Vanishing Glaciers Of The Greater Himalaya - Photographic evidence

yep, pretty lame to pull shit like that here. I am pretty sure it violates our TOS AND the company vigilinks as well.
Whatever you say. However, the Pacific Northwest evidently doesn't KNOW we are warming, because once again La Nina is going to keep us cold.
So what? It's called global warming, not 'your backyard is warming'.

However, have you already forgotten the snow free Vancouver Winter Olympics just a couple of years ago?

No Snow for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver
ABC News
Feb. 6, 2009
You don't have to be a weather expert to understand the problem. Going into this weekend, temperatures hovered around a balmy 50 degrees Fahrenheit in Vancouver. And the mountain that has become a central part of the problem, Cypress Mountain, is on the city's outskirts. The snow is so sparse on Cypress Mountain, brown patches are visible.

Global Warming Debate Heats Up in the Pacific Northwest as Air and Water Temperatures Rise Faster Than World Average

Pacific Northwest and Global Warming

Oh wow, what a witty, intelligent comeback.....LOLOLOLOL.....too bad that's all ya got, you poor deluded dupe.

Hey troll, whats API Vigilink? Its the first thing we get sent to when we click on your links.... Oh don't play coy with me tool, I already know... Its a pay per click service isn't it...Sure it is, here's their FAQ page..

VigLink - FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

What is VigLink?
VigLink enables you to get paid for doing what you normally do on your blog or site. Whenever you link to a product, website, or promotion, VigLink turns that link into an affiliate link so that you receive a commission for any purchases made.

If you'd like, VigLink can automatically insert new links in your site where you've referenced brands, merchants and (coming soon) products, creating additional opportunities for you to get paid. We also look for URLs that are not linked (likely by accident), and link them for you.

VigLink is completely configurable; if you would prefer not to have new links inserted, or want to turn it on, you can quickly and easily enable or disable that feature.

WOW so you're a real troll then not just an idiot with multiple personality disorder... Far out man! I heard stories of you types but I always thought it was BS. yet here you are in the flesh so to speak, or the text...

SO you get paid by them for everyone who clicks through the links you supply us with here. Why that seems dishonest to me, especially after you sat there denying anything being wrong with your links in front of all of us... They have something that says you can't do this.. Whats it called? Oh yeah, a Terms Of Service Agreement.. Pretty sure its a TOS violation troll, and if its not should be. its dishonest, its using people, and its just plain wrong.

Want to explain yourself now troll? I think you will have to with somebody here very soon, if not me or us posters someone...

Want to know what the risks are with clicking affiliate links in a web forum? me too... Want to explain to others whats wrong with it?

Game, set, match... I warned ya I was gonna look into it..

Here's my links in this post, visible to anyone who hits 'quote'. Or right-click on the link and hit 'properties' if you have that function or hit 'copy link location' and paste it somewhere and look at it.

""]No Snow for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver[/URL]

""]Global Warming Debate Heats Up in the Pacific Northwest as Air and Water Temperatures Rise Faster Than World Average[/URL]

""]Pacific Northwest and Global Warming[/URL]

You really are quite insane, slackjawedidiot. There is no 'hidden' code in there and no redirects. Anyone can look for themselves so why are you so eager to make a fool out of yourself again (for about the millionth time).

And of course, your whole trip here is just a stupid off-topic distraction because you can't refute any of the science or the photos of the vanishing glaciers.

You really are quite insane.
So what? It's called global warming, not 'your backyard is warming'.

However, have you already forgotten the snow free Vancouver Winter Olympics just a couple of years ago?

No Snow for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver
ABC News
Feb. 6, 2009
You don't have to be a weather expert to understand the problem. Going into this weekend, temperatures hovered around a balmy 50 degrees Fahrenheit in Vancouver. And the mountain that has become a central part of the problem, Cypress Mountain, is on the city's outskirts. The snow is so sparse on Cypress Mountain, brown patches are visible.

Global Warming Debate Heats Up in the Pacific Northwest as Air and Water Temperatures Rise Faster Than World Average

Pacific Northwest and Global Warming

Oh wow, what a witty, intelligent comeback.....LOLOLOLOL.....too bad that's all ya got, you poor deluded dupe.

Hey troll, whats API Vigilink? Its the first thing we get sent to when we click on your links.... Oh don't play coy with me tool, I already know... Its a pay per click service isn't it...Sure it is, here's their FAQ page..

