Video emerges of Georgia jogger attack; case headed to grand jury

This is the expected response to this situation. A bunch of ignorant cracker racists talking about a white man who had no mother fucking reason to be holding a gun on somebody in the first place defending himself against some blacks guy who they want to claim ran towards a gun.

It is apparent that after the first shot was fired from the truck at Arbery he saw the other white man pointing the gun at him and knew he was about to be shot so he went for it.
My eyes tell me a completely different story:
View attachment 334856

You believe, and have admitted that you believe, that these two "crackers" (as you say) were intending to murder Arbery and that at no point was it possible for Arbery to do something other than what the video above shows, that would have prevented Arbery's death.

I will let everyone here decide if that belief is reasonable under the circumstances.

A guy in a white shirt running in front of a truck and grabbing onto someone who got out of the truck
That’s what I see, don’t know who is who.
Who is who?
That's all you wanted to see. The guy was out of the truck as the guy was jogging down the street. And they had blocked off the street.
And that was after they had already cut him off once but he ran away from them.
Listen all of you stupid idiots. And listen well. Anyone who gets in the car and stops in the middle of the fucking street to confront anyone is a stupid asshole. If I jogged by, I would go for the gun too and more than likely that racist fat ass and his stupid dad would be dead. The fat fucks should have used a cell phone to take a picture and call the police not confront someone fucking jogging. The fact that we have 50 pages of debate on this shows how fucking stupid all of you are.

Agreed and well said. There may be a right to perform a citizens arrest in Georgia, however there is no right given to do an armed investigation. They did not see the guy commit a crime, and it was not a crime for him to walk onto an open construction sight. What they did was attempt a false imprisonment and investigation and the guy fought back because he knew he couldnt outrun a truck. Anyone saying he should have just kept running needs to have their brain examined, sorry.

These two clowns probably did take the man's race into account. There are plenty of times when African Americans should and can be sensitive to things that harken back to the days when it was open season on Blacks. And this is one of those times. The appearances are powerful enough to justify that.
At the same time however, I don't believe at all that this represents most white people in America by a far longshot, or that Donald Trump empowered anyone to do this crap. Yet what will happen and is happening is that the extremists on both sides will grab onto this as usual.
Simple assault:
(a) A person commits the offense of simple assault when he or she either:

(1) Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another; or

(2) Commits an act which places another in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.

Aggravated Assault:
(a) A person commits the offense of aggravated assault when he or she assaults:

(1) With intent to murder, to rape, or to rob;

(2) With a deadly weapon or with any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a person, is likely to or actually does result in serious bodily injury; or

(3) A person or persons without legal justification by discharging a firearm from within a motor vehicle toward a person or persons.

Make the case.
Simple assault 2(a) seems to meet the minimal requirement:
"A person commits the offense of simple assault when he or she commits an act which places another in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury"

You don't think that being chased down, yelled at and approached by men with guns in their hands would cause apprehension in the average person? There are people who freak out when they see others out in pubic openly carrying a firearm in a holster, the weapon not even in their hands, so there is absolutely no reason to assume that finding yourself in this type of scenario is because of something good.
You obviously have a different understanding of IMMEDIATELY.

There's now should be charges of terrorism/hate crime pending... I still can see a self-defense argument, but... I think the court of public opinion will be swiftly going towards the GM and TM as illegally detaining and harassing Aubrey.
I don’t believe the guy in that photo has been positively identified as Gregory McMichael.
Very similar appearance if not identical. Glasses frame also matches.
I posted several videos. Why did you only mention the first one? Your entire argument is based on lies. I posted several examples. Would you like 10 more that have nothing to do with someones home? 20? 30? How many must i post before you admit you are wrong?
I don't have time now to go into this further but I will answer your questions later on this evening if I have time.

In the meantime, I just checked with a CJTC firearm instructor (Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission) and he directed me to the specific page and paragraph in their training manual that answers your question which follows below. This is the same training I completed when I obtained my first WA Concealed Pistol License 19 years ago.
Use of force or deadly force when law does not allow it may result in your arrest for assault or homicide.
Criminal charges for an assault with a firearm do not necessarily require that the gun be fired; for example, someone who threatens another without legal justification by pointing a gun at him or her has committed an assault.

An assault with a firearm is usually considered to be a first or second-degree assault (both of these are felonies). Conviction of such a crime may carry a sentence from ten to 20 years. Should your use of force result in the unlawful death of another person, you may be charged with either manslaughter if your recklessness caused the death, or murder if you intended to kill the person.

