Venezuela people eating their own pets

Socialism grows where capitalism fails. Socialism fails when people try to make it into a government rather than just a way to order an economy. So what comes after socialism? Usually it's hard right fascism, military rule, and a guerilla resistance. Somehow Washington finds that preferable.
There are too many idiocies in that post to untangle.
Venezuela may have had a problematic socialist government but that is NOT the root of the current problems.

This is a nation with the world's largest oil reserves. Saudi Arabia has LESS oil reserves and spends far more on socialist programs and is not falling apart.

Neither nation has a credible manufacturing base and Saudi Arabia is notoriously corrupt.

It the MASSIVE corruption of the Maduro government that is causing this. MASSIVE corruption...
Socialism and corruption go together like peanut butter and jelly.
Always looking to blame someone else instead of the failure that is socialism.

Um, no, I can just see cause and effect. We've put economic sanctions on Venezuela right after Chavez was elected and made economic war on the country for 18 years.

You probably couldn't find Venezuela on a map.

No, you make excuses just like you did when you were justifiably fired.

I bet you have the welfare and food stamp office location pulled up right now.
Yes the great socialist exp3 that democrats such as cortez have endorsed are eating their pets to surive .a great way to live and the future of America if democrat progressive contuine.
Where's your commitment to Venezuelan Democracy?

Attempted Coup in Venezuela with Abby Martin, Greg Wilpert, Paul Jay

"So you can go to the 2002 coup, where they ousted Hugo Chavez at the barrel of a gun, tried to privatize the national resources. So they really revealed their hand then and they haven’t stopped since.

"I mean, we’re talking about a leadership here that has a mass base of support. We’re talking about 6.2 million people, Chavistas in the country that went out last year to vote for Maduro.

"So yeah, I mean, there are millions of people in the street, of course, protesting that’s, asking for the ouster of Maduro.

"But you cannot ignore the millions of people also who are pro-Maduro, who are Chavista, who are building this base of the Bolivarian Revolution.

"And they do not want to discard the gains, the widespread social gains that have been in place.

"Look, we’re talking about a guy, Juan Guaido, 80 percent of the country doesn’t know who this guy is. He just appointed himself president."

Mauduro's current approval ratings are approximately the same as Trump's, about 30%.

How would feel if Nancy Pelosi proclaimed herself POTUS?

Why are millions, that are starving and are about to start cannibalizing each other, supporting this murdering dictator?
Venezuela people eating their own pets

So what else in new?...hey any of you libs have a stray dog and cat problem in your neighborhood?....get a Venezuelan caravan going.....
Making a profit is not a crime, asshole. Only a Marxist traitor would make such a claim.

Didn't say it was...

But when someone else does all the hard work, and you get all the profit, that really does count as "Stealing" doesn't it?

Yeah, you did say that, you lying piece of shit. The people doing the work get paid. If they don't like what they get paid, they can find another employer.
Yeah, you did say that, you lying piece of shit. The people doing the work get paid. If they don't like what they get paid, they can find another employer.

And if the One Percenters don't like paying their fair share, they can find another country. See how that works.
Commies like you are the ones who need to find another country. I'm sure Cuba would be more to your liking.
Another democratically elected leader of an oil-rich sovereign nation being called a dictator by the US. The CIA infiltrates, stirs up a revolution, a puppet leader is installed. This is patented regime change played out over and over going back to 1950s Iran. The only question is what will be the blowback for years to come and how much will this special op cost us.

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