Vaccine injured child passes away

CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Were Given Cancer Virus Via The Polio Shot
The CDC has admitted that between 1955–1963 over 98 million Americans received one or more doses of a polio shot which was contaminated with a cancer-causing virus called Simian vacuolating virus 40 (SV40)


You don't even know how fkn stupid you are. Now that's pathetic in fact it's beyond pathetic.

Your post was a total lie. Why not post facts?


Just remember your proof of truth is SNOPES lmfao..

Faulty Research, Pharma News 11/29/2017

Hartford Healthcare Admits It Gave Bad Vaccines
Hartford HealthCare Medical Group is admitting that as many as 900 people potentially received bad vaccines. In light of this, the group is recommending new tuberculosis tests preceded by the second round of vaccines. The vaccines were…

Intnl Vax Issues, Pharma News 11/06/2017

China’s FDA Determines 650,000 Vaccines Are Bad
China officials claim they’ve located more than 650,000 “bad vaccines.” These include vaccines for tetanus (DPT), diphtheria, and pertussis. China’s food and drug administration is claiming that the vaccines were of poor quality, according to the press release via…
i lived among lots of illegals from mexico dumbass.....not many drink that swill,they know better is what i was told....when i asked why they called it mierda jugo....they know what the bottling companies are like down there.....hey but bottoms up!

Oh bs a.h . has nothing to do with that idiot. I'm familiar with Mexicans I live near dozens fool. Try again.
living near them is a little different than hanging with them and eating at their houses....keep drinking that swill

dude you will be the first one who eats a human shit burger. My coke is as safe as it can get esp. compared to the shit you stuff your face with and I can guarantee that one.

As you probably eat everything you shouldn't on a constant basis.

Oh and by the way they are creating a human shit burger in Japan........ Coming to America LOL
you dont know shit about me "dude" that just another one of your conspiracy stories?...

No you are just that fkn stupid a.h.
You can't function in life without your gov. parents it's ok you turned out just like they wanted you to.
im stupid? least i know how to spell fuck....and i dont see conspiracies all over the turned out just how alex jones wanted you to...
They think this HPV is a joke wait until it happens to their or thier grand kid

No one believes HPV is a joke. The virus causes cancer in many people.

From Wikipedia
HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection globally.[4] Most people are infected at some point in their lives.[3] In 2012, about 528,000 new cases and 266,000 deaths occurred from cervical cancer worldwide.[11] Around 85% of these occurred in the developing world.[1] In the United States, about 27,000 cases of cancer due to HPV occur each year.

From Snopes
Does the Gardasil Vaccine Come With Crippling Side Effects?
A prominent anti-vaccine web site has promoted heartbreaking stories of illnesses and deaths which they say are a direct result of the Gardasil vaccine, but the causal links are just speculation.
Alex Kasprak
8 June 2017
Does the Gardasil Vaccine Come With Crippling Side Effects?


YOUR SNOPES COUPLE COMPLIMENTS OF SNOPES BHAHAHA and yes this is the two of them GOOGLE IT if you know how.

  1. Snopes on brink as founder accused of fraud and lying | Daily Mail ... Proxy Highlight

    Jul 26, 2017 ..., the 'fact- checking' website, has a GoFundMe asking for cash, claiming it is being 'held hostage' by a contractor. In fact it is in a bitter legal battle with its CEO accused of fraud.

  2. Snopes Faces an Ugly Legal Battle - The Atlantic Proxy Highlight

    Jul 24, 2017 ... The internet's favorite fact-checkers are caught in a messy dispute.

  3. Snopes Caught Lying For Hillary Again, Questions Raised : Dr ... Proxy Highlight

    Nov 22, 2017 ... Snopes has been caught lying again, proving that it has a political and partisan agenda and it is willing to mislead and deceive its readers in order to advance the cause of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party establishment. Earlier this year Correct the Record, a pro-Clinton Super PAC, admitted they ...

