USMB Coffee Shop IV

Well, I have good news. I wasn't supposed to hear back from Aflac until Monday, but I was contacted today via e-mail and have been approved for a 2nd interview! Yay! Of course, I have a LOT of questions to ask and haven't really decided if this job is going to be appropriate for me, but I'm going to go to the interview and find out more info. :)

Yep. Nothing to lose by taking advantage of opportunity when it is dropped in your lap. You aren't committed to anything until the job is offered and you say that you accept. So we're keeping our fingers cross for you that if this is the right job, you'll get it. And if it isn't that you will know it.

Thanks so much Foxy. I think I'm going to write out some of my questions tonight or tomorrow so that I don't forget some of the important questions I have. I hate when that happens . . . when they ask if you have any questions and you draw a blank. Lol. I'm going to be prepared though! :)
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I finally rolled out. Still coughing my head off and have a head ache. I have to be back in in 40 minutes. THIS is going to be a short day.
Seriously, bro, I think you need like two or three days of COMPLETE DOWN TIME. Tell your partners or whoever that you need to REST.
Can't much do that right now with Max looking at surgery and a month or more off his feet. He and Lori have 3 kids at home so Lori needs time to be mom.
I'll hoit the Dr again Tuesday if I'm still as sick, but short of a hospital stay, I at least, have to go in to open. I'll try to limit myself to a couplr or 3 hours/day, but we have another band next weekend.
Question, brother Dajjal... you're not taking any sleep medication like "Ambien" are you? I've heard serious horror stories about people sleep walking while taking that.

I take 15 mg of abilify once a day, its an anti psychotic drug. But I have been on it for years without problems, and I have not had an achoholic drink for three years. I am under no stress and I am completely stable.
I did doze off for a while in the afternoon, and when I went to the toilet and discovered the mess it washed off easily so it was fresh and had not had time to dry hard. So if it was me it was during my doze, but I cannot understand how I could have made such a mess and had none on me.
Well... very perplexing, bro. At this point, I find it very hard to find an explanation. I agree you would have known had you done it. So to propose it was paranormal... is quite disturbing actually. A shitting poltergeist. Not exactly what I'd like to think I'm dealing with.

I don't think ghosts would need to use the toilet. :D
Ya never know, Chris. If it was a malevolent spirit or dark energy, they might do whatever it is that it feels would upset Dajjal, and want it to be disgusting.

I've never heard of it before, but stranger things have happened.

Do you believe in ghosts? :D I can't say that I believe in ghosts. Of course, I have no proof either way, but I am skeptical to say the least.
I'm a skeptic myself, or at least I was until opening the bar. The building was built in 1967 as a morgue for the National Guard Armory across the street. It was essentially a collection point for Viet Nam casualties waiting for arrangements to send them home. Once the war wound down, the army sold it and it became a church connected to the senior complex a block away. It has been a bar for 11 or 12 years now and all bar owners and staff from all 3 different clubs talk about "Shadow Man"
No one I know of has ever seen a face but they tell of catching a glimpse of a gray figure, usually described as male just walking past a mirror or just a sense of movement when there's only 1 or 2 people left in the building.
I always said, "Yeah, sure."
Then there was the night the drawer didn't balance. I told Max I would find it and sent him home.
I locked the doors and turned out the lights except for the jar lights over the bar and sat down and finally found a $100 in the stack of 10's. I was banding up cash when I got a glimpse of a shape reflected in a mirror on the wall positioned so that I can see the door from where I was sitting. I asked Max what he forgot and without waiting, told him about the "C" note. I got no answer. Immediately, I put the cash in the beer cooler and dropped the safety on my .40 and walked around the bar talking to no one loud enough so the dead could hear me. I got over to the office door which had been locked with the light out and saw light under the door.
I shouted "Who's in there?" and listened. I tried the door. Locked. I unlocked it and went in low, The room was empty.

I did check toilets the next morning as part of my opening routine. They were just fine.
I put the cash in the safe and got the hell out of there.
I think I would probably be better off starting off working directly for an employer and that way, I can start making some connections. :) That sounds like a good plan to me. Anyone who has any sales experience, I would welcome your advice on the best ways to get started in this career.

Well, since you asked. :D

The first thing to do is find something you love and you'll never work a day in your life. If you don't like sales, or people, or what you are selling, you won't do well.

