USMB Poll: Conservatives: Trump or Not?

Do you support Trump for the GOP Nominee?

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  • Poll closed .
*No liberals please.*

I'd shop at businesses that had that sign in their window.

I read that in SC about 40% of voters hadn't decided who they would vote for until this past week. Evidently they chose Trump
I would love to know which business owners are conservative. Now you have to buy twice as much to make up for me not spending any money

Conservatives only, sealybobo!

Geezus, liberals! Read. You are supposed to be intellectuals and literate.

You shame us. Gotdamn idjits!
I'm certainly not here to help conservatives through the vetting process. Lol. I can't believe the GOP's been hijacked. Ur phucked.

sealybobo I'm not even close to conservative. I'm everything conservatives are against. Except gay, black, unemployed, and I served in the USMC. And I'm not against guns. And I think the Citizens United ruling was in accordance with the Constitution. And GMOs are probably fine. Oh, and vaccines are terrific. And some other stuff.

But otherwise, I am a godless, marxist, socialist, AGW cult member, Darwinist, evolutionist, hedonistic hippie whose fairly PC.

Edit: Oh, and I don't like Islam but gay marriage is a right. And government is the tool of the people, not an enemy. Single payer healthcare for all! Go Bernie! But, I won't vote for Hillary, even in the general,
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How well is Trump supported among USMB conservatives prior to Super Tuesday?

*No liberals please.*

This poll closes February 29th.

A new poll will be posted after Super Tuesday to see if Trump gains more support afterwards.

With your criteria for who is liberal, the only ones that quallify are just north of Jack The Ripper.

What criteria? If you consider yourself a conservative, take the poll. If you don't, don't.

There are a number of us Conservatives that were thrown out of the current GOP for not being conservative enough. When actually, we are quite conservative but don't have the extremists views. I have been called "Liberal, spit on floor" numerous times because I find that the Talk Radio and Fox are dangerous. I have been called a "Liberal, spit on floor" for actually acknowledging something good that Obama has done. I don't blame all the ills on the earth to the Liberals. Never have. I have watched the GOP run towards that cliff for decades. Well, Trump is not the problem, he's a symptom. And if he does get the nomination it tells the rest of us Conservatives that the Republican Party should go by the way of the party it grew from; the Whigs.

It's sad when I remember it has all happened in my lifetime. It started before I was born but was still making the transition in the 50s, 60s and 70s. By the 80s, the GOP was so corrupt. And where did these hijackers come from? They bailed from the Democratic Party because of the changes that were forced upon FDR. Funny, some of the largest Social Programs were created by the Republicans before it was completely hijacked. Before, it was the Dems that were controlled by the Big Money and Special Interests. FDR had no choice and neither did the republican controlled congress. Had they not done the Fair Deal this country would have had an armed revolution. I see a lot of similarities today. I am an old style Republican that the Republican Party has totally toss out of the party.

So I guess I must be a Liberal, spit on floor. I am north of a Closet Homicidal Axe Murderer.
How well is Trump supported among USMB conservatives prior to Super Tuesday?

*No liberals please.*

This poll closes February 29th.

A new poll will be posted after Super Tuesday to see if Trump gains more support afterwards.

With your criteria for who is liberal, the only ones that quallify are just north of Jack The Ripper.

What criteria? If you consider yourself a conservative, take the poll. If you don't, don't.

There are a number of us Conservatives that were thrown out of the current GOP for not being conservative enough. When actually, we are quite conservative but don't have the extremists views. I have been called "Liberal, spit on floor" numerous times because I find that the Talk Radio and Fox are dangerous. I have been called a "Liberal, spit on floor" for actually acknowledging something good that Obama has done. I don't blame all the ills on the earth to the Liberals. Never have. I have watched the GOP run towards that cliff for decades. Well, Trump is not the problem, he's a symptom. And if he does get the nomination it tells the rest of us Conservatives that the Republican Party should go by the way of the party it grew from; the Whigs.