Penalties for manslaughter may be up to ten years in prison. Murder carries a sentence up to life in prison, unless certain aggravating circumstances exist, in which case the court may impose the death penalty [Washington State no longer has a death penalty as of a few years ago].

It is your responsibility as the person carrying or using a weapon to use it responsibly and within the law. Neither your employer nor any other person is criminally responsible for your acts with a firearm. Under criminal law, you alone have the responsibility for any display or firing of a firearm. If you have any doubt about your ability to make crucial life-and-death decisions regarding the use of deadly force, then you should not carry a firearm.
None of that has anything at all to do with our debate. You said its illegal to point a gun at someone. I showed you that is not true. Good samaritans can absolutely point a gun at a suspected criminal.
LMAO... those two were definitely not "good Samaritans".

Wow...the stupidity.
Sure they were. They were tracking a criminal whom they recognized from crime scene footage. That is by definition a good samaritan.

Criminal or Violent Criminal? Killing someone without a judge and jury makes one a good Samaritan? Oh...
When someone attacks you, you have the right to self defense. A man trying to take your gun away is a dire threat.
And a man pointing a gun at you is also a dire threat. No gun and there is no death in this case. Don't stop the truck in the middle of the street and act like a cop.


No one would have died if they had not done this.
I agree. The question is what should be their punishment for acting stupid?

I don't think it's murder, but they don't get off easy, unless they are somehow justified (like somebody reported seeing the guy armed and attempting to burglarize an occupied residence).

Manslaughter will be the verdict for the shooter. Not sure for the dad.

I'm finding so strange that the African American community is putting up murals of AA though, he wasn't a hero, at least not to My knowledge... and I mean... they acting as though he's Sable Hood stealing from the White Hood.... which is just horrible because... well not right now because of the state shut downs... but... schisse, states need to reopen... and provide more job opportunities.

As for the McMichaels, charges of false imprisonment and harrassment... that's what I see in this case right now, unless it's determined that AA was shot prior to grabbing Travis's gun. And at least Greg McMichael should be charged in a hate crime, and being part of a terrorist organization, and Travis if he's a KK Klan member too, if this photo of this KKK rally is of Greg McMichael, which the glasses appear to match Greg's arrest photo glasses.

Yep, that is Greg McMichael, the hair, glasses and beard are the same. This looks much worse for them now, since the father was directing his son on what to do.
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There's now should be charges of terrorism/hate crime pending... I still can see a self-defense argument, but... I think the court of public opinion will be swiftly going towards the GM and TM as illegally detaining and harassing Aubrey.
I don’t believe the guy in that photo has been positively identified as Gregory McMichael.
Very similar appearance if not identical. Glasses frame also matches.
Still doesn't mean it's him. I'm not saying it's not him, just that by that photo alone, with no other corroborating evidence, I wouldn't say for certain that it is him.
Even though these guys shouldn't have used guns to attempt to apprehend a burglary suspect, if they get a jury of their peers, they will not be convicted, for trying to apprehend this violent criminal.
Yeah they are going to get away with murder. That's how the justice system works. As Richard Pryor said, justice means JUST US blacks.

It has nothing to do with your lying racist accusations. They saw him run uninvited inside a residence & run away when ask what he was doing in there. It was reasonable to believe they interrupted a felony in progress, justifying a citizen's arrest until LEO could arrive. He was not shot for trying to flee the scene of the crime. He was shot while trying to kill the citizen with his own gun.
He was not trying to kill anyone with their own gun. I know you racists want to make that the story but it's not. There was no justification for a citizens arrest. I know you racists want to make this into the black guy deserved to die, but the white men committed murder and after he proper authorities watched the tape that was the determination made and this is why those two men were arrested..
Even though these guys shouldn't have used guns to attempt to apprehend a burglary suspect, if they get a jury of their peers, they will not be convicted, for trying to apprehend this violent criminal.
Yeah they are going to get away with murder. That's how the justice system works. As Richard Pryor said, justice means JUST US blacks.
Considering the current trends in crime and the state of non Neanderthal nations in Africa... and Haiti, the country founded on eternal hatred, I would say that having only Homo Sapien Sapiens, which is genocidal by the way, is not justice at all. I think of Scandinavia and how fair and free laws are there, and fair minded the people.

