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Victims of Communism

In the social production of their existence, men inevitably enter into definite relations, which are independent of their will, namely relations of production appropriate to a given stage in the development of their material forces of production. The totality of these relations of production constitutes the economic structure of society, the real foundation, on which arises a legal and political superstructure and to which correspond definite forms of social consciousness.

Economic Manuscripts: Preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy
All disasters and deaths in socialist countries happened only because of western distructive and injurious actions against them.
In 1945 USA nuked 2 cities and overruined Tokyo which resulted more than a million deaths of civilians.
Korea and Vietnam in 50-60s were attacked by the USA just to get territorial domition.
Afghanistan in 70s was being built by the USSR, USA came and set terrorists against them. As a result we got half century of poverty and war in the region.
Yugoslavia the strongest economically country was illegaly (as usually) bombed (including radioactive weapons) by the USA.
I may go on further this list of disasters created by “progressive democracy”.

Cuba being surrounded still has the highest level of education and medicine in the region, has no racism and has the highest level of happiness among citizens.
Venezuela doesn’t want to become your vassal as they know that they will be robbed by the USA like all their neighbors were.
The USSR was defeated economically and was ready to live like west does but after 10-15 years of disaster and suffering brought by you realized that they don’t want to live in that stinky corrupted shit and Russians will never be slaves or vassals.

Now tell me please what is real human nature?
To eat each other as you do or to live together and to help each other in all achievements as communist ideology provides.

Tijn Von Ingersleben
U’re the brightest exhample of antihuman way of thinking.
First fascists would disappear because they have ideology based on exceptionalism of certain nation, ideology far from equal rights of all people, ideology USA (terrorist #1) is built on.

Al false.
Oh, really?
What parallel reality do you live?

The USA defeated Japan in a war which the japanese started.
USA was in war with Japan for several years and Japan took China, Korea, Philippines...
After USSR defeated Germany and took Berlin in 1945 they began war against Japan. Soon China was liberated and Kwantun army was defeated. Japan realized they cannot resist and agreed to capitulate. And at this moment USA nukes Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But we must also remember bombing of Tokyo which was even more destructive. But which is the most disgusting - all those bombings were against civilians. And led to more than a million victims among women, children and old men mostly.

The USA not attack in Korea or Vietnam the communists were the aggressors.
In Korea there was a confrontation between USA and USSR. And both are to be blamed in inability to negotiate.
Vietnam war was started by french. Than USA organized fake provocation and began that war where chemicals were used (orange), where women, children and old men were killed by brave Americans. Until today they have health problems because of poisoned land.

Cuba has greater poverty starvation and misery now than they did under Batista. The stats you cite are merely castro's propaganda.
Visit Cuba and look at the country yourself first, talk to people there. I was there a year ago and was surprised to many things.
Yes they are poor but they are equal and they all have everything they need for living.
Of course from your and my point if view they are very poor and almost have nothing but they live happily.
Comparing to USA backed dictator Batista today's Cuba is much much better. And you will never meet Cuban who'd wish those times to come back.

Communist ideology provides only genocide slavery and tyranny.
Again nothing but propaganda slogans..

Let's check:
Genocide - that is how USA apoeared;
Slavery - that is how USA was built;
Tyranny - that is how USA controls other countries.
About history, Marx's thesis is (in his words) "Hegel turned on his
head." Instead of a battle between ideas—thesis and antithesis—out of which
comes a synthesis, the clash is between purely material forces: "dialectical
materialism." Marx's view here is that of the Realist, for whom only tangibles
exist. The rest—art, thought, law, religion—constitute only a superstructure
of no effect by itself. History moves forward by the shifting relation of things,
and in its present phase will bring about proletarian Communism inevitably.
As a onetime Hegelian Marx indulged liberally in ABSTRACTION,
but first and last his vision of history and of reality is that things drive

Barzun, From Dawn to Decadence, p. 589
The first work which I undertook to dispel the doubts assailing me was a critical re-examination of the Hegelian philosophy of law; the introduction to this work being published in the Deutsch-Franzosische Jahrbucher issued in Paris in 1844. My inquiry led me to the conclusion that neither legal relations nor political forms could be comprehended whether by themselves or on the basis of a so-called general development of the human mind, but that on the contrary they originate in the material conditions of life, the totality of which Hegel, following the example of English and French thinkers of the eighteenth century, embraces within the term “civil society”; that the anatomy of this civil society, however, has to be sought in political economy. The study of this, which I began in Paris, I continued in Brussels, where I moved owing to an expulsion order issued by M. Guizot. The general conclusion at which I arrived and which, once reached, became the guiding principle of my studies can be summarised as follows.

