USMB Coffee Shop IV

Happy Valentine's day to everybody. Hombre and I have already exchanged ours here as Valentine's Day is also our wedding anniversary. So I have this ENORMOUS red and white balloon hovering over my desk as we speak. If last year's balloon is any indication, it will be there until July. :)

But here you go. Everybody pick out one they like:


At least it's not a big giant bear, right? :lol:


This is actually close to the bear the little one has, we call it Big Ol' Bear. :D
Happy Valentine's day to everybody. Hombre and I have already exchanged ours here as Valentine's Day is also our wedding anniversary. So I have this ENORMOUS red and white balloon hovering over my desk as we speak. If last year's balloon is any indication, it will be there until July. :)

But here you go. Everybody pick out one they like:


At least it's not a big giant bear, right? :lol:


This is actually close to the bear the little one has, we call it Big Ol' Bear. :D

Looks just like you! :)
The forecast called for snow starting at around 4:00 PM-EST. Well, it is 12:58 PM-EST, and the snow is beginning to fall. The high blustering winds of the blizzard are not supposed to start until around midnight, but we will see what happens. It's gonna a big one I think.
The forecast called for snow starting at around 4:00 PM-EST. Well, it is 12:58 PM-EST, and the snow is beginning to fall. The high blustering winds of the blizzard are not supposed to start until around midnight, but we will see what happens. It's gonna a big one I think.

It is wierd that you get heavy snow when temps are so cold. When the temps are within 10 degrees of zero around here it is deemed too cold to snow--we might get a few ice cystals, but that's pretty much it.
The forecast called for snow starting at around 4:00 PM-EST. Well, it is 12:58 PM-EST, and the snow is beginning to fall. The high blustering winds of the blizzard are not supposed to start until around midnight, but we will see what happens. It's gonna a big one I think.

It is wierd that you get heavy snow when temps are so cold. When the temps are within 10 degrees of zero around here it is deemed too cold to snow--we might get a few ice cystals, but that's pretty much it.

We have a lot more humidity here than you do in your neck of the woods, I believe.
Too much to catch up, so I'll just drop in and say "Hello!".
It's still snowless here, for all intent and purpose. We got a light dusting, but that was all. We're back to normal temps for this time of year, although the wind was up last week and the wind-chill factor made life at work extremely unpleasant. Couldn't use a ladder to service oil without a second hand to hold the ladder. Otherwise, you'd blow away on the ladder. I've been watching what's going on back East, weather-wise. What a mess!
My classes have been interesting. Half my students are from a cohort we've nicknamed the "Teflon" class. No matter what you throw their way, or how you throw it, it just slides right off. Add to that, one of my students is a mega-whiner who wants to fight about every point counted off on his assignments. What a pest!!
Otherwise, like is good here. My "foster family" arrives Sunday. This couple are "besties" with my daughter and SIL and they've been assigned up here. I'll get them started but fully expect they'll find friends their own age to spend time with once they get settled. I do look forward to having "family" around, though.
The whiner is probably a millennial.......

Print this out and post it in your class room;

~ Rule 1 ~
Life is not fair—get used to it!

~ Rule 2 ~
The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself.

~ Rule 3 ~
You will not make $50,000 a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.

~ Rule 4 ~
If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.

~ Rule 5 ~
Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping. They called it opportunity.

~ Rule 6 ~
If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault. So don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.

~ Rule 7 ~
Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes, and listening to you talk about how cool you are. So before you save the rain forests from the parasites of your parents' generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.

~ Rule 8 ~
Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not. In some schools they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as many times as you need to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to anything in the real world.

~ Rule 9 ~
Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. Do that on your own time.

~ Rule 10 ~
Television is not real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

~ Rule 11 ~
Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.
Love the list, thanks! I might include that in my next syllabus. And, yes, this one is a millenial. Wed the class was learning to flare and bead aluminum tubing. This kid came to me three times with mutilated tubing, complaining that the beading tool was defective. No one else had problems. While I diplomatically bit back a sarcastic response, his fellow students were far less kind. It's a poor technician who blames his messes on his tools.
Too much to catch up, so I'll just drop in and say "Hello!".
It's still snowless here, for all intent and purpose. We got a light dusting, but that was all. We're back to normal temps for this time of year, although the wind was up last week and the wind-chill factor made life at work extremely unpleasant. Couldn't use a ladder to service oil without a second hand to hold the ladder. Otherwise, you'd blow away on the ladder. I've been watching what's going on back East, weather-wise. What a mess!
My classes have been interesting. Half my students are from a cohort we've nicknamed the "Teflon" class. No matter what you throw their way, or how you throw it, it just slides right off. Add to that, one of my students is a mega-whiner who wants to fight about every point counted off on his assignments. What a pest!!
Otherwise, like is good here. My "foster family" arrives Sunday. This couple are "besties" with my daughter and SIL and they've been assigned up here. I'll get them started but fully expect they'll find friends their own age to spend time with once they get settled. I do look forward to having "family" around, though.

I can't believe that Massachusetts has more snow than Alaska. Lol. If I had WANTED this much snow, I would LIVE in Alaska. :lol:
Heh, heh! Time toconsider moving?
Here's another one of those optical illusions. Each ball in the rotating circle is moving in a straight line....just keep watching to see it: These kinds of things fascinate me and perhaps explain why eye witness accounts are so often flawed as to what actually happened :)

And this is awesome. Cambridge has been dumping excess snow on an open area on the MIT campus and it is now an estimated 40 feet high or as high as a 3 story building. The student population is enjoying it a lot.


Just a reminder fellas - Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Do something special for your lady. I ended up just getting a card and a box of candy for Mrs. BBD plus I have a reserved table for us down at McDonald's tomorrow afternoon for an early romantic lunch. To show her I'm not a cheap skate, she can super size her whole meal if she wishes to do so.

:lol: Super size! How romantic!

Forgot to mention. Taking Mrs. BBD on a long horse-drawn sleigh ride too. Hope we don't freeze to death.

You never mentioned a horse BBD. And immediately the image that popped into my mind was Taco pulling that sleigh. . . .

Starting a stretch of weather with negative temps for a few days, then it rises to the twenties for at least a week. Made an insulated box for the stray kitties in case they don't have better alternatives.
Aw, I hope the stray kitties appreciate that box. My ferals spend a lot of time in the heated kid boxes here, even when the kids are in residence. It's pretty cute to find cats and goats all piled together in the warmth.
The forecast called for snow starting at around 4:00 PM-EST. Well, it is 12:58 PM-EST, and the snow is beginning to fall. The high blustering winds of the blizzard are not supposed to start until around midnight, but we will see what happens. It's gonna a big one I think.

It is wierd that you get heavy snow when temps are so cold. When the temps are within 10 degrees of zero around here it is deemed too cold to snow--we might get a few ice cystals, but that's pretty much it.
Same here, it gets too cold and we won't see snow. Now, ice-fog is another thing entirely...

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