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Victims of Communism

Communism is the Jewish system.
Well, it's not the system in Israel. It's not the system for Jews in NYC. There might be some splinter or small groups who live like that. Many in the LDS Church lived by the United Order in the 1870s. It actually helped the Church grow and prosper for a while but, like all earthly socialism, it failed because of outsiders coming into the communities, taking but not giving, and because of greed and competition just like in all other places things like that were tried. There were several other communist communes created in the United States, from the 1850s through at least the 1970s. There are probably some today. All of those that existed failed for the same kinds of reasons. All of those happening today will fail for the same reasons.

In a perfect world, when Christ rules the earth and the petty greed, jealousy, and other human problems fade away, there will probably be a more communal way of living in all of the world but it won't be communism as you know it because it won't be forced at the end of a gun and, under Christ's perfect example, the corruption you see today won't exist. People won't have to share with the poor because people will all work. There might be communal efficiencies, such as I grow a great big plot of corn and someone else sets up a lumber yard and then trades lumber for corn. But that's not communism; it's liberty. And the lumberman won't try to get all of the corn, and if I grow the corn, I won't require that someone give me more for a share of it than what is reasonable. But that, too, is not communism; it's compassionate sharing, trading, free trade even, but done honestly. It's the compassion, honesty, love, kindness, that causes communism to fail completely and definitely damages the success of capitalism.

So, no, Jews aren't inherently communist. Neither are any of the other groups who have tried it. Most, ignorant from lack of experience, truly believe that they can live better lives, dealing with others in a communal fashion. but, until the return of Jesus Christ, they will all fail. For those who do not believe in Christ - well, if you're right (you're not but we can pretend) then any kind of communal living will always fail in civilized society.
"USA surrender to China" is latest mantra from CCP:

Well, it's not the system in Israel. It's not the system for Jews in NYC. There might be some splinter or small groups who live like that. Many in the LDS Church lived by the United Order in the 1870s. It actually helped the Church grow and prosper for a while but, like all earthly socialism, it failed because of outsiders coming into the communities, taking but not giving, and because of greed and competition just like in all other places things like that were tried. There were several other communist communes created in the United States, from the 1850s through at least the 1970s. There are probably some today. All of those that existed failed for the same kinds of reasons. All of those happening today will fail for the same reasons.

In a perfect world, when Christ rules the earth and the petty greed, jealousy, and other human problems fade away, there will probably be a more communal way of living in all of the world but it won't be communism as you know it because it won't be forced at the end of a gun and, under Christ's perfect example, the corruption you see today won't exist. People won't have to share with the poor because people will all work. There might be communal efficiencies, such as I grow a great big plot of corn and someone else sets up a lumber yard and then trades lumber for corn. But that's not communism; it's liberty. And the lumberman won't try to get all of the corn, and if I grow the corn, I won't require that someone give me more for a share of it than what is reasonable. But that, too, is not communism; it's compassionate sharing, trading, free trade even, but done honestly. It's the compassion, honesty, love, kindness, that causes communism to fail completely and definitely damages the success of capitalism.

So, no, Jews aren't inherently communist. Neither are any of the other groups who have tried it. Most, ignorant from lack of experience, truly believe that they can live better lives, dealing with others in a communal fashion. but, until the return of Jesus Christ, they will all fail. For those who do not believe in Christ - well, if you're right (you're not but we can pretend) then any kind of communal living will always fail in civilized society.
Communism died
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Excerpt from Mao's America by Xi Van Fleet:

"In this book I tell the tale of two cultural revolutions: one driven by Mao and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the one that is unfolding in today’s America. Using my personal experience and extensive historic research, the book demonstrates the stunning similarities of these two revolutions. It guides readers to see that:

• Both revolutions use Marxist tactics of division, indoctrination, deception, coercion, cancelation, subversion, and violence.
• Both revolutions aim to destroy the foundation of traditional culture to replace it with Marxist ideologies.
• Both revolutions weaponize youth, using them as their means to an end.
• Both revolutions share the same goal of achieving absolute power at the expense of the people.
• Both revolutions lead to the same ending: loss of freedom and totalitarian rule."

Mrs Van Fleet was just interviewed by Tucker Carlson.


The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and How to Crush Them)​

Coming July 4th.
Christopher Rufo explains the Leftist plan to destroy America.

"America's Cultural Revolution is the definitive account of the radical Left’s long march through the institutions. Through deep historical research, Rufo shows how the ideas first formulated in the pamphlets of the Weather Underground, Black Panther Party, and Black Liberation Army have been sanitized and adopted as the official ideology of America’s prestige institutions, from the Ivy League universities to the boardrooms of Wal-Mart, Disney, and Bank of America. But his book is not just an exposé. It is a meticulously-researched and passionate refutation of the arguments of CRT—and a roadmap for the counter-revolution to come."

America's Cultural Revolution


“Christopher Rufo is in fact one of the most effective journalists and filmmakers in the country.” — Tucker Carlson
“Christopher Rufo … has done more than anybody else in our country on exposing CRT.” — Governor Ron DeSantis
“The most important and effective conservative activist in the country.” — Bari Weiss
“International-class troublemaker and policy advisor on the culture war.” — Dr. Jordan Peterson
“One of the most important journalists in the country.” — Ben Shapiro
“Christopher Rufo has had an extremely significant impact on our political discourse.” — Glenn Greenwald
“The country’s pre-eminent critic of critical race theory.” — The New York Times
“The most important intellectual entrepreneur on the political right today.” — Vox
“One of the most gifted conservative polemicists of his generation.” — The Atlantic
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Rufo's book is in four parts - Revolution, Race, Education & Power.
From his Preface:

I have seen the hideous face of revolution.
My first encounter was in Seattle, Washington, where I began my career
as a political journalist. When I started reporting on the city’s homelessness
crisis, Seattle’s left-wing activists engaged in a relentless pressure campaign
against my family, targeting our reputations, attempting to get my wife
fired, publishing threats with our home address, and putting up menacing
posters around my oldest son’s elementary school.
Their objective was simple: silence, marginalize, and suppress—all,
somehow, in the name of tolerance and an open society. At the time, I
thought of myself as a moderate. But that experience opened my eyes to the
real nature of left-wing politics. It radicalized me.
A few years later, when my reporting shifted to critical race theory, I
discovered the same dynamic at a national scale: American institutions were
playing the same cynical game, marshalling the forces of guilt, shame, and
scapegoating in order to enforce a left-wing political orthodoxy.
Government agencies were teaching that “all white people” are racist.
Public schools were separating children into “oppressor” and “oppressed.”
Fortune 100 corporations were pushing the idea that the United States was a
“white supremacy system.”


The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and How to Crush Them)​

"The old rules are over. The old order is over. Accusations are evidence. Activism means bigotry and hate. Criminals are allowed to roam free. Citizens are locked up. An appetite for vengeance is unleashed—to deplatform, debank, destroy. This is the daily news, yet none of it's new. Patterns from the past make sense of our present. They also foretell a terrifying future we might be condemned to endure.

For nearly 250 years, far-left uprisings have followed the same battle plans—from the first call for change to last innocent executed, from denial a revolution is even happening to declaration of the new order. Unhumans takes readers on a shocking, sweeping, and succinct journey through history to share the untold stories of radical takeovers that textbooks don't teach."

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