Vice News: Eating These Foods Might Make You Racist


The funniest part about PC Police stuff like this is that if you had said they'd be going after food, they would have scoffed at you and insulted you for being silly and hyperbolic.

At this point, we can predict damn near anything and it has a chance to happen.

They have become what they used to loathe.

This article is actually pushing for removing these items OP.

With the official line on racism in food yet to be drawn, it’s time for consumers to vote with their wallets and stop the proliferation of bigoted images in branding and packaging. And while the purchase of Land O’Lakes, Aunt Jemima, or Coon Cheese does not necessarily equate to an admission of racism, the US Patent and Trademark Office and similar government agencies worldwide have already set a very striking precedent and similar regulation in the supermarket could soon follow suit.

Looks like the title got you and you didnt go further

I read the article, faggot. I am not going to quote every example of shitlib insanities for you.
Mama Mia!

Now provide links disproving this link and the stated fact 100% of women in sub Saharan Africa. Because so far, your nervous laughs just prove you have lost a debate to a man of a superior race, the white Nordic race.
You are repeating a vicious **** lie that is perpetuated to sick ******* on us whites.
I don't hate football players, the football players at my school were well adjusted white individuals , not roided and drugged up negros with criminal records and IQs at room temperature.

Worshiping roided up chimps, your man card is revoked.

They look like half ****** albinos , perhaps they were used in the US Gov study confirming black sexual deviancy/incest.
A black, a jew, and mexican walk into a bar, the bartender says, get the fuck out.
NFL=Negro Felons League.

Sorry, but this idiot has nothing constructive or objective to state about racism

The funniest part about PC Police stuff like this is that if you had said they'd be going after food, they would have scoffed at you and insulted you for being silly and hyperbolic.

At this point, we can predict damn near anything and it has a chance to happen.

They have become what they used to loathe.


I had quite the racism dilemma the other day. I never give guys by the road begging money, but I do give them food if I have it. So a black guy was begging, and I looked back and I had a banana in my back seat I was going to have for a snack. I was crap, do I give a black guy a banana? Is that insulting him for begging? Then again, I decided I am white, and I was going to have a banana for a snack. So I decided to leave it up to him. I held it up. He smiled and nodded, I rolled down the window and gave it to him. He said thank you, I drove off.

It was quite the ordeal. Now I'm worried that it was racist though, maybe I should not have given him the banana. Now maybe later he'll think, wait a minute...
Trigger Warning Not Satire.

Apparently emotionally unhinged 20 something liberal bloggers are in a tizzy over "racially insensitive" food brands like Uncle Ben's Rice or Land O' Lakes Butter. They believe the removal of the Washington Redskins trademark sets a precedent for the US Patent Office to remove the trademarks of the aforementioned food brands. They are calling for people that actually have money and some common sense(not hypersensitive college students in mountains of student loan debt) to boycott these products to push to Feds to remove these trademarks.

A lil' preview from the article.

Sixty years removed from the advent of the American Civil Rights Movement, and racism is still alive in the aisles of our grocery stores.

From butter to syrup and porridge, rice, ice cream or waffles, bigotry in food products has stirred international debates for decades. But now, just two weeks after the US Patent and Trademark Office revoked the trademark of the NFL’s Washington Redskins, many popular items commonly found on the shelves of the nation’s supermarkets could soon come under identical scrutiny for their disparaging portrayals of minorities.

Purchasing a bottle of Aunt Jemima, of course, doesn’t make you akin to a full-fledged Klan member. Yet continued support and proliferation of derogatory branding and images requires further inspection into the pervasive prejudices that continue to permeate culinary advertising.

