USMB Official 2020 Debate Thread -- Round 2..

At least this debate has a small level of civility compared to the last one
71% of those who've already voted in Florida are Democrats.

As of 2 days ago.

Roughly 366,436 voted in person across the state, exceeding the vote count four years ago, when about 290,000 cast ballots on the first day of in-person voting, according to the Florida Department of State. Of the total, 153,743 were registered Republicans, 154,004 were Democrats and 58,689 were third-party or unaffiliated.
As in other states, Democrats retain a distinct advantage among the 2.7 million Floridians who have mailed in their ballots so far; the breakdown among those voters is 49 percent Democratic and 30 percent Republican, according to the state figures. In 18 states across the nation that track partisan affiliation, Democrats so far have outvoted Republicans by a more than 2-to-1 margin, according to data compiled by Michael McDonald, a political scientist at the University of Florida. In the battleground state of Pennsylvania, Democrats have outvoted Republicans 4 to 1.
Democratic enthusiasm is propelling an enormous wave of early voting
The data does not reflect actual vote choices, which will not be counted until Election Day.



Still, Democrats have celebrated their enthusiasm as evidence of a surge of interest across the country to defeat President Trump. Republicans, however, say the Democratic advantage will disappear on Election Day, when they expect the bulk of their supporters to turn out.
Polls show that a majority of Republicans plan to vote on Election Day, in part because of mistrust of mail voting fueled by Trump’s baseless claims that it invites widespread fraud. Democratic strategists agree that the enthusiasm gap will narrow on Election Day, but they are hoping to bank an insurmountable advantage before then among early voters.
It is too early to know what the in-person advantage for Republicans in Florida means in a state that Trump won in 2016 by fewer than 120,000 votes. In several counties that voted for Trump four years ago — including Pinellas, which includes Clearwater and St. Petersburg; Duval, home of Jacksonville; and Seminole, a suburb of Orlando — more Democrats turned out to vote on Monday.
Opening day of early voting in Florida draws thousands
“Trump all the way,” said Melinda McGehee, 53, as she stood next to her friend and fellow Republican voter Alexandra Connor, 51, in Fort Lauderdale. “Because being in health care, I think it’s super important everyone gets what Trump’s trying to do with health care. I’m super scared if Biden wins what’s going to happen to my career, my parents, my family and my friends with health care.”

Kyle Woodard, a 44-year-old schoolteacher from Pompano Beach, said “it’s just a really important year to vote,” after casting his ballot Monday for Democrat Joe Biden at the African-American Research Library and Cultural Center in Fort Lauderdale.
“I’m really inspired based on what’s going on in the country,” Woodard said. “So the first chance I got, I was going to take it.”
With a surge of emotion, Black Americans rush to the polls
Woodard said Trump’s constant attacks on mail voting are a blatant attempt at voter suppression. “Being Black, I’ve seen a lot of suppression my whole life,” he said. “This is nothing new.”

Michael Majchrowicz in Fort Lauderdale contributed to this report.
Updated October 20, 2020
Election 2020: What to know
Follow live updates on the election here.
In the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll, Democratic nominee Joe Biden leads President Trump, with 54 percent of likely voters favoring him vs. 42 percent for Trump.
How to vote: Find out the rules in your state. Some states have already started sending out mail ballots; see how to make sure yours counts. Here’s how many people have already voted. Absentee and mail ballots are two terms for the same thing, mostly used interchangeably. Are you running into voting problems? Let us know.
Wondering if that thing you saw about voting is true? Check out news, analysis and fact checking about allegations involving the voting process here.
Electoral college map: Who actually votes, and who do they vote for? Explore how shifts in turnout and voting patterns for key demographic groups could affect the presidential race.
Policy: Where Biden and Trump stand on key issues defining the election.
Battlegrounds: These are the 50 political states of America. Dive into Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Florida, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Arizona, Georgia, Texas and Ohio, and sign up for The Trailer and get more states, plus more news and insight from the trail, in your inbox three days a week.
Coming up: Trump and Biden are scheduled to debate one more time this fall; here’s what to know about the 2020 presidential debates.

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