Economic Manuscripts: Preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy

not victims of Communism, they are that of Capitalism, which stood in the way of every Communist state and sabotaged their progress.
How did capitalism cause the holodomor or the cultural revolution?

Communism fails because it is unworkable and inherently evil. Sorry but your claim is revisionist nonsense.
Capitalism not only causes huge hunger but also hide it well and doesn't allow this information to be widely spread. Your propaganda is working excellent.

Researcher: Famine Killed 7 Million in U.S. During “Great Depression”

Capitalism cures hunger it does not cause it.

It is your propaganda denying facts.

Capitalism never caused any starvation or famine including during the great depression.
Communism is the most progressive ideology and humanity will come to it. It is stupid to claim this ideology because of some criminals and idiots who came in power.
When speaking about victims of communism why don’t you mention about victims of capitalism?

Communism has more achievements in fact and many of them are those you have in capitalist way of living.

All those victims you’re speaking about are not victims of communism but victims of opposition between different systems.
Capitalism has no such victims to compare sorry.

Communism is evil at it;s core and as it was desinged which is why it consistently ends up with dictatorship and genocide
Capitalism has much much more victims. And those in socialist countries happened because of capitalistic states' confrontation.

Capitalism has no victims and the deaths in socialist nations is caused by socialism.

you cannot explain specifically how capitalism causes socialist nations to fail. You are simply repeating false rhetoric
As well they should be
So you tell people that you fear knowledge and then proceed to prove it in follow up posts. :113:
No I never said any such thing.

Knowledge is power and people should embrace it.

Communism is to be feared, not knowledge of it and why it is evil
I was talking about Marx and what Marx had to offer is knowledge. Clearly you've never made any attempt at understanding his work. You said people should be fearful of him. At least that is the way it came across based on the comment you responded to.

Why should communism be feared? There is nothing evil about it. It is a cooperative society.
Communism is the most progressive ideology and humanity will come to it. It is stupid to claim this ideology because of some criminals and idiots who came in power.
When speaking about victims of communism why don’t you mention about victims of capitalism?

Communism has more achievements in fact and many of them are those you have in capitalist way of living.

All those victims you’re speaking about are not victims of communism but victims of opposition between different systems.
Capitalism has no such victims to compare sorry.

Communism is evil at it;s core and as it was desinged which is why it consistently ends up with dictatorship and genocide
Capitalism has much much more victims. And those in socialist countries happened because of capitalistic states' confrontation.

Capitalism has no victims and the deaths in socialist nations is caused by socialism.

you cannot explain specifically how capitalism causes socialist nations to fail. You are simply repeating false rhetoric
Capitalism's victims are
- all those killed civilians in 3-world countries while western countries took control over them for exploiting their labour and resources;
- those killed and still being killed in wars in Africa, Middle East and East Europe which began because of west wish to dominate;
- those who died in 1930s hunger;
- those who died or were thrown to prison in 1950s when fighting "communist threat" in the usa;
- those people who have no financial possibility today to get medical services as your medicine is to be paid or not provided at all.

But the most important is that capitalistic states began confronting and go on it now against socialistic states and against Russia though it is typical capitalistic now.
That confrontation led to huge military expenses, led to some sanctions and embargoes which declined world economy in common.

I do confess there was a threat of world communist revolution until ww2 but in late 1940s that idea was over and many agreements were signed. And it was calm until you began Korean war which increased confrontation and the world was set in nuclear danger due to your placing nuclear weapon in Turkey.
If USA didn't threaten USSR there wouldn't be any Caribbean crisis... after it was over your realized that USSR is not bluffing and since that time you try to destroy Russia just because it can destroy USA. USA is aggresive to Russia without any real reasons just own fear based on own fear.

