Very educational film from a time when American schools were about instilling good civic values.

Traditional education in America often sought to instill values of cohesion and cooperation among its citizens. This film highlights the divisive and destructive policies of progressive radicals and was actually created to be used as an educational film in schools to build racial unity and economic cooperation.

Such is the dishonest, reactionary right.

Schools continue to instill good civic values.
Divisive in what way?

To share even a limited illustration, it divides Americans along ethnic lines, gender lines, economic lines, and along the lines of what you like to do in what should be the privacy of your own bedroom. The fact that conservatives seem to be the only ones taking exception to this is mind-boggling to anyone who grew up associating with liberals from an older generation.
Traditional education in America often sought to instill values of cohesion and cooperation among its citizens. This film highlights the divisive and destructive policies of progressive radicals and was actually created to be used as an educational film in schools to build racial unity and economic cooperation.

This from the guy who thinks that drunken, morphine addicted, lied-about-his-war-record, scumbag McCarthy was a hero.

You are an obsessed, ignorant, probably uneducated, Trumpbot minion who is DESPERATE for the 1950's again.

You're good for an eye roll and a laugh. And NO ONE with an IQ over 100 that is mentally stable takes your blather seriously...guaranteed.

That is why you are forced to peddle it on sites like this...where there are other old, uneducated/stupid/unbalanced fools like you.

Coming here for people like me is just to kill time with a little, verbal target practice. Tearing your (and other Trumpbots) argument's down is like the old 'shooting fish in a barrel'.

Have a nice day.
Traditional education in America often sought to instill values of cohesion and cooperation among its citizens. This film highlights the divisive and destructive policies of progressive radicals and was actually created to be used as an educational film in schools to build racial unity and economic cooperation.

This from the guy who thinks that drunken, morphine addicted, lied-about-his-war-record, scumbag McCarthy was a hero.

You are an obsessed, ignorant, probably uneducated, Trumpbot minion who is DESPERATE for the 1950's again.

You're good for an eye roll and a laugh. And NO ONE with an IQ over 100 that is mentally stable takes your blather seriously...guaranteed.

That is why you are forced to peddle it on sites like this...where there are other old, uneducated/stupid/unbalanced fools like you.

Coming here for people like me is just to kill time with a little, verbal target practice. Tearing your (and other Trumpbots) argument's down is like the old 'shooting fish in a barrel'.

Have a nice day.

Joe McCarthy was a decorated war hero in WW2. Also, many Democrats of the day were actually very fond of him. He was the godfather of Bobby Kennedy's first child and JFK defended him on several occasions as a patriot who loved his country.

You are arguing in favor of indoctrination.

You don't even realize that you have been indoctrinated into the American way of life from childbirth.

Is it indoctrination to teach them that Nazism was wrong? Communism is as bad as Nazism.

Teaching people what to think is indoctrination. That is what you are proposing.

Education should be teaching people how to think.

Clearly, your teachers failed you.

Nice cliché. Modern "educators" are political indoctrinators. Massive numbers of students are "studying" in fields that are nothing more than pseudo-disciplines of political activism. It is non-productive and divisive.

Our productive system is inherently divisive. It is driven by competition.
Your entire ideology is every man for himself, hyper individualism. Winners and losers. How much more divisive can it get?

Underneath all that you expect unity? There is nothing left to unite around.

It is very man for himself to an extent. To no extent is it every ethnic group or economic class for themselves. I beieve in individualism, not racism or corporatism.

People cooperate to survive, it is human nature.

Your ideology has failed to create an inclusive community called U.S.A.

That's why you voted for the con man.

Is it indoctrination to teach them that Nazism was wrong? Communism is as bad as Nazism.

Teaching people what to think is indoctrination. That is what you are proposing.

Education should be teaching people how to think.

Clearly, your teachers failed you.

Nice cliché. Modern "educators" are political indoctrinators. Massive numbers of students are "studying" in fields that are nothing more than pseudo-disciplines of political activism. It is non-productive and divisive.