It's sad when I remember it has all happened in my lifetime. It started before I was born but was still making the transition in the 50s, 60s and 70s. By the 80s, the GOP was so corrupt. And where did these hijackers come from? They bailed from the Democratic Party because of the changes that were forced upon FDR. Funny, some of the largest Social Programs were created by the Republicans before it was completely hijacked. Before, it was the Dems that were controlled by the Big Money and Special Interests. FDR had no choice and neither did the republican controlled congress. Had they not done the Fair Deal this country would have had an armed revolution. I see a lot of similarities today. I am an old style Republican that the Republican Party has totally toss out of the party.

So I guess I must be a Liberal, spit on floor. I am north of a Closet Homicidal Axe Murderer.

I take it a candidate like Eisenhower is closer to someone you'd like to see run? By today's standards if the GOP, he would be a liberal. I have a friend who was a Republican until last year. He used to volunteer for Republican local candidates' elections and believes strongly in rational policies and fiscal responsibility. Now he's an independent. The religious right has driven him from the party.
Well the states get to pick their own dates. I get the states rights arguments but this is an election for national office.
I wish the primaries were held in a window of a couple weeks. Stretching it out like they do forces out viable candidates because of money. MONEY

I'll go one step further: I think the primaries should be held on one day just like the general election. Too many voters get swayed by the person that's winning and they want to be on the winning side.

I voted for Trump here, although I don't know how I will vote by the time it gets here to Ohio. After all, our Governor is running for the office although I don't like his stance on many issues.

Plus I have to worry about who Trump would nominate for the Supreme Court. IMO, it's the most important consideration to have when choosing a President.

You haven't given that much thought have you? That primary idea of yours.

What's wrong with it? I think it would be a great idea.

It sounds great.....until you stop and think about how much money and infrastructure it takes to wage a national campaign. If every potential candidate was forced to run in 50 state primaries before having a chance to get some mojo going.....only those with the most money would ever run.

People like Carson, Kasich, Paul, Fiorina and Sanders wouldn't have considered a run.

As it is now, a candidate can go into a few relatively small races ( Iowa, NH, SC, Nevada ) and test the water. If they get something going ( with the media attention they get ) they can raise the funds needed to keep going. Like Obama did in 2008.

I don't think the same places need to be first every cycle....but I definitely think there needs to be a gradual rollout for reasons noted above.

No, because this snails pace is what does cost money.

Let the candidates have their debate in selected locations. Let them have their town halls. Let them run their ads and commercials. But when it comes to voting, let it take place in one day. In the long run, it would actually save money and people who live in states like mine can actually cast a vote for their desired choice instead of what's left over.

OK. You are a hard head. Got it. Enjoy your day.
If it comes to Trump I'll vote for him over those two so called: Democrats. who will only advance the thug Progressive agenda happening under Obama.

vote out the progressives and say no more in 2016
I'll give you one example, no more, like I said you've been around you know what's been going on. So you are either nothing but a hack or senile and either way I'm wasting my time.

I'm sure you recall your dear leader sending 3 representatives to the funeral of a criminal thug, while totally ignoring his victim, another minority I might add. Then he sat on his lazy ass and watched while other thugs destroyed private businesses in the area.

Okay, so let's look at this. The poor "minority" store owner got pushed into a chip rack. OH MY GOOD WHAT A TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCE. He got "pushed". Oh, the horror!


So a thug policeman who had been fired from another police department shoots this kid in the middle of the street, with numerous witnesses reporting he had his hands up. A subsequent Justice Department investigation found there was a pattern of police abuse of the black community, and this was the last straw.

Was this guy worth having a riot over? Maybe not.. Neither was Rodney King. But what stupid people like you fail to understand is that riots don't happen because of one incident. Riots happen because there are ongoing patterns of abuse. It's what happens when Police Department start acting like occupying armies.

Those people didn't have a riot because Obama instigated one. They had one because they were DAMNED ANGRY about what the PD in Furgeson did and was continuing to do.

So if that was the best you could come up with, I can see why you cower in the corner when someone calls you on that 'divisive' bullshit.

You see, actually expecting black people to get the same treatment from the police white people get isn't "Divisive", guy.

James Holmes didn't get shot after he mowed down a whole theater. The police took "the Joker' into custody without shooting him.