VigLink - FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

What is VigLink?
VigLink enables you to get paid for doing what you normally do on your blog or site. Whenever you link to a product, website, or promotion, VigLink turns that link into an affiliate link so that you receive a commission for any purchases made.

If you'd like, VigLink can automatically insert new links in your site where you've referenced brands, merchants and (coming soon) products, creating additional opportunities for you to get paid. We also look for URLs that are not linked (likely by accident), and link them for you.

VigLink is completely configurable; if you would prefer not to have new links inserted, or want to turn it on, you can quickly and easily enable or disable that feature.

WOW so you're a real troll then not just an idiot with multiple personality disorder... Far out man! I heard stories of you types but I always thought it was BS. yet here you are in the flesh so to speak, or the text...

SO you get paid by them for everyone who clicks through the links you supply us with here. Why that seems dishonest to me, especially after you sat there denying anything being wrong with your links in front of all of us... They have something that says you can't do this.. Whats it called? Oh yeah, a Terms Of Service Agreement.. Pretty sure its a TOS violation troll, and if its not should be. its dishonest, its using people, and its just plain wrong.

Want to explain yourself now troll? I think you will have to with somebody here very soon, if not me or us posters someone...

Want to know what the risks are with clicking affiliate links in a web forum? me too... Want to explain to others whats wrong with it?

Game, set, match... I warned ya I was gonna look into it..

Here's my links in this post, visible to anyone who hits 'quote'. Or right-click on the link and hit 'properties' if you have that function or hit 'copy link location' and paste it somewhere and look at it.

""]No Snow for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver[/URL]

""]No Snow for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver[/URL]

""]Global Warming Debate Heats Up in the Pacific Northwest as Air and Water Temperatures Rise Faster Than World Average[/URL]

""]Pacific Northwest and Global Warming[/URL]

You really are quite insane, slackjawedidiot. There is no 'hidden' code in there and no redirects. Anyone can look for themselves so why are you so eager to make a fool out of yourself again (for about the millionth time).

And of course, your whole trip here is just a stupid off-topic distraction because you can't refute any of the science or the photos of the vanishing glaciers.

You really are quite insane.

You are busted pal, you can edit within a set time frame like you just did, but your previous links you can't... The one from gristmill for instance..

You are done there it is for all to see, right click on it and select open in new tab and you can see the API vigilink redirect right there. Again that is why when it failed the link was so long. Its so long because its piped around the net to generate revenue for you fake.

EDIT: post #52 your link, in that one was the last one you did it with. The reason is either because i knew you were doing something shady and called you on it, or you went back and edited after the fact. Either way you couldn't edit the older posts. The link you supply in that post redirects through your affiliate network fraud. you can see api:vigilink in the url if you load it in another tab and watch it carefully. matter of fact put your cursor over it and watch the info on it change in the bottom of your browser. There is a reason it changes, it takes a few for the redirect to kick in. the link read as the following.

‘Global warming is part of a natural cycle’—This idea is one short step above appealing to magic'

You sir are most likely in violation of at least one TOS..
Last edited:
The glaciers of Mt. Rainier are not melting? Are you daft? Or just blind?

Mt. Rainier's retreating glaciers are making a mess -

The fallout from Mt. Rainier's shrinking glaciers is beginning to roll downhill, and nowhere is the impact more striking than on the volcano's west side.

"This is it in spades," says Park Service geologist Paul Kennard, scrambling up a 10-foot-tall mass of dirt and boulders bulldozed back just enough to clear the road.

As receding glaciers expose crumbly slopes, vast amounts of gravel and sediment are being sluiced into the rivers that flow from the Northwest's tallest peak. Much of the material sweeps down in rain-driven slurries called debris flows, like those that repeatedly have slammed Mt. Rainier National Park's Westside Road.

"The rivers are filling up with stuff," Mr. Kennard says from his vantage point atop the pile. He pointed out ancient stands of fir and cedar now up to their knees in water.

Inside park boundaries, rivers choked with gravel are threatening to spill across roads, bump up against the bottom of bridges and flood the historic complex at Longmire

Now Bozo, have you ever heard of the Milankovic Cycles? Or doing a bit of research before demonstrating to the world the depths of your ignorance.