Our productive system is inherently divisive. It is driven by competition.
Your entire ideology is every man for himself, hyper individualism. Winners and losers. How much more divisive can it get?

Underneath all that you expect unity? There is nothing left to unite around.

It is very man for himself to an extent. To no extent is it every ethnic group or economic class for themselves. I beieve in individualism, not racism or corporatism.

People cooperate to survive, it is human nature.

Your ideology has failed to create an inclusive community called U.S.A.

That's why you voted for the con man.

When you take over you will fail. For you do not put the best in a position to succeed. We are already losing our edge and most of things we build here are incredibly expensive. So you worry about ideologies. East Asia is waiting.
Traditional education in America often sought to instill values of cohesion and cooperation among its citizens. This film highlights the divisive and destructive policies of progressive radicals and was actually created to be used as an educational film in schools to build racial unity and economic cooperation.

American schools do instill good civic values, values that focus on including all people, being respectful to all people, being generous and kind to all people. Old time values excluded what was best for everyone and focused on what was good for those who fit into a prescribed form--essentially white, male, and Christian. Things are different nowadays.

the problem isnt good people treating others poorly,,,
but about how progressives want to force others to do as progs see fit,,,

my suggestion is if you dont force me to do what I dont want to do and I wont be mean to you

And my suggestion is drop the delusions because your way forced others to do what they didn't want to.
Teaching people what to think is indoctrination. That is what you are proposing.

Education should be teaching people how to think.

Clearly, your teachers failed you.

Nice cliché. Modern "educators" are political indoctrinators. Massive numbers of students are "studying" in fields that are nothing more than pseudo-disciplines of political activism. It is non-productive and divisive.
Our productive system is inherently divisive. It is driven by competition.
Your entire ideology is every man for himself, hyper individualism. Winners and losers. How much more divisive can it get?

Underneath all that you expect unity? There is nothing left to unite around.

It is very man for himself to an extent. To no extent is it every ethnic group or economic class for themselves. I beieve in individualism, not racism or corporatism.
People cooperate to survive, it is human nature.

Your ideology has failed to create an inclusive community called U.S.A.

That's why you voted for the con man.
When you take over you will fail. For you do not put the best in a position to succeed. We are already losing our edge and most of things we build here are incredibly expensive. So you worry about ideologies. East Asia is waiting.

Since what you say has never happened, a system that allows everybody an equal chance to compete will succeed.
Traditional education in America often sought to instill values of cohesion and cooperation among its citizens. This film highlights the divisive and destructive policies of progressive radicals and was actually created to be used as an educational film in schools to build racial unity and economic cooperation.

American schools do instill good civic values, values that focus on including all people, being respectful to all people, being generous and kind to all people. Old time values excluded what was best for everyone and focused on what was good for those who fit into a prescribed form--essentially white, male, and Christian. Things are different nowadays.

Modern education is about dividing people on racial and economic lines.

Right wingers are always looking for a scapegoat to conceal the failures of the capitalist system.

Capitalism is the most successful economic system ever devised.

Not really.
American schools do instill good civic values, values that focus on including all people, being respectful to all people, being generous and kind to all people. Old time values excluded what was best for everyone and focused on what was good for those who fit into a prescribed form--essentially white, male, and Christian. Things are different nowadays.

Modern education is about dividing people on racial and economic lines.
Right wingers are always looking for a scapegoat to conceal the failures of the capitalist system.

Capitalism is the most successful economic system ever devised.
People are divided by economic lines. It's called class.

Schools didn't do it. Our system of production did.

Stop making excuses for it.

Leftists teach people to obsess over racial and economic divide. America is a land of opportunity for all. It is the best country in the world.

The only civics lesson anybody “needs” is:
Mind your own business.
Keep your hands to yourself.
The creation of a coercive body to violate the above is as bad as doing it yourself.
Traditional education in America often sought to instill values of cohesion and cooperation among its citizens. This film highlights the divisive and destructive policies of progressive radicals and was actually created to be used as an educational film in schools to build racial unity and economic cooperation.

