USMB Coffee Shop IV

It's Monday morning!!! That's a good enough reason for me to have a second cup of coffee. Who's with me?
Waiting for the pot to finish filling, then I'll have my first.

Looks like the storm front changed it's mind last night, we got nuttin' I tellz ya, nuttin'. Heck they're even claiming we're getting thick freezing fog this morning, guess I can't see it with all the sunlight and what not........ :dunno:

I hope you all had a good weekend.

Well, I have good news. I wasn't supposed to hear back from Aflac until Monday, but I was contacted today via e-mail and have been approved for a 2nd interview! Yay! Of course, I have a LOT of questions to ask and haven't really decided if this job is going to be appropriate for me, but I'm going to go to the interview and find out more info. :)

Yep. Nothing to lose by taking advantage of opportunity when it is dropped in your lap. You aren't committed to anything until the job is offered and you say that you accept. So we're keeping our fingers cross for you that if this is the right job, you'll get it. And if it isn't that you will know it.

Thanks so much Foxy. I think I'm going to write out some of my questions tonight or tomorrow so that I don't forget some of the important questions I have. I hate when that happens . . . when they ask if you have any questions and you draw a blank. Lol. I'm going to be prepared though! :)

When I did the hiring for any of my businesses I would always ask a job applicant what they considered to be their greatest weakness. ( this question often drew a blank ) :lol:
It's Monday morning!!! That's a good enough reason for me to have a second cup of coffee. Who's with me?
Waiting for the pot to finish filling, then I'll have my first.

Looks like the storm front changed it's mind last night, we got nuttin' I tellz ya, nuttin'. Heck they're even claiming we're getting thick freezing fog this morning, guess I can't see it with all the sunlight and what not........ :dunno:

That's a good thing! :D It's sunny here too and 35 degrees, so it's like a heat wave!
Well... very perplexing, bro. At this point, I find it very hard to find an explanation. I agree you would have known had you done it. So to propose it was paranormal... is quite disturbing actually. A shitting poltergeist. Not exactly what I'd like to think I'm dealing with.

I don't think ghosts would need to use the toilet. :D
Ya never know, Chris. If it was a malevolent spirit or dark energy, they might do whatever it is that it feels would upset Dajjal, and want it to be disgusting.

I've never heard of it before, but stranger things have happened.

Do you believe in ghosts? :D I can't say that I believe in ghosts. Of course, I have no proof either way, but I am skeptical to say the least.
I'm a skeptic myself, or at least I was until opening the bar. The building was built in 1967 as a morgue for the National Guard Armory across the street. It was essentially a collection point for Viet Nam casualties waiting for arrangements to send them home. Once the war wound down, the army sold it and it became a church connected to the senior complex a block away. It has been a bar for 11 or 12 years now and all bar owners and staff from all 3 different clubs talk about "Shadow Man"
No one I know of has ever seen a face but they tell of catching a glimpse of a gray figure, usually described as male just walking past a mirror or just a sense of movement when there's only 1 or 2 people left in the building.
I always said, "Yeah, sure."
Then there was the night the drawer didn't balance. I told Max I would find it and sent him home.
I locked the doors and turned out the lights except for the jar lights over the bar and sat down and finally found a $100 in the stack of 10's. I was banding up cash when I got a glimpse of a shape reflected in a mirror on the wall positioned so that I can see the door from where I was sitting. I asked Max what he forgot and without waiting, told him about the "C" note. I got no answer. Immediately, I put the cash in the beer cooler and dropped the safety on my .40 and walked around the bar talking to no one loud enough so the dead could hear me. I got over to the office door which had been locked with the light out and saw light under the door.
I shouted "Who's in there?" and listened. I tried the door. Locked. I unlocked it and went in low, The room was empty.

I did check toilets the next morning as part of my opening routine. They were just fine.
I put the cash in the safe and got the hell out of there.

Well, I'm very skeptical about ghosts existing. There is usually another explanation for these phenomena. :) I've had some strange experiences myself, but I don't know what it was.