But I do say that being a KKK member is also an act of treason and terrorism.
You might want to learn the history of Africa before colonization before you run your mouth. Then go read the UCR for the past 30 years so you get an accurate understanding of the real crime trends instead of the white racist claims of crime. Wasn't Andres Brevik a member of a Scandinavian country? Wasn't it Norway who had a neo nazi running for president ort prime minister?
Even though these guys shouldn't have used guns to attempt to apprehend a burglary suspect, if they get a jury of their peers, they will not be convicted, for trying to apprehend this violent criminal.
Yeah they are going to get away with murder. That's how the justice system works. As Richard Pryor said, justice means JUST US blacks.
Considering the current trends in crime and the state of non Neanderthal nations in Africa... and Haiti, the country founded on eternal hatred, I would say that having only Homo Sapien Sapiens, which is genocidal by the way, is not justice at all. I think of Scandinavia and how fair and free laws are there, and fair minded the people.

But I do say that being a KKK member is also an act of treason and terrorism.
You might want to learn the history of Africa before colonization before you run your mouth. Then go read the UCR for the past 30 years so you get an accurate understanding of the real crime trends instead of the white racist claims of crime. Wasn't Andres Brevik a member of a Scandinavian country? Wasn't it Norway who had a neo nazi running for president ort prime minister?
Oh please. A collection of mud huts on the banks of a river becomes a great civilization? Sub-Saharan Africa had scant history never having developed a written language. What little is known has been gleaned by travelers from North Africa and later Europe, and they had precious little to write about anyway.
Even though these guys shouldn't have used guns to attempt to apprehend a burglary suspect, if they get a jury of their peers, they will not be convicted, for trying to apprehend this violent criminal.
Yeah they are going to get away with murder. That's how the justice system works. As Richard Pryor said, justice means JUST US blacks.
Considering the current trends in crime and the state of non Neanderthal nations in Africa... and Haiti, the country founded on eternal hatred, I would say that having only Homo Sapien Sapiens, which is genocidal by the way, is not justice at all. I think of Scandinavia and how fair and free laws are there, and fair minded the people.

But I do say that being a KKK member is also an act of treason and terrorism.
You might want to learn the history of Africa before colonization before you run your mouth. Then go read the UCR for the past 30 years so you get an accurate understanding of the real crime trends instead of the white racist claims of crime. Wasn't Andres Brevik a member of a Scandinavian country? Wasn't it Norway who had a neo nazi running for president ort prime minister?
There are more neo-nazis in Africa... more brutal Gay hating Arab supremacist (Surah 22:78) Muslim dictatorships that are led by neo-nazi minded leaders that have armies of psychopathic Andres Brevik type people. The Mandela constitution, totally racists and not for the Eurasian community in South Africa.

Let's look at the crime stats in the United States, shall We?

Hundreds more Sapien people are murdering Neanderthal people in the United States also, stats should include Asian and Atlantean people and just compare this on the subspecies level and look at this from a scientific perspective. Why are H.S. Sapiens murdering themselves and H.S. Neanderthals more than Neanderthal on Neandethal or Sapien crime? Is there a genetic component to their aggression? "We're moving through Kashmir." Robert Plant.
Even though these guys shouldn't have used guns to attempt to apprehend a burglary suspect, if they get a jury of their peers, they will not be convicted, for trying to apprehend this violent criminal.
Yeah they are going to get away with murder. That's how the justice system works. As Richard Pryor said, justice means JUST US blacks.

It has nothing to do with your lying racist accusations. They saw him run uninvited inside a residence & run away when ask what he was doing in there. It was reasonable to believe they interrupted a felony in progress, justifying a citizen's arrest until LEO could arrive. He was not shot for trying to flee the scene of the crime. He was shot while trying to kill the citizen with his own gun.
"They saw him run uninvited inside a residence & run away when ask what he was doing in there."

Not true. All Gregory McMichael saw was Arbery running down the street. Travis McMichael didn't even see that. He was inside and saw nothing.
If that is true, they had no cause to justify their actions & will likely be convicted.
Even though these guys shouldn't have used guns to attempt to apprehend a burglary suspect, if they get a jury of their peers, they will not be convicted, for trying to apprehend this violent criminal.
Yeah they are going to get away with murder. That's how the justice system works. As Richard Pryor said, justice means JUST US blacks.
Considering the current trends in crime and the state of non Neanderthal nations in Africa... and Haiti, the country founded on eternal hatred, I would say that having only Homo Sapien Sapiens, which is genocidal by the way, is not justice at all. I think of Scandinavia and how fair and free laws are there, and fair minded the people.