Dylan Roof didn't get shot on sight after he had mowed down 9 black people in a church. In fact, the police took him to Burger King because the poor dear was hungry.

Those Nuts in Oregon were allowed to wave their guns for nearly a month before most of them were talked out.

Okay. That's how the Police Treat White People.

Let's see how they treat black people.

Mike Brown is shot in the middle of the street, even though he was unarmed and possibly had his hands up.

Tamir Rice was shot in the middle of a park for playing with a toy gun.

LaQuan McDonald is shot 16 times, 14 times when he was on the ground.

Sandra Bland is pulled out of her car and thrown to the ground for failing to put out a cigarette. She then mysteriously died in prison.

But, no, no, Obama is the "DIVISIVE" one for pointing these things out. Yes, that's it. How dare the first black president point out that black people are treated much more brutally by law enforcement than white people are.
*No liberals please.*

I'd shop at businesses that had that sign in their window.

I read that in SC about 40% of voters hadn't decided who they would vote for until this past week. Evidently they chose Trump


Wrong. Obama was elected remember?

I'll give you one example, no more, like I said you've been around you know what's been going on. So you are either nothing but a hack or senile and either way I'm wasting my time.

I'm sure you recall your dear leader sending 3 representatives to the funeral of a criminal thug, while totally ignoring his victim, another minority I might add. Then he sat on his lazy ass and watched while other thugs destroyed private businesses in the area.

Okay, so let's look at this. The poor "minority" store owner got pushed into a chip rack. OH MY GOOD WHAT A TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCE. He got "pushed". Oh, the horror!


So a thug policeman who had been fired from another police department shoots this kid in the middle of the street, with numerous witnesses reporting he had his hands up. A subsequent Justice Department investigation found there was a pattern of police abuse of the black community, and this was the last straw.

Was this guy worth having a riot over? Maybe not.. Neither was Rodney King. But what stupid people like you fail to understand is that riots don't happen because of one incident. Riots happen because there are ongoing patterns of abuse. It's what happens when Police Department start acting like occupying armies.

Those people didn't have a riot because Obama instigated one. They had one because they were DAMNED ANGRY about what the PD in Furgeson did and was continuing to do.

So if that was the best you could come up with, I can see why you cower in the corner when someone calls you on that 'divisive' bullshit.

You see, actually expecting black people to get the same treatment from the police white people get isn't "Divisive", guy.

James Holmes didn't get shot after he mowed down a whole theater. The police took "the Joker' into custody without shooting him.

Dylan Roof didn't get shot on sight after he had mowed down 9 black people in a church. In fact, the police took him to Burger King because the poor dear was hungry.

Those Nuts in Oregon were allowed to wave their guns for nearly a month before most of them were talked out.

Okay. That's how the Police Treat White People.

Let's see how they treat black people.

Mike Brown is shot in the middle of the street, even though he was unarmed and possibly had his hands up.

Tamir Rice was shot in the middle of a park for playing with a toy gun.

LaQuan McDonald is shot 16 times, 14 times when he was on the ground.

Sandra Bland is pulled out of her car and thrown to the ground for failing to put out a cigarette. She then mysteriously died in prison.

But, no, no, Obama is the "DIVISIVE" one for pointing these things out. Yes, that's it. How dare the first black president point out that black people are treated much more brutally by law enforcement than white people are.

Damn you so good at rewriting history, suddenly to meet your own prejudice a strong armed robbery turns into just being pushed into a potato chip rack. Also all evidence proved Brown didn't have his hands up, he assaulted the officer while he was still in his car and tried to take his gun and he was killed while charging the officer again, he wasn't surrendering. The shooting was ruled justified by both State and DOJ officials. But that didn't stop your dear leader, members of congress and the media form pushing the hands up don't shoot narrative, because they had already made up their minds, evidence be damned. So at this point, feel free to take your hackery and shove it. I'm done.
I'll give you one example, no more, like I said you've been around you know what's been going on. So you are either nothing but a hack or senile and either way I'm wasting my time.

I'm sure you recall your dear leader sending 3 representatives to the funeral of a criminal thug, while totally ignoring his victim, another minority I might add. Then he sat on his lazy ass and watched while other thugs destroyed private businesses in the area.