I have had much experience of spiritualism, and some psychic experience myself. So I do believe there is an afterlife. (although I still have my doubts) But I do not know if a spirit can manifest physical phenomena like messing in my toilet. Never the less I cannot see how I did it . I keep checking the toilet to see if it happens again, but I am not too worried.
I don't think ghosts would need to use the toilet. :D
Ya never know, Chris. If it was a malevolent spirit or dark energy, they might do whatever it is that it feels would upset Dajjal, and want it to be disgusting.

I've never heard of it before, but stranger things have happened.

Do you believe in ghosts? :D I can't say that I believe in ghosts. Of course, I have no proof either way, but I am skeptical to say the least.
I'm a skeptic myself, or at least I was until opening the bar. The building was built in 1967 as a morgue for the National Guard Armory across the street. It was essentially a collection point for Viet Nam casualties waiting for arrangements to send them home. Once the war wound down, the army sold it and it became a church connected to the senior complex a block away. It has been a bar for 11 or 12 years now and all bar owners and staff from all 3 different clubs talk about "Shadow Man"
No one I know of has ever seen a face but they tell of catching a glimpse of a gray figure, usually described as male just walking past a mirror or just a sense of movement when there's only 1 or 2 people left in the building.
I always said, "Yeah, sure."
Then there was the night the drawer didn't balance. I told Max I would find it and sent him home.
I locked the doors and turned out the lights except for the jar lights over the bar and sat down and finally found a $100 in the stack of 10's. I was banding up cash when I got a glimpse of a shape reflected in a mirror on the wall positioned so that I can see the door from where I was sitting. I asked Max what he forgot and without waiting, told him about the "C" note. I got no answer. Immediately, I put the cash in the beer cooler and dropped the safety on my .40 and walked around the bar talking to no one loud enough so the dead could hear me. I got over to the office door which had been locked with the light out and saw light under the door.
I shouted "Who's in there?" and listened. I tried the door. Locked. I unlocked it and went in low, The room was empty.

I did check toilets the next morning as part of my opening routine. They were just fine.
I put the cash in the safe and got the hell out of there.

Well, I'm very skeptical about ghosts existing. There is usually another explanation for these phenomena. :) I've had some strange experiences myself, but I don't know what it was.

I have had much experience of spiritualism, and some psychic experience myself. So I do believe there is an afterlife. (although I still have my doubts) But I do not know if a spirit can manifest physical phenomena like messing in my toilet. Never the less I cannot see how I did it . I keep checking the toilet to see if it happens again, but I am not too worried.

:lol: Ghost poop . . . ewww.
Well... very perplexing, bro. At this point, I find it very hard to find an explanation. I agree you would have known had you done it. So to propose it was paranormal... is quite disturbing actually. A shitting poltergeist. Not exactly what I'd like to think I'm dealing with.

I don't think ghosts would need to use the toilet. :D
Ya never know, Chris. If it was a malevolent spirit or dark energy, they might do whatever it is that it feels would upset Dajjal, and want it to be disgusting.

I've never heard of it before, but stranger things have happened.

Do you believe in ghosts? :D I can't say that I believe in ghosts. Of course, I have no proof either way, but I am skeptical to say the least.
I'm a skeptic myself, or at least I was until opening the bar. The building was built in 1967 as a morgue for the National Guard Armory across the street. It was essentially a collection point for Viet Nam casualties waiting for arrangements to send them home. Once the war wound down, the army sold it and it became a church connected to the senior complex a block away. It has been a bar for 11 or 12 years now and all bar owners and staff from all 3 different clubs talk about "Shadow Man"
No one I know of has ever seen a face but they tell of catching a glimpse of a gray figure, usually described as male just walking past a mirror or just a sense of movement when there's only 1 or 2 people left in the building.
I always said, "Yeah, sure."
Then there was the night the drawer didn't balance. I told Max I would find it and sent him home.
I locked the doors and turned out the lights except for the jar lights over the bar and sat down and finally found a $100 in the stack of 10's. I was banding up cash when I got a glimpse of a shape reflected in a mirror on the wall positioned so that I can see the door from where I was sitting. I asked Max what he forgot and without waiting, told him about the "C" note. I got no answer. Immediately, I put the cash in the beer cooler and dropped the safety on my .40 and walked around the bar talking to no one loud enough so the dead could hear me. I got over to the office door which had been locked with the light out and saw light under the door.
I shouted "Who's in there?" and listened. I tried the door. Locked. I unlocked it and went in low, The room was empty.

