Vaccine injured child passes away

Yeah instead they get cancer ...............> oh and by the way the POLIO vaccine actually gave kids polio fools

You know nothing other than what your MSM GODS tell you , to fkn lazy to research or so fkn scared to see the truth your pathetic excuses never work because those who are informed see everything you brain deads DONT..

CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Were Given Cancer Virus Via The Polio Shot
The CDC has admitted that between 1955–1963 over 98 million Americans received one or more doses of a polio shot which was contaminated with a cancer-causing virus called Simian vacuolating virus 40 (SV40)

Vaccines have saved literally millions of lives.

You cannot deny that fact.

But I suppose if we had it your way we would get rid of all vaccines. I guess it would be fun to see a kid get rabies like they used to before we started vaccinating animals

Side effects are extremely uncommon no matter what you think.
The point is, parents should not be forced to have their kids vaccinated nor should adults. Vaccines are toxic and are ineffective for many people...

How many is many?

The facts are that vaccines have saved many millions more than they have harmed
That is no reason to force them on anyone, especially other peoples kids. I have never had them save a stinking flu shot that did not work, and I’m certainly not going to give them to my kids.

Never said to force them on anyone did I?

But like I said if you don't vaccinate be prepared to accept the consequences like having your kid barred from public school or other group acivities.
My wife homeschools, but that’s a non-issue because the public schools here do not require vaccines.
if your going to use the word fuck...spell it right dipshit....

are you like a little bitch ragging it ? You've got severe dictator control issues.

I don't jump into your " join me and agree with me box" because i'm not a liberal kiss ass like you.

So keep fighting and spewing your pathetic bs . LOL
im liberal now? your good buddy dean if im a liberal you dumb fuck <<<see thats how you spell that nasty word you are not allowed to say...

well you are acting like a whiny little bitch cause you won't stf up lol ...

G.d get over it who give s a rats ass if I misspelled this or that. I'm not selling a book on amazon
yah know.
its SHUT THE FUCK UP....and GOD dont have to abbreviate here...are you worried about your folks seeing this?....are they going to ground you?....

Dont we usually get along....................
i dont know do we?....i dont think much of the conspiracy bullshit you post up...
are you like a little bitch ragging it ? You've got severe dictator control issues.

I don't jump into your " join me and agree with me box" because i'm not a liberal kiss ass like you.

So keep fighting and spewing your pathetic bs . LOL
im liberal now? your good buddy dean if im a liberal you dumb fuck <<<see thats how you spell that nasty word you are not allowed to say...

well you are acting like a whiny little bitch cause you won't stf up lol ...

G.d get over it who give s a rats ass if I misspelled this or that. I'm not selling a book on amazon
yah know.
its SHUT THE FUCK UP....and GOD dont have to abbreviate here...are you worried about your folks seeing this?....are they going to ground you?....

Dont we usually get along....................
i dont know do we?....i dont think much of the conspiracy bullshit you post up...

Well one day you might be able to tie the CIA into all the lies being fed to those of you who think truthful information are the lies.

Take Trump CIA was behind it all ...............Russian lies Anderson Cooper who works for the CIA
All the crooked bs always turns up having the CIA's name attacked to it.

in fact the CIA COINED that term CONSPIRACY THEORY why to keep you sheep from asking questions.


5. Where possible, counter speculation by encouraging reference to the Commission’s Report itself. Open-minded foreign readers should still be impressed by the care, thoroughness, objectivity and speed with which the Commission worked. Reviewers of other books might be encouraged to add to their account the idea that, checking back with the report itself, they found it far superior to the work of its critics.

Here are screenshots of part of the memo:

Summarizing the tactics which the CIA dispatch recommended:

Claim that it would be impossible for so many people would keep quiet about such a,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge | Zero Hedge
No one believes HPV is a joke. The virus causes cancer in many people.

From Wikipedia
HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection globally.[4] Most people are infected at some point in their lives.[3] In 2012, about 528,000 new cases and 266,000 deaths occurred from cervical cancer worldwide.[11] Around 85% of these occurred in the developing world.[1] In the United States, about 27,000 cases of cancer due to HPV occur each year.

