Vice President Grumps SCREAMING throughout debate

It shows Obama and BITTER Joe can't win on their own.. there he goes and she goes interrupting Ryan. BOTH.
Rather boring debate.

Very boring.. It's like someone said, It's Joe Biden on steroids! LMFAO

Biden can't help himself.. he interrupts and cackles every single time Ryan speaks.. It's been the most disrrecptful performance I've ever seen..
I've never in my life seen an angrier and rude VP.. Not ever..

He looks and sounds like an old bitter man.

Not good ...


I got home to watch since 10pm EDT...
Biden is condescending and nasty. He has said nothing.
Ok what a stupid question.
I knew this was going to happen, Biden sitting there thinking, "who the fuck is this twerp to think he belongs on this stage with me"..
Biden is acting as though he and Obama are the candidates instead of the incumbents.
Biden snickering under his breath. And openly laughing while Ryan was speaking.
Biden is a FAIL...
Biden = 41 minutes
Ryan= 40 minutes

And yet Bitter Old Biden whined about Ryan getting more time.. LOL
Nasty debate performance by a nasty Vice President. Britt Hume just said it.. He looked like a cranky old man.. The sneers were disrespectful.. Greta- Joe Biden showed himself to be very unlikeable.
Ooooo the victim card.....forgot that one..

ONLY 'VICTIM' was VP Biteme who got his ass handed to him for being rude, discourteous, and lacked manners in proper debate...but HE has a history of this...but he is a Statist asswipe and performed per Statist cues/mantra.

He should have retired years ago...Ryan was 3 years old when Biden entered politics...the old man needs to be put to pasture.

Obama should follow suit and give up as well.
Here's a few comments that I came across.

My 17 year old daughter said OMG we have a 12 year old brat for VP.
My wife and 19 year old daughter said he made their skin crawl.
So much for the women vote :)

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