I did check toilets the next morning as part of my opening routine. They were just fine.
I put the cash in the safe and got the hell out of there.

Well, I'm very skeptical about ghosts existing. There is usually another explanation for these phenomena. :) I've had some strange experiences myself, but I don't know what it was.
Some of my people have conversations with "Shadow Man". I'm certainly not there, but lights turning back on and shapes moving.... Sumptin strange goin' on.
I don't think ghosts would need to use the toilet. :D
Ya never know, Chris. If it was a malevolent spirit or dark energy, they might do whatever it is that it feels would upset Dajjal, and want it to be disgusting.

I've never heard of it before, but stranger things have happened.

Do you believe in ghosts? :D I can't say that I believe in ghosts. Of course, I have no proof either way, but I am skeptical to say the least.
I'm a skeptic myself, or at least I was until opening the bar. The building was built in 1967 as a morgue for the National Guard Armory across the street. It was essentially a collection point for Viet Nam casualties waiting for arrangements to send them home. Once the war wound down, the army sold it and it became a church connected to the senior complex a block away. It has been a bar for 11 or 12 years now and all bar owners and staff from all 3 different clubs talk about "Shadow Man"
No one I know of has ever seen a face but they tell of catching a glimpse of a gray figure, usually described as male just walking past a mirror or just a sense of movement when there's only 1 or 2 people left in the building.
I always said, "Yeah, sure."
Then there was the night the drawer didn't balance. I told Max I would find it and sent him home.
I locked the doors and turned out the lights except for the jar lights over the bar and sat down and finally found a $100 in the stack of 10's. I was banding up cash when I got a glimpse of a shape reflected in a mirror on the wall positioned so that I can see the door from where I was sitting. I asked Max what he forgot and without waiting, told him about the "C" note. I got no answer. Immediately, I put the cash in the beer cooler and dropped the safety on my .40 and walked around the bar talking to no one loud enough so the dead could hear me. I got over to the office door which had been locked with the light out and saw light under the door.
I shouted "Who's in there?" and listened. I tried the door. Locked. I unlocked it and went in low, The room was empty.

I did check toilets the next morning as part of my opening routine. They were just fine.
I put the cash in the safe and got the hell out of there.

Well, I'm very skeptical about ghosts existing. There is usually another explanation for these phenomena. :) I've had some strange experiences myself, but I don't know what it was.
Some of my people have conversations with "Shadow Man". I'm certainly not there, but lights turning back on and shapes moving.... Sumptin strange goin' on.

Yes well . . . I would probably think those people had an overactive imagination at least. :D Pretty much every ghost story has been dispelled and have been actually due to logical explanations or people who are maybe feeling a bit vulnerable letting their imaginations run wild. Our brains are very powerful and mysterious things. :)
I don't think ghosts would need to use the toilet. :D
Ya never know, Chris. If it was a malevolent spirit or dark energy, they might do whatever it is that it feels would upset Dajjal, and want it to be disgusting.

I've never heard of it before, but stranger things have happened.

