USMB Coffee Shop IV

Over the last couple of months I've been receiving collection calls for someone who may have had my number or lived here before. I've told them at least ten times that person doesn't live here and four times not to call any more. Well they called again this morning, took the company name, caller's name, re-advised them they had the wrong number and if they call again I would contact my attorney. :mad:

Years ago (in the 1990's) when we lived up on the mountain, I was getting mail from the Army to a gal with the same name as mine. Hombre or I would dutifully return it to the post office clearly marked WRONG RECIPIENT or some such, but the mailings continued. And VOILA, one day we finally received her discharge from the Army and thought WHEW, well at least no more mail. But no. Then we started getting all the retirement stuff for her. Nothing we could do seemed to convince the military that I wasn't her. We continued to get the mail but it did taper off over time and after we moved into the city it stopped. Until the other day, we started getting information and solicitations for offers for veterans. . . .
Anybody in closer-to-arctic latitudes see aurora borealis last night? Heads up...

>> WEEKEND GEOMAGNETIC STORM: High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras on June 8th and 9th as Earth passes through the wake of a CME, which struck on June 7th. Initially, the CME's impact was was weak, but as the 7th turned into the 8th a G2-class geomagnetic storm developed, sparking auroras across Canada and many northern-tier US states.

... Auroras were also sighted in the USA in Maine, Minnesota, Washington, South Dakota, New York, and Michigan. About 10,000 miles away, sky watchers spotted the same shades of pink over New Zealand, so this was truly a global event.

The source of the CME was a magnetic filament on the sun, which erupted on June 4th. The explosion was not squarely aimed at Earth, but the glancing blow it provided three days later was enough to spark the ongoing display. NOAA forecasters say CME effects could persist until June 9th with a 25% chance of continued geomagnetic storms. More auroras are in the offing. << (

We must have gotten a little shower today, there were some small puddles around the yard when we got back home from church. I'm glad for any rain, no matter how small.....:)
Just got off the phone with my sister in the states. So, what does a nice Jewish guy and his sister talk about on the phone? Food, namely, bagels with Lachs and Creme Cheese!!

She threw a big party last night and apparently, in the middle of the party, the electricity in her neighborhood went kaploonk, kerplooey, so they did the rest of the party with candles...

Ahhhh, bagels....
Just got off the phone with my sister in the states. So, what does a nice Jewish guy and his sister talk about on the phone? Food, namely, bagels with Lachs and Creme Cheese!!

She threw a big party last night and apparently, in the middle of the party, the electricity in her neighborhood went kaploonk, kerplooey, so they did the rest of the party with candles...

Ahhhh, bagels....

I have a dear friend, who is Jewish, who lives in NYC. He has never been to New Mexico since he was in elementary school, and he is absolutely convinced that we cannot have really good bagels in New Mexico. Despite the fact that we have known each other since childhood, with the typical New York snobbism about such things, he is certain I could not possibly know what I'm talking about. :)
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Over the last couple of months I've been receiving collection calls for someone who may have had my number or lived here before. I've told them at least ten times that person doesn't live here and four times not to call any more. Well they called again this morning, took the company name, caller's name, re-advised them they had the wrong number and if they call again I would contact my attorney. :mad:

Years ago (in the 1990's) when we lived up on the mountain, I was getting mail from the Army to a gal with the same name as mine. Hombre or I would dutifully return it to the post office clearly marked WRONG RECIPIENT or some such, but the mailings continued. And VOILA, one day we finally received her discharge from the Army and thought WHEW, well at least no more mail. But no. Then we started getting all the retirement stuff for her. Nothing we could do seemed to convince the military that I wasn't her. We continued to get the mail but it did taper off over time and after we moved into the city it stopped. Until the other day, we started getting information and solicitations for offers for veterans. . . .

I never would have guessed that your name was G.I. Jane! :D
Just got off the phone with my sister in the states. So, what does a nice Jewish guy and his sister talk about on the phone? Food, namely, bagels with Lachs and Creme Cheese!!

She threw a big party last night and apparently, in the middle of the party, the electricity in her neighborhood went kaploonk, kerplooey, so they did the rest of the party with candles...

Ahhhh, bagels....

I have a dear friend, who is Jewish, who lives in NYC. He has never been to New Mexico since he was in elementary school, and he is absolutely convinced that we cannot have really good bagels in New Mexico. Despite the fact that we have known each other since childhood, with the typical New York snobbism about such things, he is certain I could not possibly know what I'm talking about. :)

Oh, I am sure that Bagels in New Mexico are totally delish. Would 7:30 do???

