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Victims of Communism

All disasters and deaths in socialist countries happened only because of western distructive and injurious actions against them.
In 1945 USA nuked 2 cities and overruined Tokyo which resulted more than a million deaths of civilians.
Korea and Vietnam in 50-60s were attacked by the USA just to get territorial domition.
Afghanistan in 70s was being built by the USSR, USA came and set terrorists against them. As a result we got half century of poverty and war in the region.
Yugoslavia the strongest economically country was illegaly (as usually) bombed (including radioactive weapons) by the USA.
I may go on further this list of disasters created by “progressive democracy”.

Cuba being surrounded still has the highest level of education and medicine in the region, has no racism and has the highest level of happiness among citizens.
Venezuela doesn’t want to become your vassal as they know that they will be robbed by the USA like all their neighbors were.
The USSR was defeated economically and was ready to live like west does but after 10-15 years of disaster and suffering brought by you realized that they don’t want to live in that stinky corrupted shit and Russians will never be slaves or vassals.

Now tell me please what is real human nature?
To eat each other as you do or to live together and to help each other in all achievements as communist ideology provides.

Tijn Von Ingersleben
U’re the brightest exhample of antihuman way of thinking.
First fascists would disappear because they have ideology based on exceptionalism of certain nation, ideology far from equal rights of all people, ideology USA (terrorist #1) is built on.
U’re the brightest exhample of antihuman way of thinking.
As opposed to Communism which killed 100M in the last century?
1. Communism never existed. It was an idea which was planned to be reached. Socialist countries did existed. And now most western countries are much closer to socialistic than to capitalistic. That is sll thanks to 1917 and Russian October revolution.
2. Socialism didn’t kill 100mln as you say but those victims were victims of struggle of capitalistic regimes against socialistic. So who must be blamed first?
3. Why don’t you count victims of your bloody capitalism? Billions of deaths! India, China, Indians, 2 world wars, permanent wars by western world for their supremacy. Billions!!!!!!!

Until money rule the world it will stay in shit hole. When all those globalists are deposed humanity will get chance to survive.
1. Communism never existed. It was an idea which was planned to be reached. Socialist countries did existed. And now most western countries are much closer to socialistic than to capitalistic. That is sll thanks to 1917 and Russian October revolution.
Ahhh yes...but let me guess...YOUR vision would work to plan correct? Silly.

2. Socialism didn’t kill 100mln as you say but those victims were victims of struggle of capitalistic regimes against socialistic.
Ahh yes...the Gulags and the death forest of Stalin....the Bolsheviks...killing fields of Cambodia...Mao's Great Leap and Cultural Revolutions didn't result in the deaths of tens of millions...it was the imperialists? Do you Commie nutjobs ever write any new material?

3. Why don’t you count victims of your bloody capitalism? Billions of deaths! India, China, Indians, 2 world wars, permanent wars by western world for their supremacy. Billions!!!!!!
Wanna compare numbers? Go jack off to your pic of Marx.
1. Communism never existed. It was an idea which was planned to be reached. Socialist countries did existed. And now most western countries are much closer to socialistic than to capitalistic. That is sll thanks to 1917 and Russian October revolution.
Ahhh yes...but let me guess...YOUR vision would work to plan correct? Silly.

2. Socialism didn’t kill 100mln as you say but those victims were victims of struggle of capitalistic regimes against socialistic.
Ahh yes...the Gulags and the death forest of Stalin....the Bolsheviks...killing fields of Cambodia...Mao's Great Leap and Cultural Revolutions didn't result in the deaths of tens of millions...it was the imperialists? Do you Commie nutjobs ever write any new material?

