

Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
My 72-year-old memory is a time machine. I find myself in 1955 standing in a long line of children of seven to ten years snaking down the corridor of a local elementary school. There is fear in my heart because I hear screams in the distance.

Getting closer I see a large-bosomed nurse holding the head of a student tightly to her chest as a doctor plunges the biggest hypodermic needle I’ll ever see deeply into the arm of a struggling recipient. My turn came; it hurt like hell. By the time my wife made that same rite of passage six years later she was painlessly drinking her shot.

Thanks to Dr. Jonas Salk I have never suffered the ravages of Polio though in my life I have encountered people who did. I am a Baby boomer and I was among the first to benefit from modern medicine. My grandmother, born in the late 1800’s, had thirteen children some of whom didn’t make it. Another scientific savior, Alexander Fleming, made an important observation leading to antibiotics, in particular Penicillin, but many, ill before 1928, succumbed.

My early classmates and I will be forever grateful to these great men because we were freed from a dastardly lottery of microbiology that could randomly take us at will. But like generations living at the foot of a dormant volcano, some of us have forgotten the past.

Smallpox eradication was a great human achievement brought about by mass vaccinations and millions of lives have been saved. Unfortunately, though measles has been nearly eradicated from the US for about twenty years, political resistance to vaccines has been rising and measles outbreaks are beginning to re-appear.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Whooping Cough are not political; they are microorganisms that attack children with developing immune systems and they can kill. Salk showed us how to defend against these diseases but unscientific conspiracies are circulating with Luddite libertarianism. The germs are resurging as rights are confused with medical prudence.

The Autism connection has been debunked by science but it stubbornly persists among some. In addition political parties are playing fast and loose with border security infusing unvaccinated immigrants, both legal and illegal into our communities.

The microorganisms that cause disease have no politics but they do have an agenda to use our bodies as a host. We are courting disaster. Why would we even wait for that?
I remember those shots too. I still have a mark on my arm
I also remember half the class coming down with measles and mumps.

Twenty years ago, we thought we had eradicated those childhood diseases

Now, we have parents embracing conspiracy theories and preventable diseases making a comeback
My 72-year-old memory is a time machine. I find myself in 1955 standing in a long line of children of seven to ten years snaking down the corridor of a local elementary school. There is fear in my heart because I hear screams in the distance.

Getting closer I see a large-bosomed nurse holding the head of a student tightly to her chest as a doctor plunges the biggest hypodermic needle I’ll ever see deeply into the arm of a struggling recipient. My turn came; it hurt like hell. By the time my wife made that same rite of passage six years later she was painlessly drinking her shot.

Thanks to Dr. Jonas Salk I have never suffered the ravages of Polio though in my life I have encountered people who did. I am a Baby boomer and I was among the first to benefit from modern medicine. My grandmother, born in the late 1800’s, had thirteen children some of whom didn’t make it. Another scientific savior, Alexander Fleming, made an important observation leading to antibiotics, in particular Penicillin, but many, ill before 1928, succumbed.

My early classmates and I will be forever grateful to these great men because we were freed from a dastardly lottery of microbiology that could randomly take us at will. But like generations living at the foot of a dormant volcano, some of us have forgotten the past.

Smallpox eradication was a great human achievement brought about by mass vaccinations and millions of lives have been saved. Unfortunately, though measles has been nearly eradicated from the US for about twenty years, political resistance to vaccines has been rising and measles outbreaks are beginning to re-appear.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Whooping Cough are not political; they are microorganisms that attack children with developing immune systems and they can kill. Salk showed us how to defend against these diseases but unscientific conspiracies are circulating with Luddite libertarianism. The germs are resurging as rights are confused with medical prudence.

The Autism connection has been debunked by science but it stubbornly persists among some. In addition political parties are playing fast and loose with border security infusing unvaccinated immigrants, both legal and illegal into our communities.

The microorganisms that cause disease have no politics but they do have an agenda to use our bodies as a host. We are courting disaster. Why would we even wait for that?

Measles Once Declared Eliminated is Resurging in the United States

What I have always wondered about are two things;

Was the vaccine you took, and your wife took, back in that day, the same as the vaccines that they have available today. I can't find any good information on this. My suspicion is that they are not. I have a sneaking suspicion that they were far safer, profit was not a factor.

Today's vaccines are mass produced for a world population, with profits in mind, with corner's cut. . . . My belief is they are far more toxic, with many more doses. . . . just a hunch.

Second, do diseases that aren't highly virulent, that aren't extremely lethal, need vaccines? Or is it better for the human immune system to have some diseases to become experienced at fighting disease? Does every person in society need to live? (I know that sounds heartless, but I have studied evolution a populations, and you need to do this to understand why. .. )

Are we messing too much with complex systems by introducing too many vaccines? Is too much of a good thing actually poisoning and weakening the species?

It sounds heartless, but, without a few million deaths here, and a few million deaths there due to the flu, weakness gets bred into the genome.

What then, genetic engineering to fix the problems?

These ethical problems and messing with nature give me a headache. It reminds me of the old lady that swallowed a fly. We create something to solve a problem, but now it is creating more problems.
Anti-Vaxx Mom Asks How To Protect Her Unvaccinated 3-Year-Old From The Measles Outbreak, Internet Delivers

“My 3-year-old is not vaccinated and there is currently a measles outbreak in my state. Any suggestions for precautions I can take to protect her would be very much appreciated.



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My 72-year-old memory is a time machine. I find myself in 1955 standing in a long line of children of seven to ten years snaking down the corridor of a local elementary school. There is fear in my heart because I hear screams in the distance.

