Vermont Has Now Gone Completely Nuts: He/She Gubernatorial Candidate

No one here seems capable of defending the GOPer's policies on issues that impact women, blacks, LGBTers, Muslims, and their sucking up to "Christian" fundies. Who cares if she is transgendered. She probably can do a better job for the people of Vermont than these GOP monkeys.
Meanwhile the Democrats are literally creating an environment where white people are discriminated against wholesale and we will be too small in number and too weak and effeminate to fight back.
What environment in which white people are being "discriminated against wholesale"? Offer an example. Being treated just like everybody else is not an example.
We aren't treated like everyone else.

This isn't the 70s anymore.
We aren't? I haven't seen any signs of being treated differently than others, and I'm just a normal white person in society. Where do you live that you are enduring discrimination and hardship for being white?
You apparently didn't pay attention to my political compass results.

I am a just left of center authoritarian. The fact that I recognize many Democrat representatives and even several Fox personalities as being further left than I am should be of concern to you. Democrats are far to the left of JFK now(who was to the right of me).

The reason why I oppose the left is not because I want government to be smaller, or even because I want to own every weapon known to man, the reason why is because the left is now anti-tradition, anti-culture and anti-sovereignty with a tinge of anti-white racism to spice it all up. Soviet Russia was full blown communist and they weren't anti-white. That should tell you how fake the current "progressive" left is.

I would say that most Repubs are to the left of JFK, most people do not even understand what it means to be "right".

But you are still wrong about FoxNews, based on the country today, they are not left at all.

Personally, I oppose the left because I do want a smaller government and more personal freedoms.
No one here seems capable of defending the GOPer's policies on issues that impact women, blacks, LGBTers, Muslims, and their sucking up to "Christian" fundies. Who cares if she is transgendered. She probably can do a better job for the people of Vermont than these GOP monkeys.
Meanwhile the Democrats are literally creating an environment where white people are discriminated against wholesale and we will be too small in number and too weak and effeminate to fight back.

Yeah. Ain't it cool?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
So you support discrimination?
All Democrats do.
What goes around comes around.
Karma is a bitch.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Karma doesn’t only come round once
If nothing else...If the folks of Vermont tell her to "go fuck yourself,"
she'll be able to accomplish it.
Typical weak, ugly loser who couldn't cut it in the male world.

That might be this dude's story, but other Trannys have different stories.

Bruce Jenner was hardly a "loser" when he adopted the Kaitlyn persona.

My guess is the individual is just a confused sexual pervert, much like the Mr/Mrs. Garrison character on South Park
You apparently didn't pay attention to my political compass results.

I am a just left of center authoritarian. The fact that I recognize many Democrat representatives and even several Fox personalities as being further left than I am should be of concern to you. Democrats are far to the left of JFK now(who was to the right of me).

The reason why I oppose the left is not because I want government to be smaller, or even because I want to own every weapon known to man, the reason why is because the left is now anti-tradition, anti-culture and anti-sovereignty with a tinge of anti-white racism to spice it all up. Soviet Russia was full blown communist and they weren't anti-white. That should tell you how fake the current "progressive" left is.

I would say that most Repubs are to the left of JFK, most people do not even understand what it means to be "right".

But you are still wrong about FoxNews, based on the country today, they are not left at all.

Personally, I oppose the left because I do want a smaller government and more personal freedoms.
How can Republicans be to the left of JFK and somehow that makes Fox still right wing? The most left wing Republicans are the ones who represent the right on Fox.

Rupert Murdoch is solidly left wing. The news division of Fox is either composed of squishy Rockefeller/Bush Republicans(like Dana Perino), or slightly less insane Democrats. Laura Ingraham is a tool of the left wing Pope and bastardized Catholic Church. Hannity is just a tool period who has no clue what to believe and will go back to his inane, recycled crap after Trump leaves. Bret Baier is a wind up doll opportunist or a left wing subversive, and Shep Smith is one of the most popular left wing commentators on TV today.

Tucker is the only one who keeps Fox from being another CNN.
Apparently members of either party can vote in Vt. primary elections. Is it possible that republican voters played a little trick on democrats and helped elect a freakazoid to run for governor on the democrat ticket? We will see in November.
You apparently didn't pay attention to my political compass results.

I am a just left of center authoritarian. The fact that I recognize many Democrat representatives and even several Fox personalities as being further left than I am should be of concern to you. Democrats are far to the left of JFK now(who was to the right of me).

The reason why I oppose the left is not because I want government to be smaller, or even because I want to own every weapon known to man, the reason why is because the left is now anti-tradition, anti-culture and anti-sovereignty with a tinge of anti-white racism to spice it all up. Soviet Russia was full blown communist and they weren't anti-white. That should tell you how fake the current "progressive" left is.