Milankovitch Cycles

Astronomer Milutin Milankovitch developed the mathematical formulas upon which these orbital variations are based. He hypothesized that when some parts of the cyclic variations are combined and occur at the same time, they are responsible for major changes to the earth's climate (even ice ages). Milankovitch estimated climatic fluctuations over the last 450,000 years and described cold and warm periods. Though he did his work in the first half of the 20th century, Milankovich's results weren't proven until the 1970s.

A 1976 study, published in the journal Science examined deep-sea sediment cores and found that Milankovich's theory corresponded to periods of climate change. Indeed, ice ages had occurred when the earth was going through different stages of orbital variation.

Milankovitch Cycles - Overview of Milankovitch Cycles

So, somebody told you about Milankovich cycles but you have no real idea what it means. The Milankovich cycle would ordinarily have the Earth naturally and very, very slowly cooling now. Instead we're experiencing an unusually abrupt warming trend.

You're clueless, confused and thoroughly bamboozled.

‘Global warming is part of a natural cycle’—This idea is one short step above appealing to magic


That link in that post is a redirected affiliate link deny it all you can troll but there it is plain as day.
Milankovitch Cycles

Astronomer Milutin Milankovitch developed the mathematical formulas upon which these orbital variations are based. He hypothesized that when some parts of the cyclic variations are combined and occur at the same time, they are responsible for major changes to the earth's climate (even ice ages). Milankovitch estimated climatic fluctuations over the last 450,000 years and described cold and warm periods. Though he did his work in the first half of the 20th century, Milankovich's results weren't proven until the 1970s.

A 1976 study, published in the journal Science examined deep-sea sediment cores and found that Milankovich's theory corresponded to periods of climate change. Indeed, ice ages had occurred when the earth was going through different stages of orbital variation.

Milankovitch Cycles - Overview of Milankovitch Cycles

So, somebody told you about Milankovich cycles but you have no real idea what it means. The Milankovich cycle would ordinarily have the Earth naturally and very, very slowly cooling now. Instead we're experiencing an unusually abrupt warming trend.

You're clueless, confused and thoroughly bamboozled.

‘Global warming is part of a natural cycle’—This idea is one short step above appealing to magic


That link in that post is a redirected affiliate link deny it all you can troll but there it is plain as day.

Anyone can hit 'quote' and see the code in my link, you insane fruitcake. Here's the code for the link in "that post" - ""]‘Global warming is part of a natural cycle’—This idea is one short step above appealing to magic[/URL]

Is it somehow only "plain as day" to insane retards like you? Because nobody else can see it, you moronic loon.
Last edited:
So, somebody told you about Milankovich cycles but you have no real idea what it means. The Milankovich cycle would ordinarily have the Earth naturally and very, very slowly cooling now. Instead we're experiencing an unusually abrupt warming trend.

You're clueless, confused and thoroughly bamboozled.

‘Global warming is part of a natural cycle’—This idea is one short step above appealing to magic


That link in that post is a redirected affiliate link deny it all you can troll but there it is plain as day.

Anyone can hit 'quote' and see the code in my link, you insane fruitcake. Here's the code for the link in "that post" - ""]‘Global warming is part of a natural cycle’—This idea is one short step above appealing to magic[/URL]

Is it somehow only "plain as day" to insane retards like you? Because nobody else can see it, you moronic loon.

Why keep telling us to hit quote and look at it? We don't have to do that troll. Right click the link and open in new tab and watch the address bar closely. you will see api:vigilink et al. for a second or so just long enough to deposit a tracking cookie or something else we didn't ask for.

You keep showing the same links quoted why not the one I pointed to and why does it have to be quoted? plain text quoting does not show meta tags. I knew there was something odd about all those huge bolded links that seemed familiar and scripted. And with the way they suddenly stop and then start working again and showing a mile long link when the test for it in the post is an average looking link.

Either you do it deliberately to generate income off of us or you do it by being lazy and irresponsible and hot-linking through another service. Im pretty sure both are against the TOS. So take your pick are you lazy or a weasel?

EDIT: right click on his link and press "copy link". then paste it into notepad or a simple plain text editor and look at the link.. it looks like this...


See all of that? not the same as what he claimed is it... yeah a few other things go on in there than that..
Last edited:
I just spent a few minutes going over the code for that post of his. there are several scripts linked to it. All of them save for one is for this webforums use.. The ONLY one that isn't is a vigilink javascript. the id tag on that script states.