You don't know victims of capitalism - look through all those numerous wars initiated by the USA last 100 years. All of them are wars of capitalism. And they are 90% of all wars on earth.
Capitalism has no victims and the deaths in socialist nations is caused by socialism.
All Wars Are Bankers Wars

All disasters and deaths in socialist countries happened only because of western distructive and injurious actions against them.
In 1945 USA nuked 2 cities and overruined Tokyo which resulted more than a million deaths of civilians.
Korea and Vietnam in 50-60s were attacked by the USA just to get territorial domition.
Afghanistan in 70s was being built by the USSR, USA came and set terrorists against them. As a result we got half century of poverty and war in the region.
Yugoslavia the strongest economically country was illegaly (as usually) bombed (including radioactive weapons) by the USA.
I may go on further this list of disasters created by “progressive democracy”.

Cuba being surrounded still has the highest level of education and medicine in the region, has no racism and has the highest level of happiness among citizens.
Venezuela doesn’t want to become your vassal as they know that they will be robbed by the USA like all their neighbors were.
The USSR was defeated economically and was ready to live like west does but after 10-15 years of disaster and suffering brought by you realized that they don’t want to live in that stinky corrupted shit and Russians will never be slaves or vassals.

Now tell me please what is real human nature?
To eat each other as you do or to live together and to help each other in all achievements as communist ideology provides.

Tijn Von Ingersleben
U’re the brightest exhample of antihuman way of thinking.
First fascists would disappear because they have ideology based on exceptionalism of certain nation, ideology far from equal rights of all people, ideology USA (terrorist #1) is built on.

Al false.
Oh, really?
What parallel reality do you live?

The USA defeated Japan in a war which the japanese started.
USA was in war with Japan for several years and Japan took China, Korea, Philippines...
After USSR defeated Germany and took Berlin in 1945 they began war against Japan. Soon China was liberated and Kwantun army was defeated. Japan realized they cannot resist and agreed to capitulate. And at this moment USA nukes Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But we must also remember bombing of Tokyo which was even more destructive. But which is the most disgusting - all those bombings were against civilians. And led to more than a million victims among women, children and old men mostly.

The USA not attack in Korea or Vietnam the communists were the aggressors.
In Korea there was a confrontation between USA and USSR. And both are to be blamed in inability to negotiate.
Vietnam war was started by french. Than USA organized fake provocation and began that war where chemicals were used (orange), where women, children and old men were killed by brave Americans. Until today they have health problems because of poisoned land.

Cuba has greater poverty starvation and misery now than they did under Batista. The stats you cite are merely castro's propaganda.
Visit Cuba and look at the country yourself first, talk to people there. I was there a year ago and was surprised to many things.
Yes they are poor but they are equal and they all have everything they need for living.
Of course from your and my point if view they are very poor and almost have nothing but they live happily.
Comparing to USA backed dictator Batista today's Cuba is much much better. And you will never meet Cuban who'd wish those times to come back.

Communist ideology provides only genocide slavery and tyranny.
Again nothing but propaganda slogans..

Let's check:
Genocide - that is how USA apoeared;
Slavery - that is how USA was built;
Tyranny - that is how USA controls other countries.

Did you just get out of the pool, or...?
As well they should be
So you tell people that you fear knowledge and then proceed to prove it in follow up posts. :113:
No I never said any such thing.

Knowledge is power and people should embrace it.

Communism is to be feared, not knowledge of it and why it is evil
I was talking about Marx and what Marx had to offer is knowledge. Clearly you've never made any attempt at understanding his work. You said people should be fearful of him. At least that is the way it came across based on the comment you responded to.

Why should communism be feared? There is nothing evil about it. It is a cooperative society.

No I said people should be fearful of communism. I never once said anyone should be fearful of him clearly you lack reading comprehension. I understand his work very well. Clearly better than you do. You cannot grasp the simplest of ideas from me or from Marx.

Marx offered no knowledge. He offered slavery genocide and totalitarianism.

People should never be afraid of what he wrote or of learning of it or him. They should be frightened of any attempt to make his sickening ideals a reality.
TEHON SAID: Why should communism be feared? There is nothing evil about it. It is a cooperative society.