Do you believe in ghosts? :D I can't say that I believe in ghosts. Of course, I have no proof either way, but I am skeptical to say the least.
I'm a skeptic myself, or at least I was until opening the bar. The building was built in 1967 as a morgue for the National Guard Armory across the street. It was essentially a collection point for Viet Nam casualties waiting for arrangements to send them home. Once the war wound down, the army sold it and it became a church connected to the senior complex a block away. It has been a bar for 11 or 12 years now and all bar owners and staff from all 3 different clubs talk about "Shadow Man"
No one I know of has ever seen a face but they tell of catching a glimpse of a gray figure, usually described as male just walking past a mirror or just a sense of movement when there's only 1 or 2 people left in the building.
I always said, "Yeah, sure."
Then there was the night the drawer didn't balance. I told Max I would find it and sent him home.
I locked the doors and turned out the lights except for the jar lights over the bar and sat down and finally found a $100 in the stack of 10's. I was banding up cash when I got a glimpse of a shape reflected in a mirror on the wall positioned so that I can see the door from where I was sitting. I asked Max what he forgot and without waiting, told him about the "C" note. I got no answer. Immediately, I put the cash in the beer cooler and dropped the safety on my .40 and walked around the bar talking to no one loud enough so the dead could hear me. I got over to the office door which had been locked with the light out and saw light under the door.
I shouted "Who's in there?" and listened. I tried the door. Locked. I unlocked it and went in low, The room was empty.

I did check toilets the next morning as part of my opening routine. They were just fine.
I put the cash in the safe and got the hell out of there.

Well, I'm very skeptical about ghosts existing. There is usually another explanation for these phenomena. :) I've had some strange experiences myself, but I don't know what it was.
Some of my people have conversations with "Shadow Man". I'm certainly not there, but lights turning back on and shapes moving.... Sumptin strange goin' on.

Oh, another point . . . if there is a God and a heaven and a hell, what is the story with supposed ghosts? I have a few deceased loved ones and would hate to think they are trapped on earth as ghosts. I think that would be more horrible than eternal dirt nap, you know?
It's Monday morning!!! That's a good enough reason for me to have a second cup of coffee. Who's with me?
Still working on my first. I woke up in the shower somehow. The wife swears she didn't put me there, but I honestly have no recollection.

Oh geez, Ernie, and you expect me to buy your ghost stories now? :biggrin: J/K.
Ya never know, Chris. If it was a malevolent spirit or dark energy, they might do whatever it is that it feels would upset Dajjal, and want it to be disgusting.

I've never heard of it before, but stranger things have happened.

Do you believe in ghosts? :D I can't say that I believe in ghosts. Of course, I have no proof either way, but I am skeptical to say the least.
I'm a skeptic myself, or at least I was until opening the bar. The building was built in 1967 as a morgue for the National Guard Armory across the street. It was essentially a collection point for Viet Nam casualties waiting for arrangements to send them home. Once the war wound down, the army sold it and it became a church connected to the senior complex a block away. It has been a bar for 11 or 12 years now and all bar owners and staff from all 3 different clubs talk about "Shadow Man"
No one I know of has ever seen a face but they tell of catching a glimpse of a gray figure, usually described as male just walking past a mirror or just a sense of movement when there's only 1 or 2 people left in the building.
I always said, "Yeah, sure."
Then there was the night the drawer didn't balance. I told Max I would find it and sent him home.
I locked the doors and turned out the lights except for the jar lights over the bar and sat down and finally found a $100 in the stack of 10's. I was banding up cash when I got a glimpse of a shape reflected in a mirror on the wall positioned so that I can see the door from where I was sitting. I asked Max what he forgot and without waiting, told him about the "C" note. I got no answer. Immediately, I put the cash in the beer cooler and dropped the safety on my .40 and walked around the bar talking to no one loud enough so the dead could hear me. I got over to the office door which had been locked with the light out and saw light under the door.
I shouted "Who's in there?" and listened. I tried the door. Locked. I unlocked it and went in low, The room was empty.

I did check toilets the next morning as part of my opening routine. They were just fine.
I put the cash in the safe and got the hell out of there.

Well, I'm very skeptical about ghosts existing. There is usually another explanation for these phenomena. :) I've had some strange experiences myself, but I don't know what it was.
Some of my people have conversations with "Shadow Man". I'm certainly not there, but lights turning back on and shapes moving.... Sumptin strange goin' on.