"Sizzle CSS Selector Engine
Copyright 2011, The Dojo Foundation
Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
More information: Sizzle JavaScript Selector Library
VigLink JavaScript Library -- Affiliate Every Link on the Web with VigLink

Permission is hereby granted to create derivative works, but only for use
with the VigLink web service.

Copyright (c) 2011 VigLink. Rights reserved and patent(s) pending."

If you want me to I can post the entire script here.
That link in that post is a redirected affiliate link deny it all you can troll but there it is plain as day.

Anyone can hit 'quote' and see the code in my link, you insane fruitcake. Here's the code for the link in "that post" - ""]‘Global warming is part of a natural cycle’—This idea is one short step above appealing to magic[/URL]

Is it somehow only "plain as day" to insane retards like you? Because nobody else can see it, you moronic loon.

Why keep telling us to hit quote and look at it? We don't have to do that troll. Right click the link and open in new tab and watch the address bar closely. you will see api:vigilink et al. for a second or so just long enough to deposit a tracking cookie or something else we didn't ask for.

You keep showing the same links quoted why not the one I pointed to and why does it have to be quoted? plain text quoting does not show meta tags. I knew there was something odd about all those huge bolded links that seemed familiar and scripted. And with the way they suddenly stop and then start working again and showing a mile long link when the test for it in the post is an average looking link.

Either you do it deliberately to generate income off of us or you do it by being lazy and irresponsible and hot-linking through another service. Im pretty sure both are against the TOS. So take your pick are you lazy or a weasel?

EDIT: right click on his link and press "copy link". then paste it into notepad or a simple plain text editor and look at the link.. it looks like this...


See all of that? not the same as what he claimed is it... yeah a few other things go on in there than that..

Again, you're an insane troll.

I really urge everyone to right click on that link and hit 'copy link location' and then paste it somewhere and look at it. This is what you get:


The slackjawedidiot is so stupid he probably has a bunch of malware on his computer that is inserting all that code into any links he copies. That junk is certainly not in the links I'm posting.
Last edited:
Anyone can hit 'quote' and see the code in my link, you insane fruitcake. Here's the code for the link in "that post" - ""]‘Global warming is part of a natural cycle’—This idea is one short step above appealing to magic[/URL]

Is it somehow only "plain as day" to insane retards like you? Because nobody else can see it, you moronic loon.

Why keep telling us to hit quote and look at it? We don't have to do that troll. Right click the link and open in new tab and watch the address bar closely. you will see api:vigilink et al. for a second or so just long enough to deposit a tracking cookie or something else we didn't ask for.

You keep showing the same links quoted why not the one I pointed to and why does it have to be quoted? plain text quoting does not show meta tags. I knew there was something odd about all those huge bolded links that seemed familiar and scripted. And with the way they suddenly stop and then start working again and showing a mile long link when the test for it in the post is an average looking link.

Either you do it deliberately to generate income off of us or you do it by being lazy and irresponsible and hot-linking through another service. Im pretty sure both are against the TOS. So take your pick are you lazy or a weasel?

EDIT: right click on his link and press "copy link". then paste it into notepad or a simple plain text editor and look at the link.. it looks like this...


See all of that? not the same as what he claimed is it... yeah a few other things go on in there than that..

Again, you're an insane troll.

I really urge everyone to right click on that link and hit 'copy link location' and then paste it somewhere and look at it. This is what you get:


The slackjawedidiot is so stupid he probably has a bunch of malware on his computer that is inserting all that code into any links he copies. That junk is certainly not in the links I'm posting.

Dance boy dance... I even told you I right clicked the link and chose "copy link address" and pasted it in a plain text editor (notepad, gedit, et al) and got that link exactly word for word character for character as I posted it.

BTW, I am running linux kernel 3.0 with gnome-shell desktop. I have no virus or malware in my system. those are written for windows due to the mass effect with so many users. they don't write them for linux because

1. its free and open source and not very much fun writing a bit of malware for the OS most hackers would use for their own security.

2. Its again free and open source maintained by a community of programmers on their own time. kind of hard to play robin hood when you rob the poor.

3. its designed and developed from the start to be internet secure. Dude I have a password to put in for every single file change and thats been the standard since I can remember. Windows 7 just now started their version of it, which is barely secure at best.