I would say that most Repubs are to the left of JFK, most people do not even understand what it means to be "right".

But you are still wrong about FoxNews, based on the country today, they are not left at all.

Personally, I oppose the left because I do want a smaller government and more personal freedoms.
How can Republicans be to the left of JFK and somehow that makes Fox still right wing? The most left wing Republicans are the ones who represent the right on Fox.

Rupert Murdoch is solidly left wing. The news division of Fox is either composed of squishy Rockefeller/Bush Republicans(like Dana Perino), or slightly less insane Democrats. Laura Ingraham is a tool of the left wing Pope and bastardized Catholic Church. Hannity is just a tool period who has no clue what to believe and will go back to his inane, recycled crap after Trump leaves. Bret Baier is a wind up doll opportunist or a left wing subversive, and Shep Smith is one of the most popular left wing commentators on TV today.

Tucker is the only one who keeps Fox from being another CNN.

Right and left is a moving target, not stationary. What is "right" and "left" shifts as time does. Neither JFK nor Reagan could get their parties nomination in this day and age.
Typical weak, ugly loser who couldn't cut it in the male world.

That might be this dude's story, but other Trannys have different stories.

Bruce Jenner was hardly a "loser" when he adopted the Kaitlyn persona.

My guess is the individual is just a confused sexual pervert, much like the Mr/Mrs. Garrison character on South Park
All of these losers fall under the white guilt inferiority complex. Being a white male in today's world is extremely difficult when you have the slightest inkling about what is really going on. This is why a transgendered governor for one of the whitest states in the nation is extremely dangerous.

You don't see black or Hispanic celebrities turning into trannies after achieving fame. The only non-white trannies you see are freaks who became famous because they are freaks.
You apparently didn't pay attention to my political compass results.

I am a just left of center authoritarian. The fact that I recognize many Democrat representatives and even several Fox personalities as being further left than I am should be of concern to you. Democrats are far to the left of JFK now(who was to the right of me).

The reason why I oppose the left is not because I want government to be smaller, or even because I want to own every weapon known to man, the reason why is because the left is now anti-tradition, anti-culture and anti-sovereignty with a tinge of anti-white racism to spice it all up. Soviet Russia was full blown communist and they weren't anti-white. That should tell you how fake the current "progressive" left is.

I would say that most Repubs are to the left of JFK, most people do not even understand what it means to be "right".

But you are still wrong about FoxNews, based on the country today, they are not left at all.

Personally, I oppose the left because I do want a smaller government and more personal freedoms.
How can Republicans be to the left of JFK and somehow that makes Fox still right wing? The most left wing Republicans are the ones who represent the right on Fox.

Rupert Murdoch is solidly left wing. The news division of Fox is either composed of squishy Rockefeller/Bush Republicans(like Dana Perino), or slightly less insane Democrats. Laura Ingraham is a tool of the left wing Pope and bastardized Catholic Church. Hannity is just a tool period who has no clue what to believe and will go back to his inane, recycled crap after Trump leaves. Bret Baier is a wind up doll opportunist or a left wing subversive, and Shep Smith is one of the most popular left wing commentators on TV today.

Tucker is the only one who keeps Fox from being another CNN.

Right and left is a moving target, not stationary. What is "right" and "left" shifts as time does. Neither JFK nor Reagan could get their parties nomination in this day and age.
That is pure bullshit. Reagan was president in the 80s. The Republican party hasn't changed much since the 80s.

The only reason why you think that is because society as a whole is firmly on the left.

The Overton Window is not the entirety of the political spectrum, it is just where the majority of the population happens to be after the pathetic Republican party refused to fight.

I will always be left of center no matter how far left this country goes.
If nothing else...If the folks of Vermont tell her to "go fuck yourself,"
she'll be able to accomplish it.
I'm going to vote for her. She's gotta be better than the current Republican we have now.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
I will always be left of center no matter how far left this country goes.

only if you are constantly changing with the country, since center is always moving. if you hold true to your values then center is going to pass you by one way or the other.

There is an old saying that goes something like the unthinkable today will be the norm tomorrow...
Typical weak, ugly loser who couldn't cut it in the male world.

That might be this dude's story, but other Trannys have different stories.

Bruce Jenner was hardly a "loser" when he adopted the Kaitlyn persona.

My guess is the individual is just a confused sexual pervert, much like the Mr/Mrs. Garrison character on South Park
All of these losers fall under the white guilt inferiority complex. Being a white male in today's world is extremely difficult when you have the slightest inkling about what is really going on. This is why a transgendered governor for one of the whitest states in the nation is extremely dangerous.

