VAERS shows a 4070% Increase in miscarriages and stillbirths since mRNA Roll-out


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
The sad but the fact shows clearly humanity is completely enslaved by a global freemasonic satanist cabal.
Why all those who organized and supported SCAMdemic CONvid-1984 still not tried by independent courts?

The vaccine is “safe and effective” according to our very own CDC, FDA and Federal government.

Nothing to see here. Pay no attention to the 4,070% increase in miscarriages and stillbirths, as reported by the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). The VAERS system is the federal government’s method of monitoring vaccine injuries through real-time reporting. As reported through

In 2016 Dr. Cody Meissner authored an article for AAP News in which he stated “In 2012, reports were received from health care providers (41%), manufacturers (29%), other sources (17%) and vaccinees or families (14%).”
Pfizer, the maker of one of the notorious mRNA “vaccines”, has recently come out and acknowledged that the vaccine may cause blood clots. As reported on by The Gateway Pundit yesterday, Pfizer’s President of International Developed Markets Janine Small admitted that the vaccine had never been tested on whether or not it prevented transmission of the disease before it entered the market.

TRENDING: BREAKING: Katie Hobbs Files Emergency Motion To Quash Her Subpoena For Appearance At Kari Lake's Trial - Lawyers Withdraw Hobbs' Subpoena

The known effects of myocarditis and other cardiac injuries has not only been well documented in the public, it is now being acknowledged by the vaccine manufacturer and the FDA themselves. And now that Twitter allows “free speech” (kind of), the message is beginning to disseminate throughout the mainstream.

But what’s not getting a lot of attention is the unbelievable spike in miscarriages and stillbirths. The following charts show the dramatic increases according to OpenVAERS:


Miscarriages as a result of a non-covid vaccine seemed to spike in 2008 around the HPV vaccine. That number was just over 160 cases (165). In 2021 and 2022, we have seen 3,379 and 1,445, respectively, related to the COVID vaccines.

It is worth mentioning that it is estimated by a Harvard study that only a small percentage of actual VAERS injuries get reported. The process is cumbersome for doctors and nurses and there are whistleblowers who have claimed they are “discouraged” for lack of a better term, from writing VAERS reports. The actual number is likely significantly higher.

Remember that anomaly in the number of injuries reported as well as the discouragement when you consider the increase in myocarditis cases as well as deaths:


At this point, there are only 2 options:
1) This was the biggest medical/science screw up of all time.
2) Not a mistake, it's a biological depopulation weapon.

While I do believe most of our "experts" are morons without common sense, I don't think this was a screw up.
They knew this would happen because they had it planned all along.
The fact they got rich in the process is just the icing on the cake
Kaching!... Another fear mongering installment brought to you by your local foreign agent™.
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We'll take a look at these, which should assist the DeSantis investigation. We've already found one strong link between a SARS2 spike protein sequence and birth defects in mice/rats which symptom is 'wavy ribs.' Don't be fooled: Moderna knows about 'wavy ribs.' This skeletal link immediately connects to individual genetics of host susceptibilities.
"The sad but the fact shows clearly humanity is completely enslaved by a global freemasonic satanist cabal."

You forgot lizard people.
The sad but the fact shows clearly humanity is completely enslaved by a global freemasonic satanist cabal.
Why all those who organized and supported SCAMdemic CONvid-1984 still not tried by independent courts?

The vaccine is “safe and effective” according to our very own CDC, FDA and Federal government.

Nothing to see here. Pay no attention to the 4,070% increase in miscarriages and stillbirths, as reported by the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). The VAERS system is the federal government’s method of monitoring vaccine injuries through real-time reporting. As reported through

Pfizer, the maker of one of the notorious mRNA “vaccines”, has recently come out and acknowledged that the vaccine may cause blood clots. As reported on by The Gateway Pundit yesterday, Pfizer’s President of International Developed Markets Janine Small admitted that the vaccine had never been tested on whether or not it prevented transmission of the disease before it entered the market.

