Vice President Rice?

Ernie S.

Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2010
Republican diners haven’t yet picked their entree, but they’ve narrowed it down to the steak or the fish. Still, just as interesting as their main course will be their side selection: Will they go for a drab salad, or something more exciting? Maybe a spicy Rice dish?

Yes, that Rice: Condi. She’s rested and ready - and buff.

Why not the big chair, Condi?
Republican diners haven’t yet picked their entree, but they’ve narrowed it down to the steak or the fish. Still, just as interesting as their main course will be their side selection: Will they go for a drab salad, or something more exciting? Maybe a spicy Rice dish?

Yes, that Rice: Condi. She’s rested and ready - and buff.

Why not the big chair, Condi?

Oh Hell...........George W. Bush would be her secretary of state. He could go back to the middle east and tell the leaders what he and god had talked about lately.
Condi is too connected to Bush for "over the aisle" leaners. Although I think she should be in a cabinet.
Republican diners haven’t yet picked their entree, but they’ve narrowed it down to the steak or the fish. Still, just as interesting as their main course will be their side selection: Will they go for a drab salad, or something more exciting? Maybe a spicy Rice dish?

Yes, that Rice: Condi. She’s rested and ready - and buff.

Why not the big chair, Condi?

Condi is way too moderate for the GOP base.
Condi is an Extremely Intelligent person. She would be a credit to any administration in any Position. Bush haters be Damned.
Both Romney and Gingrich are trying to snap up Bush cabinent members like there is no tomorrow.
Republican diners haven’t yet picked their entree, but they’ve narrowed it down to the steak or the fish. Still, just as interesting as their main course will be their side selection: Will they go for a drab salad, or something more exciting? Maybe a spicy Rice dish?

Yes, that Rice: Condi. She’s rested and ready - and buff.

Why not the big chair, Condi?

Condi is way too moderate for the GOP base.

She's way to my left, but it would be an interesting poker hand.
I'll call your "racist" and raise you one "male chauvinist bastard".
Republican diners haven’t yet picked their entree, but they’ve narrowed it down to the steak or the fish. Still, just as interesting as their main course will be their side selection: Will they go for a drab salad, or something more exciting? Maybe a spicy Rice dish?

Yes, that Rice: Condi. She’s rested and ready - and buff.

Why not the big chair, Condi?

IMO, they could do a lot worse.
She has said nothing doing so often I think she means it.

But despite several of her positions I would go for her in a heartbeat.
condi is way too moderate for the gop base.

she's way to my left, but it would be an interesting poker hand.
I'll call your "racist" and raise you one "male chauvinist bastard".


"The closest thing to eternal life on this planet is a government program." Ronald Reagan"

I wonder if he told George W. Bush about that. Bush expanded the government by 15% in two terms. I won't even mention that he doubled the national debt........well, I guess I did.

I voted Republican from 1956 to 1984 except when I voted for Anderson(I) in 1980 and didn't vote at all in 1976. The Republican party used to stand for small government, balanced budgets and individual rights. They begin to out Democrat the Democrats in 1981 and the rest is history.
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She has said nothing doing so often I think she means it.

But despite several of her positions I would go for her in a heartbeat.
Read the linked article. She seems to be softening. She might be ready to go for it.
Imagine the Left's treatment of Herman Cain and Sarah Palin all aimed at one target.

The racism and misogyny would be epic.
but this shit was funny:

[ame=]George Bush and Condoleezza Rice doing the dance of L-O-V-E - YouTube[/ame]
She's more intelligent than the current field, in total.

Perhaps. She and Newt on the same ticket would beat obama/biden by 125 IQ points It would be like getting a 3rd mind for free.
Newt and Condi both hold PHD's; Newt in History and Rice in Political Science
I see in biographical material, that Ms. Rice earned her BA at 19 and MA at 20.
Condi is an Extremely Intelligent person. She would be a credit to any administration in any Position. Bush haters be Damned. "ex"-oil-exec who helped lie-us-into-WAR!!!

[ame=]Wexler Confronts Condi on Iraq War Lies - YouTube[/ame]


....And, then there's......

[ame=]Ron Paul Vs Condoleezza Rice - YouTube[/ame]​

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