Veteran Who Started GoFundMe To Build The Wall Says A Big Announcement Is Coming Next Week


After near 4 years of demanding a solid concrete wall across the whole southern border, which started in 2015? You call near 4 years of him insisting on his wall and now finally caving, is being flexible??

if it makes you feel better,

Show me in verbatim language where Donald Trump has demanded a big unitary solid concrete wall!
You've got proof, right? Let me give you some facts. Trump: US-Mexican Border Wall Would Not Be Solid Concrete

"Some areas will be all concrete but the experts at Border Patrol prefer a Wall that is see through (thereby making it possible to see what is happening on both sides). Makes sense to me!"
So fuck you and your pathetic lie.
On what basis now will Chuck Schumer and the left deny the wall?

there will be no concrete border WALL across the entire southern border, there will be SOME fencing/steel slats added, ALONG WITH all of the other border security improvements mentioned already a gazillion times that democrats have always supported.

Trump still pushing for solid 'concrete wall'
by Katelyn Caralle
| December 31, 2018 08:30 AM
President Trump insisted Monday morning he's not done with the idea for a concrete border wall, the type of structure he promised repeatedly on the campaign trail in 2016.

Trump still pushing for solid 'concrete wall'

Trump claims he has not 'abandoned' a concrete border wall - CNNPolitics
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$18 million and the Dims are making loud noises that he can’t use that money to build the border wall.

The problem is donating the money to the federal government. It will go into the General Fund unless a special fund is established for this.

It should be remembered that the Washington Monument was built with private funds.

And, what if the money is used to build barriers on private land with the owner’s permission?

More @ Veteran Who Started GoFundMe To Build The Wall Says A Big Announcement Is Coming Next Week (VIDEO)

Better to use the money for PSAs supporting the building of the wall. Flood the airwaves.
there will be no concrete border WALL across the entire southern border, there will be SOME fencing/steel slats added, ALONG WITH all of the other border security improvements mentioned already a gazillion times that democrats have always supported.
Great! We can we expect Schumer to kick in the money?
like upgrading the local roadways and communications during the construction
Those things aren't really optional, are they? Neither are bathrooms. Lots of portapotty rentals if nothing else. There will be a small army of construction workers in the middle of nowhere working on this Wall. They can't all ride in on camels and they need to eat and pee and probably get the internet for the contractors and engineers.
Those things must be taken into account.

All that is true of course, but how long it would take to construct a section of 30' tall fence would be a huge factor in how much it would cost per mile.

If all of it is preconstructed and only needs assembly on site, then it would not be a great cost, and some of the higher estimates I dont think take this into their estimate. They are deliberately making high end estimates as a rhetorical bludgeon, and Reality is not welcome to it.
like upgrading the local roadways and communications during the construction
Those things aren't really optional, are they? Neither are bathrooms. Lots of portapotty rentals if nothing else. There will be a small army of construction workers in the middle of nowhere working on this Wall. They can't all ride in on camels and they need to eat and pee and probably get the internet for the contractors and engineers.
Those things must be taken into account.

All that is true of course, but how long it would take to construct a section of 30' tall fence would be a huge factor in how much it would cost per mile.

If all of it is preconstructed and only needs assembly on site, then it would not be a great cost, and some of the higher estimates I dont think take this into their estimate. They are deliberately making high end estimates as a rhetorical bludgeon, and Reality is not welcome to it.
part of the higher cost is the Digging down, almost as much as the fence will be high or half as much, I was reading the other day.... that at least in some areas, they don't want cars or trucks ramming in to it, and knocking the fence down, and in other areas, they don't want tunnels so easily dug underneath it, so they are going way way way down in to the ground with the steel slatted fences, making it harder for smugglers to dig their tunnels....

And of course, labor costs here are a lot higher than Bangladesh or in Israel, they can probably get Arab labor at a reasonable price, or they used some of their own Army Corp of engineers??

Everybody has got to make a profit here.... from steel manufacturers to bulldozers and cranes and huge digging machine rentals for the job....

and then we have the taking of the citizens private property court suits, and paying a fair market value for it.... all of that costs a lot too.... and it could be different, thus cheaper, in these other nations with walls too.....?

