USMB Coffee Shop IV


Good morning and happy Sunday to all!

Today's beauty no. 1 drinking coffee:


I don't know her name, but....
Good morning everyone. Let me continue with the Mystery of the Missing Umbrella covers.

To recap, last Fall Mrs Te washed and stored the umbrella canvases. We have two of them for the back patio and we were having guests around yesterday evening and one of my jobs was to put them up again. According to Mrs Te she insisted that she had stored them in a plastic bag and that it was either in the laundry room or under our bed. I checked every storage bag in the laundry room and every bag under the bed with no luck.

Knowing Mrs Te I searched the closet on the upstairs landing, the coat closet and utility room downstairs and the garage since she has a bad habit of just throwing things in there. :eek: I would have come across it in the garage in the interim so I knew it wasn't there but checked anyway. That only left the attic and the guests were due soon.

Trying to be helpful Mrs Te suggested that I put my daughter's suitcase that she had used for her trip to Austin back up in the attic at the same time. So I lugged it up there and put it away and noticed a large floppy canvas bag under the eaves that I don't recall seeing before. I asked Mrs Te what it was and received a :dunno: reply.

So I hauled it out and opened it up and there were cushions inside. That was when Mrs Te "remembered" that she had stored the old lounge cushions up there (so we could use them outside) when she purchased new ones. I dug around in there and sure enough I found the umbrella canvases.

I am scrupulous about having everything in the attic labeled unless it is obvious as to what it contains. I had never seen that bag or put it in the attic. So this was all on Mrs Te but I didn't make a fuss because that would be counterproductive. I just went outside and put the umbrellas up and then went out to pick up the food.

All is well and it was a wonderful evening. I enjoyed a couple of glasses of a fine cabernet sauvignon as well as the company.

Off to swim some laps. See you all later. :)
Beautiful Sunday morning here in my neck of the woods. Had my coffee. Need to go shave, shower and get my church clothes on. I hate to get moving so early in the morning when I'm not quite ready to be in a hurry... For fifty cents I would crawl back into the bed and pull the covers up over my head.
Over the last couple of months I've been receiving collection calls for someone who may have had my number or lived here before. I've told them at least ten times that person doesn't live here and four times not to call any more. Well they called again this morning, took the company name, caller's name, re-advised them they had the wrong number and if they call again I would contact my attorney. :mad:
[ame=]Elizabeth (The Statler Brothers) - YouTube[/ame]

Great music. Simply great. Saw these guys many times in concert.
I'm sitting here channeling my inner mr miyagi. late last night I had some sushi and left the plate with the chopsticks on the end table. so this morning there is this fly buzzing around me and I'm trying to catch him with the chopsticks. where is danielsan when you need him?
Over the last couple of months I've been receiving collection calls for someone who may have had my number or lived here before. I've told them at least ten times that person doesn't live here and four times not to call any more. Well they called again this morning, took the company name, caller's name, re-advised them they had the wrong number and if they call again I would contact my attorney. :mad:

Next time ask which credit card they will be using today. Tell then you take Visa, MC and Amex. If they ask why tell them that you charge $500/hr or part thereof for dealing with chronic stupidity like theirs. :badgrin:
Mornin' All. Looks like we'll have a hot day today- plus it's a Spare The Air.

We have some final prep to do before the painters show up. I can't wait for this project to be done!

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