Getting closer I see a large-bosomed nurse holding the head of a student tightly to her chest as a doctor plunges the biggest hypodermic needle I’ll ever see deeply into the arm of a struggling recipient. My turn came; it hurt like hell. By the time my wife made that same rite of passage six years later she was painlessly drinking her shot.

Thanks to Dr. Jonas Salk I have never suffered the ravages of Polio though in my life I have encountered people who did. I am a Baby boomer and I was among the first to benefit from modern medicine. My grandmother, born in the late 1800’s, had thirteen children some of whom didn’t make it. Another scientific savior, Alexander Fleming, made an important observation leading to antibiotics, in particular Penicillin, but many, ill before 1928, succumbed.

My early classmates and I will be forever grateful to these great men because we were freed from a dastardly lottery of microbiology that could randomly take us at will. But like generations living at the foot of a dormant volcano, some of us have forgotten the past.

Smallpox eradication was a great human achievement brought about by mass vaccinations and millions of lives have been saved. Unfortunately, though measles has been nearly eradicated from the US for about twenty years, political resistance to vaccines has been rising and measles outbreaks are beginning to re-appear.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Whooping Cough are not political; they are microorganisms that attack children with developing immune systems and they can kill. Salk showed us how to defend against these diseases but unscientific conspiracies are circulating with Luddite libertarianism. The germs are resurging as rights are confused with medical prudence.

The Autism connection has been debunked by science but it stubbornly persists among some. In addition political parties are playing fast and loose with border security infusing unvaccinated immigrants, both legal and illegal into our communities.

The microorganisms that cause disease have no politics but they do have an agenda to use our bodies as a host. We are courting disaster. Why would we even wait for that?

Measles Once Declared Eliminated is Resurging in the United States

What I have always wondered about are two things;

Was the vaccine you took, and your wife took, back in that day, the same as the vaccines that they have available today. I can't find any good information on this. My suspicion is that they are not. I have a sneaking suspicion that they were far safer, profit was not a factor.

Today's vaccines are mass produced for a world population, with profits in mind, with corner's cut. . . . My belief is they are far more toxic, with many more doses. . . . just a hunch.

Second, do diseases that aren't highly virulent, that aren't extremely lethal, need vaccines? Or is it better for the human immune system to have some diseases to become experienced at fighting disease? Does every person in society need to live? (I know that sounds heartless, but I have studied evolution a populations, and you need to do this to understand why. .. )

Are we messing too much with complex systems by introducing too many vaccines? Is too much of a good thing actually poisoning and weakening the species?

It sounds heartless, but, without a few million deaths here, and a few million deaths there due to the flu, weakness gets bred into the genome.

What then, genetic engineering to fix the problems?

These ethical problems and messing with nature give me a headache. It reminds me of the old lady that swallowed a fly. We create something to solve a problem, but now it is creating more problems.

Immunizations have made massive advances in the last 50 years
Not even close
None of you got a vaccination within the first 24 hours of your birth for an STD which completely destroyed your immune system. BTW, that high mortality rate is most definitely connected to vaccines. I came across one of those studies yesterday that put all the facts and figures in by "experts" in that medical field. The Hep vaccine day old infants have been receiving were killing adults when they first came out. Pharm fraudsters later claimed they just were plain wrong about the vaccine killing the ones who first received it and the beat goes on.... and on... and on... until enough of these parents and family members gather together and demand justice for manslaughter at the very least for those involved in vaccine fraud where any death was caused by vaccines.

The VAER's court expert for the MMR vaccine Zimmerman was dismissed after he learn the connection between the MMR vaccines and Autism. The federal attorneys withheld that information from the courts. Seeing there is most definitely provable fraud in it all y'all may be seeing a whole lot of lawsuits against manufacturers of vaccines.

Another long term problem vaccine gurus seem to be ignoring is the brain damaged ones that the next generation will need to support and the ones the whole is supporting now. That is unless y'all just plan on mass murder to get rid of the financial burden of having 1 in 10 of the population that has autism and all the others that have long term debilitating conditions. Or perhaps that is some of the staunch pro-vaxxers money train have a plan they think will actually work to keeping going through this fraud being perpetrated on the children and their parents today from mass mandated and recommended vaccination regardless; even if it is the downfall of the nation or not, Greed has a way of doing that to societies throughout history.
What I have always wondered about are two things;

Was the vaccine you took, and your wife took, back in that day, the same as the vaccines that they have available today. I can't find any good information on this. My suspicion is that they are not. I have a sneaking suspicion that they were far safer, profit was not a factor.

Today's vaccines are mass produced for a world population, with profits in mind, with corner's cut. . . . My belief is they are far more toxic, with many more doses. . . . just a hunch.

Second, do diseases that aren't highly virulent, that aren't extremely lethal, need vaccines? Or is it better for the human immune system to have some diseases to become experienced at fighting disease? Does every person in society need to live? (I know that sounds heartless, but I have studied evolution a populations, and you need to do this to understand why. .. )

Are we messing too much with complex systems by introducing too many vaccines? Is too much of a good thing actually poisoning and weakening the species?

It sounds heartless, but, without a few million deaths here, and a few million deaths there due to the flu, weakness gets bred into the genome.

What then, genetic engineering to fix the problems?