4. Windows is teaming with bugs and holes. its so bloated and developed by so many paid programmers with so many often conflicting agendas or ideas, it ends up with overlapping apps or programs or gaps in their connections or services. Ever notice the sheer volume of updates for windows in a single year? For the record I had 3 updates in the last year. and 2 of those was because I upgraded to a new version voluntarily.

So sorry troll, but no malware here...:lol:
Why keep telling us to hit quote and look at it? We don't have to do that troll. Right click the link and open in new tab and watch the address bar closely. you will see api:vigilink et al. for a second or so just long enough to deposit a tracking cookie or something else we didn't ask for.

You keep showing the same links quoted why not the one I pointed to and why does it have to be quoted? plain text quoting does not show meta tags. I knew there was something odd about all those huge bolded links that seemed familiar and scripted. And with the way they suddenly stop and then start working again and showing a mile long link when the test for it in the post is an average looking link.

Either you do it deliberately to generate income off of us or you do it by being lazy and irresponsible and hot-linking through another service. Im pretty sure both are against the TOS. So take your pick are you lazy or a weasel?

EDIT: right click on his link and press "copy link". then paste it into notepad or a simple plain text editor and look at the link.. it looks like this...


See all of that? not the same as what he claimed is it... yeah a few other things go on in there than that..

Again, you're an insane troll.

I really urge everyone to right click on that link and hit 'copy link location' and then paste it somewhere and look at it. This is what you get:


The slackjawedidiot is so stupid he probably has a bunch of malware on his computer that is inserting all that code into any links he copies. That junk is certainly not in the links I'm posting.

Dance boy dance... I even told you I right clicked the link and chose "copy link address" and pasted it in a plain text editor (notepad, gedit, et al) and got that link exactly word for word character for character as I posted it.

BTW, I am running linux kernel 3.0 with gnome-shell desktop. I have no virus or malware in my system. those are written for windows due to the mass effect with so many users. they don't write them for linux because

1. its free and open source and not very much fun writing a bit of malware for the OS most hackers would use for their own security.

2. Its again free and open source maintained by a community of programmers on their own time. kind of hard to play robin hood when you rob the poor.

3. its designed and developed from the start to be internet secure. Dude I have a password to put in for every single file change and thats been the standard since I can remember. Windows 7 just now started their version of it, which is barely secure at best.

4. Windows is teaming with bugs and holes. its so bloated and developed by so many paid programmers with so many often conflicting agendas or ideas, it ends up with overlapping apps or programs or gaps in their connections or services. Ever notice the sheer volume of updates for windows in a single year? For the record I had 3 updates in the last year. and 2 of those was because I upgraded to a new version voluntarily.

So sorry troll, but no malware here...

Maybe the malware is in your brain, slackjawedidiot, 'cause you sure are totally insane.

I again urge anyone who wants to see ol' slackjawed's insanity first hand to just do as he says and right click on the link and paste it somewhere. Ii is a simple direct link to and that's it. The rest of that crap slackjawed is posting must be in his own system, which he's probably too retarded to operate properly.
Again, you're an insane troll.

I really urge everyone to right click on that link and hit 'copy link location' and then paste it somewhere and look at it. This is what you get:


The slackjawedidiot is so stupid he probably has a bunch of malware on his computer that is inserting all that code into any links he copies. That junk is certainly not in the links I'm posting.

Dance boy dance... I even told you I right clicked the link and chose "copy link address" and pasted it in a plain text editor (notepad, gedit, et al) and got that link exactly word for word character for character as I posted it.

BTW, I am running linux kernel 3.0 with gnome-shell desktop. I have no virus or malware in my system. those are written for windows due to the mass effect with so many users. they don't write them for linux because

1. its free and open source and not very much fun writing a bit of malware for the OS most hackers would use for their own security.

2. Its again free and open source maintained by a community of programmers on their own time. kind of hard to play robin hood when you rob the poor.

3. its designed and developed from the start to be internet secure. Dude I have a password to put in for every single file change and thats been the standard since I can remember. Windows 7 just now started their version of it, which is barely secure at best.

