Tarrazu, Orgainc Guatemalan Estate, of Jamaican Blue Mountain.
Whatcha think? Please answer quickly. This is an emergency.

We're having Folgers this morning because it was on sale. So sorry, can't help. :(

Negged! Seriously, Folger's is one of the better big brands
Well, no Triple Crown winner... That's a shame. My crystal ball failed me. I'm going to have to retire the old crystal ball. It hasn't done me well since I dropped it a while back. Think I will start reading tea leaves to have a look into the future. Might get better results. I must admit that I am a bit leary of trying to read tea leaves. Last time I tried, the tea leaves looked like Ringo Starr in the bottom of the tea cup.

California Chrome's owner was livid about it too. California Chrome came in 4th. One, two, and three were all horses that had not run in the Derby or Preakness, so they had not had to endure the really grueling three races in five weeks. He believes for the Triple Crown, all the horses competing should have to compete in all the races. And after thinking about it, I tend to agree.


I wondered what BBD was talking about since baseball season isn't even half over.
Me too. I stopped buying Folgers and Maxwell House.....we only get Douwe Egbert, Dunkin Donut, Starbucks, Gevalia. We'll try a new brand once, but not again if we don't like it.

I probably didn't phrase it correctly but I hate Starbucks. As for the rest I try to buy Free Trade coffees as much as possible which excludes all the ones you posted. :dunno:


There is a great shop where I live, called CONTIGO, which offers Free Trade coffees, and they are excellent. More expensive, but excellent.

You just motivated me to cook an evening coffee!!!
Here we have World Market. I pay $8.99 for 24 oz of Costa Rican Tarrazu and the same for the Guatemalan Estate.
I probably didn't phrase it correctly but I hate Starbucks. As for the rest I try to buy Free Trade coffees as much as possible which excludes all the ones you posted. :dunno:


There is a great shop where I live, called CONTIGO, which offers Free Trade coffees, and they are excellent. More expensive, but excellent.

You just motivated me to cook an evening coffee!!!
Here we have World Market. I pay $8.99 for 24 oz of Costa Rican Tarrazu and the same for the Guatemalan Estate.

I just finished off my 24-oz World Market French Roast (I think it was $9.99). It'll give me a credit toward a freebie but I'd have to rate it lower than Starbux. Higher than the store brand but lower than the good stuff.

There is a great shop where I live, called CONTIGO, which offers Free Trade coffees, and they are excellent. More expensive, but excellent.

You just motivated me to cook an evening coffee!!!
Here we have World Market. I pay $8.99 for 24 oz of Costa Rican Tarrazu and the same for the Guatemalan Estate.

I just finished off my 24-oz World Market French Roast (I think it was $9.99). It'll give me a credit toward a freebie but I'd have to rate it lower than Starbux. Higher than the store brand but lower than the good stuff.

A Starbuck's just opened up about 3-4 blocks from my building. :) Mostly I just buy their coffee in bags and grind it and make it at home.
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There is a great shop where I live, called CONTIGO, which offers Free Trade coffees, and they are excellent. More expensive, but excellent.

You just motivated me to cook an evening coffee!!!
Here we have World Market. I pay $8.99 for 24 oz of Costa Rican Tarrazu and the same for the Guatemalan Estate.

I just finished off my 24-oz World Market French Roast (I think it was $9.99). It'll give me a credit toward a freebie but I'd have to rate it lower than Starbux. Higher than the store brand but lower than the good stuff.

Try the Tarrazu or the Amalfi Coast Espresso.
My sister and her hubby adopted a five month old kitten named Sammy. He's a ginger cat, and he purrs like a trooper! Very affectionate for a cat, let me tell you, and an impressive set of lungs!
He's a brother for young Burdie - and is the complete opposite of her. Burdie runs around, full of energy, while Sammy prefers to be cuddled.
Back from my operation. Got my trusty scooter to get around with. My foot hurts like hell and that's WITH medication. Hate to think how I'm gonna feel when it runs out.
Have you considered a footbath with Dunkin' Donuts Coffee? Caffeine could help the pain. And it cools to the right drinking temperature.
My sister and her hubby adopted a five month old kitten named Sammy. He's a ginger cat, and he purrs like a trooper! Very affectionate for a cat, let me tell you, and an impressive set of lungs!
He's a brother for young Burdie - and is the complete opposite of her. Burdie runs around, full of energy, while Sammy prefers to be cuddled.

We need pictures, Noomi....and you can post them in the Cat Lovers Thread....:)
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for
Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Marg’s mom,
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Blackhawk’s mom,
Newby's mom,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Meister and his mom,
Drake's injured friend,
PixieStix's sister,
Hollie's stepdad,
Coyote's father-in-law,
Spoonie, Ringel, Sheila, and 007's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
BDBoop, her sis, and family,
Avg-Joe & furry companion Boo
Becki!!! and Becki’s hubby,
Smilebong for his brother-in-law and family,
Sheila and Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana and cousin,
Ringel and his family in transition and post surgery healing for Mrs. Ringel
Grandma and family dealing with death of extended family member,
Sheila's sore foot post surgery healing,
Ollie's daughter Angie and his youngest brother,
Stat's aunt,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Bigfoot, Oddball, and Sunshine.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Back from my operation. Got my trusty scooter to get around with. My foot hurts like hell and that's WITH medication. Hate to think how I'm gonna feel when it runs out.
Have you considered a footbath with Dunkin' Donuts Coffee? Caffeine could help the pain. And it cools to the right drinking temperature.

I hear the donuts aren't shabby, either!
Went to the gym for the first time in several weeks. Managed a kilometre on the treadmill, which I wasn't too pleased about, but I did manage to leg press a full 50 kilos - which is nearly my entire body weight! VERY pleased with that.

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