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Victims of Communism

The ideology has appeal to some idealists, but millions of people were never helped by Marxist ideology.
...what about the free education and free medicine for everyone ....?

Doesn’t exist. Never has, never will.
It was in the USSR. Like much more.
I lived in the USSR. The children had good ... idols. Gagarin. Hockey players)) Every child could practice hockey.
Each child could be engaged in air modeling.
Or a photo

There was a lot of good.
What will not be written in the west)))
The Naked Communist, first published in 1958 has gone thru many editions. The latest 2014 edition has sold over one million copies.
Use the Look Inside function to see the Table of contents and reviews:


Here is a tiny sample:

LENIN: “The existence of the Soviet Republic side by
side with imperialist states for a long time is unthinkable.
One or the other must triumph in the end. And before that
end supervenes, a series of frightful collisions between the
Soviet Republic and the bourgeois states will be inevitable.”

V. I. Lenin, “report of the central committee at the Sth

OFFICIAL statement: “The proletariat in the Soviet
Union harbours no illusions as to the possibility of a durable
peace with the imperialists. The proletariat knows that the
imperialist attack against the Soviet Union is inevitable; that
in the process of a proletarian world revolution wars between
proletarian and bourgeois states, wars for the emancipation
of the world from capitalism, will necessarily and inevitably
arise. Therefore, the primary duty of the proletariat, as the
fighter for socialism, is to make all the necessary political,
economic and military preparations for these wars, to
strengthen its Red Army—that mighty weapon of the proletariat—
and to train the masses of the toilers in the art of war.”

international.” International Press Correspondence, November
28, 1926, p. 1590.

LENIN: “Final victory can be achieved only on an international
scale, and only by the combined efforts of the workers
of all countries.”

Quoted by Joseph Stalin in, “leninism,” Volume I, p. 170.

Stalin: “This means that the serious assistance of the
international proletariat is a force without which the problem
of the final victory of socialism in one country cannot be

Joseph Stalin’s letter to Ivanov, p. 9. See also “resolution of
Last edited:
The Naked Communist, first published in 1958 has gone thru many editions. The latest 2014 edition has sold over one million copies.
Use the Look Inside function to see the Table of contents and reviews:


Here is a tiny sample:

LENIN: “The existence of the Soviet Republic side by
side with imperialist states for a long time is unthinkable.
One or the other must triumph in the end. And before that
end supervenes, a series of frightful collisions between the
Soviet Republic and the bourgeois states will be inevitable.”

V. I. Lenin, “report of the central committee at the Sth

OFFICIAL statement: “The proletariat in the Soviet
Union harbours no illusions as to the possibility of a durable
peace with the imperialists. The proletariat knows that the
imperialist attack against the Soviet Union is inevitable; that
in the process of a proletarian world revolution wars between
proletarian and bourgeois states, wars for the emancipation
of the world from capitalism, will necessarily and inevitably
arise. Therefore, the primary duty of the proletariat, as the
fighter for socialism, is to make all the necessary political,
economic and military preparations for these wars, to
strengthen its Red Army—that mighty weapon of the proletariat—
and to train the masses of the toilers in the art of war.”

international.” International Press Correspondence, November
28, 1926, p. 1590.

LENIN: “Final victory can be achieved only on an international
scale, and only by the combined efforts of the workers
of all countries.”

Quoted by Joseph Stalin in, “leninism,” Volume I, p. 170.

Stalin: “This means that the serious assistance of the
international proletariat is a force without which the problem
of the final victory of socialism in one country cannot be

Joseph Stalin’s letter to Ivanov, p. 9. See also “resolution of
Y dont see that Lenin was right?
Hatred & destruction are keynotes of Communism:

LENIN: “Hatred for one’s own government and one’s
own bourgeoisie—the sentiment of all class conscious workers
... is a banal phrase if it does not mean revolution against
their own governments. It is impossible to rouse hatred
against one’s own government and one’s own bourgeoisie without
desiring their defeat.”

V. I. Lenin, “selected works,” Vol. V, p. 147.

LENIN: “A revolutionary class in a reactionary war cannot
but desire the defeat of its government. . . . And revolutionary
action in wartime against one’s own government
undoubtedly and incontrovertibly means not only desiring its
defeat, but really facilitating such defeat.”

V. I. Lenin, “selected works,” Vol. V, p. 142.
Hatred & destruction are keynotes of Communism:
And what do you feel about a person who puts money above the human life?

Capital is afraid of lack of profit or too little profit, as nature is afraid of emptiness. But once there is sufficient profit, the capital becomes bold. Provide 10 percent, and the capital agrees to any application, at 20 percent it becomes animated, at 50 percent is positively ready to break his head, at 100 percent he tramples all human laws, at 300 percent there is no such crime that he would not risk, at least under pain of a gallows.
Last edited:
The Naked Communist, first published in 1958 has gone thru many editions. The latest 2014 edition has sold over one million copies.
Use the Look Inside function to see the Table of contents and reviews:


Here is a tiny sample:

LENIN: “The existence of the Soviet Republic side by
side with imperialist states for a long time is unthinkable.
One or the other must triumph in the end. And before that
end supervenes, a series of frightful collisions between the
Soviet Republic and the bourgeois states will be inevitable.”

V. I. Lenin, “report of the central committee at the Sth

OFFICIAL statement: “The proletariat in the Soviet
Union harbours no illusions as to the possibility of a durable
peace with the imperialists. The proletariat knows that the
imperialist attack against the Soviet Union is inevitable; that
in the process of a proletarian world revolution wars between
proletarian and bourgeois states, wars for the emancipation
of the world from capitalism, will necessarily and inevitably
arise. Therefore, the primary duty of the proletariat, as the
fighter for socialism, is to make all the necessary political,
economic and military preparations for these wars, to
strengthen its Red Army—that mighty weapon of the proletariat—
and to train the masses of the toilers in the art of war.”

international.” International Press Correspondence, November
28, 1926, p. 1590.