4. Windows is teaming with bugs and holes. its so bloated and developed by so many paid programmers with so many often conflicting agendas or ideas, it ends up with overlapping apps or programs or gaps in their connections or services. Ever notice the sheer volume of updates for windows in a single year? For the record I had 3 updates in the last year. and 2 of those was because I upgraded to a new version voluntarily.

So sorry troll, but no malware here...

Maybe the malware is in your brain, slackjawedidiot, 'cause you sure are totally insane.

I again urge anyone who wants to see ol' slackjawed's insanity first hand to just do as he says and right click on the link and paste it somewhere. Ii is a simple direct link to and that's it. The rest of that crap slackjawed is posting must be in his own system, which he's probably too retarded to operate properly.

I urge everyone to do the same... And make sure you select "copy link address" and then paste it in a plain text editor like notepad or gedit. That way it is exactly as written in the actual link. If you do you will see the following in about half of his links before I outed him for it.


thats what it looks like as is written.. that first part "api:vigilink" is a callout to a javascript that is made by Vigilink corp. they are an affiliate link company which pays the link poster per unique click through the redirect the javascript sends the browser to, and they make money most likely by the destination paying them for information on your browsing habits, or interested parties wanting to know general browsing habits for research or PR work. it looks to me like the javascript basically places a tracking cookie in your browser cache during the redirect, hence it only taking a second or two and not loading an actual page before the destination.

here is the link to vigilink corp. Affiliate Every Link on the Web with VigLink

and their about us VigLink - About

and their FAQ's page VigLink - FAQ

i saw this on their FAQ's page....

"Will my users notice? Should I disclose it?
The US Federal Trade Commission requires that you disclose use of affiliate links. More information and tools are available.

VigLink works in your existing content; all links that are inserted look as if you inserted them yourself and mousing over a link will always reveal the destination. There are no intrusive pop-ups, ads or double underlines. So, most users do not notice on their own, but we highly recommend you disclose it.

Even if you are not subject to FTC jurisdiction, we strongly recommend you disclose. Our customers have found that readers are completely understanding if they are informed and can be upset if they are surprised. Informing your users will give those who desire it the opportunity to permanently opt-out. Although VigLink is not intrusive, it is easily detectable by savvy users."

I bolded the parts you should pay close attention to troll.... You do realize not disclosing the use of this is illegal? I wasn't aware of that... that being the case, you really, really need to stop what you are doing with this right away. All forum BS aside, this is a violation of the US Federal Trade Commission laws. They do not fool around and it will not matter if its just a few links a day for a few pennies. It will be the principle and the message they want to send you and your reasons or excuses will not matter.

Above they said " is easily detectable by savvy users." Well I'm about as savvy a user as you have ever met. And this savvy user is telling you flat out to knock this shit off right away....
Last edited:
dance boy dance... I even told you i right clicked the link and chose "copy link address" and pasted it in a plain text editor (notepad, gedit, et al) and got that link exactly word for word character for character as i posted it.

Btw, i am running linux kernel 3.0 with gnome-shell desktop. I have no virus or malware in my system. Those are written for windows due to the mass effect with so many users. They don't write them for linux because

1. Its free and open source and not very much fun writing a bit of malware for the os most hackers would use for their own security.

2. Its again free and open source maintained by a community of programmers on their own time. Kind of hard to play robin hood when you rob the poor.

3. Its designed and developed from the start to be internet secure. Dude i have a password to put in for every single file change and thats been the standard since i can remember. Windows 7 just now started their version of it, which is barely secure at best.

4. Windows is teaming with bugs and holes. Its so bloated and developed by so many paid programmers with so many often conflicting agendas or ideas, it ends up with overlapping apps or programs or gaps in their connections or services. Ever notice the sheer volume of updates for windows in a single year? For the record i had 3 updates in the last year. And 2 of those was because i upgraded to a new version voluntarily.

So sorry troll, but no malware here...

maybe the malware is in your brain, slackjawedidiot, 'cause you sure are totally insane.

I again urge anyone who wants to see ol' slackjawed's insanity first hand to just do as he says and right click on the link and paste it somewhere. Ii is a simple direct link to and that's it. The rest of that crap slackjawed is posting must be in his own system, which he's probably too retarded to operate properly.

i urge everyone to do the same... And make sure you select "copy link address" and then paste it in a plain text editor like notepad or gedit. That way it is exactly as written in the actual link. If you do you will see the following in about half of his links before i outed him for it.


thats what it looks like as is written.. That first part "api:vigilink" is a callout to a javascript that is made by vigilink corp. They are an affiliate link company which pays the link poster per unique click through the redirect the javascript sends the browser to, and they make money most likely by the destination paying them for information on your browsing habits, or interested parties wanting to know general browsing habits for research or pr work. It looks to me like the javascript basically places a tracking cookie in your browser cache during the redirect, hence it only taking a second or two and not loading an actual page before the destination.