American schools do instill good civic values, values that focus on including all people, being respectful to all people, being generous and kind to all people. Old time values excluded what was best for everyone and focused on what was good for those who fit into a prescribed form--essentially white, male, and Christian. Things are different nowadays.

the problem isnt good people treating others poorly,,,
but about how progressives want to force others to do as progs see fit,,,

my suggestion is if you dont force me to do what I dont want to do and I wont be mean to you

And my suggestion is drop the delusions because your way forced others to do what they didn't want to.

prove it,,,
Traditional education in America often sought to instill values of cohesion and cooperation among its citizens. This film highlights the divisive and destructive policies of progressive radicals and was actually created to be used as an educational film in schools to build racial unity and economic cooperation.

American schools do instill good civic values, values that focus on including all people, being respectful to all people, being generous and kind to all people. Old time values excluded what was best for everyone and focused on what was good for those who fit into a prescribed form--essentially white, male, and Christian. Things are different nowadays.

the problem isnt good people treating others poorly,,,
but about how progressives want to force others to do as progs see fit,,,

my suggestion is if you dont force me to do what I dont want to do and I wont be mean to you

And my suggestion is drop the delusions because your way forced others to do what they didn't want to.

prove it,,,

Go read some history and it proves it.
Traditional education in America often sought to instill values of cohesion and cooperation among its citizens. This film highlights the divisive and destructive policies of progressive radicals and was actually created to be used as an educational film in schools to build racial unity and economic cooperation.

American schools do instill good civic values, values that focus on including all people, being respectful to all people, being generous and kind to all people. Old time values excluded what was best for everyone and focused on what was good for those who fit into a prescribed form--essentially white, male, and Christian. Things are different nowadays.

the problem isnt good people treating others poorly,,,
but about how progressives want to force others to do as progs see fit,,,

my suggestion is if you dont force me to do what I dont want to do and I wont be mean to you

And my suggestion is drop the delusions because your way forced others to do what they didn't want to.

prove it,,,

Go read some history and it proves it.

so youre lying
Traditional education in America often sought to instill values of cohesion and cooperation among its citizens. This film highlights the divisive and destructive policies of progressive radicals and was actually created to be used as an educational film in schools to build racial unity and economic cooperation.

American schools do instill good civic values, values that focus on including all people, being respectful to all people, being generous and kind to all people. Old time values excluded what was best for everyone and focused on what was good for those who fit into a prescribed form--essentially white, male, and Christian. Things are different nowadays.

Modern education is about dividing people on racial and economic lines.

Right wingers are always looking for a scapegoat to conceal the failures of the capitalist system.

Capitalism is the most successful economic system ever devised.

"Capitalism is the most successful economic system ever devised."

There was a long stretch of American history during which rich capitalists, unfettered by government regulations, became extremely wealthy by underpaying their employees (such that they all lived in extreme poverty) and forcing them to work in extremely unhealthy and dangerous conditions.

people died.

on the job or after long term exposure to dangerous substances....

while their children starved and wore torn clothing....

Would you call THAT a great success?

Fortunately LIBERAL UNIONS and a PROGRESSIVE GOVERNMENT , at the behest of MOST of the people, fixed that. well...mostly....

Today, since so many other countries profess to be happier than we are, perhaps it still isn't true.
Traditional education in America often sought to instill values of cohesion and cooperation among its citizens. This film highlights the divisive and destructive policies of progressive radicals and was actually created to be used as an educational film in schools to build racial unity and economic cooperation.

American schools do instill good civic values, values that focus on including all people, being respectful to all people, being generous and kind to all people. Old time values excluded what was best for everyone and focused on what was good for those who fit into a prescribed form--essentially white, male, and Christian. Things are different nowadays.

Modern education is about dividing people on racial and economic lines.

Right wingers are always looking for a scapegoat to conceal the failures of the capitalist system.

Capitalism is the most successful economic system ever devised.

"Capitalism is the most successful economic system ever devised."