Over the last couple of months I've been receiving collection calls for someone who may have had my number or lived here before. I've told them at least ten times that person doesn't live here and four times not to call any more. Well they called again this morning, took the company name, caller's name, re-advised them they had the wrong number and if they call again I would contact my attorney. :mad:

Years ago (in the 1990's) when we lived up on the mountain, I was getting mail from the Army to a gal with the same name as mine. Hombre or I would dutifully return it to the post office clearly marked WRONG RECIPIENT or some such, but the mailings continued. And VOILA, one day we finally received her discharge from the Army and thought WHEW, well at least no more mail. But no. Then we started getting all the retirement stuff for her. Nothing we could do seemed to convince the military that I wasn't her. We continued to get the mail but it did taper off over time and after we moved into the city it stopped. Until the other day, we started getting information and solicitations for offers for veterans. . . .
When I was single, I moved around a lot. Filling out the USPS change of address forms started to become a routine. No matter how hard I tried contacting everyone to provide them with my new address, a good portion of my mail still went to the old address. When I eventually received it at my new address, it was with the USPS sticker /label that contained my new address. Once when I moved twice within the same year, it was a major hassle as I was still getting redirected mail, and had to cancel my old change of address, and provide a new one. It was a nightmare. I'm sure that there was some mail that I never received.
Over the last couple of months I've been receiving collection calls for someone who may have had my number or lived here before. I've told them at least ten times that person doesn't live here and four times not to call any more. Well they called again this morning, took the company name, caller's name, re-advised them they had the wrong number and if they call again I would contact my attorney. :mad:

Years ago (in the 1990's) when we lived up on the mountain, I was getting mail from the Army to a gal with the same name as mine. Hombre or I would dutifully return it to the post office clearly marked WRONG RECIPIENT or some such, but the mailings continued. And VOILA, one day we finally received her discharge from the Army and thought WHEW, well at least no more mail. But no. Then we started getting all the retirement stuff for her. Nothing we could do seemed to convince the military that I wasn't her. We continued to get the mail but it did taper off over time and after we moved into the city it stopped. Until the other day, we started getting information and solicitations for offers for veterans. . . .
When I was single, I moved around a lot. Filling out the USPS change of address forms started to become a routine. No matter how hard I tried contacting everyone to provide them with my new address, a good portion of my mail still went to the old address. When I eventually received it at my new address, it was with the USPS sticker /label that contained my new address. Once when I moved twice within the same year, it was a major hassle as I was still getting redirected mail, and had to cancel my old change of address, and provide a new one. It was a nightmare. I'm sure that there was some mail that I never received.

I had a buddy in college who moved FOUR times in about a 4 month time period and did not forwarding. The fourth address was the same address as the first address, which means he simply moved back into his old apartment. To this day we still laugh about his moving adventures of 1986.... and the non-need for an address forwarding for him.

I had to get glasses a few months back and no way wanted to spend the $310 + price tag. I only need them occasionally because I wear contacts. Any way, I found this sight (CLICK)and got a pair of glasses for $68 with clip on sunglasses.

I went a little cheap, so peripheral is a bit off, but I will buy another pair. I'm very nearsighted and bought progressive bifocals.

I just wanted to share what a I thought was a great find.

Happy Sunday everyone
Years ago (in the 1990's) when we lived up on the mountain, I was getting mail from the Army to a gal with the same name as mine. Hombre or I would dutifully return it to the post office clearly marked WRONG RECIPIENT or some such, but the mailings continued. And VOILA, one day we finally received her discharge from the Army and thought WHEW, well at least no more mail. But no. Then we started getting all the retirement stuff for her. Nothing we could do seemed to convince the military that I wasn't her. We continued to get the mail but it did taper off over time and after we moved into the city it stopped. Until the other day, we started getting information and solicitations for offers for veterans. . . .
When I was single, I moved around a lot. Filling out the USPS change of address forms started to become a routine. No matter how hard I tried contacting everyone to provide them with my new address, a good portion of my mail still went to the old address. When I eventually received it at my new address, it was with the USPS sticker /label that contained my new address. Once when I moved twice within the same year, it was a major hassle as I was still getting redirected mail, and had to cancel my old change of address, and provide a new one. It was a nightmare. I'm sure that there was some mail that I never received.

I had a buddy in college who moved FOUR times in about a 4 month time period and did not forwarding. The fourth address was the same address as the first address, which means he simply moved back into his old apartment. To this day we still laugh about his moving adventures of 1986.... and the non-need for an address forwarding for him.

I guess if all you get are bills, then yeah, there is no need to concern oneself with forwarding. Your buddy lucked out in that he saved the paperwork and hassle involved with change of address forms which would have caused him major headaches given his particular circumstance.

