Vaccine law opponents begin process to recall anti health choice senator.

Now one more time. If your child is vaccinated why would you worry about your child catching a disease from an unvaccinated child?

Do you believe in your vaccination or don't you?

I personally have a problem with trusting vaccines coming from China having lived thru the melamine debacle in pet food and that's just for starters. I just don't trust the quality control in that country.

But that's just me.
450 measles-associated deaths reported annually between 1953 and 1963

Maybe you really are stupid.

Before Jonas Salk began testing a polio vaccine in 1952, an average of between 13,000 and 20,000 polio cases of paralytic poliomyelitis were reported yearly (In fact in 1952, the number of polio cases nationally peaked at 58,000).

Pertussis (whooping cough)

Before the vaccine, nearly all children developed whooping cough. Each year, there were 150,000 to 260,000 cases reported, resulting in 9,000 deaths.

In 1964-65, before immunization, 20,000 infants were born with this syndrome. Of these, 11,600 babies were deaf, 3,500 were blind and 1,800 were mentally retarded

Before licensing of the chickenpox vaccine in 1995, nearly all people in the United States got chickenpox by adulthood. It was responsible for 4 million cases, 11,000 hospitalizations and 100 deaths a year.

The list goes on
Before the age of vaccination

Entitled, you feel yourself.
td, no, "my child my choice" is a loser, period.

You have no legal, moral, or ethical imperative to allow your child to put other children in the public square at risk.

Home school at your own expense if you wish to not vax. Woman up and be personally accountable for your behavior.
If your kid gets a disease that there is a vaccine for you should be jailed for neglect and reckless endangerment of their classmates.
And we should be allowed to sue the vaccine makers for murder when their vaccines kill people. We can't. We have to sue the government who has set up vaccine court to pay people.
If your kid gets a disease that there is a vaccine for you should be jailed for neglect and reckless endangerment of their classmates.
And we should be allowed to sue the vaccine makers for murder when their vaccines kill people. We can't. We have to sue the government who has set up vaccine court to pay people.
Whatever. I have no sympathy for terminally stupid people such as yourself. You let a stupid, baseless conspiracy theory scare you to the point that you will endanger your child with preventable diseases, hopefully they will make it to adulthood and look back at what a shit mom they had. I really feel sorry for them but you? No sympathy, none, you are a fucking neglectful idiot that should not be raising children.
If your kid gets a disease that there is a vaccine for you should be jailed for neglect and reckless endangerment of their classmates.
And we should be allowed to sue the vaccine makers for murder when their vaccines kill people. We can't. We have to sue the government who has set up vaccine court to pay people.
Whatever. I have no sympathy for terminally stupid people such as yourself. You let a stupid, baseless conspiracy theory scare you to the point that you will endanger your child with preventable diseases, hopefully they will make it to adulthood and look back at what a shit mom they had. I really feel sorry for them but you? No sympathy, none, you are a fucking neglectful idiot that should not be raising children.
No one 'forces" vaccination. He's not allowed to sue vaccine makers because society benefits tremendously, in fewer deaths and HC cost savings, from vaccines, and we're not going to tolerate wingnuts pursuing legal agendas to defund vaccines anymore than firearms.

He may have to choose between vaccines and home schooling though


Experimental Ebola vaccine could stop virus in West Africa - Yahoo News
If your kid gets a disease that there is a vaccine for you should be jailed for neglect and reckless endangerment of their classmates.
And we should be allowed to sue the vaccine makers for murder when their vaccines kill people. We can't. We have to sue the government who has set up vaccine court to pay people.
Whatever. I have no sympathy for terminally stupid people such as yourself. You let a stupid, baseless conspiracy theory scare you to the point that you will endanger your child with preventable diseases, hopefully they will make it to adulthood and look back at what a shit mom they had. I really feel sorry for them but you? No sympathy, none, you are a fucking neglectful idiot that should not be raising children.
No one 'forces" vaccination. He's not allowed to sue vaccine makers because society benefits tremendously, in fewer deaths and HC cost savings, from vaccines, and we're not going to tolerate wingnuts pursuing legal agendas to defund vaccines anymore than firearms.

He may have to choose between vaccines and home schooling though


Experimental Ebola vaccine could stop virus in West Africa - Yahoo News
This shit makes about as much sense to me as someone believing seat-belts cause cancer and refusing to use them.
No one 'forces" vaccination.

This law comes pretty darn close when it requires both private and public school students to get every available jab including flu shots which are questionably effective and potentially harmful.

He's not allowed to sue vaccine makers

Odi is correct that it's illegal to sue vaccine companies. You have to sue the government.