TRENDING: BREAKING: Katie Hobbs Files Emergency Motion To Quash Her Subpoena For Appearance At Kari Lake's Trial - Lawyers Withdraw Hobbs' Subpoena

The known effects of myocarditis and other cardiac injuries has not only been well documented in the public, it is now being acknowledged by the vaccine manufacturer and the FDA themselves. And now that Twitter allows “free speech” (kind of), the message is beginning to disseminate throughout the mainstream.

But what’s not getting a lot of attention is the unbelievable spike in miscarriages and stillbirths. The following charts show the dramatic increases according to OpenVAERS:


Miscarriages as a result of a non-covid vaccine seemed to spike in 2008 around the HPV vaccine. That number was just over 160 cases (165). In 2021 and 2022, we have seen 3,379 and 1,445, respectively, related to the COVID vaccines.

It is worth mentioning that it is estimated by a Harvard study that only a small percentage of actual VAERS injuries get reported. The process is cumbersome for doctors and nurses and there are whistleblowers who have claimed they are “discouraged” for lack of a better term, from writing VAERS reports. The actual number is likely significantly higher.

Remember that anomaly in the number of injuries reported as well as the discouragement when you consider the increase in myocarditis cases as well as deaths:


Quit spreading fear with all of those facts and science. Its scary. Tell us that the injections are wonderful and have never caused any harm.
Quit spreading fear with all of those facts and science. Its scary. Tell us that the injections are wonderful and have never caused any harm.
I just wonder what the motivation is. Are you just trying to make Trump look bad? Why is it so important to you stooges to scare people away from the vaccines?
I just wonder what the motivation is. Are you just trying to make Trump look bad? Why is it so important to you stooges to scare people away from the vaccines?

Just inform people of the dangers. Has nothing to do with fear. Show the facts and stop the censorship, propaganda and let people make their own decision. Thats all. Pretty simple.
First of all percentage are expressed as a fraction of 100. 100 % meaning everyone. or everything. So there is no such thing as 4,000 percent and that is a clue about the interpretation which seeks to use a number that seems large. They could have said 99% which would indicate the same thing or 100% which would be a certainty.

VAERS data is unverified as anyone can post on it anything they want. They are not confirmed as being caused by COVID. This is just a dumping ground for data and anyone who wants to use it.

The CDC says there is no evidence of risk increase of miscarriage for woman who have been vaccinated.

Multiple studies around the world have found no increased risk of miscarriage or stillbirths associated with COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy. One large study in Norway, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, Researchers found no link between COVID-19 vaccines and risk of first-trimester miscarriage, regardless of whether the vaccines were from Moderna, Pfizer and BioNTech, or AstraZeneca, according to Reuters reporting

First of all percentage are expressed as a fraction of 100. 100 % meaning everyone. or everything. So there is no such thing as 4,000 percent and that is a clue about the interpretation which seeks to use a number that seems large. They could have said 99% which would indicate the same thing or 100% which would be a certainty.

VAERS data is unverified as anyone can post on it anything they want. They are not confirmed as being caused by COVID. This is just a dumping ground for data and anyone who wants to use it.

The CDC says there is no evidence of risk increase of miscarriage for woman who have been vaccinated.

Multiple studies around the world have found no increased risk of miscarriage or stillbirths associated with COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy. One large study in Norway, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, Researchers found no link between COVID-19 vaccines and risk of first-trimester miscarriage, regardless of whether the vaccines were from Moderna, Pfizer and BioNTech, or AstraZeneca, according to Reuters reporting

I never understand why people make statements about things that they obviously don't understand. Of course you can use percentages greater than 100 to describe the magnitude of an increase. You should stay far away from commenting on math. Pretty weak on everything else, but your math commentary is comical.
When they say VAERS underreports, they are talking about this -

Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.

I never understand why people make statements about things that they obviously don't understand. Of course you can use percentages greater than 100 to describe the magnitude of an increase. You should stay far away from commenting on math. Pretty weak on everything else, but your math commentary is comical.
You seem to be doing the same thing. My post was to the point that the title of this thread (

VAERS shows a 4070% Increase in miscarriages and stillbirths since mRNA Roll-out)​

is an incorrect statement about percentages. I guess you missed that one.

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