Actually come to think of it, I'm not sure he's lucky at all. He probably found all his old bills when he moved back 4 months
When I was single, I moved around a lot. Filling out the USPS change of address forms started to become a routine. No matter how hard I tried contacting everyone to provide them with my new address, a good portion of my mail still went to the old address. When I eventually received it at my new address, it was with the USPS sticker /label that contained my new address. Once when I moved twice within the same year, it was a major hassle as I was still getting redirected mail, and had to cancel my old change of address, and provide a new one. It was a nightmare. I'm sure that there was some mail that I never received.

I had a buddy in college who moved FOUR times in about a 4 month time period and did not forwarding. The fourth address was the same address as the first address, which means he simply moved back into his old apartment. To this day we still laugh about his moving adventures of 1986.... and the non-need for an address forwarding for him.

I guess if all you get are bills, then yeah, there is no need to concern oneself with forwarding. Your buddy lucked out in that he saved the paperwork and hassle involved with change of address forms which would have caused him major headaches given his particular circumstance.

Actually come to think of it, I'm not sure he's lucky at all. He probably found all his old bills when he moved back 4 months

But it was his headache, not mine!

Anybody in closer-to-arctic latitudes see aurora borealis last night? Heads up...

>> WEEKEND GEOMAGNETIC STORM: High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras on June 8th and 9th as Earth passes through the wake of a CME, which struck on June 7th. Initially, the CME's impact was was weak, but as the 7th turned into the 8th a G2-class geomagnetic storm developed, sparking auroras across Canada and many northern-tier US states.

... Auroras were also sighted in the USA in Maine, Minnesota, Washington, South Dakota, New York, and Michigan. About 10,000 miles away, sky watchers spotted the same shades of pink over New Zealand, so this was truly a global event.

The source of the CME was a magnetic filament on the sun, which erupted on June 4th. The explosion was not squarely aimed at Earth, but the glancing blow it provided three days later was enough to spark the ongoing display. NOAA forecasters say CME effects could persist until June 9th with a 25% chance of continued geomagnetic storms. More auroras are in the offing. << (

Missed them this time but I've seen them many times. They are especially beautiful up along the BWCA in Northern MN.
Finally back from a week in Iowa. Without my laptop, because my parents wouldn't let me bring it (which is why I wasn't on at all).

Sorry to any Iowans who may use this thread, but your state is pretty boring, at least for vacations.

Also, Ringel, I watched Godzilla while I was out there, and I have this to say about it:
Finally back from a week in Iowa. Without my laptop, because my parents wouldn't let me bring it (which is why I wasn't on at all).

Sorry to any Iowans who may use this thread, but your state is pretty boring, at least for vacations.

Also, Ringel, I watched Godzilla while I was out there, and I have this to say about it:

I dated a girl from Iowa once, and let me tell you, there are some really fine corn fields not far from Council Bluffs!!!
Finally back from a week in Iowa. Without my laptop, because my parents wouldn't let me bring it (which is why I wasn't on at all).

Sorry to any Iowans who may use this thread, but your state is pretty boring, at least for vacations.

Also, Ringel, I watched Godzilla while I was out there, and I have this to say about it:

I dated a girl from Iowa once, and let me tell you, there are some really fine corn fields not far from Council Bluffs!!!

I'm just going to guess that that was sexual innuendo that I'm to young to understand.
Finally back from a week in Iowa. Without my laptop, because my parents wouldn't let me bring it (which is why I wasn't on at all).

Sorry to any Iowans who may use this thread, but your state is pretty boring, at least for vacations.

Also, Ringel, I watched Godzilla while I was out there, and I have this to say about it:

Clearly you haven't sampled the simple pleasure of a peach frozen yogurt on a hot Iowa summer night beneath a gas station fluorescent light after an all-day drive. Or a venture into a diner that looks frozen in a moment from 1962. :)

You don't find what you don't look for...
Finally back from a week in Iowa. Without my laptop, because my parents wouldn't let me bring it (which is why I wasn't on at all).

Sorry to any Iowans who may use this thread, but your state is pretty boring, at least for vacations.

Also, Ringel, I watched Godzilla while I was out there, and I have this to say about it:

Clearly you haven't sampled the simple pleasure of a peach frozen yogurt on a hot Iowa summer night beneath a gas station fluorescent light after an all-day drive. Or a venture into a diner that looks frozen in a moment from 1962. :)

You don't find what you don't look for...

Ääähm, let me do a statistical work-up on that one, since the mammary thing is off for the Sabbath.

Yes, here we have it:

peach frozen yoghurt in Iowa: 100%.
diner from 1962 in Iowa: 98.37%
Hills in Iowa: 0.00%


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