Here is the link to vigilink corp. affiliate every link on the web with viglink

and their about us viglink - about

and their faq's page viglink - faq

i saw this on their faq's page....

"will my users notice? Should i disclose it?
the us federal trade commission requires that you disclose use of affiliate links. more information and tools are available.

viglink works in your existing content; all links that are inserted look as if you inserted them yourself and mousing over a link will always reveal the destination. there are no intrusive pop-ups, ads or double underlines. So, most users do not notice on their own, but we highly recommend you disclose it.

even if you are not subject to ftc jurisdiction, we strongly recommend you disclose. Our customers have found that readers are completely understanding if they are informed and can be upset if they are surprised. informing your users will give those who desire it the opportunity to permanently opt-out. Although viglink is not intrusive, it is easily detectable by savvy users."

i bolded the parts you should pay close attention to troll.... You do realize not disclosing the use of this is illegal? I wasn't aware of that... That being the case, you really, really need to stop what you are doing with this right away. All forum bs aside, this is a violation of the us federal trade commission laws. They do not fool around and it will not matter if its just a few links a day for a few pennies. It will be the principle and the message they want to send you and your reasons or excuses will not matter.

Above they said " is easily detectable by savvy users." well i'm about as savvy a user as you have ever met. And this savvy user is telling you flat out to knock this shit off right away....

******troll attack!!!!****troll attack!!!!******
maybe the malware is in your brain, slackjawedidiot, 'cause you sure are totally insane.

I again urge anyone who wants to see ol' slackjawed's insanity first hand to just do as he says and right click on the link and paste it somewhere. Ii is a simple direct link to and that's it. The rest of that crap slackjawed is posting must be in his own system, which he's probably too retarded to operate properly.

i urge everyone to do the same... And make sure you select "copy link address" and then paste it in a plain text editor like notepad or gedit. That way it is exactly as written in the actual link. If you do you will see the following in about half of his links before i outed him for it.


thats what it looks like as is written.. That first part "api:vigilink" is a callout to a javascript that is made by vigilink corp. They are an affiliate link company which pays the link poster per unique click through the redirect the javascript sends the browser to, and they make money most likely by the destination paying them for information on your browsing habits, or interested parties wanting to know general browsing habits for research or pr work. It looks to me like the javascript basically places a tracking cookie in your browser cache during the redirect, hence it only taking a second or two and not loading an actual page before the destination.

Here is the link to vigilink corp. affiliate every link on the web with viglink

and their about us viglink - about

and their faq's page viglink - faq

i saw this on their faq's page....

"will my users notice? Should i disclose it?
the us federal trade commission requires that you disclose use of affiliate links. more information and tools are available.

viglink works in your existing content; all links that are inserted look as if you inserted them yourself and mousing over a link will always reveal the destination. there are no intrusive pop-ups, ads or double underlines. So, most users do not notice on their own, but we highly recommend you disclose it.

even if you are not subject to ftc jurisdiction, we strongly recommend you disclose. Our customers have found that readers are completely understanding if they are informed and can be upset if they are surprised. informing your users will give those who desire it the opportunity to permanently opt-out. Although viglink is not intrusive, it is easily detectable by savvy users."

i bolded the parts you should pay close attention to troll.... You do realize not disclosing the use of this is illegal? I wasn't aware of that... That being the case, you really, really need to stop what you are doing with this right away. All forum bs aside, this is a violation of the us federal trade commission laws. They do not fool around and it will not matter if its just a few links a day for a few pennies. It will be the principle and the message they want to send you and your reasons or excuses will not matter.

Above they said " is easily detectable by savvy users." well i'm about as savvy a user as you have ever met. And this savvy user is telling you flat out to knock this shit off right away....

******troll attack!!!!****troll attack!!!!******


Keep going and get the attention you aren't looking for. It will come eventually...
So, somebody told you about Milankovich cycles but you have no real idea what it means. The Milankovich cycle would ordinarily have the Earth naturally and very, very slowly cooling now. Instead we're experiencing an unusually abrupt warming trend.