  4. Unethical Website Of The Month: Bye-Bye Snopes ... - Ethics Alarms
    Unethical Website Of The Month: Bye-Bye Snopes…You’re Dead To Me Now [UPDATED 10/12/2016]... Proxy Highlight

    Jul 31, 2016 ... I'll miss Snopes, but until it acknowledges its ethics breach and convinces me that the site's days of spinning and lying were a short-lived aberration, I won't be usin

THANK YOU for confirming that the information I provided is 100% true. Were my information was NOT true, instead of attacking a source, you would have simply provided a reliable source and link supporting your statements. You could not, thus the personal attack on me.

THANK YOU AGAIN! Please come back again!
Oh bs a.h . has nothing to do with that idiot. I'm familiar with Mexicans I live near dozens fool. Try again.
living near them is a little different than hanging with them and eating at their houses....keep drinking that swill

dude you will be the first one who eats a human shit burger. My coke is as safe as it can get esp. compared to the shit you stuff your face with and I can guarantee that one.

As you probably eat everything you shouldn't on a constant basis.

Oh and by the way they are creating a human shit burger in Japan........ Coming to America LOL
you dont know shit about me "dude" that just another one of your conspiracy stories?...

No you are just that fkn stupid a.h.
You can't function in life without your gov. parents it's ok you turned out just like they wanted you to.
im stupid? least i know how to spell fuck....and i dont see conspiracies all over the turned out just how alex jones wanted you to...

Ok fk u ask me if I care if I cared I wouldn't have left it that way typos happen , SOUNDS LIKE THAT IS YOUR PROBLEM not mine a.h.
CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Were Given Cancer Virus Via The Polio Shot
The CDC has admitted that between 1955–1963 over 98 million Americans received one or more doses of a polio shot which was contaminated with a cancer-causing virus called Simian vacuolating virus 40 (SV40)


You don't even know how fkn stupid you are. Now that's pathetic in fact it's beyond pathetic.
if your going to use the word fuck...spell it right dipshit....
living near them is a little different than hanging with them and eating at their houses....keep drinking that swill

dude you will be the first one who eats a human shit burger. My coke is as safe as it can get esp. compared to the shit you stuff your face with and I can guarantee that one.

As you probably eat everything you shouldn't on a constant basis.

Oh and by the way they are creating a human shit burger in Japan........ Coming to America LOL
you dont know shit about me "dude" that just another one of your conspiracy stories?...

No you are just that fkn stupid a.h.
You can't function in life without your gov. parents it's ok you turned out just like they wanted you to.
im stupid? least i know how to spell fuck....and i dont see conspiracies all over the turned out just how alex jones wanted you to...

Ok fk u ask me if I care if I cared I wouldn't have left it that way typos happen , SOUNDS LIKE THAT IS YOUR PROBLEM not mine a.h.
its a typo?....every time you spell it? realize how stupid that sounded?...
CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Were Given Cancer Virus Via The Polio Shot
The CDC has admitted that between 1955–1963 over 98 million Americans received one or more doses of a polio shot which was contaminated with a cancer-causing virus called Simian vacuolating virus 40 (SV40)


You don't even know how fkn stupid you are. Now that's pathetic in fact it's beyond pathetic.
if your going to use the word fuck...spell it right dipshit....

are you like a little bitch ragging it ? You've got severe dictator control issues.

I don't jump into your " join me and agree with me box" because i'm not a liberal kiss ass like you.

So keep fighting and spewing your pathetic bs . LOL
CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Were Given Cancer Virus Via The Polio Shot
The CDC has admitted that between 1955–1963 over 98 million Americans received one or more doses of a polio shot which was contaminated with a cancer-causing virus called Simian vacuolating virus 40 (SV40)


You don't even know how fkn stupid you are. Now that's pathetic in fact it's beyond pathetic.
if your going to use the word fuck...spell it right dipshit....

are you like a little bitch ragging it ? You've got severe dictator control issues.