These ethical problems and messing with nature give me a headache. It reminds me of the old lady that swallowed a fly. We create something to solve a problem, but now it is creating more problems.
Yes they are much more toxic even than they were in the 1970's.
None of you got a vaccination within the first 24 hours of your birth for an STD which completely destroyed your immune system. BTW, that high mortality rate is most definitely connected to vaccines. I came across one of those studies yesterday that put all the facts and figures in by "experts" in that medical field. The Hep vaccine day old infants have been receiving were killing adults when they first came out. Pharm fraudsters later claimed they just were plain wrong about the vaccine killing the ones who first received it and the beat goes on.... and on... and on... until enough of these parents and family members gather together and demand justice for manslaughter at the very least for those involved in vaccine fraud where any death was caused by vaccines.

The VAER's court expert for the MMR vaccine Zimmerman was dismissed after he learn the connection between the MMR vaccines and Autism. The federal attorneys withheld that information from the courts. Seeing there is most definitely provable fraud in it all y'all may be seeing a whole lot of lawsuits against manufacturers of vaccines.

Another long term problem vaccine gurus seem to be ignoring is the brain damaged ones that the next generation will need to support and the ones the whole is supporting now. That is unless y'all just plan on mass murder to get rid of the financial burden of having 1 in 10 of the population that has autism and all the others that have long term debilitating conditions. Or perhaps that is some of the staunch pro-vaxxers money train have a plan they think will actually work to keeping going through this fraud being perpetrated on the children and their parents today from mass mandated and recommended vaccination regardless; even if it is the downfall of the nation or not, Greed has a way of doing that to societies throughout history.
What I have always wondered about are two things;

Was the vaccine you took, and your wife took, back in that day, the same as the vaccines that they have available today. I can't find any good information on this. My suspicion is that they are not. I have a sneaking suspicion that they were far safer, profit was not a factor.

Today's vaccines are mass produced for a world population, with profits in mind, with corner's cut. . . . My belief is they are far more toxic, with many more doses. . . . just a hunch.

Second, do diseases that aren't highly virulent, that aren't extremely lethal, need vaccines? Or is it better for the human immune system to have some diseases to become experienced at fighting disease? Does every person in society need to live? (I know that sounds heartless, but I have studied evolution a populations, and you need to do this to understand why. .. )

Are we messing too much with complex systems by introducing too many vaccines? Is too much of a good thing actually poisoning and weakening the species?

It sounds heartless, but, without a few million deaths here, and a few million deaths there due to the flu, weakness gets bred into the genome.

What then, genetic engineering to fix the problems?

These ethical problems and messing with nature give me a headache. It reminds me of the old lady that swallowed a fly. We create something to solve a problem, but now it is creating more problems.
Yes they are much more toxic even than they were in the 1970's.

Nutjobs like this are why childhood diseases are making a comeback
None of you got a vaccination within the first 24 hours of your birth for an STD which completely destroyed your immune system. BTW, that high mortality rate is most definitely connected to vaccines. I came across one of those studies yesterday that put all the facts and figures in by "experts" in that medical field. The Hep vaccine day old infants have been receiving were killing adults when they first came out. Pharm fraudsters later claimed they just were plain wrong about the vaccine killing the ones who first received it and the beat goes on.... and on... and on... until enough of these parents and family members gather together and demand justice for manslaughter at the very least for those involved in vaccine fraud where any death was caused by vaccines.

The VAER's court expert for the MMR vaccine Zimmerman was dismissed after he learn the connection between the MMR vaccines and Autism. The federal attorneys withheld that information from the courts. Seeing there is most definitely provable fraud in it all y'all may be seeing a whole lot of lawsuits against manufacturers of vaccines.

Another long term problem vaccine gurus seem to be ignoring is the brain damaged ones that the next generation will need to support and the ones the whole is supporting now. That is unless y'all just plan on mass murder to get rid of the financial burden of having 1 in 10 of the population that has autism and all the others that have long term debilitating conditions. Or perhaps that is some of the staunch pro-vaxxers money train have a plan they think will actually work to keeping going through this fraud being perpetrated on the children and their parents today from mass mandated and recommended vaccination regardless; even if it is the downfall of the nation or not, Greed has a way of doing that to societies throughout history.
What I have always wondered about are two things;

Was the vaccine you took, and your wife took, back in that day, the same as the vaccines that they have available today. I can't find any good information on this. My suspicion is that they are not. I have a sneaking suspicion that they were far safer, profit was not a factor.

Today's vaccines are mass produced for a world population, with profits in mind, with corner's cut. . . . My belief is they are far more toxic, with many more doses. . . . just a hunch.

Second, do diseases that aren't highly virulent, that aren't extremely lethal, need vaccines? Or is it better for the human immune system to have some diseases to become experienced at fighting disease? Does every person in society need to live? (I know that sounds heartless, but I have studied evolution a populations, and you need to do this to understand why. .. )

Are we messing too much with complex systems by introducing too many vaccines? Is too much of a good thing actually poisoning and weakening the species?

It sounds heartless, but, without a few million deaths here, and a few million deaths there due to the flu, weakness gets bred into the genome.

What then, genetic engineering to fix the problems?

These ethical problems and messing with nature give me a headache. It reminds me of the old lady that swallowed a fly. We create something to solve a problem, but now it is creating more problems.
Yes they are much more toxic even than they were in the 1970's.