3. Why don’t you count victims of your bloody capitalism? Billions of deaths! India, China, Indians, 2 world wars, permanent wars by western world for their supremacy. Billions!!!!!!
Wanna compare numbers? Go jack off to your pic of Marx.
All you know about life in the USSR is lying propaganda.
But if you check statistics of population growth you will face some dissonance.
Here you are:
1913 (Russian Empire without Finland) - 164mln
1920 (after revolution happened, while civil war and intervention by western countries) - 138mln
1926 - 147mln
1929 - 154mln
1937 - 167mln (thogh 7mln died in great hunger)
1939 - 170mln
1941 (war began) - 195mln
1945 (war’s over) - 172mln (about 40mln killed by nazists who are the product of your civilization)
1953 (Stalin died) - 189mln
Inspite of aggressive west who didn’t allow the USSR to develop, industrialization was done, 98% of population got educated thogh in 1917 there were about 30% of people able to read, medicine became free and of highest quality...
USSR in 1941 under rule of such a terrible guy Stalin was THE ONLY country who could fight against Hitler and to win in that war while the whole Europe surended, brits closed themselves at the island and pindos (Americans) went on trading with everyone including Hitler.
So explain me please how or why “progressive west” couldn’t do anything while “frightened hungry stupid Russian dictator’s slaves” succeeded?

When you mention Gulag try to recall who you know it from. Solzhenitsyn spent there several years and went on living, Sakharov was even cured from cancer in that terrible Gulag, Korolyov had possibility for scientific work in Gulag and created the first rocket in the world.
If they hated USSR why would they create h-bomb, rockets and space ships? So they didn’t.
And do you know country with the most prisoners in the world now? Yes! USA!!! About 2,5mln!

And by the way I wouldn’t call myself a communist, I vote for Russian Empire with emperor elected for a long time.

Before blaming someone look at yourself first.
1. Communism never existed. It was an idea which was planned to be reached. Socialist countries did existed. And now most western countries are much closer to socialistic than to capitalistic. That is sll thanks to 1917 and Russian October revolution.
Ahhh yes...but let me guess...YOUR vision would work to plan correct? Silly.

2. Socialism didn’t kill 100mln as you say but those victims were victims of struggle of capitalistic regimes against socialistic.
Ahh yes...the Gulags and the death forest of Stalin....the Bolsheviks...killing fields of Cambodia...Mao's Great Leap and Cultural Revolutions didn't result in the deaths of tens of millions...it was the imperialists? Do you Commie nutjobs ever write any new material?

3. Why don’t you count victims of your bloody capitalism? Billions of deaths! India, China, Indians, 2 world wars, permanent wars by western world for their supremacy. Billions!!!!!!
Wanna compare numbers? Go jack off to your pic of Marx.
All you know about life in the USSR is lying propaganda.
But if you check statistics of population growth you will face some dissonance.
Here you are:
1913 (Russian Empire without Finland) - 164mln
1920 (after revolution happened, while civil war and intervention by western countries) - 138mln
1926 - 147mln
1929 - 154mln
1937 - 167mln (thogh 7mln died in great hunger)
1939 - 170mln
1941 (war began) - 195mln
1945 (war’s over) - 172mln (about 40mln killed by nazists who are the product of your civilization)
1953 (Stalin died) - 189mln
Inspite of aggressive west who didn’t allow the USSR to develop, industrialization was done, 98% of population got educated thogh in 1917 there were about 30% of people able to read, medicine became free and of highest quality...
USSR in 1941 under rule of such a terrible guy Stalin was THE ONLY country who could fight against Hitler and to win in that war while the whole Europe surended, brits closed themselves at the island and pindos (Americans) went on trading with everyone including Hitler.
So explain me please how or why “progressive west” couldn’t do anything while “frightened hungry stupid Russian dictator’s slaves” succeeded?

When you mention Gulag try to recall who you know it from. Solzhenitsyn spent there several years and went on living, Sakharov was even cured from cancer in that terrible Gulag, Korolyov had possibility for scientific work in Gulag and created the first rocket in the world.
If they hated USSR why would they create h-bomb, rockets and space ships? So they didn’t.
And do you know country with the most prisoners in the world now? Yes! USA!!! About 2,5mln!