But I do say that being a KKK member is also an act of treason and terrorism.
You might want to learn the history of Africa before colonization before you run your mouth. Then go read the UCR for the past 30 years so you get an accurate understanding of the real crime trends instead of the white racist claims of crime. Wasn't Andres Brevik a member of a Scandinavian country? Wasn't it Norway who had a neo nazi running for president ort prime minister?
Oh please. A collection of mud huts on the banks of a river becomes a great civilization? Sub-Saharan Africa had scant history never having developed a written language. What little is known has been gleaned by travelers from North Africa and later Europe, and they had precious little to write about anyway.
Ethiopia is written about in ancient literature, but... as We know from Greek and Latin sources that Ethiopia was an Indian colony in Africa. King Cepheus having a Persian name.
Even though these guys shouldn't have used guns to attempt to apprehend a burglary suspect, if they get a jury of their peers, they will not be convicted, for trying to apprehend this violent criminal.
Yeah they are going to get away with murder. That's how the justice system works. As Richard Pryor said, justice means JUST US blacks.
Considering the current trends in crime and the state of non Neanderthal nations in Africa... and Haiti, the country founded on eternal hatred, I would say that having only Homo Sapien Sapiens, which is genocidal by the way, is not justice at all. I think of Scandinavia and how fair and free laws are there, and fair minded the people.

But I do say that being a KKK member is also an act of treason and terrorism.
You might want to learn the history of Africa before colonization before you run your mouth. Then go read the UCR for the past 30 years so you get an accurate understanding of the real crime trends instead of the white racist claims of crime. Wasn't Andres Brevik a member of a Scandinavian country? Wasn't it Norway who had a neo nazi running for president ort prime minister?
Oh please. A collection of mud huts on the banks of a river becomes a great civilization? Sub-Saharan Africa had scant history never having developed a written language. What little is known has been gleaned by travelers from North Africa and later Europe, and they had precious little to write about anyway.
Ethiopia is written about in ancient literature, but... as We know from Greek and Latin sources that Ethiopia was an Indian colony in Africa. King Cepheus having a Persian name.
First off, Ethiopia is not sub-Saharan and secondly, Cepheus is a Greek name and most he was most likely mythical. What little is known about ancient Ethiopia comes from the Greeks anyway.

Even though these guys shouldn't have used guns to attempt to apprehend a burglary suspect, if they get a jury of their peers, they will not be convicted, for trying to apprehend this violent criminal.
Yeah they are going to get away with murder. That's how the justice system works. As Richard Pryor said, justice means JUST US blacks.
Considering the current trends in crime and the state of non Neanderthal nations in Africa... and Haiti, the country founded on eternal hatred, I would say that having only Homo Sapien Sapiens, which is genocidal by the way, is not justice at all. I think of Scandinavia and how fair and free laws are there, and fair minded the people.

But I do say that being a KKK member is also an act of treason and terrorism.
You might want to learn the history of Africa before colonization before you run your mouth. Then go read the UCR for the past 30 years so you get an accurate understanding of the real crime trends instead of the white racist claims of crime. Wasn't Andres Brevik a member of a Scandinavian country? Wasn't it Norway who had a neo nazi running for president ort prime minister?
Oh please. A collection of mud huts on the banks of a river becomes a great civilization? Sub-Saharan Africa had scant history never having developed a written language. What little is known has been gleaned by travelers from North Africa and later Europe, and they had precious little to write about anyway.
Ethiopia is written about in ancient literature, but... as We know from Greek and Latin sources that Ethiopia was an Indian colony in Africa. King Cepheus having a Persian name.
First off, Ethiopia is not sub-Saharan and secondly, Cepheus is a Greek name and most he was most likely mythical.

Legend on a Map. I remember reading, and I can't find the source now, but there was a big connection with the name of Cepheus to Persia, and it had something to do with Ovid. The Persians, they say and Xerxes is quoted as saying in Herodotus' Histories, are of Perseus, meaning, Greek/Egyptian heritage.
Even though these guys shouldn't have used guns to attempt to apprehend a burglary suspect, if they get a jury of their peers, they will not be convicted, for trying to apprehend this violent criminal.
Yeah they are going to get away with murder. That's how the justice system works. As Richard Pryor said, justice means JUST US blacks.
Considering the current trends in crime and the state of non Neanderthal nations in Africa... and Haiti, the country founded on eternal hatred, I would say that having only Homo Sapien Sapiens, which is genocidal by the way, is not justice at all. I think of Scandinavia and how fair and free laws are there, and fair minded the people.