Nutjobs like this are why childhood diseases are making a comeback
There are no childhood diseases making a comeback and pray tell what is your excuse for give a day old baby an STD vaccine?
None of you got a vaccination within the first 24 hours of your birth for an STD which completely destroyed your immune system. BTW, that high mortality rate is most definitely connected to vaccines. I came across one of those studies yesterday that put all the facts and figures in by "experts" in that medical field. The Hep vaccine day old infants have been receiving were killing adults when they first came out. Pharm fraudsters later claimed they just were plain wrong about the vaccine killing the ones who first received it and the beat goes on.... and on... and on... until enough of these parents and family members gather together and demand justice for manslaughter at the very least for those involved in vaccine fraud where any death was caused by vaccines.

The VAER's court expert for the MMR vaccine Zimmerman was dismissed after he learn the connection between the MMR vaccines and Autism. The federal attorneys withheld that information from the courts. Seeing there is most definitely provable fraud in it all y'all may be seeing a whole lot of lawsuits against manufacturers of vaccines.

Another long term problem vaccine gurus seem to be ignoring is the brain damaged ones that the next generation will need to support and the ones the whole is supporting now. That is unless y'all just plan on mass murder to get rid of the financial burden of having 1 in 10 of the population that has autism and all the others that have long term debilitating conditions. Or perhaps that is some of the staunch pro-vaxxers money train have a plan they think will actually work to keeping going through this fraud being perpetrated on the children and their parents today from mass mandated and recommended vaccination regardless; even if it is the downfall of the nation or not, Greed has a way of doing that to societies throughout history.
What I have always wondered about are two things;

Was the vaccine you took, and your wife took, back in that day, the same as the vaccines that they have available today. I can't find any good information on this. My suspicion is that they are not. I have a sneaking suspicion that they were far safer, profit was not a factor.

Today's vaccines are mass produced for a world population, with profits in mind, with corner's cut. . . . My belief is they are far more toxic, with many more doses. . . . just a hunch.

Second, do diseases that aren't highly virulent, that aren't extremely lethal, need vaccines? Or is it better for the human immune system to have some diseases to become experienced at fighting disease? Does every person in society need to live? (I know that sounds heartless, but I have studied evolution a populations, and you need to do this to understand why. .. )

Are we messing too much with complex systems by introducing too many vaccines? Is too much of a good thing actually poisoning and weakening the species?

It sounds heartless, but, without a few million deaths here, and a few million deaths there due to the flu, weakness gets bred into the genome.

What then, genetic engineering to fix the problems?

These ethical problems and messing with nature give me a headache. It reminds me of the old lady that swallowed a fly. We create something to solve a problem, but now it is creating more problems.
Yes they are much more toxic even than they were in the 1970's.

Nutjobs like this are why childhood diseases are making a comeback
There are no childhood diseases making a comeback and pray tell what is your excuse for give a day old baby an STD vaccine?
Nice job by the anti vaccination crowd

Here are some diseases we're seeing thanks to anti-vaxxers
None of you got a vaccination within the first 24 hours of your birth for an STD which completely destroyed your immune system. BTW, that high mortality rate is most definitely connected to vaccines. I came across one of those studies yesterday that put all the facts and figures in by "experts" in that medical field. The Hep vaccine day old infants have been receiving were killing adults when they first came out. Pharm fraudsters later claimed they just were plain wrong about the vaccine killing the ones who first received it and the beat goes on.... and on... and on... until enough of these parents and family members gather together and demand justice for manslaughter at the very least for those involved in vaccine fraud where any death was caused by vaccines.

The VAER's court expert for the MMR vaccine Zimmerman was dismissed after he learn the connection between the MMR vaccines and Autism. The federal attorneys withheld that information from the courts. Seeing there is most definitely provable fraud in it all y'all may be seeing a whole lot of lawsuits against manufacturers of vaccines.

Another long term problem vaccine gurus seem to be ignoring is the brain damaged ones that the next generation will need to support and the ones the whole is supporting now. That is unless y'all just plan on mass murder to get rid of the financial burden of having 1 in 10 of the population that has autism and all the others that have long term debilitating conditions. Or perhaps that is some of the staunch pro-vaxxers money train have a plan they think will actually work to keeping going through this fraud being perpetrated on the children and their parents today from mass mandated and recommended vaccination regardless; even if it is the downfall of the nation or not, Greed has a way of doing that to societies throughout history.
What I have always wondered about are two things;

Was the vaccine you took, and your wife took, back in that day, the same as the vaccines that they have available today. I can't find any good information on this. My suspicion is that they are not. I have a sneaking suspicion that they were far safer, profit was not a factor.

Today's vaccines are mass produced for a world population, with profits in mind, with corner's cut. . . . My belief is they are far more toxic, with many more doses. . . . just a hunch.

Second, do diseases that aren't highly virulent, that aren't extremely lethal, need vaccines? Or is it better for the human immune system to have some diseases to become experienced at fighting disease? Does every person in society need to live? (I know that sounds heartless, but I have studied evolution a populations, and you need to do this to understand why. .. )

Are we messing too much with complex systems by introducing too many vaccines? Is too much of a good thing actually poisoning and weakening the species?

It sounds heartless, but, without a few million deaths here, and a few million deaths there due to the flu, weakness gets bred into the genome.

What then, genetic engineering to fix the problems?

These ethical problems and messing with nature give me a headache. It reminds me of the old lady that swallowed a fly. We create something to solve a problem, but now it is creating more problems.
Yes they are much more toxic even than they were in the 1970's.

Nutjobs like this are why childhood diseases are making a comeback
There are no childhood diseases making a comeback and pray tell what is your excuse for give a day old baby an STD vaccine?
Nice job by the anti vaccination crowd

Here are some diseases we're seeing thanks to anti-vaxxers
Your link won't open on my computer.

