Utah school district that banned Bible considers removing Book of Mormon

The LDS Church doesn't place the Bible very high up on their religious ladder. But the Book of Mormon is revered.

Not really true.

I suppose it can be said that whereas most other forms of Christianity consider the Bible to be the only book of valid scripture, that we can be said to hold the Bible in lower esteem than other sects do, only because we believe that the canon is not closed, that we have other volumes of scripture aside from the Bible, and that we are led by a living prophet through whom God continues to give us words that are comparable to scripture.

If you look at main scripture page, you'll see that we list the Old Testament and the New Testament there, before the Book of Mormon, which is then followed by our two other volumes of standard scripture.

Not really true.

I suppose it can be said that whereas most other forms of Christianity consider the Bible to be the only book of valid scripture, that we can be said to hold the Bible in lower esteem than other sects do, only because we believe that the canon is not closed, that we have other volumes of scripture aside from the Bible, and that we are led by a living prophet through whom God continues to give us words that are comparable to scripture.

If you look at main scripture page, you'll see that we list the Old Testament and the New Testament there, before the Book of Mormon, which is then followed by our two other volumes of standard scripture.

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Having been married to a Mormon and having lived with her devout, Mormon parents, I have first-hand experience (at least in that household) of hearing from them what they actually thought of the Bible. They told me that it couldn't be fully trusted because it had been mistranslated. I never saw any of them read from the Bible or even carry one. But they read from the Book of Mormon and a couple of other revered Mormon books, which they always kept handy.

Now I fully believe in our 1st Amendment right to “freedom of religion” so I'm not here to ridicule someone else's religious beliefs. But, as a Bible believing Christian, I can't say that I consider anyone who rejects the Bible to be a Christian in the biblical sense of the word.
Having been married to a Mormon and having lived with her devout, Mormon parents, I have first-hand experience (at least in that household) of hearing from them what they actually thought of the Bible. They told me that it couldn't be fully trusted because it had been mistranslated. I never saw any of them read from the Bible or even carry one. But they read from the Book of Mormon and a couple of other revered Mormon books, which they always kept handy.

That's not entirely consistent with most Mormons, or with what the church itself has to say, but not a terribly extreme deviance.

We do believe that the Bible is flawed, a product of errors imposed by the handling of imperfect men, acting without divine guidance. The Bible itself contains proof of its incompleteness, in the form of references to other documents, in contexts that make it clear that the authors of those references considered to be scripture but which are now lost.

Now I fully believe in our 1st Amendment right to “freedom of religion” so I'm not here to ridicule someone else's religious beliefs. But, as a Bible believing Christian, I can't say that I consider anyone who rejects the Bible to be a Christian in the biblical sense of the word.

Is your faith centered on the Bible, or is it centered on Jesus Christ, Himself?

In any event, we do not reject the Bible. We revere it as scripture, in spite of its limitations.
On a related note, ActionJackson, allow me to recommend an excellent miniseries on the history leading up to the publication of the King James Bible.

It is titled Fires of Faith, and it consists of three episodes, each not much less than an hour in length.

It begins and ends with the murder of William Tyndale, for his part in trying to make the Bible available in English so that the common people could read it. It covers the various conflicts between the Catholic church and the Church of England, the various flip-flopping between them as to whether the Bible should be available for the common people or kept exclusively for the reading of the clergy, of all the great efforts and sacrifices that were made toward the end of main the Bible so available, leading up to the production of publication of the KJV.

Yes, this series is Mormon-made, but it is not Mormon-centric, and I think you will find nothing in it with which to disagree, and very little that you will not find fascinating.

We're in Obama/Biden's new America. The Constitution is next in line for the chopping block.
Biden isn't out there banning books. Repugs are. To paraphrase Dr Henry Jones, perhaps goose stepping republican morons should try reading books instead of banning them.
Biden isn't out there banning books. Repugs are. To paraphrase Dr Henry Jones, perhaps goose stepping republican morons should try reading books instead of banning them.
they did read them and found that a book detailing how to suck dick and lick cum of the tip of it isnt appropriate for 8 yr olds,,,

not what I asked,, as youve said ,, kids should be taught to be bisexual not teens,,'

and whats your cut off on teens?? 13 or 18 before you teach them how to have gay sex or castrate and mutilate their genitals??
What's your cut off? 10 years for carrying a rapist's spawn to term? 12 years to get married?
14...I'd like it to be a few years younger for blockers but I'll agree to a middle ground.
youre the monster that needs to be stopped,,,

anyone that would castrate mutilate the genitals of a child or expose them to any type of sex let alone perverted gay sex should be put on trial found guilty and put to death,,,

and you just advocated for that,,,
Biden isn't out there banning books. Repugs are. To paraphrase Dr Henry Jones, perhaps goose stepping republican morons should try reading books instead of banning them.
The Demwits and their Social Media whores are routinely banning free speech and the sharing of information. At least the information they don't like. If you've been paying attention, it was recently revealed through the Twitter Files that government agents and agencies have colluded with Twitter's old guard as well as FaceBook to stifle free speech. That's the same thing as book burning.

The US descends further into ridicule. I know this is just retaliation for gop nazi bans but come on.
The bible and all of its various derivatives ought not to be taught in non-parochial schools anyway. Ban the damned things. Do schools teach Father Christmas as anything but a fantasy?
Also, not surprising that a County (likely run by a majority of Mormons) would ban the Bible but not the Book of Mormon. I live in Utah. The LDS Church doesn't place the Bible very high up on their religious ladder. But the Book of Mormon is revered.

But there are tons of Blue, Demwit cities that banned the Bible a long time ago. Many districts allow the teaching of Evilution, but not Creation. Lopsided curriculum.

If you want to learn creation science go to Sunday school and church. The US is behind other countries in science and math.
Biden isn't out there banning books. Repugs are. To paraphrase Dr Henry Jones, perhaps goose stepping republican morons should try reading books instead of banning them.
Oh, we wouldn't want to be associated with goose-steppers now, would we. Let us instead distribute pornography (illustrated, seeing as small children can't yet read) and tack up photos of Ron Jeremy and Dicky Delaney having a shag in from of the local fish & chips shop. That should distance us from Goose-stepping, eh?
If you want to learn creation science go to Sunday school and church. The US is behind other countries in science and math.
Obviously, you're behind in knowing all there is to know about science if you haven't read or studied all sides of the issues.

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