I kind of disagree that there is "padding" in those figures.... because there isn't a government project, ever in the History of 'ever', that has come in below the estimates they gave for it..... it is usually DOUBLE the cost that the experts said it would be....

I do agree that if by "padding" you mean a bunch of different entities that are making a buck off of it....

Cuz that is the nature of the game in the USA, everybody's gotta make their buck, or they won't take the job.
like upgrading the local roadways and communications during the construction
Those things aren't really optional, are they? Neither are bathrooms. Lots of portapotty rentals if nothing else. There will be a small army of construction workers in the middle of nowhere working on this Wall. They can't all ride in on camels and they need to eat and pee and probably get the internet for the contractors and engineers.
Those things must be taken into account.

All that is true of course, but how long it would take to construct a section of 30' tall fence would be a huge factor in how much it would cost per mile.

If all of it is preconstructed and only needs assembly on site, then it would not be a great cost, and some of the higher estimates I dont think take this into their estimate. They are deliberately making high end estimates as a rhetorical bludgeon, and Reality is not welcome to it.
part of the higher cost is the Digging down, almost as much as the fence will be high or half as much, I was reading the other day.... that at least in some areas, they don't want cars or trucks ramming in to it, and knocking the fence down, and in other areas, they don't want tunnels so easily dug underneath it, so they are going way way way down in to the ground with the steel slatted fences, making it harder for smugglers to dig their tunnels....

And of course, labor costs here are a lot higher than Bangladesh or in Israel, they can probably get Arab labor at a reasonable price, or they used some of their own Army Corp of engineers??

Everybody has got to make a profit here.... from steel manufacturers to bulldozers and cranes and huge digging machine rentals for the job....

and then we have the taking of the citizens private property court suits, and paying a fair market value for it.... all of that costs a lot too.... and it could be different, thus cheaper, in these other nations with walls too.....?

I kind of disagree that there is "padding" in those figures.... because there isn't a government project, ever in the History of 'ever', that has come in below the estimates they gave for it..... it is usually DOUBLE the cost that the experts said it would be....

I do agree that if by "padding" you mean a bunch of different entities that are making a buck off of it....

Cuz that is the nature of the game in the USA, everybody's gotta make their buck, or they won't take the job.
Trumps estimates are based on contractor bids, which includes plenty of profits, trust me on that.

And we have a range of estimates of $2.5 billion to over $75 billion. That is rhetorical inflation, not based on realistic estimations.
like upgrading the local roadways and communications during the construction
Those things aren't really optional, are they? Neither are bathrooms. Lots of portapotty rentals if nothing else. There will be a small army of construction workers in the middle of nowhere working on this Wall. They can't all ride in on camels and they need to eat and pee and probably get the internet for the contractors and engineers.
Those things must be taken into account.

All that is true of course, but how long it would take to construct a section of 30' tall fence would be a huge factor in how much it would cost per mile.

If all of it is preconstructed and only needs assembly on site, then it would not be a great cost, and some of the higher estimates I dont think take this into their estimate. They are deliberately making high end estimates as a rhetorical bludgeon, and Reality is not welcome to it.
part of the higher cost is the Digging down, almost as much as the fence will be high or half as much, I was reading the other day.... that at least in some areas, they don't want cars or trucks ramming in to it, and knocking the fence down, and in other areas, they don't want tunnels so easily dug underneath it, so they are going way way way down in to the ground with the steel slatted fences, making it harder for smugglers to dig their tunnels....

And of course, labor costs here are a lot higher than Bangladesh or in Israel, they can probably get Arab labor at a reasonable price, or they used some of their own Army Corp of engineers??

Everybody has got to make a profit here.... from steel manufacturers to bulldozers and cranes and huge digging machine rentals for the job....

and then we have the taking of the citizens private property court suits, and paying a fair market value for it.... all of that costs a lot too.... and it could be different, thus cheaper, in these other nations with walls too.....?

I kind of disagree that there is "padding" in those figures.... because there isn't a government project, ever in the History of 'ever', that has come in below the estimates they gave for it..... it is usually DOUBLE the cost that the experts said it would be....

I do agree that if by "padding" you mean a bunch of different entities that are making a buck off of it....