Why don't you answer the question I asked? What is your excuse for almost all babies getting an STD shot within 24 hours of their birth?
None of you got a vaccination within the first 24 hours of your birth for an STD which completely destroyed your immune system. BTW, that high mortality rate is most definitely connected to vaccines. I came across one of those studies yesterday that put all the facts and figures in by "experts" in that medical field. The Hep vaccine day old infants have been receiving were killing adults when they first came out. Pharm fraudsters later claimed they just were plain wrong about the vaccine killing the ones who first received it and the beat goes on.... and on... and on... until enough of these parents and family members gather together and demand justice for manslaughter at the very least for those involved in vaccine fraud where any death was caused by vaccines.

The VAER's court expert for the MMR vaccine Zimmerman was dismissed after he learn the connection between the MMR vaccines and Autism. The federal attorneys withheld that information from the courts. Seeing there is most definitely provable fraud in it all y'all may be seeing a whole lot of lawsuits against manufacturers of vaccines.

Another long term problem vaccine gurus seem to be ignoring is the brain damaged ones that the next generation will need to support and the ones the whole is supporting now. That is unless y'all just plan on mass murder to get rid of the financial burden of having 1 in 10 of the population that has autism and all the others that have long term debilitating conditions. Or perhaps that is some of the staunch pro-vaxxers money train have a plan they think will actually work to keeping going through this fraud being perpetrated on the children and their parents today from mass mandated and recommended vaccination regardless; even if it is the downfall of the nation or not, Greed has a way of doing that to societies throughout history.
What I have always wondered about are two things;

Was the vaccine you took, and your wife took, back in that day, the same as the vaccines that they have available today. I can't find any good information on this. My suspicion is that they are not. I have a sneaking suspicion that they were far safer, profit was not a factor.

Today's vaccines are mass produced for a world population, with profits in mind, with corner's cut. . . . My belief is they are far more toxic, with many more doses. . . . just a hunch.

Second, do diseases that aren't highly virulent, that aren't extremely lethal, need vaccines? Or is it better for the human immune system to have some diseases to become experienced at fighting disease? Does every person in society need to live? (I know that sounds heartless, but I have studied evolution a populations, and you need to do this to understand why. .. )

Are we messing too much with complex systems by introducing too many vaccines? Is too much of a good thing actually poisoning and weakening the species?

It sounds heartless, but, without a few million deaths here, and a few million deaths there due to the flu, weakness gets bred into the genome.

What then, genetic engineering to fix the problems?

These ethical problems and messing with nature give me a headache. It reminds me of the old lady that swallowed a fly. We create something to solve a problem, but now it is creating more problems.
Yes they are much more toxic even than they were in the 1970's.

Nutjobs like this are why childhood diseases are making a comeback
There are no childhood diseases making a comeback and pray tell what is your excuse for give a day old baby an STD vaccine?
Nice job by the anti vaccination crowd

Here are some diseases we're seeing thanks to anti-vaxxers
Your link won't open on my computer.

Why don't you answer the question I asked? What is your excuse for almost all babies getting an STD shot within 24 hours of their birth?

I was going to respond to that but figured it was just another case where conservatives distort and misrepresent what is actually happening.

Maybe if you post a credible link I can respond
I find it fascinating that people who a decade ago were anti-vaccine are suddenly "give all the vaccines you can, and do it under force of law".
My 72-year-old memory is a time machine. I find myself in 1955 standing in a long line of children of seven to ten years snaking down the corridor of a local elementary school. There is fear in my heart because I hear screams in the distance.

Getting closer I see a large-bosomed nurse holding the head of a student tightly to her chest as a doctor plunges the biggest hypodermic needle I’ll ever see deeply into the arm of a struggling recipient. My turn came; it hurt like hell. By the time my wife made that same rite of passage six years later she was painlessly drinking her shot.

Thanks to Dr. Jonas Salk I have never suffered the ravages of Polio though in my life I have encountered people who did. I am a Baby boomer and I was among the first to benefit from modern medicine. My grandmother, born in the late 1800’s, had thirteen children some of whom didn’t make it. Another scientific savior, Alexander Fleming, made an important observation leading to antibiotics, in particular Penicillin, but many, ill before 1928, succumbed.

My early classmates and I will be forever grateful to these great men because we were freed from a dastardly lottery of microbiology that could randomly take us at will. But like generations living at the foot of a dormant volcano, some of us have forgotten the past.

Smallpox eradication was a great human achievement brought about by mass vaccinations and millions of lives have been saved. Unfortunately, though measles has been nearly eradicated from the US for about twenty years, political resistance to vaccines has been rising and measles outbreaks are beginning to re-appear.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Whooping Cough are not political; they are microorganisms that attack children with developing immune systems and they can kill. Salk showed us how to defend against these diseases but unscientific conspiracies are circulating with Luddite libertarianism. The germs are resurging as rights are confused with medical prudence.

The Autism connection has been debunked by science but it stubbornly persists among some. In addition political parties are playing fast and loose with border security infusing unvaccinated immigrants, both legal and illegal into our communities.

The microorganisms that cause disease have no politics but they do have an agenda to use our bodies as a host. We are courting disaster. Why would we even wait for that?

Measles Once Declared Eliminated is Resurging in the United States

What I have always wondered about are two things;

Was the vaccine you took, and your wife took, back in that day, the same as the vaccines that they have available today. I can't find any good information on this. My suspicion is that they are not. I have a sneaking suspicion that they were far safer, profit was not a factor.