From Snopes
Does the Gardasil Vaccine Come With Crippling Side Effects?
A prominent anti-vaccine web site has promoted heartbreaking stories of illnesses and deaths which they say are a direct result of the Gardasil vaccine, but the causal links are just speculation.
Alex Kasprak
8 June 2017
Does the Gardasil Vaccine Come With Crippling Side Effects?


YOUR SNOPES COUPLE COMPLIMENTS OF SNOPES BHAHAHA and yes this is the two of them GOOGLE IT if you know how.

  1. Snopes on brink as founder accused of fraud and lying | Daily Mail ... Proxy Highlight

    Jul 26, 2017 ..., the 'fact- checking' website, has a GoFundMe asking for cash, claiming it is being 'held hostage' by a contractor. In fact it is in a bitter legal battle with its CEO accused of fraud.

  2. Snopes Faces an Ugly Legal Battle - The Atlantic Proxy Highlight

    Jul 24, 2017 ... The internet's favorite fact-checkers are caught in a messy dispute.

  3. Snopes Caught Lying For Hillary Again, Questions Raised : Dr ... Proxy Highlight

    Nov 22, 2017 ... Snopes has been caught lying again, proving that it has a political and partisan agenda and it is willing to mislead and deceive its readers in order to advance the cause of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party establishment. Earlier this year Correct the Record, a pro-Clinton Super PAC, admitted they ...

  4. Unethical Website Of The Month: Bye-Bye Snopes ... - Ethics Alarms
    Unethical Website Of The Month: Bye-Bye Snopes…You’re Dead To Me Now [UPDATED 10/12/2016]... Proxy Highlight

    Jul 31, 2016 ... I'll miss Snopes, but until it acknowledges its ethics breach and convinces me that the site's days of spinning and lying were a short-lived aberration, I won't be usin
Only morons believe snopes, They’re fucking left wing morons

But neither you nor Mindwars has been able to prove anything I posted from Snopes is not 100% true.
Vaccines should be 100% voluntary, end of story.
Fine with me.

Let Darwin thin the herd. But if you refuse to vaccinate your kids then be prepared to have them barred from public schools etc
Only 3 tyrannical states force vaccines,California,Mississippi and West Va. ALL the rest you have a choice and schools can't keep you out of school.

YOUR SNOPES COUPLE COMPLIMENTS OF SNOPES BHAHAHA and yes this is the two of them GOOGLE IT if you know how.

  1. Snopes on brink as founder accused of fraud and lying | Daily Mail ... Proxy Highlight

    Jul 26, 2017 ..., the 'fact- checking' website, has a GoFundMe asking for cash, claiming it is being 'held hostage' by a contractor. In fact it is in a bitter legal battle with its CEO accused of fraud.

  2. Snopes Faces an Ugly Legal Battle - The Atlantic Proxy Highlight

    Jul 24, 2017 ... The internet's favorite fact-checkers are caught in a messy dispute.

  3. Snopes Caught Lying For Hillary Again, Questions Raised : Dr ... Proxy Highlight

    Nov 22, 2017 ... Snopes has been caught lying again, proving that it has a political and partisan agenda and it is willing to mislead and deceive its readers in order to advance the cause of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party establishment. Earlier this year Correct the Record, a pro-Clinton Super PAC, admitted they ...

  4. Unethical Website Of The Month: Bye-Bye Snopes ... - Ethics Alarms
    Unethical Website Of The Month: Bye-Bye Snopes…You’re Dead To Me Now [UPDATED 10/12/2016]... Proxy Highlight

    Jul 31, 2016 ... I'll miss Snopes, but until it acknowledges its ethics breach and convinces me that the site's days of spinning and lying were a short-lived aberration, I won't be usin
Only morons believe snopes, They’re fucking left wing morons

But neither you nor Mindwars has been able to prove anything I posted from Snopes is not 100% true.
Vaccines should be 100% voluntary, end of story.
Fine with me.

Let Darwin thin the herd. But if you refuse to vaccinate your kids then be prepared to have them barred from public schools etc
Only 3 tyrannical states force vaccines,California,Mississippi and West Va. ALL the rest you have a choice and schools can't keep you out of school.
Actually all 50 states have vaccine laws on the books but all 50 allow medical exemptions, 47 allow religious exemptions and some allow philosophical exemptions.
Only morons believe snopes, They’re fucking left wing morons

But neither you nor Mindwars has been able to prove anything I posted from Snopes is not 100% true.
Vaccines should be 100% voluntary, end of story.
Fine with me.