Yes well . . . I would probably think those people had an overactive imagination at least. :D Pretty much every ghost story has been dispelled and have been actually due to logical explanations or people who are maybe feeling a bit vulnerable letting their imaginations run wild. Our brains are very powerful and mysterious things. :)
I agree, but I'm a scientific/mathematical kind of guy and having no logical explanation for what I saw is bothersome.
There may have been some psychological explanation for it. a few grand spread on the bar and a loaded and cocked .40 caliber semi within reach does make you more aware of your surroundings. It could be as simple as something outside blocking light coming through the front doors....
I have had much experience of spiritualism, and some psychic experience myself. So I do believe there is an afterlife. (although I still have my doubts) But I do not know if a spirit can manifest physical phenomena like messing in my toilet. Never the less I cannot see how I did it . I keep checking the toilet to see if it happens again, but I am not too worried.
It sounds like you may have angered the Porcelain God. After that 12 pack of tallboys you were supposed to be kneeling in prayer for forgiveness.
I just want to thank all of you nice people for all of the good advice, especially AquaAthena. You are a sweety, girlfriend. Some very helpful advice on manners and techniques. :smiliehug: I think you and the Foxy lady are two of the nicest and most well mannered people on this whole forum, seriously. :)
Ya never know, Chris. If it was a malevolent spirit or dark energy, they might do whatever it is that it feels would upset Dajjal, and want it to be disgusting.

I've never heard of it before, but stranger things have happened.

Do you believe in ghosts? :D I can't say that I believe in ghosts. Of course, I have no proof either way, but I am skeptical to say the least.
I'm a skeptic myself, or at least I was until opening the bar. The building was built in 1967 as a morgue for the National Guard Armory across the street. It was essentially a collection point for Viet Nam casualties waiting for arrangements to send them home. Once the war wound down, the army sold it and it became a church connected to the senior complex a block away. It has been a bar for 11 or 12 years now and all bar owners and staff from all 3 different clubs talk about "Shadow Man"
No one I know of has ever seen a face but they tell of catching a glimpse of a gray figure, usually described as male just walking past a mirror or just a sense of movement when there's only 1 or 2 people left in the building.
I always said, "Yeah, sure."
Then there was the night the drawer didn't balance. I told Max I would find it and sent him home.
I locked the doors and turned out the lights except for the jar lights over the bar and sat down and finally found a $100 in the stack of 10's. I was banding up cash when I got a glimpse of a shape reflected in a mirror on the wall positioned so that I can see the door from where I was sitting. I asked Max what he forgot and without waiting, told him about the "C" note. I got no answer. Immediately, I put the cash in the beer cooler and dropped the safety on my .40 and walked around the bar talking to no one loud enough so the dead could hear me. I got over to the office door which had been locked with the light out and saw light under the door.
I shouted "Who's in there?" and listened. I tried the door. Locked. I unlocked it and went in low, The room was empty.

I did check toilets the next morning as part of my opening routine. They were just fine.
I put the cash in the safe and got the hell out of there.

Well, I'm very skeptical about ghosts existing. There is usually another explanation for these phenomena. :) I've had some strange experiences myself, but I don't know what it was.
Some of my people have conversations with "Shadow Man". I'm certainly not there, but lights turning back on and shapes moving.... Sumptin strange goin' on.

Oh, another point . . . if there is a God and a heaven and a hell, what is the story with supposed ghosts? I have a few deceased loved ones and would hate to think they are trapped on earth as ghosts. I think that would be more horrible than eternal dirt nap, you know?

See my thread, 'spiritual teachings.' which is now a couple of pages back in the religion forum. I have listed a lot of spiritualist books that are available free to read online.