Today's vaccines are mass produced for a world population, with profits in mind, with corner's cut. . . . My belief is they are far more toxic, with many more doses. . . . just a hunch.

Second, do diseases that aren't highly virulent, that aren't extremely lethal, need vaccines? Or is it better for the human immune system to have some diseases to become experienced at fighting disease? Does every person in society need to live? (I know that sounds heartless, but I have studied evolution a populations, and you need to do this to understand why. .. )

Are we messing too much with complex systems by introducing too many vaccines? Is too much of a good thing actually poisoning and weakening the species?

It sounds heartless, but, without a few million deaths here, and a few million deaths there due to the flu, weakness gets bred into the genome.

What then, genetic engineering to fix the problems?

These ethical problems and messing with nature give me a headache. It reminds me of the old lady that swallowed a fly. We create something to solve a problem, but now it is creating more problems.

This here,

“Second, do diseases that aren't highly virulent, that aren't extremely lethal, need vaccines? Or is it better for the human immune system to have some diseases to become experienced at fighting disease? Does every person in society need to live? (I know that sounds heartless, but I have studied evolution a populations, and you need to do this to understand why. .. )”

So by that logic the holocost was a nessicarey step in human evolution because all the stupid news got killed? That’s extream, but a case can be made. But then who gets to decide? And the diseases that aren’t really “deadly”, flu are you saying that maybe those who die from the flu needs to die because they were weak ?
My 72-year-old memory is a time machine. I find myself in 1955 standing in a long line of children of seven to ten years snaking down the corridor of a local elementary school. There is fear in my heart because I hear screams in the distance.

Getting closer I see a large-bosomed nurse holding the head of a student tightly to her chest as a doctor plunges the biggest hypodermic needle I’ll ever see deeply into the arm of a struggling recipient. My turn came; it hurt like hell. By the time my wife made that same rite of passage six years later she was painlessly drinking her shot.

Thanks to Dr. Jonas Salk I have never suffered the ravages of Polio though in my life I have encountered people who did. I am a Baby boomer and I was among the first to benefit from modern medicine. My grandmother, born in the late 1800’s, had thirteen children some of whom didn’t make it. Another scientific savior, Alexander Fleming, made an important observation leading to antibiotics, in particular Penicillin, but many, ill before 1928, succumbed.

My early classmates and I will be forever grateful to these great men because we were freed from a dastardly lottery of microbiology that could randomly take us at will. But like generations living at the foot of a dormant volcano, some of us have forgotten the past.

Smallpox eradication was a great human achievement brought about by mass vaccinations and millions of lives have been saved. Unfortunately, though measles has been nearly eradicated from the US for about twenty years, political resistance to vaccines has been rising and measles outbreaks are beginning to re-appear.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Whooping Cough are not political; they are microorganisms that attack children with developing immune systems and they can kill. Salk showed us how to defend against these diseases but unscientific conspiracies are circulating with Luddite libertarianism. The germs are resurging as rights are confused with medical prudence.

The Autism connection has been debunked by science but it stubbornly persists among some. In addition political parties are playing fast and loose with border security infusing unvaccinated immigrants, both legal and illegal into our communities.

The microorganisms that cause disease have no politics but they do have an agenda to use our bodies as a host. We are courting disaster. Why would we even wait for that?

Measles Once Declared Eliminated is Resurging in the United States

What I have always wondered about are two things;

Was the vaccine you took, and your wife took, back in that day, the same as the vaccines that they have available today. I can't find any good information on this. My suspicion is that they are not. I have a sneaking suspicion that they were far safer, profit was not a factor.

Today's vaccines are mass produced for a world population, with profits in mind, with corner's cut. . . . My belief is they are far more toxic, with many more doses. . . . just a hunch.

Second, do diseases that aren't highly virulent, that aren't extremely lethal, need vaccines? Or is it better for the human immune system to have some diseases to become experienced at fighting disease? Does every person in society need to live? (I know that sounds heartless, but I have studied evolution a populations, and you need to do this to understand why. .. )

Are we messing too much with complex systems by introducing too many vaccines? Is too much of a good thing actually poisoning and weakening the species?

It sounds heartless, but, without a few million deaths here, and a few million deaths there due to the flu, weakness gets bred into the genome.

What then, genetic engineering to fix the problems?

These ethical problems and messing with nature give me a headache. It reminds me of the old lady that swallowed a fly. We create something to solve a problem, but now it is creating more problems.

This here,

“Second, do diseases that aren't highly virulent, that aren't extremely lethal, need vaccines? Or is it better for the human immune system to have some diseases to become experienced at fighting disease? Does every person in society need to live? (I know that sounds heartless, but I have studied evolution a populations, and you need to do this to understand why. .. )”

So by that logic the holocost was a nessicarey step in human evolution because all the stupid news got killed? That’s extream, but a case can be made. But then who gets to decide? And the diseases that aren’t really “deadly”, flu are you saying that maybe those who die from the flu needs to die because they were weak ?
One sick mofo
None of you got a vaccination within the first 24 hours of your birth for an STD which completely destroyed your immune system. BTW, that high mortality rate is most definitely connected to vaccines. I came across one of those studies yesterday that put all the facts and figures in by "experts" in that medical field. The Hep vaccine day old infants have been receiving were killing adults when they first came out. Pharm fraudsters later claimed they just were plain wrong about the vaccine killing the ones who first received it and the beat goes on.... and on... and on... until enough of these parents and family members gather together and demand justice for manslaughter at the very least for those involved in vaccine fraud where any death was caused by vaccines.