Gaps in your knowledge of the effects of Communism are vast. Try studying the Black Book of Communism or Mao: The Unknown Story.
All disasters and deaths in socialist countries happened only because of western distructive and injurious actions against them.
In 1945 USA nuked 2 cities and overruined Tokyo which resulted more than a million deaths of civilians.
Korea and Vietnam in 50-60s were attacked by the USA just to get territorial domition.
Afghanistan in 70s was being built by the USSR, USA came and set terrorists against them. As a result we got half century of poverty and war in the region.
Yugoslavia the strongest economically country was illegaly (as usually) bombed (including radioactive weapons) by the USA.
I may go on further this list of disasters created by “progressive democracy”.

Cuba being surrounded still has the highest level of education and medicine in the region, has no racism and has the highest level of happiness among citizens.
Venezuela doesn’t want to become your vassal as they know that they will be robbed by the USA like all their neighbors were.
The USSR was defeated economically and was ready to live like west does but after 10-15 years of disaster and suffering brought by you realized that they don’t want to live in that stinky corrupted shit and Russians will never be slaves or vassals.

Now tell me please what is real human nature?
To eat each other as you do or to live together and to help each other in all achievements as communist ideology provides.

Tijn Von Ingersleben
U’re the brightest exhample of antihuman way of thinking.
First fascists would disappear because they have ideology based on exceptionalism of certain nation, ideology far from equal rights of all people, ideology USA (terrorist #1) is built on.

Al false.
Oh, really?
What parallel reality do you live?

The USA defeated Japan in a war which the japanese started.
USA was in war with Japan for several years and Japan took China, Korea, Philippines...
After USSR defeated Germany and took Berlin in 1945 they began war against Japan. Soon China was liberated and Kwantun army was defeated. Japan realized they cannot resist and agreed to capitulate. And at this moment USA nukes Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But we must also remember bombing of Tokyo which was even more destructive. But which is the most disgusting - all those bombings were against civilians. And led to more than a million victims among women, children and old men mostly.

The USA not attack in Korea or Vietnam the communists were the aggressors.
In Korea there was a confrontation between USA and USSR. And both are to be blamed in inability to negotiate.
Vietnam war was started by french. Than USA organized fake provocation and began that war where chemicals were used (orange), where women, children and old men were killed by brave Americans. Until today they have health problems because of poisoned land.

Cuba has greater poverty starvation and misery now than they did under Batista. The stats you cite are merely castro's propaganda.
Visit Cuba and look at the country yourself first, talk to people there. I was there a year ago and was surprised to many things.
Yes they are poor but they are equal and they all have everything they need for living.
Of course from your and my point if view they are very poor and almost have nothing but they live happily.
Comparing to USA backed dictator Batista today's Cuba is much much better. And you will never meet Cuban who'd wish those times to come back.

Communist ideology provides only genocide slavery and tyranny.
Again nothing but propaganda slogans..

Let's check:
Genocide - that is how USA apoeared;
Slavery - that is how USA was built;
Tyranny - that is how USA controls other countries.
I was uncertain whether to bother responding to such massive ignorance but I finally decided you need the correction. The Second World war had nothing to do with capitalism vs communism and is not a valid comparison. Japan started the war and the US won it righteously. The bombing of their cities was justified. If you do not want your cities bombed do not start a war.

Once again the communists are to blame for Vietnam and Korea.

Finally you are ignorant and wrong in the extreme on Cuba no matter how much crap you make up about having been there. They live far more miserably than they did under Batista. Like all other nations they have greater poverty and state sanctioned murder and genocide. Their health care system is woefully inferior to any western nations.

The only people claiming that their health care system is superior is the cuban government which does not allow unbiased and neutral observation of their system from outsiders. they simply proclaim themselves better and you believe them,

The evidence that you are wrong about Cuba is simple fact that for decades Cubans have risked their lives to flee to the US. No one takes such risks to go the opposite way.

The reason for this is that every communist state or system is evil and they do not fail because of interference from the US

The US sis not appear because of genocide and was not built by slavery and does not control other nations.

It is YOUR claims not mine which are propaganda talking points with little basis in reality.
Communism is the most progressive ideology and humanity will come to it. It is stupid to claim this ideology because of some criminals and idiots who came in power.
When speaking about victims of communism why don’t you mention about victims of capitalism?