You have to first sell yourself. The customer has to like you. ( generally speaking )

Understand the best communication skill is, listening.

Looking professional, depending upon the kind of business, is important, too. It tells the customer, you have put some thought into yourself, for your job and they like that. It impresses them.

There are two areas in which outstanding salespeople make it to the top of their jobs.

One, is a natural ability to interact with a customer. Good, open body language and showing interest in them because you truly are. If you are dealing with women as well as men, and you are attractive, this attribute will help you overcome that fact, to a woman, if she considers attractive women as threats as so many do. You need to address most of your attention and remarks to her and not the object of her affection.

Two, is to have a strategy in selling. This comes with experience and I have it honed. :thup:

Some salespersons have both, one and two, and we rarely fail to make the sale.

All the best, ChrisL.

Great advice, but I was more wondering about technique. I know it's important to be able to read people, not necessarily to "like" them. I've worked with people before when I worked at the front desk of an office and got along fine, so that's not really my problem. My problem is how to make connections.

Also, what strategies did you use and what products did you sell? I'm very interested in strategies that other salespeople use to get a good customer base going. Like I talked about earlier, I could telemarket . . . I'm not crazy about that. What would you suggest? :)
If you are looking into one-on-one sales, explore neuro-linguistic programming. There's a book "Frogs into Princes".

Lol. That sounds a bit complicated. :lol:
Not really. My instructor told me that I was a natural at neurolinguistic programming. It's kinda fun to do it in bars, or other crowded locations where you might want to "connect with" another person. It's also useful for interrogation. Lots better than water boarding and such...
Good morning everybody. Hombre is sick again today but we're hoping it is just a massive allergy attack and not another bug or a relapse from his last one. All the warm weather leading up to the last snowstorm had everything budding out and I'm sure the pollen count is high.

Otherwise looking forward to a good Sunday.
Crossing the hooks and hoping Hombre is suffering nothing serious. Both of you have a good day, many blessing your way!
Well, I have good news. I wasn't supposed to hear back from Aflac until Monday, but I was contacted today via e-mail and have been approved for a 2nd interview! Yay! Of course, I have a LOT of questions to ask and haven't really decided if this job is going to be appropriate for me, but I'm going to go to the interview and find out more info. :)

Ask them if you are required to buy a laptop computer from their office that is loaded with the software that they use. I left Aflac when they insisted that I buy one of their laptops. Also, ask if they still insist that you split your commissions with other members of the Aflac staff. That was another reason why I left Aflac. I do admit that some of their products are very good BUT Aflac makes it very difficult to make those big salaries that you speak about in earlier posts concerning the job. I also had to pay to attend their training classes. They don't train you for free.
So far all we've had is the light flurries and grapple we had earlier. They keep moving the snow times back and they've dropped the snowfall from 8 to 6 inches. Getting ready to go to bed, will see what we get when I wake up.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
GW's daughter's friend Sachendra,
Ernie's friend and colleague Max,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Chris in transition,
Ernie for wellness, rest, and extra strength,
Those in the dangerous cold zones,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Question, brother Dajjal... you're not taking any sleep medication like "Ambien" are you? I've heard serious horror stories about people sleep walking while taking that.

I take 15 mg of abilify once a day, its an anti psychotic drug. But I have been on it for years without problems, and I have not had an achoholic drink for three years. I am under no stress and I am completely stable.
I did doze off for a while in the afternoon, and when I went to the toilet and discovered the mess it washed off easily so it was fresh and had not had time to dry hard. So if it was me it was during my doze, but I cannot understand how I could have made such a mess and had none on me.
Well... very perplexing, bro. At this point, I find it very hard to find an explanation. I agree you would have known had you done it. So to propose it was paranormal... is quite disturbing actually. A shitting poltergeist. Not exactly what I'd like to think I'm dealing with.

I don't think ghosts would need to use the toilet. :D

No, I don't think they even need to eat, but I still can't see how It could have been me. I keep checking the toilet to see if it happens again, but so far, nothing.

Well this is definitely strange. Lol. Any friends have keys to your house?