I don't jump into your " join me and agree with me box" because i'm not a liberal kiss ass like you.

So keep fighting and spewing your pathetic bs . LOL
im liberal now? your good buddy dean if im a liberal you dumb fuck <<<see thats how you spell that nasty word you are not allowed to say...
dude you will be the first one who eats a human shit burger. My coke is as safe as it can get esp. compared to the shit you stuff your face with and I can guarantee that one.

As you probably eat everything you shouldn't on a constant basis.

Oh and by the way they are creating a human shit burger in Japan........ Coming to America LOL
you dont know shit about me "dude" that just another one of your conspiracy stories?...

No you are just that fkn stupid a.h.
You can't function in life without your gov. parents it's ok you turned out just like they wanted you to.
im stupid? least i know how to spell fuck....and i dont see conspiracies all over the turned out just how alex jones wanted you to...

Ok fk u ask me if I care if I cared I wouldn't have left it that way typos happen , SOUNDS LIKE THAT IS YOUR PROBLEM not mine a.h.
its a typo?....every time you spell it? realize how stupid that sounded?...

Do I care how stupid you think it sounded.
CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Were Given Cancer Virus Via The Polio Shot
The CDC has admitted that between 1955–1963 over 98 million Americans received one or more doses of a polio shot which was contaminated with a cancer-causing virus called Simian vacuolating virus 40 (SV40)


You don't even know how fkn stupid you are. Now that's pathetic in fact it's beyond pathetic.
if your going to use the word fuck...spell it right dipshit....

are you like a little bitch ragging it ? You've got severe dictator control issues.

I don't jump into your " join me and agree with me box" because i'm not a liberal kiss ass like you.

So keep fighting and spewing your pathetic bs . LOL
im liberal now? your good buddy dean if im a liberal you dumb fuck <<<see thats how you spell that nasty word you are not allowed to say...

well you are acting like a whiny little bitch cause you won't stf up lol ...

G.d get over it who give s a rats ass if I misspelled this or that. I'm not selling a book on amazon
yah know.
you dont know shit about me "dude" that just another one of your conspiracy stories?...

No you are just that fkn stupid a.h.
You can't function in life without your gov. parents it's ok you turned out just like they wanted you to.
im stupid? least i know how to spell fuck....and i dont see conspiracies all over the turned out just how alex jones wanted you to...

Ok fk u ask me if I care if I cared I wouldn't have left it that way typos happen , SOUNDS LIKE THAT IS YOUR PROBLEM not mine a.h.
its a typo?....every time you spell it? realize how stupid that sounded?...

Do I care how stupid you think it sounded.
you are to stupid to understand no wonder you dont care...
No you are just that fkn stupid a.h.
You can't function in life without your gov. parents it's ok you turned out just like they wanted you to.
im stupid? least i know how to spell fuck....and i dont see conspiracies all over the turned out just how alex jones wanted you to...

Ok fk u ask me if I care if I cared I wouldn't have left it that way typos happen , SOUNDS LIKE THAT IS YOUR PROBLEM not mine a.h.
its a typo?....every time you spell it? realize how stupid that sounded?...

Do I care how stupid you think it sounded.
you are to stupid to understand no wonder you dont care...

I stopped caring way, way back so yep and when you turn into a jerk...................

I stop paying attention ................................

You don't even know how fkn stupid you are. Now that's pathetic in fact it's beyond pathetic.
if your going to use the word fuck...spell it right dipshit....

are you like a little bitch ragging it ? You've got severe dictator control issues.

I don't jump into your " join me and agree with me box" because i'm not a liberal kiss ass like you.

So keep fighting and spewing your pathetic bs . LOL
im liberal now? your good buddy dean if im a liberal you dumb fuck <<<see thats how you spell that nasty word you are not allowed to say...

well you are acting like a whiny little bitch cause you won't stf up lol ...

G.d get over it who give s a rats ass if I misspelled this or that. I'm not selling a book on amazon
yah know.
its SHUT THE FUCK UP....and GOD dont have to abbreviate here...are you worried about your folks seeing this?....are they going to ground you?....