Communism has more achievements in fact and many of them are those you have in capitalist way of living.

All those victims you’re speaking about are not victims of communism but victims of opposition between different systems.
Capitalism has no such victims to compare sorry.

Communism is evil at it;s core and as it was desinged which is why it consistently ends up with dictatorship and genocide
Capitalism has much much more victims. And those in socialist countries happened because of capitalistic states' confrontation.

Capitalism has no victims and the deaths in socialist nations is caused by socialism.

you cannot explain specifically how capitalism causes socialist nations to fail. You are simply repeating false rhetoric
Capitalism's victims are
- all those killed civilians in 3-world countries while western countries took control over them for exploiting their labour and resources;
- those killed and still being killed in wars in Africa, Middle East and East Europe which began because of west wish to dominate;
- those who died in 1930s hunger;
- those who died or were thrown to prison in 1950s when fighting "communist threat" in the usa;
- those people who have no financial possibility today to get medical services as your medicine is to be paid or not provided at all.

But the most important is that capitalistic states began confronting and go on it now against socialistic states and against Russia though it is typical capitalistic now.
That confrontation led to huge military expenses, led to some sanctions and embargoes which declined world economy in common.

I do confess there was a threat of world communist revolution until ww2 but in late 1940s that idea was over and many agreements were signed. And it was calm until you began Korean war which increased confrontation and the world was set in nuclear danger due to your placing nuclear weapon in Turkey.
If USA didn't threaten USSR there wouldn't be any Caribbean crisis... after it was over your realized that USSR is not bluffing and since that time you try to destroy Russia just because it can destroy USA. USA is aggresive to Russia without any real reasons just own fear based on own fear.

You don't know victims of capitalism - look through all those numerous wars initiated by the USA last 100 years. All of them are wars of capitalism. And they are 90% of all wars on earth.

Communism directly requires and inflicts the deaths of millions capitalism does not. You are attempting a false equivalence by confusing people who simply die and blaming it on capitalism. In other words someone dies in a factory in the US it is not because of capitalism. Nor is it because of communism that someone dies in a factory in North Korea.

Capitalism has helped the people of third world nations such as african nations immeasurably it has not killed them.

There was no famine in the USA as you tried to claim. The link you provided proved that point ironically.

In fact all of your claims are essentially fictitious.
Is China still communist? The Communist Party is in power and has a monopoly, and I don't disagree that they are a dictatorship, but they are not communist economically.
Is China still communist? The Communist Party is in power and has a monopoly, and I don't disagree that they are a dictatorship, but they are not communist economically.
Chinese economical system is taken by them from Soviet but they we able to make reforms in 1990s and not to make same mistakes as USSR had done which lead to huge crisis.
And neither in China nor in Russia is dictatorship. But in Russia people vote for president at the elections while in China parliament does quite the same as it was in the USSR.
Is China still communist? The Communist Party is in power and has a monopoly, and I don't disagree that they are a dictatorship, but they are not communist economically.
Chinese economical system is taken by them from Soviet but they we able to make reforms in 1990s and not to make same mistakes as USSR had done which lead to huge crisis.
And neither in China nor in Russia is dictatorship. But in Russia people vote for president at the elections while in China parliament does quite the same as it was in the USSR.
They both had dictatorship and China still does.

China did not avoid the same mistakes as the USSR they committed the same old errors. Genocide and slavery.

They are slightly better off now only because of some small degree of capitalism
Is China still communist? The Communist Party is in power and has a monopoly, and I don't disagree that they are a dictatorship, but they are not communist economically.
Chinese economical system is taken by them from Soviet but they we able to make reforms in 1990s and not to make same mistakes as USSR had done which lead to huge crisis.
And neither in China nor in Russia is dictatorship. But in Russia people vote for president at the elections while in China parliament does quite the same as it was in the USSR.
They both had dictatorship and China still does.

China did not avoid the same mistakes as the USSR they committed the same old errors. Genocide and slavery.

They are slightly better off now only because of some small degree of capitalism
You are overfilled with fake and propaganda. Whatever I say you don't believe because all you know is based on biased sources.
And if you try to get real information your brain may explode because you realize that 90% of what you know about it is false
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