The landlords have keys and my sister has a set too. But they could not get in as the only door was bolted from the inside. I also checked all the windows, and they were all securely latched.
Well, I have good news. I wasn't supposed to hear back from Aflac until Monday, but I was contacted today via e-mail and have been approved for a 2nd interview! Yay! Of course, I have a LOT of questions to ask and haven't really decided if this job is going to be appropriate for me, but I'm going to go to the interview and find out more info. :)

Yep. Nothing to lose by taking advantage of opportunity when it is dropped in your lap. You aren't committed to anything until the job is offered and you say that you accept. So we're keeping our fingers cross for you that if this is the right job, you'll get it. And if it isn't that you will know it.

Thanks so much Foxy. I think I'm going to write out some of my questions tonight or tomorrow so that I don't forget some of the important questions I have. I hate when that happens . . . when they ask if you have any questions and you draw a blank. Lol. I'm going to be prepared though! :)

Questions like:

1. What is the percentage of recruits that stay two years?
2. What is the average first year income?
3. How many agents average over $50,000 a year.

I have a feeling you aren't going to like the answers.
Well, I have good news. I wasn't supposed to hear back from Aflac until Monday, but I was contacted today via e-mail and have been approved for a 2nd interview! Yay! Of course, I have a LOT of questions to ask and haven't really decided if this job is going to be appropriate for me, but I'm going to go to the interview and find out more info. :)

Yep. Nothing to lose by taking advantage of opportunity when it is dropped in your lap. You aren't committed to anything until the job is offered and you say that you accept. So we're keeping our fingers cross for you that if this is the right job, you'll get it. And if it isn't that you will know it.

Thanks so much Foxy. I think I'm going to write out some of my questions tonight or tomorrow so that I don't forget some of the important questions I have. I hate when that happens . . . when they ask if you have any questions and you draw a blank. Lol. I'm going to be prepared though! :)

Questions like:

1. What is the percentage of recruits that stay two years?
2. What is the average first year income?
3. How many agents average over $50,000 a year.

I have a feeling you aren't going to like the answers.

Yup, I'll have to write down these questions too. However, if you can sell a plan to 48 employees in a month, you can make a $66,000 commission.
I take 15 mg of abilify once a day, its an anti psychotic drug. But I have been on it for years without problems, and I have not had an achoholic drink for three years. I am under no stress and I am completely stable.
I did doze off for a while in the afternoon, and when I went to the toilet and discovered the mess it washed off easily so it was fresh and had not had time to dry hard. So if it was me it was during my doze, but I cannot understand how I could have made such a mess and had none on me.
Well... very perplexing, bro. At this point, I find it very hard to find an explanation. I agree you would have known had you done it. So to propose it was paranormal... is quite disturbing actually. A shitting poltergeist. Not exactly what I'd like to think I'm dealing with.

I don't think ghosts would need to use the toilet. :D

No, I don't think they even need to eat, but I still can't see how It could have been me. I keep checking the toilet to see if it happens again, but so far, nothing.

Well this is definitely strange. Lol. Any friends have keys to your house?

The landlords have keys and my sister has a set too. But they could not get in as the only door was bolted from the inside. I also checked all the windows, and they were all securely latched.

Maybe, like Sherry said, it was some kind of backup in your pipes? I would tend to try to find out about any other explanation before I even considered the fact that it was a ghost making #2. Lol. :D
Well, I have good news. I wasn't supposed to hear back from Aflac until Monday, but I was contacted today via e-mail and have been approved for a 2nd interview! Yay! Of course, I have a LOT of questions to ask and haven't really decided if this job is going to be appropriate for me, but I'm going to go to the interview and find out more info. :)

Ask them if you are required to buy a laptop computer from their office that is loaded with the software that they use. I left Aflac when they insisted that I buy one of their laptops. Also, ask if they still insist that you split your commissions with other members of the Aflac staff. That was another reason why I left Aflac. I do admit that some of their products are very good BUT Aflac makes it very difficult to make those big salaries that you speak about in earlier posts concerning the job. I also had to pay to attend their training classes. They don't train you for free.

Great. Thanks for the info. I will be sure to add some of these questions to my list. :)
I think I would probably be better off starting off working directly for an employer and that way, I can start making some connections. :) That sounds like a good plan to me. Anyone who has any sales experience, I would welcome your advice on the best ways to get started in this career.