Eating These Foods Might Make You Racist | MUNCHIES

I can remember when PC first reared it's ugly head back in the 80's...
Billiards was at least once referred to as a racist game because a white ball was used to pocket( contain or even incarcerate) the colored balls.
Inner city has been referred to being a racist phrase. Some how radical blacks and self hating white liberals decided "inner city" meant "black" though American cities were depopulated of Caucasians and no other demographic, racial or cultural groups resided there.
Also back then idiots such as Spike Lee ran around the country screaming as anyone who would listen that any movie, tv show or commercial that did not feature black actors was inherently racist. And oh, it gets better.....That any of the above that DID have black actors, was simply practicing tokenism.
Here's one.....The original label of Snapple Iced Tea which was once a regional brand in the NY Metro area featured the image of a Clipper ship in the back ground of the label. Someone in the radical racist black realm decided to start a rumor that the Clipper ship was actually a "slave" ship.
It is this kind of fucked up thinking that gets the Left nowhere.
When real estate values in predominantly minority urban neighborhoods bottomed out, the natural process of real estate development began to turn upward as people decided to invest in these areas and rehabilitate distressed properties. This process earned the term "gentrification"....This term was latched on to by liberals who used it in a negative connotation. All the while those very same liberals championed the outward movement of minorities into predominantly white suburbs. Double standard.
I remember reading a letter to the editor in the NY Daily News that concluded with "why is it when blacks move to the suburbs is deemed progress but when whites move to the city it's deemed as racist?"
and the libs and their radical black cohorts sit there in amazement wondering why there is so much backlash against them.
Those of us who are just trying to live our lives and be left alone throw our hands up in frustration and want to scream WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU PEOPLE WANT?!!!!!!

They don't want anything. They just want to throw the bathwater out and don't give a shit how many babies might be in it nor do they care about the consequences of throwing out all that water. Progress isn't making new improved things----it's trashing everything that already is.
Guess my laundry soap is racist too! :lol:

That depends. Do you use white soap, as if other soap isn't good enough for you? Or do you use non-white soap as if it's their job to clean your cloths and serve you?'re right, it doesn't matter, your soap is racist either way...
They don't want anything. They just want to throw the bathwater out and don't give a shit how many babies might be in it nor do they care about the consequences of throwing out all that water. Progress isn't making new improved things----it's trashing everything that already is.

You mean like the political correctness war?
I'm eating water melon and thinking about fried chicken! Come get me mother fuckers!
Guess my laundry soap is racist too! :lol:

That depends. Do you use white soap, as if other soap isn't good enough for you? Or do you use non-white soap as if it's their job to clean your cloths and serve you?'re right, it doesn't matter, your soap is racist either way...

I'm eating water melon and thinking about fried chicken! Come get me mother fuckers!

You know it's funny, a lot of blacks have told me they do like fried chicken and water melon. Then again, a lot of white like them too. Maybe it has nothing to do with "black."






There's always been racist images used in this country to sale goods.
Do your own research into the slowly changing images of "cream of wheat", "Aunt Jemima",etc.

Today the images are subtle and sometimes corporations will not stop using a brand that is recognized by many generations. Today the image may not be meant to be racist, it's just big business.
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Maybe we should just ban all black people on consumer products? Is this what they want?
Today the images are subtle and sometimes corporations will not stop using a brand that is recognized by many generations. Today the image may not be meant to be racist, it's just big business.

LOL, the way liberals phrase things, you cannot just call a cigar a cigar.

Businesses BTW just want to sell. It's not what they want to say, it's what the public buys.
Today the images are subtle and sometimes corporations will not stop using a brand that is recognized by many generations. Today the image may not be meant to be racist, it's just big business.

LOL, the way liberals phrase things, you cannot just call a cigar a cigar.

Businesses BTW just want to sell. It's not what they want to say, it's what the public buys.

And the images I posted proves that at some point racism "sold" items.
Are you denying that?
Today the images are subtle and sometimes corporations will not stop using a brand that is recognized by many generations. Today the image may not be meant to be racist, it's just big business.

LOL, the way liberals phrase things, you cannot just call a cigar a cigar.

Businesses BTW just want to sell. It's not what they want to say, it's what the public buys.

And the images I posted proves that at some point racism "sold" items.
Are you denying that?

Woosh. That was what I said going over your head. I was referring to your implying the "corporations" are working to an end other than just selling products.
LOL, the way liberals phrase things, you cannot just call a cigar a cigar.

Businesses BTW just want to sell. It's not what they want to say, it's what the public buys.

And the images I posted proves that at some point racism "sold" items.
Are you denying that?

Woosh. That was what I said going over your head. I was referring to your implying the "corporations" are working to an end other than just selling products.

Woosh, that's my post flying right by your head. I implied nothing, I stated it plainly.
Racism and racist stereotypes were and are still used in the advertising world...
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