You don't see black or Hispanic celebrities turning into trannies after achieving fame. The only non-white trannies you see are freaks who became famous because they are freaks.
There is nothing difficult about being a white male in today's society unless you are playing identity politics. Some white males are, and are claiming entitlements merely because they are white and male, which are accidents of birth.
You apparently didn't pay attention to my political compass results.

I am a just left of center authoritarian. The fact that I recognize many Democrat representatives and even several Fox personalities as being further left than I am should be of concern to you. Democrats are far to the left of JFK now(who was to the right of me).

The reason why I oppose the left is not because I want government to be smaller, or even because I want to own every weapon known to man, the reason why is because the left is now anti-tradition, anti-culture and anti-sovereignty with a tinge of anti-white racism to spice it all up. Soviet Russia was full blown communist and they weren't anti-white. That should tell you how fake the current "progressive" left is.

I would say that most Repubs are to the left of JFK, most people do not even understand what it means to be "right".

But you are still wrong about FoxNews, based on the country today, they are not left at all.

Personally, I oppose the left because I do want a smaller government and more personal freedoms.
How can Republicans be to the left of JFK and somehow that makes Fox still right wing? The most left wing Republicans are the ones who represent the right on Fox.

Rupert Murdoch is solidly left wing. The news division of Fox is either composed of squishy Rockefeller/Bush Republicans(like Dana Perino), or slightly less insane Democrats. Laura Ingraham is a tool of the left wing Pope and bastardized Catholic Church. Hannity is just a tool period who has no clue what to believe and will go back to his inane, recycled crap after Trump leaves. Bret Baier is a wind up doll opportunist or a left wing subversive, and Shep Smith is one of the most popular left wing commentators on TV today.

Tucker is the only one who keeps Fox from being another CNN.

Right and left is a moving target, not stationary. What is "right" and "left" shifts as time does. Neither JFK nor Reagan could get their parties nomination in this day and age.
That is pure bullshit. Reagan was president in the 80s. The Republican party hasn't changed much since the 80s.

The only reason why you think that is because society as a whole is firmly on the left.

The Overton Window is not the entirety of the political spectrum, it is just where the majority of the population happens to be after the pathetic Republican party refused to fight.

I will always be left of center no matter how far left this country goes.

I see from your rating my post as "funny" below that you actually like identity politics.
Typical weak, ugly loser who couldn't cut it in the male world.

That might be this dude's story, but other Trannys have different stories.

Bruce Jenner was hardly a "loser" when he adopted the Kaitlyn persona.

My guess is the individual is just a confused sexual pervert, much like the Mr/Mrs. Garrison character on South Park
All of these losers fall under the white guilt inferiority complex. Being a white male in today's world is extremely difficult when you have the slightest inkling about what is really going on. This is why a transgendered governor for one of the whitest states in the nation is extremely dangerous.

You don't see black or Hispanic celebrities turning into trannies after achieving fame. The only non-white trannies you see are freaks who became famous because they are freaks.
There is nothing difficult about being a white male in today's society unless you are playing identity politics. Some white males are, and are claiming entitlements merely because they are white and male, which are accidents of birth.
No, there is nothing difficult about being non-white or a woman unless you are playing extreme identity politics(which is what Democrats do).

White males or white people in general aren't allowed to play identity politics, because achieving some semblance of outward equality would only expose the absolutely rotted core that is western democracy.
You apparently didn't pay attention to my political compass results.

I am a just left of center authoritarian. The fact that I recognize many Democrat representatives and even several Fox personalities as being further left than I am should be of concern to you. Democrats are far to the left of JFK now(who was to the right of me).

The reason why I oppose the left is not because I want government to be smaller, or even because I want to own every weapon known to man, the reason why is because the left is now anti-tradition, anti-culture and anti-sovereignty with a tinge of anti-white racism to spice it all up. Soviet Russia was full blown communist and they weren't anti-white. That should tell you how fake the current "progressive" left is.

I would say that most Repubs are to the left of JFK, most people do not even understand what it means to be "right".

But you are still wrong about FoxNews, based on the country today, they are not left at all.

Personally, I oppose the left because I do want a smaller government and more personal freedoms.
How can Republicans be to the left of JFK and somehow that makes Fox still right wing? The most left wing Republicans are the ones who represent the right on Fox.

Rupert Murdoch is solidly left wing. The news division of Fox is either composed of squishy Rockefeller/Bush Republicans(like Dana Perino), or slightly less insane Democrats. Laura Ingraham is a tool of the left wing Pope and bastardized Catholic Church. Hannity is just a tool period who has no clue what to believe and will go back to his inane, recycled crap after Trump leaves. Bret Baier is a wind up doll opportunist or a left wing subversive, and Shep Smith is one of the most popular left wing commentators on TV today.