The VAER's court expert for the MMR vaccine Zimmerman was dismissed after he learn the connection between the MMR vaccines and Autism. The federal attorneys withheld that information from the courts. Seeing there is most definitely provable fraud in it all y'all may be seeing a whole lot of lawsuits against manufacturers of vaccines.

Another long term problem vaccine gurus seem to be ignoring is the brain damaged ones that the next generation will need to support and the ones the whole is supporting now. That is unless y'all just plan on mass murder to get rid of the financial burden of having 1 in 10 of the population that has autism and all the others that have long term debilitating conditions. Or perhaps that is some of the staunch pro-vaxxers money train have a plan they think will actually work to keeping going through this fraud being perpetrated on the children and their parents today from mass mandated and recommended vaccination regardless; even if it is the downfall of the nation or not, Greed has a way of doing that to societies throughout history.
Yes they are much more toxic even than they were in the 1970's.

Nutjobs like this are why childhood diseases are making a comeback
There are no childhood diseases making a comeback and pray tell what is your excuse for give a day old baby an STD vaccine?
Nice job by the anti vaccination crowd

Here are some diseases we're seeing thanks to anti-vaxxers
Your link won't open on my computer.

Why don't you answer the question I asked? What is your excuse for almost all babies getting an STD shot within 24 hours of their birth?

I was going to respond to that but figured it was just another case where conservatives distort and misrepresent what is actually happening.

Maybe if you post a credible link I can respond
What? So you come up with some bullshit response instead of just saying 'I don't know' or 'because it is perfectly safe'. a simple question again in case you don't know what STD I am referring to. Why do newborns need a Hepatitis B shot on their birth day?
Nutjobs like this are why childhood diseases are making a comeback
There are no childhood diseases making a comeback and pray tell what is your excuse for give a day old baby an STD vaccine?
Nice job by the anti vaccination crowd

Here are some diseases we're seeing thanks to anti-vaxxers
Your link won't open on my computer.

Why don't you answer the question I asked? What is your excuse for almost all babies getting an STD shot within 24 hours of their birth?

I was going to respond to that but figured it was just another case where conservatives distort and misrepresent what is actually happening.

Maybe if you post a credible link I can respond
What? So you come up with some bullshit response instead of just saying 'I don't know' or 'because it is perfectly safe'. a simple question again in case you don't know what STD I am referring to. Why do newborns need a Hepatitis B shot on their birth day?
It is a nice way of saying .....bullshit
Nutjobs like this are why childhood diseases are making a comeback
There are no childhood diseases making a comeback and pray tell what is your excuse for give a day old baby an STD vaccine?
Nice job by the anti vaccination crowd

Here are some diseases we're seeing thanks to anti-vaxxers
Your link won't open on my computer.

Why don't you answer the question I asked? What is your excuse for almost all babies getting an STD shot within 24 hours of their birth?

I was going to respond to that but figured it was just another case where conservatives distort and misrepresent what is actually happening.

Maybe if you post a credible link I can respond
What? So you come up with some bullshit response instead of just saying 'I don't know' or 'because it is perfectly safe'. a simple question again in case you don't know what STD I am referring to. Why do newborns need a Hepatitis B shot on their birth day?

This might explain a little more and it is not just an std vaccine but I have a feeling you know that.

Separating Fact from Fiction in the Newborn Nursery: Hepatitis B Vaccine for Newborns

Historically in the United States, and currently in countries where HBV infections are endemic, the virus has most commonly been spread from an infected mother to their baby during the birth process. Babies are frequently exposed to a significant amount of blood and body fluids at delivery, so this should make sense. As it stands in the United States now, because of the success of the vaccine the virus is no longer endemic and infections are much less common. So the most common route of spread here is through sex with an infected partner or by being stuck with a contaminated needle.

But the virus can be transmitted from one person to the other through a variety of routes that don’t involve shooting up, healthcare workplace accidents, or risky sexual activity. Viral particles can be found in other infected body fluids, such as saliva contaminated by bleeding gums or biting the inside of the cheek. Children can spread it to each other during close contact in a household or if one toddler bites another. Transmission can also occur when sharing a toothbrush or borrowing a razor. These are all unlikely, but the risk is real and cases happen every year in young children and low-risk adults.

The people who spread the virus to others are often asymptomatic and don’t even know that they are infected. Furthermore, HBV can survive on surfaces for more than seven days and still retain the ability to cause infection. Think about that as your infant crawls around the floor of the gym at their daycare center putting everything within reach straight into their mouth.
My 72-year-old memory is a time machine. I find myself in 1955 standing in a long line of children of seven to ten years snaking down the corridor of a local elementary school. There is fear in my heart because I hear screams in the distance.

Getting closer I see a large-bosomed nurse holding the head of a student tightly to her chest as a doctor plunges the biggest hypodermic needle I’ll ever see deeply into the arm of a struggling recipient. My turn came; it hurt like hell. By the time my wife made that same rite of passage six years later she was painlessly drinking her shot.

Thanks to Dr. Jonas Salk I have never suffered the ravages of Polio though in my life I have encountered people who did. I am a Baby boomer and I was among the first to benefit from modern medicine. My grandmother, born in the late 1800’s, had thirteen children some of whom didn’t make it. Another scientific savior, Alexander Fleming, made an important observation leading to antibiotics, in particular Penicillin, but many, ill before 1928, succumbed.

My early classmates and I will be forever grateful to these great men because we were freed from a dastardly lottery of microbiology that could randomly take us at will. But like generations living at the foot of a dormant volcano, some of us have forgotten the past.