You're clueless, confused and thoroughly bamboozled.

‘Global warming is part of a natural cycle’—This idea is one short step above appealing to magic


That link in that post is a redirected affiliate link deny it all you can troll but there it is plain as day.

Anyone can hit 'quote' and see the code in my link, you insane fruitcake. Here's the code for the link in "that post" - ""]‘Global warming is part of a natural cycle’—This idea is one short step above appealing to magic[/URL]

Is it somehow only "plain as day" to insane retards like you? Because nobody else can see it, you moronic loon.

Wow tb, we knew you were a troll but now we see the scumbag you truly are. What a sad POS you are.
Just in case anyone thinks I am making this up. Here is a another forum about corvettes where a poster is asking about this very same thing.

What's up with the link hijacks? - Corvette Forum

Seems its not just me is it... Trolling blunder you have to disclose using that affiliate linking service to people its against FTC codes.

Great catch gslack! We knew he was a troll, now we know he's a scumbag troll to boot!
OK. So you think that you have one on Thunder. But I see he is still on here. So it looks like this is just more of your bullshit.
OK. So you think that you have one on Thunder. But I see he is still on here. So it looks like this is just more of your bullshit.

Have one on him? No, gslack just figured out he's a scumbag troll. That doesn't get him off here, only the mods can do that. He's just a human (sort of) example of whack-a-mole,
you smack him down in one place and he pops up in another, kind of like the clap!:lol:
OK. So you think that you have one on Thunder. But I see he is still on here. So it looks like this is just more of your bullshit.

Since anyone can look at the links for themselves and see that there is no hidden code, this comes down to just more off-topic distraction and misdirection. It is a common tactic of the denier cultists when they have no real response to the science and the facts. The slackjawedidiot is known for idiotic obsessions like this, usually involving his fantasy 'sock-puppets'.
Here's some info on some studies done a few years ago that highlight the drastic changes occurring with glaciers in the high mountainous regions of the world.

Himalaya glaciers melting much faster
Warming appears to be having bigger impact on ice at higher elevations

By Michael Reilly

Glaciers high in the Himalayas are dwindling faster than anyone thought, putting nearly a billion people living in South Asia in peril of losing their water supply. Throughout India, China, and Nepal, some 15,000 glaciers speckle the Tibetan Plateau, some of the highest land in the world. There, perched in thin, frigid air up to 7,200 meters (23,622 feet) above sea level, the ice might seem secluded from the effects of global warming. But just the opposite is proving true, according to new research published last week in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

Lonnie Thompson of Ohio State University and a team of researchers traveled to central Himalayas in 2006 to study the Naimona'nyi glacier, expecting to find some melting. Mountain glaciers have been receding all over the world since the 1990s and there was no reason this one, which provides water to the mighty Ganges, Indus, and Brahmaputra Rivers, should be any different. But when the team analyzed samples of glacier, what they found stunned them. Glaciers around the planet are usually dated by looking for two pulses of radioactivity buried in the ice. These are the leftovers from American and Russian atomic bomb testing in the 1950's and 1960's. In the Naimona'nyi samples, there was no sign of the tests. In fact, the glacier had melted so much that the exposed surface of the glacier dated to 1944.

He suspects the reason for this is that high-altitude glaciers, despite residing in colder temperatures, are more sensitive to climate change. As more heat is trapped in the atmosphere, he said, it holds more water vapor. And when the water vapor rises to high altitudes it condenses, releasing the heat into the upper atmosphere, where high mountain landscapes feel the brunt of warming. "At the highest elevations, we're seeing something like an average of 0.3 degrees Centigrade warming per decade," Thompson said. "The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projects 3 degrees of warming by 2100. But that's at the surface; up at the elevations where these glaciers are there could be almost twice as much, almost 6 degrees."

The finding has ominous implications for the hundreds of millions of people who depend on the waters of the Naimona'nyi and other glaciers for their livelihoods. Across the region, no one know just how much water the Himalayas have left, but Thompson said it's dwindling fast. "You can think of glaciers kind of like water towers, " he said. "They collect water from the monsoon in the wet season, and release it in the dry season. But how effective they are depends on how much water is in the towers."

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(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)

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