I do not believe in heaven or hell, or the devil or the resurrection on judgement day. As far as I understand it, The spirit world consists of many realms separated by the frequency of their vibrations. We usually go to the appropriate realm when we die, but sometimes spirits can get stuck in the psychic darkness which surrounds the earth. They can progress and find their way to higher realms but it can take some time.
Do you believe in ghosts? :D I can't say that I believe in ghosts. Of course, I have no proof either way, but I am skeptical to say the least.
I'm a skeptic myself, or at least I was until opening the bar. The building was built in 1967 as a morgue for the National Guard Armory across the street. It was essentially a collection point for Viet Nam casualties waiting for arrangements to send them home. Once the war wound down, the army sold it and it became a church connected to the senior complex a block away. It has been a bar for 11 or 12 years now and all bar owners and staff from all 3 different clubs talk about "Shadow Man"
No one I know of has ever seen a face but they tell of catching a glimpse of a gray figure, usually described as male just walking past a mirror or just a sense of movement when there's only 1 or 2 people left in the building.
I always said, "Yeah, sure."
Then there was the night the drawer didn't balance. I told Max I would find it and sent him home.
I locked the doors and turned out the lights except for the jar lights over the bar and sat down and finally found a $100 in the stack of 10's. I was banding up cash when I got a glimpse of a shape reflected in a mirror on the wall positioned so that I can see the door from where I was sitting. I asked Max what he forgot and without waiting, told him about the "C" note. I got no answer. Immediately, I put the cash in the beer cooler and dropped the safety on my .40 and walked around the bar talking to no one loud enough so the dead could hear me. I got over to the office door which had been locked with the light out and saw light under the door.
I shouted "Who's in there?" and listened. I tried the door. Locked. I unlocked it and went in low, The room was empty.

I did check toilets the next morning as part of my opening routine. They were just fine.
I put the cash in the safe and got the hell out of there.

Well, I'm very skeptical about ghosts existing. There is usually another explanation for these phenomena. :) I've had some strange experiences myself, but I don't know what it was.
Some of my people have conversations with "Shadow Man". I'm certainly not there, but lights turning back on and shapes moving.... Sumptin strange goin' on.

Yes well . . . I would probably think those people had an overactive imagination at least. :D Pretty much every ghost story has been dispelled and have been actually due to logical explanations or people who are maybe feeling a bit vulnerable letting their imaginations run wild. Our brains are very powerful and mysterious things. :)
I agree, but I'm a scientific/mathematical kind of guy and having no logical explanation for what I saw is bothersome.
There may have been some psychological explanation for it. a few grand spread on the bar and a loaded and cocked .40 caliber semi within reach does make you more aware of your surroundings. It could be as simple as something outside blocking light coming through the front doors....

That's good thinking, Ernie. I think it's important for a business owner such as yourself to be armed. You never know what can happen. I've heard of some real horror stories, especially with bar owners. If you are there by yourself late at night, you could be very vulnerable.
Do you believe in ghosts? :D I can't say that I believe in ghosts. Of course, I have no proof either way, but I am skeptical to say the least.
I'm a skeptic myself, or at least I was until opening the bar. The building was built in 1967 as a morgue for the National Guard Armory across the street. It was essentially a collection point for Viet Nam casualties waiting for arrangements to send them home. Once the war wound down, the army sold it and it became a church connected to the senior complex a block away. It has been a bar for 11 or 12 years now and all bar owners and staff from all 3 different clubs talk about "Shadow Man"
No one I know of has ever seen a face but they tell of catching a glimpse of a gray figure, usually described as male just walking past a mirror or just a sense of movement when there's only 1 or 2 people left in the building.
I always said, "Yeah, sure."
Then there was the night the drawer didn't balance. I told Max I would find it and sent him home.
I locked the doors and turned out the lights except for the jar lights over the bar and sat down and finally found a $100 in the stack of 10's. I was banding up cash when I got a glimpse of a shape reflected in a mirror on the wall positioned so that I can see the door from where I was sitting. I asked Max what he forgot and without waiting, told him about the "C" note. I got no answer. Immediately, I put the cash in the beer cooler and dropped the safety on my .40 and walked around the bar talking to no one loud enough so the dead could hear me. I got over to the office door which had been locked with the light out and saw light under the door.
I shouted "Who's in there?" and listened. I tried the door. Locked. I unlocked it and went in low, The room was empty.