And by the way I wouldn’t call myself a communist, I vote for Russian Empire with emperor elected for a long time.

Before blaming someone look at yourself first.

Go spew your horseshit propaganda to someone else. Only good Commie is a dead one.
Of all tyrannies in history, the Bolshevik tyranny is the
worst, the most destructive, the most degrading. Every
British and French soldier killed last year was really done
to death by Lenin and Trotsky not in fair war, but by the
treacherous desertion of an ally without parallel in the
history of the world.

Churchill - 1919 Speech, London,11 Apr.

as for gulags, take for example Solzhenitsyn, whose personal experience was nothing like described in his books; he not only survived a gulag but also received successful treatement for his cancer while in there; so much for gulag horrors... western propaganda is not to be trusted because it distorts the truth & facts in order to portray Russia in a bad light, no matter what political system, the USSR or Russian Empire's.
Russia internationally looks bad no matter what kind of lighting you prefer.
You talk about have no idea.
There was no any tyranny. Absolute bulshit. There was only wrong way of ruling the economy.

You from west judge basing on 0,5 or even less per cent of information
Life in countries even a degree under communism was ridiculously surreal and contrary to human nature.
Communism is enervating to the human spirit. It is not in accord with who we are and how we will comport ourselves no matter what any inteligensia desires.
As I mentioned earlier you do not understand what communism is.
The idea of communism is very good and it is how humanity will live in future.
Communism never existed yet.

What you call communist countries were just socialist countries but that kind of political system was not even socialistic...just more orientated to increasing of social standards of all citizens without any exclusions.

You blame communism as some inhuman ideology but it is wrong. Will try to explain why:
There were mistakes in political system of the USSR and others socialistic states but they referred to way of ruling economy. And the only really serious mistake was that economy was not balanced well.
The USA and Western Europe's authorities were afraid communist ideas could become strong and began fighting them - do you suppose it free and democratic? In 1950s communist ideas were very strong in the world. And there were huge number of imprisoned activists in USA and other western countries. Huge anti communist propaganda started saying scary tales about living in socialist countries, huge pressure on those countries began, so they had to get closed. As a result - closed borders, people couldn't communicate and the cold war began.
In order to make communism/socialism less attractive western countries increased greatly living standards of citizens.

You know after 27 years of "free" living most people of former USSR wish USSR would never collapse and still existed. Do you know why?
Because life in the USSR was easier and more pleasant than it is now.
- medical care is free and of high quality; (like in Russia now)
- education is free and of high quality (like in Russia now);
- everyone had appartment for living;
- no unemployment at all;
- incredibly low level of criminal.

If there wasn't that confrontation between western countries and USSR humanity would be much much more developed now and there weren't any wars at all.
Look deeper to the reasons of all wars, confrontation and you will realize it is all because of wish to get more power and money. But it was Stalin's time when USSR stopped Lenin's idea of world revolution. Stalin's idea was to live in peace with west and to develope USSR + eastern Europe... the only thing USSR did was bearing of communist standards to not developed countries in Asia, Africa, South America which lead to wars against USA backed groups.
So who is the one more guilty in all those conflicts and long-term confrontations? You think USSR, I am sure - USA.

And a lot is said about 'Gulags'. Political prisoners were in both sides. But in the USSR there were many executions...because it was a war time.
From 1930s till 1950s there were huge number of spies - German first, British and American later who not just looked for some information but were organizing terroristic actions, created antigovernment war squads, made mischiefs and scathed in industry and agriculture. How else could government keep order in conditions of total ruined country with 20 millions of able to work population killed by war?

So guys, you all are victims of lying propaganda
As I mentioned earlier you do not understand what communism is.....

Of course I do. Chances are very, very good I have studied the concept in greater detail than you ever shall. It is an anathema to human nature, and that is why in every iteration to whatever degree it has always and will always fail. Humans are not fish humans are not birds humans are not broccoli and humans will not live according to communism. You don’t like it, tough shit. That is the way it is.

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