But I do say that being a KKK member is also an act of treason and terrorism.
You might want to learn the history of Africa before colonization before you run your mouth. Then go read the UCR for the past 30 years so you get an accurate understanding of the real crime trends instead of the white racist claims of crime. Wasn't Andres Brevik a member of a Scandinavian country? Wasn't it Norway who had a neo nazi running for president ort prime minister?
Oh please. A collection of mud huts on the banks of a river becomes a great civilization? Sub-Saharan Africa had scant history never having developed a written language. What little is known has been gleaned by travelers from North Africa and later Europe, and they had precious little to write about anyway.
Ethiopia is written about in ancient literature, but... as We know from Greek and Latin sources that Ethiopia was an Indian colony in Africa. King Cepheus having a Persian name.
First off, Ethiopia is not sub-Saharan and secondly, Cepheus is a Greek name and most he was most likely mythical. What little is known about ancient Ethiopia comes from the Greeks anyway.

Sub-Saharan Africa: Sub-Saharan Africa - Wikipedia
Even though these guys shouldn't have used guns to attempt to apprehend a burglary suspect, if they get a jury of their peers, they will not be convicted, for trying to apprehend this violent criminal.
Yeah they are going to get away with murder. That's how the justice system works. As Richard Pryor said, justice means JUST US blacks.
Considering the current trends in crime and the state of non Neanderthal nations in Africa... and Haiti, the country founded on eternal hatred, I would say that having only Homo Sapien Sapiens, which is genocidal by the way, is not justice at all. I think of Scandinavia and how fair and free laws are there, and fair minded the people.

But I do say that being a KKK member is also an act of treason and terrorism.
You might want to learn the history of Africa before colonization before you run your mouth. Then go read the UCR for the past 30 years so you get an accurate understanding of the real crime trends instead of the white racist claims of crime. Wasn't Andres Brevik a member of a Scandinavian country? Wasn't it Norway who had a neo nazi running for president ort prime minister?
Oh please. A collection of mud huts on the banks of a river becomes a great civilization? Sub-Saharan Africa had scant history never having developed a written language. What little is known has been gleaned by travelers from North Africa and later Europe, and they had precious little to write about anyway.
Ethiopia is written about in ancient literature, but... as We know from Greek and Latin sources that Ethiopia was an Indian colony in Africa. King Cepheus having a Persian name.
First off, Ethiopia is not sub-Saharan and secondly, Cepheus is a Greek name and most he was most likely mythical.

Legend on a Map. I remember reading, and I can't find the source now, but there was a big connection with the name of Cepheus to Persia, and it had something to do with Ovid. The Persians, they say and Xerxes is quoted as saying in Herodotus' Histories, are of Perseus, meaning, Greek/Egyptian heritage.
That quote would be unusual having been said 200 years or so before Ptolemy.
Even though these guys shouldn't have used guns to attempt to apprehend a burglary suspect, if they get a jury of their peers, they will not be convicted, for trying to apprehend this violent criminal.
Yeah they are going to get away with murder. That's how the justice system works. As Richard Pryor said, justice means JUST US blacks.
Considering the current trends in crime and the state of non Neanderthal nations in Africa... and Haiti, the country founded on eternal hatred, I would say that having only Homo Sapien Sapiens, which is genocidal by the way, is not justice at all. I think of Scandinavia and how fair and free laws are there, and fair minded the people.

But I do say that being a KKK member is also an act of treason and terrorism.
You might want to learn the history of Africa before colonization before you run your mouth. Then go read the UCR for the past 30 years so you get an accurate understanding of the real crime trends instead of the white racist claims of crime. Wasn't Andres Brevik a member of a Scandinavian country? Wasn't it Norway who had a neo nazi running for president ort prime minister?
Oh please. A collection of mud huts on the banks of a river becomes a great civilization? Sub-Saharan Africa had scant history never having developed a written language. What little is known has been gleaned by travelers from North Africa and later Europe, and they had precious little to write about anyway.
Ethiopia is written about in ancient literature, but... as We know from Greek and Latin sources that Ethiopia was an Indian colony in Africa. King Cepheus having a Persian name.
First off, Ethiopia is not sub-Saharan and secondly, Cepheus is a Greek name and most he was most likely mythical.

Legend on a Map. I remember reading, and I can't find the source now, but there was a big connection with the name of Cepheus to Persia, and it had something to do with Ovid. The Persians, they say and Xerxes is quoted as saying in Herodotus' Histories, are of Perseus, meaning, Greek/Egyptian heritage.
That quote would be unusual having been said 200 years or so before Ptolemy.
I highly recommend reading Herodotus' Histories then.

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