Uvalde Police Chief who gave stand down order donated to ……Beto O’Rourke

Sounds like a big "yes" on your part, to AntonToo's question to me. Makes me wonder if you are looking for an excuse to take on Law Enforcement or Government. You would be well advised to think it through, first. You don't seem like the leadership type, masses would ever follow.
That's a pretty dumb thing to say.

Only commies look for 'excuses" to fight their government.

You know, little things like a black guy getting choked out by a white cop.

No one's looking for "excuses".

However if the job needs doing, someone better step up to the plate.

I don't know about you, but I won't be ruled by Stalin. I'll kill him first. Myself personally, if I have to.
Sounds like a big "yes" on your part, to AntonToo's question to me. Makes me wonder if you are looking for an excuse to take on Law Enforcement or Government. You would be well advised to think it through, first. You don't seem like the leadership type, masses would ever follow.
Not wanting to is not the same as looking for an excuse.
Absolutely saying "no, I would never fight govt or LEO" would be foolhardy, particularly with the vast expansion of fed power that has taken place since 9/11.
We have 2A rights for the purpose of defending ourselves from tyranny, no matter the source
That's a pretty dumb thing to say.

Only commies look for 'excuses" to fight their government.

You know, little things like a black guy getting choked out by a white cop.

No one's looking for "excuses".

However if the job needs doing, someone better step up to the plate.

I don't know about you, but I won't be ruled by Stalin. I'll kill him first. Myself personally, if I have to.
Not at all. Commies can and are anarchists to our form of government, but not all anarchists to our government or any government are commies. I wish it were that simple, but not.

If he comes back from the grave, rather than just a meme-like generalization from the anarchistic people for whatever agenda, let me know.
Not wanting to is not the same as looking for an excuse.
Absolutely saying "no, I would never fight govt or LEO" would be foolhardy, particularly with the vast expansion of fed power that has taken place since 9/11.
We have 2A rights for the purpose of defending ourselves from tyranny, no matter the source
I am not the type that would through it out there. It is unwise.
Tyranny is often in the eye of the beholder. That is another word abused for the purpose of rhetoric.
I am not the type that would through it out there. It is unwise.
Tyranny is often in the eye of the beholder. That is another word abused for the purpose of rhetoric.
If by "eye of the beholder" you mean it is self evident & in your face, I would agree.
All he did was basically agree with a quote from Thomas Jefferson, who knew a bit about the Constitution.
We have the 2A for a main reason & it isn't hunting
It not a matter of lying smart guy. Taz is correct, when your “opinion” accuses somebody of being complicit in murdering children for political gain then that statement needs to be backed up if it is to be taken seriously. Otherwise it is nothing more than a careless and dangerous heap of hot air.
Sorry boing boing boy, nobody has to prove their OPINION correct shit for brains. Then again, given the bullshit you spout, nobody takes you seriously. Now take your hot air and shove off.
If by "eye of the beholder" you mean it is self evident & in your face, I would agree.
All he did was basically agree with a quote from Thomas Jefferson, who knew a bit about the Constitution.
We have the 2A for a main reason & it isn't hunting

Is forcing people to take experimental drugs or lose their jobs tyranny?

Our son was murdered by the Covid vaccine
Now try and actually provide the proof I requested.
Would you please do some thinking on your own?

Same exact scenario with the Parkland shooting. The Sheriff there was a man named Steve Israel and also gave instruction for the officers to stand down while nikolas cruz methodically shot kids.

Two off duty Miramar swat members rushed in and were suspended for doing it.

Have any ability whatsoever to think for yourself?

What a surprise, he’s a moronic Democrat and thought it would benefit the Democrat Agenda to let the killer murder as many kids as possible.

1) Social media ain't any credible source to many, Capitan fucktard. Why are you seemingly addicted to tainted information? Oh yeah, answered that in the first sentence.

That's how magaturds believe they 'win'.

2) Own da libz. At ALL times.
The fact that the left celebrate so hard after mass shootings it proof enough that all of these are not hoped for, but organized by the left.

The Vegas shooter. Remember that? Wonder why country people seeing a country concert were so targeted by some guy we don't know anything about.

Did we ever see the camera footage of him bringing the significant arsenal in to his hotel room? Did anyone testify or recall the loud bangs of a sledge hammer knocking out the windows of that Vegas hotel? Btw, ever see the windows of a Vegas hotel? You know how hard it would be to knock out the windows let alone doing it where no one heard it happening?

Let me know what the facts are in regards to that shooter. What we know is the story went away FAST.


So this Pedro Arredando who broke protocol and has shown to be a beto orourke contributor and allowed the shooter to methodically target and shoot kids while an off duty border patrol put an end to it without any body armor? No questions.

That Broward Sheriff was also a demoncrat and did the exact same thing and all of these stories happened nearly precisely when something significant was going on in the world.

This week the Davos meetings and WHO decisions in Switzerland to rip away our sovereignty. More food warehouses and processing plants have went up in flames.

Don't worry folks. The fact they actually keep telling us they will be reducing the population and how significant it is disarm our public to execute that endeavor is lost on these people. They actually want proof and ignore all of the evidence.

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