Logical! Unlike yourself.

Measles has been virtually wiped out. An outbreak is a rarity due to the vaccine.

"Investigation and Results
After receiving notification of the first case on April 10, MDH and the Hennepin County Human Services and Public Health Department began an investigation. The Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists and CDC case definition* was used to identify confirmed cases of measles in Minnesota (1). A health alert was issued April 12, which notified health care providers of the two measles cases in Hennepin County and provided recommendations concerning laboratory testing for measles and strategies to minimize transmission in health care settings. Emphasis was placed on recommendations for all children aged ≥12 months to receive a first dose of MMR. Providers identified patients with suspected measles based on clinical findings and reported suspected cases to MDH. Testing with rRT-PCR was performed at MDH on nasopharyngeal or throat swabs and urine specimens. Among persons testing positive by rRT-PCR who had received vaccine ≤21 days before the test, genotyping was performed to distinguish wild-type measles virus (genotype B3 virus) from the vaccine virus (genotype A virus). Patients (or their parents or guardians) with confirmed measles were interviewed by local public health officials to confirm symptoms, onset date, and exposure history for the 21 days before rash onset and identify contacts during their infectious period (4 days before through 4 days after rash onset). Contacts were defined as persons who had any contact with patients during their infectious period.

Among the 65 confirmed cases, the median patient age was 21 months (range = 3 months–49 years). Patients were residents of Hennepin, Ramsey, LeSueur, and Crow Wing counties. During April 10–May 31, confirmed measles patients were identified in five schools, 12 child care centers, three health care facilities, and numerous households; an estimated 8,250 persons were potentially exposed to measles in these settings. Rash onset dates ranged from March 30–May 27, 2017. Sixty-two (95%) cases were identified in unvaccinated persons, including 50 (77%) in children aged ≥12 months (i.e., age-eligible for MMR vaccination). U.S.-born children of Somali descent (Somali children) accounted for 55 (85%) of the cases. Among the three patients with a history of measles vaccination, all had received 2 MMR doses before illness onset. As of May 31, 20 (31%) patients had been hospitalized, primarily for treatment of dehydration or pneumonia; no deaths had been reported"

Measles Outbreak --- Minnesota April–May 2017
im stupid? least i know how to spell fuck....and i dont see conspiracies all over the turned out just how alex jones wanted you to...

Ok fk u ask me if I care if I cared I wouldn't have left it that way typos happen , SOUNDS LIKE THAT IS YOUR PROBLEM not mine a.h.
its a typo?....every time you spell it? realize how stupid that sounded?...

Do I care how stupid you think it sounded.
you are to stupid to understand no wonder you dont care...

I stopped caring way, way back so yep and when you turn into a jerk...................

I stop paying attention ................................
and yet here you are still replying.....are you a dumbass?....

Logical! Unlike yourself.

Measles has been virtually wiped out. An outbreak is a rarity due to the vaccine.

"Investigation and Results
After receiving notification of the first case on April 10, MDH and the Hennepin County Human Services and Public Health Department began an investigation. The Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists and CDC case definition* was used to identify confirmed cases of measles in Minnesota (1). A health alert was issued April 12, which notified health care providers of the two measles cases in Hennepin County and provided recommendations concerning laboratory testing for measles and strategies to minimize transmission in health care settings. Emphasis was placed on recommendations for all children aged ≥12 months to receive a first dose of MMR. Providers identified patients with suspected measles based on clinical findings and reported suspected cases to MDH. Testing with rRT-PCR was performed at MDH on nasopharyngeal or throat swabs and urine specimens. Among persons testing positive by rRT-PCR who had received vaccine ≤21 days before the test, genotyping was performed to distinguish wild-type measles virus (genotype B3 virus) from the vaccine virus (genotype A virus). Patients (or their parents or guardians) with confirmed measles were interviewed by local public health officials to confirm symptoms, onset date, and exposure history for the 21 days before rash onset and identify contacts during their infectious period (4 days before through 4 days after rash onset). Contacts were defined as persons who had any contact with patients during their infectious period.