"The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 (42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to 300aa-34) was enacted in the United States to reduce the potential financial liability of vaccine makers due to vaccine injury claims. The legislation was aimed at ensuring a stable market supply, and to provide cost-effective arbitration for vaccine injury claims. Under the NCVIA, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) was created to provide a federal no-fault system for compensating vaccine-related injuries or death by establishing a claim procedure involving the United States Court of Federal Claims and special masters."
If everybody gets vaccinated....

and if all the vaccines work....

then HOW IN HELL are we going to have the pandemic plague so needed to filter the gene pool?

Oh, and to defuse the population bomb?

Get with the program, you GW cultists.....vaccines are a far bigger threat to saving the planet than is your most wildly imagined rear of cow farts!
If the other classmates are vaccinated what have they to fear? If you believe vaccines work then how is any child with a vaccination endangered?

Some vaccines you have to be a certain age first in order to receive it. Measles, for example, you have to be at least a year old, I believe, and unless things have changed since I was that age it requires two shots over a period of several months before it's effective.
If your kid gets a disease that there is a vaccine for you should be jailed for neglect and reckless endangerment of their classmates.
And we should be allowed to sue the vaccine makers for murder when their vaccines kill people. We can't. We have to sue the government who has set up vaccine court to pay people.
Whatever. I have no sympathy for terminally stupid people such as yourself. You let a stupid, baseless conspiracy theory scare you to the point that you will endanger your child with preventable diseases, hopefully they will make it to adulthood and look back at what a shit mom they had. I really feel sorry for them but you? No sympathy, none, you are a fucking neglectful idiot that should not be raising children.
Your little dream was destroyed and you hot no comeback except for whining and pathetic threats and name calling....typical of you people. Oh and the evidence was posted that its the truth as I said. I have done MORE than enough research on these vaccines how about you? Have you done ANY research on them? Or just believing what you are told?
If your kid gets a disease that there is a vaccine for you should be jailed for neglect and reckless endangerment of their classmates.
And we should be allowed to sue the vaccine makers for murder when their vaccines kill people. We can't. We have to sue the government who has set up vaccine court to pay people.
Whatever. I have no sympathy for terminally stupid people such as yourself. You let a stupid, baseless conspiracy theory scare you to the point that you will endanger your child with preventable diseases, hopefully they will make it to adulthood and look back at what a shit mom they had. I really feel sorry for them but you? No sympathy, none, you are a fucking neglectful idiot that should not be raising children.
No one 'forces" vaccination. He's not allowed to sue vaccine makers because society benefits tremendously, in fewer deaths and HC cost savings, from vaccines, and we're not going to tolerate wingnuts pursuing legal agendas to defund vaccines anymore than firearms.

He may have to choose between vaccines and home schooling though


Experimental Ebola vaccine could stop virus in West Africa - Yahoo News
Forcing kids to be poisoned with vaccines or they can't attend school IS forcing vaccination. If we can't sue the vaccine makers we should go all out no suing cops,doctors,car makers,food makers etc
If everybody gets vaccinated....

and if all the vaccines work....

then HOW IN HELL are we going to have the pandemic plague so needed to filter the gene pool?

Oh, and to defuse the population bomb?

Get with the program, you GW cultists.....vaccines are a far bigger threat to saving the planet than is your most wildly imagined rear of cow farts!

Well, there is some speculation that experimental vaccines created HIV in Africa. In theory, a defective batch of flu vaccine could cause a pandemic.
If your kid gets a disease that there is a vaccine for you should be jailed for neglect and reckless endangerment of their classmates.
And we should be allowed to sue the vaccine makers for murder when their vaccines kill people. We can't. We have to sue the government who has set up vaccine court to pay people.
Whatever. I have no sympathy for terminally stupid people such as yourself. You let a stupid, baseless conspiracy theory scare you to the point that you will endanger your child with preventable diseases, hopefully they will make it to adulthood and look back at what a shit mom they had. I really feel sorry for them but you? No sympathy, none, you are a fucking neglectful idiot that should not be raising children.
Your little dream was destroyed and you hot no comeback except for whining and pathetic threats and name calling....typical of you people. Oh and the evidence was posted that its the truth as I said. I have done MORE than enough research on these vaccines how about you? Have you done ANY research on them? Or just believing what you are told?
If your kid gets a disease that there is a vaccine for you should be jailed for neglect and reckless endangerment of their classmates.
And we should be allowed to sue the vaccine makers for murder when their vaccines kill people. We can't. We have to sue the government who has set up vaccine court to pay people.
Whatever. I have no sympathy for terminally stupid people such as yourself. You let a stupid, baseless conspiracy theory scare you to the point that you will endanger your child with preventable diseases, hopefully they will make it to adulthood and look back at what a shit mom they had. I really feel sorry for them but you? No sympathy, none, you are a fucking neglectful idiot that should not be raising children.
No one 'forces" vaccination. He's not allowed to sue vaccine makers because society benefits tremendously, in fewer deaths and HC cost savings, from vaccines, and we're not going to tolerate wingnuts pursuing legal agendas to defund vaccines anymore than firearms.