Cuz that is the nature of the game in the USA, everybody's gotta make their buck, or they won't take the job.
Trumps estimates are based on contractor bids, which includes plenty of profits, trust me on that.

And we have a range of estimates of $2.5 billion to over $75 billion. That is rhetorical inflation, not based on realistic estimations.
FYI- the estimates were between 25 billion to 70 billion, NOT 2.5 billion..... ;)
And we have a range of estimates of $2.5 billion to over $75 billion. That is rhetorical inflation, not based on realistic estimations.
FYI- the estimates were between 25 billion to 70 billion, NOT 2.5 billion..... ;)

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

President Donald Trump has directed the Department of Homeland Security to carry out one of his more prominent campaign promises: to build a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico. In October, signs of progress emerged—a handful of 30-foot-tall prototypes at a construction site near San Diego. But large questions still loom, like how much the wall will cost and who pays for it. Based on what we know so far, here are answers about how the project could move forward.

Estimates range from $8 billion to $67 billion, depending on whom you ask.

Trump estimates that the wall can be built for a figure ranging from $8 billion to $12 billion, and his first budget requests up to $2.6 billion in fiscal 2018 toward planning, designing and building it. Congressional Republicans said they expect it would cost from $12 billion to $15 billion, based on what it cost to build existing border fencing. According to Reuters, an internal Department of Homeland Security report said the wall could cost up to $21.6 billion.

Independent estimates have been much higher. A study published in the MIT Technology Review said a 1,000-mile wall would cost from $27 billion to $40 billion. The study estimated $8.7 billion for concrete, $4.6 billion for steel and labor costs at $14 billion to $27 billion. Separately, Bernstein Research calculated $15 billion to $25 billion for labor, land acquisition and construction costs.

In a March presentation to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, officials from Customs and Border Patrol indicated that Trump’s FY 2018 budget would request approximately $2.6 billion to construct fewer than 75 miles of new border wall, according to a release from U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill’s office. The release said that “if the per-mile costs in the 2018 budget request are extrapolated, the barrier often described by the President would come in at a cost of $66.9 billion.”

What's sad is, so many people think getting this money and building this wall, then and all is well. You have no idea how much a year in upkeep it takes... especially if it has very much concrete in it. You are talking about billions and billions more per year.
A bill has been introduced in congress to handle how the money is to be used, but I can't see it being acted upon with Democrats about to take over the House.

H.R.7207 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): To allow the Secretary of the Treasury to accept public donations to fund the construction of a barrier on the border between the United States and Mexico and for other purposes.

Introduced in House (11/30/2018)
This bill authorizes the Department of the Treasury to accept gifts of money for constructing or maintaining a wall on the U.S. and Mexico border. Treasury shall establish a trust fund and website for that purpose.

This is perfect for the GOP if the Democrats won't act on it. Politicians will scream, "even when Americans themselves show their support for the wall, to such an extent that they donate their own hard earned money, they won't work on behalf of the People" They can even take a dig, "this is the first time we have seen some in government reject money from Americans..."

This will be a hard fought two years. If Trump and the GOP want to be in power another six, they have to call it all out. The global socialist and some in Western governments who are doing their bidding, cannot be allowed to harm the America, and destroy the 250 years of capitalism and individual liberty.
. The Democats will find they are on the wrong side of public policy and will suffer for it in 2020.
What's sad is, so many people think getting this money and building this wall, then and all is well. You have no idea how much a year in upkeep it takes... especially if it has very much concrete in it. You are talking about billions and billions more per year.
Illegal aliens** cost taxpayers 100s of billions every year.

**. They are aliens, not immigrants. The use of the word immigrants makes it sound like they are invited here.
Democrats keep saying they want comprehensive immigration reform. What the fuck is that?

That's the Status Quo with an added couple of drones in the sky. In other words, any tactic that the next Democratic President can just change. A wall is forever, it is apolitical.

I have to say, with their position on this I don't know how ANY American citizen can support it. It truly has me flabbergast. Who would prefer to choose Party over the safety and security of the United States?

Trump should take the money from the military, build it based on National Security and dare the Democratics to fight him on it.

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