I did check toilets the next morning as part of my opening routine. They were just fine.
I put the cash in the safe and got the hell out of there.

Well, I'm very skeptical about ghosts existing. There is usually another explanation for these phenomena. :) I've had some strange experiences myself, but I don't know what it was.
Some of my people have conversations with "Shadow Man". I'm certainly not there, but lights turning back on and shapes moving.... Sumptin strange goin' on.

Oh, another point . . . if there is a God and a heaven and a hell, what is the story with supposed ghosts? I have a few deceased loved ones and would hate to think they are trapped on earth as ghosts. I think that would be more horrible than eternal dirt nap, you know?

See my thread, 'spiritual teachings.' which is now a couple of pages back in the religion forum. I have listed a lot of spiritualist books that are available free to read online.

I do not believe in heaven or hell, or the devil or the resurrection on judgement day. As far as I understand it, The spirit world consists of many realms separated by the frequency of their vibrations. We usually go to the appropriate realm when we die, but sometimes spirits can get stuck in the psychic darkness which surrounds the earth. They can progress and find their way to higher realms but it can take some time.

Well, I only have a few more minutes before I have to log off and get back to work, but I will check that out later. Thanks. :)
I'm a skeptic myself, or at least I was until opening the bar. The building was built in 1967 as a morgue for the National Guard Armory across the street. It was essentially a collection point for Viet Nam casualties waiting for arrangements to send them home. Once the war wound down, the army sold it and it became a church connected to the senior complex a block away. It has been a bar for 11 or 12 years now and all bar owners and staff from all 3 different clubs talk about "Shadow Man"
No one I know of has ever seen a face but they tell of catching a glimpse of a gray figure, usually described as male just walking past a mirror or just a sense of movement when there's only 1 or 2 people left in the building.
I always said, "Yeah, sure."
Then there was the night the drawer didn't balance. I told Max I would find it and sent him home.
I locked the doors and turned out the lights except for the jar lights over the bar and sat down and finally found a $100 in the stack of 10's. I was banding up cash when I got a glimpse of a shape reflected in a mirror on the wall positioned so that I can see the door from where I was sitting. I asked Max what he forgot and without waiting, told him about the "C" note. I got no answer. Immediately, I put the cash in the beer cooler and dropped the safety on my .40 and walked around the bar talking to no one loud enough so the dead could hear me. I got over to the office door which had been locked with the light out and saw light under the door.
I shouted "Who's in there?" and listened. I tried the door. Locked. I unlocked it and went in low, The room was empty.

I did check toilets the next morning as part of my opening routine. They were just fine.
I put the cash in the safe and got the hell out of there.

Well, I'm very skeptical about ghosts existing. There is usually another explanation for these phenomena. :) I've had some strange experiences myself, but I don't know what it was.
Some of my people have conversations with "Shadow Man". I'm certainly not there, but lights turning back on and shapes moving.... Sumptin strange goin' on.

Oh, another point . . . if there is a God and a heaven and a hell, what is the story with supposed ghosts? I have a few deceased loved ones and would hate to think they are trapped on earth as ghosts. I think that would be more horrible than eternal dirt nap, you know?

See my thread, 'spiritual teachings.' which is now a couple of pages back in the religion forum. I have listed a lot of spiritualist books that are available free to read online.

I do not believe in heaven or hell, or the devil or the resurrection on judgement day. As far as I understand it, The spirit world consists of many realms separated by the frequency of their vibrations. We usually go to the appropriate realm when we die, but sometimes spirits can get stuck in the psychic darkness which surrounds the earth. They can progress and find their way to higher realms but it can take some time.

Well, I only have a few more minutes before I have to log off and get back to work, but I will check that out later. Thanks. :)

I found my thread, it was on page ten so I bounced it to the top of the religion forum. Now it is easy to find.

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