Among the 65 confirmed cases, the median patient age was 21 months (range = 3 months–49 years). Patients were residents of Hennepin, Ramsey, LeSueur, and Crow Wing counties. During April 10–May 31, confirmed measles patients were identified in five schools, 12 child care centers, three health care facilities, and numerous households; an estimated 8,250 persons were potentially exposed to measles in these settings. Rash onset dates ranged from March 30–May 27, 2017. Sixty-two (95%) cases were identified in unvaccinated persons, including 50 (77%) in children aged ≥12 months (i.e., age-eligible for MMR vaccination). U.S.-born children of Somali descent (Somali children) accounted for 55 (85%) of the cases. Among the three patients with a history of measles vaccination, all had received 2 MMR doses before illness onset. As of May 31, 20 (31%) patients had been hospitalized, primarily for treatment of dehydration or pneumonia; no deaths had been reported"

Measles Outbreak --- Minnesota April–May 2017

Did you miss so much information posted already. The CDC has been caught lying.
This is the scope you do not get.
Google CDC caught lying and don't go to SNOPES or that dam FACT CHECK bs it's lies...

Look up Dr. Mary's Monkey................ there is a video on it too.
Teenage Vaccine Injured Child Passes Away
Colton was a lover of motorcross and indoor skydiving. After receiving his third dose of the HPV vaccine, he began having neck pains. He went for one last motorcycle ride. He began feeling nauseous the next day and his neck pain intensified. That night, he asked his mom to help him drink water.

Here is Colton’s full story.


So sad people aren't intelligent enough to ASK the Doc. for the inserts to these vaccines Americans are lazy fks who believe the medical industry and their Dr.s are the know all GODS. Some of the medical field doesn't know what the fk are in these vaccines etc..... Some of them need taught and when they learn what the hell is in it they start speaking out if they don't end up dead in the process.

You liberals risk your kids life because you choose to believe MSM bs ...............

It's pathetic you believe nothing until something like this happens to your own kid until then you remain brainless sheep. Willing to risk your kid to the death chair first.

Oh and maybe using therm " not intelligent" enough isn't the right choice of words maybe it should be To gawd dam trusting of this Gov/EPA/FDA/ Gods you put your life in their hands and never ask a thing or take their word for it ................ RESEARCH your own information and don't just go to wth you want to see , , go to the stuff that scares the living shit out of you!!

For many people vaccines make life a living hell, or worse. Fact
Teenage Vaccine Injured Child Passes Away
Colton was a lover of motorcross and indoor skydiving. After receiving his third dose of the HPV vaccine, he began having neck pains. He went for one last motorcycle ride. He began feeling nauseous the next day and his neck pain intensified. That night, he asked his mom to help him drink water.

Here is Colton’s full story.


So sad people aren't intelligent enough to ASK the Doc. for the inserts to these vaccines Americans are lazy fks who believe the medical industry and their Dr.s are the know all GODS. Some of the medical field doesn't know what the fk are in these vaccines etc..... Some of them need taught and when they learn what the hell is in it they start speaking out if they don't end up dead in the process.

You liberals risk your kids life because you choose to believe MSM bs ...............

It's pathetic you believe nothing until something like this happens to your own kid until then you remain brainless sheep. Willing to risk your kid to the death chair first.

Oh and maybe using therm " not intelligent" enough isn't the right choice of words maybe it should be To gawd dam trusting of this Gov/EPA/FDA/ Gods you put your life in their hands and never ask a thing or take their word for it ................ RESEARCH your own information and don't just go to wth you want to see , , go to the stuff that scares the living shit out of you!!

People don't die from vaccines, nutbar

Vaccines don’t work for many people, anyway vaccines or not should be a personal/parental choice.

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