He may have to choose between vaccines and home schooling though


Experimental Ebola vaccine could stop virus in West Africa - Yahoo News
Forcing kids to be poisoned with vaccines or they can't attend school IS forcing vaccination. If we can't sue the vaccine makers we should go all out no suing cops,doctors,car makers,food makers etc
Like most fearful idiots you only looked at stuff that fed your fears, you might be interested to learn that the "doctor" that started this retarded and discredited conspiracy theory killed himself in shame.
If everybody gets vaccinated....

and if all the vaccines work....

then HOW IN HELL are we going to have the pandemic plague so needed to filter the gene pool?

Oh, and to defuse the population bomb?

Get with the program, you GW cultists.....vaccines are a far bigger threat to saving the planet than is your most wildly imagined rear of cow farts!

Well, there is some speculation that experimental vaccines created HIV in Africa. In theory, a defective batch of flu vaccine could cause a pandemic.
Speculation? In theory? The only theory here that any of you knuckle-heads should be paying attention to is the germ theory of disease and the scientists that truly understand it. They worked their asses off to prevent disease just for a bunch of people who should know better to call them monsters with sinister goals.
Vaccine law opponents cleared to start recall of Senator Richard Pan

GOOD! Now also get that law repealed! MY CHILD MY CHOICE!
Your child (to raise), our collective problem when it gets others sick from something it should have been vaccinated for.

Bull fucking shit. If vaccines work, that child is protected are they not?

And in no way should it be a problem right? Because you pro vaxxers really believe in the protection right?

What's to worry about then?

Not the kids that cannot be vaccinated because of their compromised immune systems.

The idiots who refuse to vaccinate their kids put every child who cannot be immunized- including infants- in danger.
If your kid gets a disease that there is a vaccine for you should be jailed for neglect and reckless endangerment of their classmates.
And we should be allowed to sue the vaccine makers for murder when their vaccines kill people. We can't. We have to sue the government who has set up vaccine court to pay people.
Whatever. I have no sympathy for terminally stupid people such as yourself. You let a stupid, baseless conspiracy theory scare you to the point that you will endanger your child with preventable diseases, hopefully they will make it to adulthood and look back at what a shit mom they had. I really feel sorry for them but you? No sympathy, none, you are a fucking neglectful idiot that should not be raising children.
Your little dream was destroyed and you hot no comeback except for whining and pathetic threats and name calling....typical of you people. Oh and the evidence was posted that its the truth as I said. I have done MORE than enough research on these vaccines how about you? Have you done ANY research on them? Or just believing what you are told?
If your kid gets a disease that there is a vaccine for you should be jailed for neglect and reckless endangerment of their classmates.
And we should be allowed to sue the vaccine makers for murder when their vaccines kill people. We can't. We have to sue the government who has set up vaccine court to pay people.
Whatever. I have no sympathy for terminally stupid people such as yourself. You let a stupid, baseless conspiracy theory scare you to the point that you will endanger your child with preventable diseases, hopefully they will make it to adulthood and look back at what a shit mom they had. I really feel sorry for them but you? No sympathy, none, you are a fucking neglectful idiot that should not be raising children.
No one 'forces" vaccination. He's not allowed to sue vaccine makers because society benefits tremendously, in fewer deaths and HC cost savings, from vaccines, and we're not going to tolerate wingnuts pursuing legal agendas to defund vaccines anymore than firearms.

He may have to choose between vaccines and home schooling though


Experimental Ebola vaccine could stop virus in West Africa - Yahoo News
Forcing kids to be poisoned with vaccines or they can't attend school IS forcing vaccination. If we can't sue the vaccine makers we should go all out no suing cops,doctors,car makers,food makers etc
Like most fearful idiots you only looked at stuff that fed your fears, you might be interested to learn that the "doctor" that started this retarded and discredited conspiracy theory killed himself in shame.
If you did some research you would know there are MANY current living doctors that know vaccines are dangerous not just 1 that killed themselves and I don't even know who you are talking about actually. I read EVERYTHING for a few years actually. I talked to doctors,nurses,etc We did same thing before deciding not to mutilate and torture our son by having him circumcised. Oh and I guess the federal government buys into these "conspiracy theories" because they have paid MILLIONS to parents of dead and injured children who got that way from vaccine injuries. Damn government is a conspiracy theorist you better not believe anything they say.
Vaccine law opponents cleared to start recall of Senator Richard Pan

GOOD! Now also get that law repealed! MY CHILD MY CHOICE!

You can refuse to vaccinate your kid if you want he just won't be able to attend public school

So you are free to home school if you like
1. I don't live in Marxistfornia so this doesn't affect me directly it affects anyone that enjoys the freedom to decide their's and their children's health decisions
2. The law is unconstitutional

ACLU says California vaccine law is unconstitutional Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind
California attorney and assemblyman challenges mandatory vaccination law as unconstitutional -

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