LENIN: “Final victory can be achieved only on an international
scale, and only by the combined efforts of the workers
of all countries.”

Quoted by Joseph Stalin in, “leninism,” Volume I, p. 170.

Stalin: “This means that the serious assistance of the
international proletariat is a force without which the problem
of the final victory of socialism in one country cannot be

Joseph Stalin’s letter to Ivanov, p. 9. See also “resolution of
Y dont see that Lenin was right?

Snowball? :lol:
Communism is the most progressive ideology and humanity will come to it. It is stupid to claim this ideology because of some criminals and idiots who came in power.
When speaking about victims of communism why don’t you mention about victims of capitalism?

Communism has more achievements in fact and many of them are those you have in capitalist way of living.

All those victims you’re speaking about are not victims of communism but victims of opposition between different systems.
Capitalism has no such victims to compare sorry.

Communism is evil at it;s core and as it was desinged which is why it consistently ends up with dictatorship and genocide
All disasters and deaths in socialist countries happened only because of western distructive and injurious actions against them.
In 1945 USA nuked 2 cities and overruined Tokyo which resulted more than a million deaths of civilians.
Korea and Vietnam in 50-60s were attacked by the USA just to get territorial domition.
Afghanistan in 70s was being built by the USSR, USA came and set terrorists against them. As a result we got half century of poverty and war in the region.
Yugoslavia the strongest economically country was illegaly (as usually) bombed (including radioactive weapons) by the USA.
I may go on further this list of disasters created by “progressive democracy”.

Cuba being surrounded still has the highest level of education and medicine in the region, has no racism and has the highest level of happiness among citizens.
Venezuela doesn’t want to become your vassal as they know that they will be robbed by the USA like all their neighbors were.
The USSR was defeated economically and was ready to live like west does but after 10-15 years of disaster and suffering brought by you realized that they don’t want to live in that stinky corrupted shit and Russians will never be slaves or vassals.

Now tell me please what is real human nature?
To eat each other as you do or to live together and to help each other in all achievements as communist ideology provides.

Tijn Von Ingersleben
U’re the brightest exhample of antihuman way of thinking.
First fascists would disappear because they have ideology based on exceptionalism of certain nation, ideology far from equal rights of all people, ideology USA (terrorist #1) is built on.

Al false.

The USA defeated Japan in a war which the japanese started.

The USA not attack in Korea or Vietnam the communists were the aggressors.

Cuba has greater poverty starvation and misery now than they did under Batista. The stats you cite are merely castro's propaganda.

Communist ideology provides only genocide slavery and tyranny.
U’re the brightest exhample of antihuman way of thinking.
As opposed to Communism which killed 100M in the last century?
1. Communism never existed. It was an idea which was planned to be reached. Socialist countries did existed. And now most western countries are much closer to socialistic than to capitalistic. That is sll thanks to 1917 and Russian October revolution.
2. Socialism didn’t kill 100mln as you say but those victims were victims of struggle of capitalistic regimes against socialistic. So who must be blamed first?
3. Why don’t you count victims of your bloody capitalism? Billions of deaths! India, China, Indians, 2 world wars, permanent wars by western world for their supremacy. Billions!!!!!!!

Until money rule the world it will stay in shit hole. When all those globalists are deposed humanity will get chance to survive.
Communism existed and still does you simply lack comprehension of what it is.

Communism is not an end state of a socialist, egalitarian and stateless society. Communism is a verb, it is the means of getting to that desired end. Every communist nation has tried and failed to reach that end although they all did use the prescribed methods of getting there.

It is what communism does which makes it real and makes it evil. Not the utopain and ridiculous goal it espouses.

not victims of Communism, they are that of Capitalism, which stood in the way of every Communist state and sabotaged their progress.
How did capitalism cause the holodomor or the cultural revolution?

Communism fails because it is unworkable and inherently evil. Sorry but your claim is revisionist nonsense.
Capitalism not only causes huge hunger but also hide it well and doesn't allow this information to be widely spread. Your propaganda is working excellent.

Researcher: Famine Killed 7 Million in U.S. During “Great Depression”
Communism is the most progressive ideology and humanity will come to it. It is stupid to claim this ideology because of some criminals and idiots who came in power.
When speaking about victims of communism why don’t you mention about victims of capitalism?

Communism has more achievements in fact and many of them are those you have in capitalist way of living.

All those victims you’re speaking about are not victims of communism but victims of opposition between different systems.
Capitalism has no such victims to compare sorry.

Communism is evil at it;s core and as it was desinged which is why it consistently ends up with dictatorship and genocide
Capitalism has much much more victims. And those in socialist countries happened because of capitalistic states' confrontation.
About history, Marx's thesis is (in his words) "Hegel turned on his
head." Instead of a battle between ideas—thesis and antithesis—out of which
comes a synthesis, the clash is between purely material forces: "dialectical
materialism." Marx's view here is that of the Realist, for whom only tangibles
exist. The rest—art, thought, law, religion—constitute only a superstructure
of no effect by itself. History moves forward by the shifting relation of things,
and in its present phase will bring about proletarian Communism inevitably.
As a onetime Hegelian Marx indulged liberally in ABSTRACTION,
but first and last his vision of history and of reality is that things drive

Barzun, From Dawn to Decadence, p. 589

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