Okay, so let's look at this. The poor "minority" store owner got pushed into a chip rack. OH MY GOOD WHAT A TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCE. He got "pushed". Oh, the horror!


So a thug policeman who had been fired from another police department shoots this kid in the middle of the street, with numerous witnesses reporting he had his hands up. A subsequent Justice Department investigation found there was a pattern of police abuse of the black community, and this was the last straw.

Was this guy worth having a riot over? Maybe not.. Neither was Rodney King. But what stupid people like you fail to understand is that riots don't happen because of one incident. Riots happen because there are ongoing patterns of abuse. It's what happens when Police Department start acting like occupying armies.

Those people didn't have a riot because Obama instigated one. They had one because they were DAMNED ANGRY about what the PD in Furgeson did and was continuing to do.

So if that was the best you could come up with, I can see why you cower in the corner when someone calls you on that 'divisive' bullshit.

You see, actually expecting black people to get the same treatment from the police white people get isn't "Divisive", guy.

James Holmes didn't get shot after he mowed down a whole theater. The police took "the Joker' into custody without shooting him.

Dylan Roof didn't get shot on sight after he had mowed down 9 black people in a church. In fact, the police took him to Burger King because the poor dear was hungry.

Those Nuts in Oregon were allowed to wave their guns for nearly a month before most of them were talked out.

Okay. That's how the Police Treat White People.

Let's see how they treat black people.

Mike Brown is shot in the middle of the street, even though he was unarmed and possibly had his hands up.

Tamir Rice was shot in the middle of a park for playing with a toy gun.

LaQuan McDonald is shot 16 times, 14 times when he was on the ground.

Sandra Bland is pulled out of her car and thrown to the ground for failing to put out a cigarette. She then mysteriously died in prison.

But, no, no, Obama is the "DIVISIVE" one for pointing these things out. Yes, that's it. How dare the first black president point out that black people are treated much more brutally by law enforcement than white people are.

Repeating the same lie won't make it truth Joe.

Rick pulled a gun out on police. They had no idea it was a toy. The dispatcher who obviously didn't tell the responding officers that it could be a toy resigned from her position. The case was reviewed over and over again, and it was found police acted appropriately by a Grand Jury, just like the Brown case.

As far as most black criminals are concerned, any action by the police is brutality.
Trump is not a conservative, but he has thoroughly captured the zeitgeist of the low-information angry white male. He is the savior to all those who have not seen much post high school education. Like them he doesn't know policy. Like them he can't name basic facts about the Middle East. Like them he can't tell you why both Karl Marx and Adam Smith had the same misgivings over monopolies.

Trump gives flesh to their inchoate anger. He is an empty populist manipulating the Palin Tea Party hoards with focus tested speeches. He doesn't need to be conservative because he is speaking to an audience who doesn't know the difference between Edmund Burke and John Locke.
I'll give you one example, no more, like I said you've been around you know what's been going on. So you are either nothing but a hack or senile and either way I'm wasting my time.

I'm sure you recall your dear leader sending 3 representatives to the funeral of a criminal thug, while totally ignoring his victim, another minority I might add. Then he sat on his lazy ass and watched while other thugs destroyed private businesses in the area.

Okay, so let's look at this. The poor "minority" store owner got pushed into a chip rack. OH MY GOOD WHAT A TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCE. He got "pushed". Oh, the horror!


So a thug policeman who had been fired from another police department shoots this kid in the middle of the street, with numerous witnesses reporting he had his hands up. A subsequent Justice Department investigation found there was a pattern of police abuse of the black community, and this was the last straw.

Was this guy worth having a riot over? Maybe not.. Neither was Rodney King. But what stupid people like you fail to understand is that riots don't happen because of one incident. Riots happen because there are ongoing patterns of abuse. It's what happens when Police Department start acting like occupying armies.

Those people didn't have a riot because Obama instigated one. They had one because they were DAMNED ANGRY about what the PD in Furgeson did and was continuing to do.

So if that was the best you could come up with, I can see why you cower in the corner when someone calls you on that 'divisive' bullshit.