Let Darwin thin the herd. But if you refuse to vaccinate your kids then be prepared to have them barred from public schools etc
Only 3 tyrannical states force vaccines,California,Mississippi and West Va. ALL the rest you have a choice and schools can't keep you out of school.
Actually all 50 states have vaccine laws on the books but all 50 allow medical exemptions, 47 allow religious exemptions and some allow philosophical exemptions.
I know. Those 3 only allow the medical which just means gee after yer kid gets screwed up by the vaccine THEN we can give you a waiver. One reason we have never moved back to West Va even though we have wanted to.
View attachment 170747
im liberal now? your good buddy dean if im a liberal you dumb fuck <<<see thats how you spell that nasty word you are not allowed to say...

well you are acting like a whiny little bitch cause you won't stf up lol ...

G.d get over it who give s a rats ass if I misspelled this or that. I'm not selling a book on amazon
yah know.
its SHUT THE FUCK UP....and GOD dont have to abbreviate here...are you worried about your folks seeing this?....are they going to ground you?....

Dont we usually get along....................
i dont know do we?....i dont think much of the conspiracy bullshit you post up...

Well one day you might be able to tie the CIA into all the lies being fed to those of you who think truthful information are the lies.

Take Trump CIA was behind it all ...............Russian lies Anderson Cooper who works for the CIA
All the crooked bs always turns up having the CIA's name attacked to it.

in fact the CIA COINED that term CONSPIRACY THEORY why to keep you sheep from asking questions.

View attachment 170747View attachment 170747

5. Where possible, counter speculation by encouraging reference to the Commission’s Report itself. Open-minded foreign readers should still be impressed by the care, thoroughness, objectivity and speed with which the Commission worked. Reviewers of other books might be encouraged to add to their account the idea that, checking back with the report itself, they found it far superior to the work of its critics.

Here are screenshots of part of the memo:

Summarizing the tactics which the CIA dispatch recommended:

Claim that it would be impossible for so many people would keep quiet about such a,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge | Zero Hedge

Obviously, the CIA did not create the term.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines conspiracy theory as "the theory that an event or phenomenon occurs as a result of a conspiracy between interested parties; spec. a belief that some covert but influential agency (typically political in motivation and oppressive in intent) is responsible for an unexplained event". It cites a 1909 article in The American Historical Review as the earliest usage example,[7][8] although it also appears in journals as early as April 1870.[9] The word "conspiracy" derives from the Latin con- ("with, together") and spirare("to breathe").
I know. Those 3 only allow the medical which just means gee after yer kid gets screwed up by the vaccine THEN we can give you a waiver. One reason we have never moved back to West Va even though we have wanted to.

If you know that all 50 states had laws on the books about vaccines and attending school, why did you not say so?
If vaccines are so great, why should the vaccinated be worried about the unvaccinated?

Because then you create "pools" of kids who are not vaccinated resulting in an outbreak of the disease.
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge | Zero Hedge
View attachment 170747
well you are acting like a whiny little bitch cause you won't stf up lol ...

G.d get over it who give s a rats ass if I misspelled this or that. I'm not selling a book on amazon
yah know.
its SHUT THE FUCK UP....and GOD dont have to abbreviate here...are you worried about your folks seeing this?....are they going to ground you?....

Dont we usually get along....................
i dont know do we?....i dont think much of the conspiracy bullshit you post up...

Well one day you might be able to tie the CIA into all the lies being fed to those of you who think truthful information are the lies.

Take Trump CIA was behind it all ...............Russian lies Anderson Cooper who works for the CIA
All the crooked bs always turns up having the CIA's name attacked to it.

in fact the CIA COINED that term CONSPIRACY THEORY why to keep you sheep from asking questions.

View attachment 170747View attachment 170747

5. Where possible, counter speculation by encouraging reference to the Commission’s Report itself. Open-minded foreign readers should still be impressed by the care, thoroughness, objectivity and speed with which the Commission worked. Reviewers of other books might be encouraged to add to their account the idea that, checking back with the report itself, they found it far superior to the work of its critics.