Smallpox eradication was a great human achievement brought about by mass vaccinations and millions of lives have been saved. Unfortunately, though measles has been nearly eradicated from the US for about twenty years, political resistance to vaccines has been rising and measles outbreaks are beginning to re-appear.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Whooping Cough are not political; they are microorganisms that attack children with developing immune systems and they can kill. Salk showed us how to defend against these diseases but unscientific conspiracies are circulating with Luddite libertarianism. The germs are resurging as rights are confused with medical prudence.

The Autism connection has been debunked by science but it stubbornly persists among some. In addition political parties are playing fast and loose with border security infusing unvaccinated immigrants, both legal and illegal into our communities.

The microorganisms that cause disease have no politics but they do have an agenda to use our bodies as a host. We are courting disaster. Why would we even wait for that?

Measles Once Declared Eliminated is Resurging in the United States

What I have always wondered about are two things;

Was the vaccine you took, and your wife took, back in that day, the same as the vaccines that they have available today. I can't find any good information on this. My suspicion is that they are not. I have a sneaking suspicion that they were far safer, profit was not a factor.

Today's vaccines are mass produced for a world population, with profits in mind, with corner's cut. . . . My belief is they are far more toxic, with many more doses. . . . just a hunch.

Second, do diseases that aren't highly virulent, that aren't extremely lethal, need vaccines? Or is it better for the human immune system to have some diseases to become experienced at fighting disease? Does every person in society need to live? (I know that sounds heartless, but I have studied evolution a populations, and you need to do this to understand why. .. )

Are we messing too much with complex systems by introducing too many vaccines? Is too much of a good thing actually poisoning and weakening the species?

It sounds heartless, but, without a few million deaths here, and a few million deaths there due to the flu, weakness gets bred into the genome.

What then, genetic engineering to fix the problems?

These ethical problems and messing with nature give me a headache. It reminds me of the old lady that swallowed a fly. We create something to solve a problem, but now it is creating more problems.

This here,

“Second, do diseases that aren't highly virulent, that aren't extremely lethal, need vaccines? Or is it better for the human immune system to have some diseases to become experienced at fighting disease? Does every person in society need to live? (I know that sounds heartless, but I have studied evolution a populations, and you need to do this to understand why. .. )”

So by that logic the holocost was a nessicarey step in human evolution because all the stupid news got killed? That’s extream, but a case can be made. But then who gets to decide? And the diseases that aren’t really “deadly”, flu are you saying that maybe those who die from the flu needs to die because they were weak ?

Yeah, because genocides are naturally occurring.

Just the other day, there was a genocide that was occurring between to opposing competing populations of deer in our state. It was awful the way these two populations were battling for supremacy. . . . Horns, hooves and tufts of fur everywhere! :ack-1:


See Motte-and-bailey fallacy and False Analogy fallacy.
There are no childhood diseases making a comeback and pray tell what is your excuse for give a day old baby an STD vaccine?
Nice job by the anti vaccination crowd

Here are some diseases we're seeing thanks to anti-vaxxers
Your link won't open on my computer.

Why don't you answer the question I asked? What is your excuse for almost all babies getting an STD shot within 24 hours of their birth?

I was going to respond to that but figured it was just another case where conservatives distort and misrepresent what is actually happening.

Maybe if you post a credible link I can respond
What? So you come up with some bullshit response instead of just saying 'I don't know' or 'because it is perfectly safe'. a simple question again in case you don't know what STD I am referring to. Why do newborns need a Hepatitis B shot on their birth day?

This might explain a little more and it is not just an std vaccine but I have a feeling you know that.

Separating Fact from Fiction in the Newborn Nursery: Hepatitis B Vaccine for Newborns

Historically in the United States, and currently in countries where HBV infections are endemic, the virus has most commonly been spread from an infected mother to their baby during the birth process. Babies are frequently exposed to a significant amount of blood and body fluids at delivery, so this should make sense. As it stands in the United States now, because of the success of the vaccine the virus is no longer endemic and infections are much less common. So the most common route of spread here is through sex with an infected partner or by being stuck with a contaminated needle.

But the virus can be transmitted from one person to the other through a variety of routes that don’t involve shooting up, healthcare workplace accidents, or risky sexual activity. Viral particles can be found in other infected body fluids, such as saliva contaminated by bleeding gums or biting the inside of the cheek. Children can spread it to each other during close contact in a household or if one toddler bites another. Transmission can also occur when sharing a toothbrush or borrowing a razor. These are all unlikely, but the risk is real and cases happen every year in young children and low-risk adults.

The people who spread the virus to others are often asymptomatic and don’t even know that they are infected. Furthermore, HBV can survive on surfaces for more than seven days and still retain the ability to cause infection. Think about that as your infant crawls around the floor of the gym at their daycare center putting everything within reach straight into their mouth.
I see no reason for an uninfected mother to risk her newborn for this vaccine. The risks of losing a baby to the vaccine is very high also.

I am not the only one who sees that mandating these shots are unnecessary. A young couple very health minded were stripped of their new twin babies and their other children for declining to take the babes to the hospital for shots right after the children were born at home. It wasn't a part of their birthing plan. They planned on taking the newborns in to get checked but not to be shot up with vaccines. Evidently that made them bad parents in the eyes of the bureaucrats. Even though the couple already had several well taken care of healthy toddlers.

“Do We Really Need Hepatitis B on the Second Day of Life?” Vaccination Mandates and Shifting Representations of Hepatitis B

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