You see, actually expecting black people to get the same treatment from the police white people get isn't "Divisive", guy.

James Holmes didn't get shot after he mowed down a whole theater. The police took "the Joker' into custody without shooting him.

Dylan Roof didn't get shot on sight after he had mowed down 9 black people in a church. In fact, the police took him to Burger King because the poor dear was hungry.

Those Nuts in Oregon were allowed to wave their guns for nearly a month before most of them were talked out.

Okay. That's how the Police Treat White People.

Let's see how they treat black people.

Mike Brown is shot in the middle of the street, even though he was unarmed and possibly had his hands up.

Tamir Rice was shot in the middle of a park for playing with a toy gun.

LaQuan McDonald is shot 16 times, 14 times when he was on the ground.

Sandra Bland is pulled out of her car and thrown to the ground for failing to put out a cigarette. She then mysteriously died in prison.

But, no, no, Obama is the "DIVISIVE" one for pointing these things out. Yes, that's it. How dare the first black president point out that black people are treated much more brutally by law enforcement than white people are.

The video shows Brown is a thug. He was stealing from the store.........he later carried his attitude to the police and his attitude was adjusted permanently...............

Moral of the story.......don't steal...........don't be a thug..........and don't attempt to be a bad ass with the police................It will end your life......................

I have no tears when I post this........court records show most of the witnesses were lying.......and the evidence was against them..............

Case CLOSED...........
Expert: Autopsy Reveals Eyewitness Accounts That Brown Was Shot In Back Are 'False'
FERGUSON, Mo. (CBS St. Louis/AP) — A forensic science expert says that Dr. Michael Baden’s autopsy on 18-year-old Michael Brown shows that eyewitness accounts that the teen was shot in the back by a Ferguson police officer was false.

Baden, a former New York City chief medical examiner, told The New York Times that one of the bullets entered the top of Brown’s skull, suggesting his head was bent forward when he suffered a fatal injury.

Koblinsky stated that there are two scenarios as to how one of the bullets entered Brown’s skull.

“If you picture the shooter shooting a weapon, perhaps holding it at chest level, the victim had to have his head facing downward. He was either falling and the shot was fired, or he was charging at the police officer and the shot was fired. That’s the only way you can get a trajectory like that that was described by Dr. Baden,” Koblinsky told CBS News.

Koblinsky added that the gun was at least two to three feet away from Brown at the time of the shooting.

Attorney General Eric Holder ordered a federal medical examiner to perform another autopsy on Brown.
Conservatives: if you haven't voted in the poll yet, please do.
Believe it or not..........I'm still undecided with it this close........Carson is who I have favored for a while.........while he is still in the's not Trump..........after's a coin flip for me.......which is why I haven't voted.
Damn you so good at rewriting history, suddenly to meet your own prejudice a strong armed robbery turns into just being pushed into a potato chip rack.

Yes, it's being able to 'put things in perspective". The whole "strong arm" part lasted all of six second of pushing Apush or whatever his name was into a chip rack. definitely not worth killing someone over.

Also all evidence proved Brown didn't have his hands up,

you mean like the mentally ill woman who perjured herself and was put up by the DA anyway?

he assaulted the officer while he was still in his car and tried to take his gun and he was killed while charging the officer again, he wasn't surrendering.

Except he wasn't trying to take the gun when the fatal bullets were fired, he was running away.

he shooting was ruled justified by both State and DOJ officials.

No, the DOJ ruled they couldn't file civil rights charges after the DA whitewashed the case. Not quite the same thing.

But that didn't stop your dear leader, members of congress and the media form pushing the hands up don't shoot narrative, because they had already made up their minds, evidence be damned.

Yeah, the evidence was a dead kid with 10 bullet holes in him, most of them from a distance. That was the evidence. And a half dozen witnesses who said he had his hands up. But clearly, Obama took the radical position that police officers shouldn't shoot unarmed black children in the middle of the street, which is a completely divisive position, apparently.

So at this point, feel free to take your hackery and shove it. I'm done.

Yes, no doubt you have a cross-burning to get to, where you can whine to your fellow racists about how I was mean to you.

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