USMB Coffee Shop IV

Here's another one of those optical illusions. Each ball in the rotating circle is moving in a straight line....just keep watching to see it: These kinds of things fascinate me and perhaps explain why eye witness accounts are so often flawed as to what actually happened :)

You have to focus on one ball only to see the illusion.
Now here is a good use for a lot of snow!


The Japanese Army Crafted a Huge Star Wars Sculpture Out of Snow

Super cool. I wonder if they deal with sub zero temperatures and blizzard conditions in Japan?

And hope you're taking care of that cold and are on the mend, Montro.

So far this has been a lingering kind of cold. I start feeling better, then wake up feeling crappy again. It's only been a few days, maybe a week, and I haven't been running a high fever, so I'll just live with it. :p

Super cool. I wonder if they deal with sub zero temperatures and blizzard conditions in Japan?

And hope you're taking care of that cold and are on the mend, Montro.

So far this has been a lingering kind of cold. I start feeling better, then wake up feeling crappy again. It's only been a few days, maybe a week, and I haven't been running a high fever, so I'll just live with it. :p
Have you tried a bath in cool water?
The forecast called for snow starting at around 4:00 PM-EST. Well, it is 12:58 PM-EST, and the snow is beginning to fall. The high blustering winds of the blizzard are not supposed to start until around midnight, but we will see what happens. It's gonna a big one I think.

It is wierd that you get heavy snow when temps are so cold. When the temps are within 10 degrees of zero around here it is deemed too cold to snow--we might get a few ice cystals, but that's pretty much it.
Same here, it gets too cold and we won't see snow. Now, ice-fog is another thing entirely...

What is ice fog? I don't think I've ever experienced such a thing.
And this is awesome. Cambridge has been dumping excess snow on an open area on the MIT campus and it is now an estimated 40 feet high or as high as a 3 story building. The student population is enjoying it a lot.


I saw this on the news tonight. Worcester county is north of me. :) They are at a higher elevation and might get more snow than we do here.
Update for those that are interested. It was snowing like hell a little while ago. It seems to be starting to slow down a bit now. It's supposed to stop snowing, and at around 11 or midnight, it's going to start back up with the blizzard, high winds, all that good stuff. Lol. Right now, we've probably gotten about 4-6 inches, though it's a bit difficult to tell because of all the snow still remaining from the prior storms. Let's hope I keep my electricity tonight. It is going to be a rude awakening if I have to wake up in the middle of the night freezing my tush off.
Well, I just went outside to check out what's happening. It's getting really really cold, and there is just a slight breeze that picked up. About an hour ago, it was pretty still and silent. It's 12:11 AM here, and still no blizzard yet though. The skies look really ominous though.

Anyways, the meteorologists are off on the timing quite often. NE weather isn't very easy to predict. I'm hoping maybe it won't be as bad as they were saying.
Keep warm Chris.

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
GW's daughter's friend Sachendra,
Ernie's friend and colleague Max,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
Foxfyre's Aunt Betty,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Just wanted to let you all know that I made it through the night and didn't freeze to death or turn into a Chrisicle. :lol: (credit to one of my friends for Chrisicle- lol).

I don't have any idea what time it actually started, but it's a blizzard! We even had thunder snow! Maybe later I'll try to take some pictures, but it's useless right now because you wouldn't be able to see anything but white.

Happy Sunday! Hope you all had a nice Valentine's! :)
Oh well, up at 4 this morning, finally fed the cats at 5:30 and let Gizmo out. Have to do some cleaning today and get the tax stuff together.
Good morning folks! I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines Day. We had a peaceful day at home cooking the house down and having some wine. I am off to meet some family for brunch and mimosas. Cheers to all you great people!
Good morning everybody. Looking at Chris and the folks enduring yet another terrible blizzard and bitter cold in the northeast compared to our bright blue sunny skies and predicted high of 70 today--really seriously not good for us this time of year--it just doesn't seem fair.

We played hooky from church this morning--Hombre has a bad cold and I wasn't feeling all that good myself. But this too shall pass. Coffee is helping.
Finally they're starting to talk on TV about a problem about one third of everyone suffers from (didn't know it was that many). Sensitivity to scents, (perfumes and colognes), how prevalent they are in so many different products. Of course the docs are suggesting "polite" ways to let people know you have these medical sensitivities. I generally start out with that but if someone refuses to take the hint (like a co-worker) I then become "less polite"......
I'm finding a lot of medical/dental offices and hospitals are banning the use of perfumes and colognes by employees while on the job.
The forecast called for snow starting at around 4:00 PM-EST. Well, it is 12:58 PM-EST, and the snow is beginning to fall. The high blustering winds of the blizzard are not supposed to start until around midnight, but we will see what happens. It's gonna a big one I think.

It is wierd that you get heavy snow when temps are so cold. When the temps are within 10 degrees of zero around here it is deemed too cold to snow--we might get a few ice cystals, but that's pretty much it.
Same here, it gets too cold and we won't see snow. Now, ice-fog is another thing entirely...

What is ice fog? I don't think I've ever experienced such a thing.
It's like frozen fog that collects on every surface. It can build up quickly and pretty thick. I'll post a pic as soon as I can.
Well, so much for my latest "project" he violated my trust and ground rules for the last time. He is now on a grayhound headed for his mother's home in Texas.

I tossed his fat ass from Doc's last night after he told me I didn't have the authority to since I was not wearing a "security" shirt. I glanced towards my waist band and suddenly, he realized that I had all the authority that I needed.

There is a lot more, including his calling of my friends and partners to bad mouth me, but no one bought it.

I'll calm down eventually, but after years of taking people in and providing for them, this is the first time I've had issues even approaching this. I'm disappointed.
Well, so much for my latest "project" he violated my trust and ground rules for the last time. He is now on a grayhound headed for his mother's home in Texas.

I tossed his fat ass from Doc's last night after he told me I didn't have the authority to since I was not wearing a "security" shirt. I glanced towards my waist band and suddenly, he realized that I had all the authority that I needed.

There is a lot more, including his calling of my friends and partners to bad mouth me, but no one bought it.

I'll calm down eventually, but after years of taking people in and providing for them, this is the first time I've had issues even approaching this. I'm disappointed.

Sorry to hear that, Ernie. Some people are just ungrateful jerks. Nothing you can do about it except to wash your hands of them and move on. :)
Finally they're starting to talk on TV about a problem about one third of everyone suffers from (didn't know it was that many). Sensitivity to scents, (perfumes and colognes), how prevalent they are in so many different products. Of course the docs are suggesting "polite" ways to let people know you have these medical sensitivities. I generally start out with that but if someone refuses to take the hint (like a co-worker) I then become "less polite"......
I'm finding a lot of medical/dental offices and hospitals are banning the use of perfumes and colognes by employees while on the job.

Lol. I'm guilty of perfume wearing! :D I try to not use TOO much though. Some women leave a cloud of the stuff behind them. Lol.

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