Tucker is the only one who keeps Fox from being another CNN.

Right and left is a moving target, not stationary. What is "right" and "left" shifts as time does. Neither JFK nor Reagan could get their parties nomination in this day and age.
That is pure bullshit. Reagan was president in the 80s. The Republican party hasn't changed much since the 80s.

The only reason why you think that is because society as a whole is firmly on the left.

The Overton Window is not the entirety of the political spectrum, it is just where the majority of the population happens to be after the pathetic Republican party refused to fight.

I will always be left of center no matter how far left this country goes.

I see from your rating my post as "funny" below that you actually like identity politics.
Extreme identity politics is the entirety of the Democratic platform.

You can't be a Democrat and not absolutely LOVE identity politics.
What happened to the state of lumberjacks and deer hunters? Fucking New Yorkers ruining New England states just like Californians have done to Washington, Oregon, and Colorado.
Transgender candidate makes history with win in Vermont governor primary

Like I already reported on this, proof once again that the Left cannot win with a normal wholesome person. Their base is freaks, weirdos and perverts and that is who they elect. Unless the country suddenly fills up with freaks and perverts, they will keep losing elections. As soon as someone elects a democrat again, they will be reminded: Oh Yeah, That's why I said I'd never vote Left again!
I can't wait til she wins the race. People like you will always lose in the end.

I hope she wins too! People like me always win in the end because I represent the majority of normal, healthy, well-adjusted people, and your party represents everything else. Most people don't want openly flaunted deviants. She could have kept her operation to herself, but chose to make it an ISSUE. There's a certain fraction who will be attracted by it, maybe give her a chance, but being a transgender is not an ELECTABLE QUALITY. We tried it on Barack because his skin was black and got burned. We tried it on Hillary just because she was female and that went down in flames. This woman was elected only because she's transgender and that is another doomed to failure. Eventually, they too will be burned by her liberal views and leftist agenda and they will join the majority. :1peleas:
I'm not a Democrat, but I'm pretty sure she wasn't chosen only because she's transgender.
You folks are the ones making it an ISSUE, not them.
Someone has been lying to you again
That is a mainstream thought process for most Democrats.

Almost every black poster here wholeheartedly agrees with it and most white liberals on here cosign their lunacy.

It is a stupid thing, the color of one's skin has no impact on their ability to be racist.
Tell the universities and CNN and MSNBC.

The only organization that agrees with you is your arch-nemesis, Fox News.

CNN and MSNBC are every bit as much my arch-nemesis as FoxNews. Bias is bias, regardless of which way it leans.
Fox News isn't anywhere near as unhinged as MSNBC and CNN supporting Antifa and MS-13.

Fox's problem is that it is too left wing to stay grounded. Too much whining about "kids in cages" to realize that those were Obama's cages, and too much whining about "white supremists" to realize that anti-white racism is now mainstream and institutionalized to the point that the only difference between the US and South Africa's racial laws and rules is the fact that white people are still the majority in the US.
MSNBC and CNN supporting Antifa and MS-13.
Stop reading right there....
Typical weak, ugly loser who couldn't cut it in the male world.

That might be this dude's story, but other Trannys have different stories.

Bruce Jenner was hardly a "loser" when he adopted the Kaitlyn persona.

My guess is the individual is just a confused sexual pervert, much like the Mr/Mrs. Garrison character on South Park
All of these losers fall under the white guilt inferiority complex. Being a white male in today's world is extremely difficult when you have the slightest inkling about what is really going on. This is why a transgendered governor for one of the whitest states in the nation is extremely dangerous.

You don't see black or Hispanic celebrities turning into trannies after achieving fame. The only non-white trannies you see are freaks who became famous because they are freaks.
There is nothing difficult about being a white male in today's society unless you are playing identity politics. Some white males are, and are claiming entitlements merely because they are white and male, which are accidents of birth.
No, there is nothing difficult about being non-white or a woman unless you are playing extreme identity politics(which is what Democrats do).

White males or white people in general aren't allowed to play identity politics, because achieving some semblance of outward equality would only expose the absolutely rotted core that is western democracy.

While I do not think things are as bad as some make them out to be, it is not that simple.

Last week on vacation I read two articles that were a microcosm of what goes in this country.

The first was about a white guy that got no jail time for rape, he put a belt around a girls neck before assaulting her.

The second was about an 11 year old black kid that got handcuffed for "disrespectful dribbling" of a basketball.

Have you read many stories about black guys getting no jail time for rape or white 11 year olds being handcuffed for "disrespectful dribbling"? I know I have not.

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