UVA student jailed for possession of bottled water, ice cream

Tinmore, you don't get to run away from the cops once they have identified who they are.

End of subject.
There have been a lot of people who have died at the hands of cops who shared you sentiment and now they're dead.
I don't have links to girls and slushies that got gunned down. But there are plenty of links out there that you can find where people were gunned for absolutely no reason whatsoever. LE has become militarized by DHS since 911. They are off the rails and they are not our friends.
OK, you believe it, that's your right. If you can't give us dozens of examples, you are simply emoting.
Did the officers clearly identify themselves is the only relevant question here that needs to be answered.

Good point. They wore plain clothes so their intent was to hide their identity.

Now, could the police adequately identify themselves to people who were afraid and trying to escape attack? I think not.

If they held up the IDs high in the air and shouted "police", yes.

I wonder why they didn't do that if that is all it takes.
Daly states she saw their badges. Also, she "was on edge after spending the night listening to stories from dozens of sexual assault survivors at an annual "Take Back the Night" vigil on Grounds said Daly's defense attorney, Francis Lawrence."

Bottled-water purchase leads to night in jail for UVa student - The Daily Progress: News

All parties here need to regroup and develop more effective strategies. Perhaps pepper spray for one can of beer and 30 days on the rock pile for a 12 pack...:doubt:

“They were showing unidentifiable badges after they approached us, but we became frightened, as they were not in anything close to a uniform,” Daly said in a written account, according to The Daily Progress.

Unidentifiable badges and they were in plain clothes. Do you really want your daughter stopping in the night and allowing a group of men to approach her so she can get a better look at their badges.

These fucking cops were out of line, way out of line. And a very good example of how "power corrupts."

I mean, even if she had beer like they suspected, it wouldn't warrant this kind of bullshit. These guys are dangerous, they will abuse their power, this we have seen, and who knows how far they'll take it. Perhaps they'll need to haul young ladies off and "interrogate" them in the future.

Something needs to be done about this. We are fools if we allow this kind of thing.
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Tinmore, you don't get to run away from the cops once they have identified who they are.

End of subject.

We don't need any stupid cops doing "Rambo" raids on girls who may (but don't) have a little beer.

They should all get fired.

I agree. And a lawsuit is in order, with punitive damages awarded. The message needs to be sent loud and clear, we will not tolerate this kind of abuse of power on the part of law enforcement.
From the description in the article it sure doesn't sound like anybody identified himself. One vaulted on the hood of the car, another drew a gun?!? WTF is a gun needed for?

Seven guys jumping on three girls in a dark parking lot? Damn right you start the car and get the fuck out of there as quick as you can. And if it's me I don't mind backing up over a few of those bodies - not to hurt them but in simple frickin' self defense.

Hey, I got guns pulled on me by cops (if that's what they were) who never identified themselves in the entire incident. We had another thread not long ago with the guy drinking an iced tea roughed up by a plainclothes alcohol agent - he never identified himself either (the whole thing was on video).

This shit has got to stop. Yesterday.

"When they came for the college girls buying spring water I said nothing...."
Daly states she saw their badges. Also, she "was on edge after spending the night listening to stories from dozens of sexual assault survivors at an annual "Take Back the Night" vigil on Grounds said Daly's defense attorney, Francis Lawrence."

Bottled-water purchase leads to night in jail for UVa student - The Daily Progress: News

All parties here need to regroup and develop more effective strategies. Perhaps pepper spray for one can of beer and 30 days on the rock pile for a 12 pack...:doubt:

“They were showing unidentifiable badges after they approached us, but we became frightened, as they were not in anything close to a uniform,” Daly said in a written account, according to The Daily Progress.

Unidentifiable badges and they were in plain clothes. Do you really want your daughter stopping in the night and allowing a group of men to approach her so she can get a better look at their badges.

These fucking cops were out of line, way out of line. And a very good example of how "power corrupts."

I mean, even if she had beer like they suspected, it wouldn't warrant this kind of bullshit. These guys are dangerous, they will abuse their power, this we have seen, and who knows how far they'll take it. Perhaps they'll need to haul young ladies off and "interrogate" them in the future.

Something needs to be done about this. We are fools if we allow this kind of thing.

The woman was spooked by an earlier dissertation of rape situations. This transferred over to the situation with the cops. The cops were assholes to begin with. All the makings for a drama to be played out by the media.

If I were the father I would be more concerned with the mental and emotional well being of my daughter and not be concerned with my anger at the cops. That will take care of itself in good time with competent counsel.
I would be worried about other cops harassing her, possibly to the point of planting drugs on her or simply raping and killing her.
I would be worried about other cops harassing her, possibly to the point of planting drugs on her or simply raping and killing her.

To what ends? Why target her and for what reason would these"cops" take the chance of being prosecuted themselves?
These are BEVERAGE CONTROL agents. You know, supposed to stop under age kids buying beer. Why are they armed?

" In an age of Big Government, when a strange man jumps on the hood of your car late at night and draws a gun on you, he’s almost certain, statistically speaking, to be a safety inspector from the Bureau of Compliance rather than the local rapist. So sleep easy!" Steyn
These are BEVERAGE CONTROL agents. You know, supposed to stop under age kids buying beer. Why are they armed?

" In an age of Big Government, when a strange man jumps on the hood of your car late at night and draws a gun on you, he’s almost certain, statistically speaking, to be a safety inspector from the Bureau of Compliance rather than the local rapist. So sleep easy!" Steyn

Virginia ABC Special Agents are sworn police officers with full law enforcement authority.

About ABC
These are BEVERAGE CONTROL agents. You know, supposed to stop under age kids buying beer. Why are they armed?

" In an age of Big Government, when a strange man jumps on the hood of your car late at night and draws a gun on you, he’s almost certain, statistically speaking, to be a safety inspector from the Bureau of Compliance rather than the local rapist. So sleep easy!" Steyn

Virginia ABC Special Agents are sworn police officers with full law enforcement authority.

About ABC

Obviously they are, but I would question if they need to be. Does every bureaucracy need it's own Seal Team Six?

Big over-reach, in my opinion.

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