There was a long stretch of American history during which rich capitalists, unfettered by government regulations, became extremely wealthy by underpaying their employees (such that they all lived in extreme poverty) and forcing them to work in extremely unhealthy and dangerous conditions.

people died.

on the job or after long term exposure to dangerous substances....

while their children starved and wore torn clothing....

Would you call THAT a great success?

Fortunately LIBERAL UNIONS and a PROGRESSIVE GOVERNMENT , at the behest of MOST of the people, fixed that. well...mostly....

Today, since so many other countries profess to be happier than we are, perhaps it still isn't true.

Yet they continued to leave the farms in droves to live out this bleak existence.
Traditional education in America often sought to instill values of cohesion and cooperation among its citizens. This film highlights the divisive and destructive policies of progressive radicals and was actually created to be used as an educational film in schools to build racial unity and economic cooperation.

American schools do instill good civic values, values that focus on including all people, being respectful to all people, being generous and kind to all people. Old time values excluded what was best for everyone and focused on what was good for those who fit into a prescribed form--essentially white, male, and Christian. Things are different nowadays.

the problem isnt good people treating others poorly, but about how progressives want to force others to do as progs see fit,,,

my suggestion is if you dont force me to do what I dont want to do and I wont be mean to you
MY suggestion is that you don't force me to live life the way you prescribe it should be---by values that exclude anyone and anything you don't like or agree with. I'm not a xenophobe, nor am I racist or sexist. I don't hate people of other religions or ethnicities. Conservatives are the ones who want to force their values on everyone. The 'good old days' weren't so good for women, people of color, or people who were 'different' in anyway. They weren't really good for anyone except white Christian males. Period. Get it through your head: progressives want what is good for all people and for the earth. We aren't expecting anything more or anything less.
Traditional education in America often sought to instill values of cohesion and cooperation among its citizens. This film highlights the divisive and destructive policies of progressive radicals and was actually created to be used as an educational film in schools to build racial unity and economic cooperation.

American schools do instill good civic values, values that focus on including all people, being respectful to all people, being generous and kind to all people. Old time values excluded what was best for everyone and focused on what was good for those who fit into a prescribed form--essentially white, male, and Christian. Things are different nowadays.

the problem isnt good people treating others poorly,,,
but about how progressives want to force others to do as progs see fit,,,

my suggestion is if you dont force me to do what I dont want to do and I wont be mean to you

And my suggestion is drop the delusions because your way forced others to do what they didn't want to.

prove it,,,

That's hilarious: you need a thorough knowledge of human history. Perhaps be sent to a camp where you are treated like a female person of color who is a 'different' ethnicity and religion from yourself. You are displaying a very intense limit of knowledge about human history.
Traditional education in America often sought to instill values of cohesion and cooperation among its citizens. This film highlights the divisive and destructive policies of progressive radicals and was actually created to be used as an educational film in schools to build racial unity and economic cooperation.

American schools do instill good civic values, values that focus on including all people, being respectful to all people, being generous and kind to all people. Old time values excluded what was best for everyone and focused on what was good for those who fit into a prescribed form--essentially white, male, and Christian. Things are different nowadays.

the problem isnt good people treating others poorly, but about how progressives want to force others to do as progs see fit,,,

my suggestion is if you dont force me to do what I dont want to do and I wont be mean to you
MY suggestion is that you don't force me to live life the way you prescribe it should be---by values that exclude anyone and anything you don't like or agree with. I'm not a xenophobe, nor am I racist or sexist. I don't hate people of other religions or ethnicities. Conservatives are the ones who want to force their values on everyone. The 'good old days' weren't so good for women, people of color, or people who were 'different' in anyway. They weren't really good for anyone except white Christian males. Period. Get it through your head: progressives want what is good for all people and for the earth. We aren't expecting anything more or anything less.

my goal is to stay out of other peoples lives and let them live as they see fit,,,as long as they dont rob me or assault me,,,I leave that behavior to democrats and republicans
I don't remember much from civics class in my Catholic high school. Don't care to remember any of it either.

Spoken like a true dumbass. Keep working at it and eventually you'll reach shitforbrains staus if you haven't already.

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