Well, since you asked. :D

The first thing to do is find something you love and you'll never work a day in your life. If you don't like sales, or people, or what you are selling, you won't do well.

You have to first sell yourself. The customer has to like you. ( generally speaking )

Understand the best communication skill is, listening.

Looking professional, depending upon the kind of business, is important, too. It tells the customer, you have put some thought into yourself, for your job and they like that. It impresses them.

There are two areas in which outstanding salespeople make it to the top of their jobs.

One, is a natural ability to interact with a customer. Good, open body language and showing interest in them because you truly are. If you are dealing with women as well as men, and you are attractive, this attribute will help you overcome that fact, to a woman, if she considers attractive women as threats as so many do. You need to address most of your attention and remarks to her and not the object of her affection.

Two, is to have a strategy in selling. This comes with experience and I have it honed. :thup:

Some salespersons have both, one and two, and we rarely fail to make the sale.

All the best, ChrisL.

Great advice, but I was more wondering about technique. I know it's important to be able to read people, not necessarily to "like" them. I've worked with people before when I worked at the front desk of an office and got along fine, so that's not really my problem. My problem is how to make connections.

Also, what strategies did you use and what products did you sell? I'm very interested in strategies that other salespeople use to get a good customer base going. Like I talked about earlier, I could telemarket . . . I'm not crazy about that. What would you suggest? :)
If you are looking into one-on-one sales, explore neuro-linguistic programming. There's a book "Frogs into Princes".

Lol. That sounds a bit complicated. :lol:
Not really. My instructor told me that I was a natural at neurolinguistic programming. It's kinda fun to do it in bars, or other crowded locations where you might want to "connect with" another person. It's also useful for interrogation. Lots better than water boarding and such...

I don't even know what it is! :D
I take 15 mg of abilify once a day, its an anti psychotic drug. But I have been on it for years without problems, and I have not had an achoholic drink for three years. I am under no stress and I am completely stable.
I did doze off for a while in the afternoon, and when I went to the toilet and discovered the mess it washed off easily so it was fresh and had not had time to dry hard. So if it was me it was during my doze, but I cannot understand how I could have made such a mess and had none on me.
Well... very perplexing, bro. At this point, I find it very hard to find an explanation. I agree you would have known had you done it. So to propose it was paranormal... is quite disturbing actually. A shitting poltergeist. Not exactly what I'd like to think I'm dealing with.

I don't think ghosts would need to use the toilet. :D
Ya never know, Chris. If it was a malevolent spirit or dark energy, they might do whatever it is that it feels would upset Dajjal, and want it to be disgusting.

I've never heard of it before, but stranger things have happened.

Do you believe in ghosts? :D I can't say that I believe in ghosts. Of course, I have no proof either way, but I am skeptical to say the least.
I'm a skeptic myself, or at least I was until opening the bar. The building was built in 1967 as a morgue for the National Guard Armory across the street. It was essentially a collection point for Viet Nam casualties waiting for arrangements to send them home. Once the war wound down, the army sold it and it became a church connected to the senior complex a block away. It has been a bar for 11 or 12 years now and all bar owners and staff from all 3 different clubs talk about "Shadow Man"
No one I know of has ever seen a face but they tell of catching a glimpse of a gray figure, usually described as male just walking past a mirror or just a sense of movement when there's only 1 or 2 people left in the building.
I always said, "Yeah, sure."
Then there was the night the drawer didn't balance. I told Max I would find it and sent him home.
I locked the doors and turned out the lights except for the jar lights over the bar and sat down and finally found a $100 in the stack of 10's. I was banding up cash when I got a glimpse of a shape reflected in a mirror on the wall positioned so that I can see the door from where I was sitting. I asked Max what he forgot and without waiting, told him about the "C" note. I got no answer. Immediately, I put the cash in the beer cooler and dropped the safety on my .40 and walked around the bar talking to no one loud enough so the dead could hear me. I got over to the office door which had been locked with the light out and saw light under the door.
I shouted "Who's in there?" and listened. I tried the door. Locked. I unlocked it and went in low, The room was empty.

I did check toilets the next morning as part of my opening routine. They were just fine.
I put the cash in the safe and got the hell out of there.

Well, I'm very skeptical about ghosts existing. There is usually another explanation for these phenomena. :) I've had some strange experiences myself, but I don't know what it was.

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