Here are screenshots of part of the memo:

Summarizing the tactics which the CIA dispatch recommended:

Claim that it would be impossible for so many people would keep quiet about such a,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge | Zero Hedge

Obviously, the CIA did not create the term.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines conspiracy theory as "the theory that an event or phenomenon occurs as a result of a conspiracy between interested parties; spec. a belief that some covert but influential agency (typically political in motivation and oppressive in intent) is responsible for an unexplained event". It cites a 1909 article in The American Historical Review as the earliest usage example,[7][8] although it also appears in journals as early as April 1870.[9] The word "conspiracy" derives from the Latin con- ("with, together") and spirare("to breathe").
Conspiracy Theorists USED TO Be Accepted As Normal
Democracy and free market capitalism were founded on conspiracy theories.

The Magna Carta, the Constitution and Declaration of Independence and other founding Western documents were based on conspiracy theories. Greek democracy and free market capitalism were also based on conspiracy theories.

But those were the bad old days …Things have now changed.

The CIA Coined the Term Conspiracy Theorist In 1967
That all changed in the 1960s.

Specifically, in April 1967, the CIA wrote a dispatch which coined the term “conspiracy theories” … and recommended methods for discrediting such theories. The dispatch was marked “psych” – short for “psychological operations” or disinformation – and “CS” for the CIA’s “Clandestine Services” unit.

The dispatch was produced in responses to a Freedom of Information Act request by the New York Times in 1976.

The dispatch states:

2. This trend of opinion is a matter of concern to the U.S. government, including our organization.


Summarizing the tactics which the CIA dispatch recommended:

  • Claim that it would be impossible for so many people would keep quiet about such a big conspiracy
  • Claim that eyewitness testimony is unreliable
  • Claim that this is all old news, as “no significant new evidence has emerged”
  • Ignore conspiracy claims unless discussion about them is already too active
  • Claim that it’s irresponsible to speculate
  • Accuse theorists of being wedded to and infatuated with their theories
  • Accuse theorists of being politically motivated
  • Accuse theorists of having financial interests in promoting conspiracy theories
In other words, the CIA’s clandestine services unit created the arguments for attacking conspiracy theories as unreliable in the 1960s as part of its psychological warfare operations.
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge | Zero Hedge

You really don't get how crooked the Gov. is do you. You really do not understand how they know people rely on sites such as the CDC for information do you not realize the CDC is a GOVERNMENTAL entity and who gets to tell the CDC what they can or can not do THE FED. GOV. who makes money off all those big pharma drugs sold " THE FED GOV" ....... who pays big, big money into the stocks of PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES....the GOV the Rich the elites you gotta connect the dots.
Only morons believe snopes, They’re fucking left wing morons

But neither you nor Mindwars has been able to prove anything I posted from Snopes is not 100% true.
Vaccines should be 100% voluntary, end of story.
Fine with me.

Let Darwin thin the herd. But if you refuse to vaccinate your kids then be prepared to have them barred from public schools etc
Only 3 tyrannical states force vaccines,California,Mississippi and West Va. ALL the rest you have a choice and schools can't keep you out of school.
Actually all 50 states have vaccine laws on the books but all 50 allow medical exemptions, 47 allow religious exemptions and some allow philosophical exemptions.

They are NOT LAWS they are policies and if dumb fk liberals don't wise up it will be forced upon those who don't want to do it.

There are exemptions for every state but they are fading because of Gov. asses like Jerry Brown... who claims all this freedom from gov. yet the bastard forces vaccines.

many other Countries are beginning to BAN VACCINES because they are so heavily tainted.
Only morons believe snopes, They’re fucking left wing morons

But neither you nor Mindwars has been able to prove anything I posted from Snopes is not 100% true.
Vaccines should be 100% voluntary, end of story.
Fine with me.

Let Darwin thin the herd. But if you refuse to vaccinate your kids then be prepared to have them barred from public schools etc
Only 3 tyrannical states force vaccines,California,Mississippi and West Va. ALL the rest you have a choice and schools can't keep you out of school.
Actually all 50 states have vaccine laws on the books but all 50 allow medical exemptions, 47 allow religious exemptions and some allow philosophical exemptions.

State Law & Vaccine Requirements

State Vaccine Requirements – National Vaccine Information Center

Here's a site someone mentioned the law, exemptions etc.
I know. Those 3 only allow the medical which just means gee after yer kid gets screwed up by the vaccine THEN we can give you a waiver. One reason we have never moved back to West Va even though we have wanted to.

If you know that all 50 states had laws on the books about vaccines and attending school, why did you not say so?
If vaccines are so great, why should the vaccinated be worried about the unvaccinated?

Because then you create "pools" of kids who are not vaccinated resulting in an outbreak of the disease.

Millions of Americans have not been vaccinated, and are in no danger. Fact

For what?

The more you know the more you can inform yourself. So hopefully you don't end up like the parents who thought it was all a conspiracy too. Or at least fil in someone else you might know.

Is the childhood vaccine schedule safe? 1

In 1953, health officials at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control told doctors to give children 16 doses of four vaccines by age six. 2

In 1983, it was 23 doses of 7 vaccines by age six. 3

In 2013, it was 69 doses of 16 vaccines by age 18, with 50 doses given by age six. 4

With infants and children in America getting four times as many vaccinations as their grandparents got, how healthy are they?

Today, 1 child in 6 is learning disabled. 5 In 1976, it was 1 child in 30. 6

Today, 1 child in 9 has asthma. 7 In 1980, it was 1 child in 27.8 9

Today, 1 child in 50 develops autism. 10 In the 1990s, it was 1 child in 555. 11 12

Today, 1 child in 400 has diabetes. 13 In 2001, it was 1 child in 500 has diabetes. 14

On top of that, millions of children suffer with seizures, inflammatory bowel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disease, multiple sclerosis, life-threatening allergies, anxiety, depression and behavior disorders. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

In 2013, a physician committee at the Institute of Medicine reported that there were fewer than 40 studies examining the safety of the government’s vaccine schedule for children under age six. 25

Only 40 studies.

Is the Childhood Vaccine Schedule Safe? - NVIC Newsletter
many other Countries are beginning to BAN VACCINES because they are so heavily tainted.

Which ones? Please be specific along with your reliable source, InfoWars, after which you modeled your screen name does not qualify, and links.

Banning vaccines would be like a country stepping back into the 18th century.
Millions of Americans have not been vaccinated, and are in no danger. Fact

For what?
Vaccines suck...

Why do you think we should move back to the 18th Century?

Vaccines have saved millions of lives, why is that a bad thing? Other than your childish response of "Vaccines suck..." what is your reasoning, specifically, if millions of lives are saved?
Millions of Americans have not been vaccinated, and are in no danger. Fact

For what?

The more you know the more you can inform yourself. So hopefully you don't end up like the parents who thought it was all a conspiracy too. Or at least fil in someone else you might know.

Is the childhood vaccine schedule safe? 1

In 1953, health officials at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control told doctors to give children 16 doses of four vaccines by age six. 2

In 1983, it was 23 doses of 7 vaccines by age six. 3

In 2013, it was 69 doses of 16 vaccines by age 18, with 50 doses given by age six. 4

With infants and children in America getting four times as many vaccinations as their grandparents got, how healthy are they?

Today, 1 child in 6 is learning disabled. 5 In 1976, it was 1 child in 30. 6

Today, 1 child in 9 has asthma. 7 In 1980, it was 1 child in 27.8 9

Today, 1 child in 50 develops autism. 10 In the 1990s, it was 1 child in 555. 11 12

Today, 1 child in 400 has diabetes. 13 In 2001, it was 1 child in 500 has diabetes. 14

On top of that, millions of children suffer with seizures, inflammatory bowel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disease, multiple sclerosis, life-threatening allergies, anxiety, depression and behavior disorders. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

In 2013, a physician committee at the Institute of Medicine reported that there were fewer than 40 studies examining the safety of the government’s vaccine schedule for children under age six. 25

Only 40 studies.

Is the Childhood Vaccine Schedule Safe? - NVIC Newsletter

All of your examples are cherry-picked example which do not take into consideration the FACT that many of the examples you cite, were not tested for or even considered decades ago. Others are based on diet, such as diabetes.

Devotees of Infowars are not credible sources.

Above, your source is an organization whose sole purpose is to dissuade everyone from getting vaccinated because there are rare examples of an ill effect in SOMEONE. They are like an organization devoted to discouraging people from flying on a commercial airline because a few years ago a plane crashed. Foolish.
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