Video emerges of Georgia jogger attack; case headed to grand jury

I don't know much about the Georgia case except for what I read here and I couldn't see the video, so watched it here. The two's story does not jive as they didn't attempt to call the police and they confronted the unarmed jogger with a shotgun. It does look like a racially motivated killing to me. Give them life in prison or the death sentence. It seems open and shut to me with the video.

The difficult part would be to show a racially motivated killing.

Now, you bring George Zimmerman into this and I think that makes it more confusing of a case if you do that. You have to remember that "super dumbass" Zimmerman was found not guilty and shot in self-defense. Okay, that case was crazy, but why bring that into the black jogger in Georgia case when it appears the father and son's testimonies are full of holes? We haven't even gotten to their arrest nor a criminal case yet.

It makes it sound that you think the father and son will get off scot free in this case. How do you know? these sorts of cases bias in the facts are ignored, spun, censored or as in the case of the video on cbs ....the whole video is not shown....when you watch the whole video you see the black guy run over to the guy with the shotgun and attack him.....thus in defense of his life he shoots the black guy....not a complicated case...another case of simple self defense....yet the media once again is attempting to ignite racial tensions by not correctly reporting the story.

That is why there were no arrests in the we will see what the grand jury has to say.....if they follow the law and do not bow to political and media pressure the shooter will be exonerated.

well actually if you are watching the video, the struggle is over the gun and the gun goes off three times during the struggle, the white kid never aimed his gun at the jogger. Therefore, there isn't an intent to shoot.
Get zimmermans lawyer! God bless these patriots!
No need. Its Georgia. Any lawyer will do. They just recently and begrudgingly took the confederate flag off their state flag.
Can’t wait for all the thug out pics to come out, and the woman that he raped.. mike Brown all over again lol
It wasnt rape. That white guy and his sister had consensual sex and the son is the result.
Mike Brown Lol I can’t wait when he’s guys are out of jail I’m goNa buy them dinner
Better be careful or they will end up raping you. :)
He’s dead he can’t rape anymore .. haha
Neither of the inbreds are least not yet.
Why would that be ? For self defense?
There is no "odds are" in this. Why would you make such a statement? It looks much more like two ignorant little Georgia crackers out to murder somebody.
There you go with the racial slurs again

I say the black guy initiated the physical contact based on common sense

the man holding the shotgun has no reason to wrestle with the other man
jeus f christ people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the people in the truck INITIATED the problem----this is undeniable
..Zimmerheadman INITIATED the problem
As I keep pointing out this was an intersection of three dummies rather than just two

yes the father and son were wrong to confront the jogger

It appears they did call 911 but police reaction time is notoriously slow.

thats all they should have done

just follow the guy till the cops show up

if they had done that their lives would be much better today

the the jogger acted stupidly also by attempting to use force against 2 armed men

otherwise he would be alive today

Woulda coulda shoulda....that is a game that can be played endlessly in any situation...what if....they did not take their weapons and the suspect was armed?

In Georgia you have the right to carry in a lot of states.....and if you are carrying a weapone and someone attacks you....what would you do?
Again, why put yourself in that situation if it isnt necessary?

If I had been them it would not have ended they way it did

Lookee here boyo.....monday morning quarterbacking is very easy.

Anyhow....they were within their legal rights to confront the guy....and if the dumbass had not decided to attack them then nothing would have happened.

What would you do if you had a gun and some guy attacks you?
There is no "odds are" in this. Why would you make such a statement? It looks much more like two ignorant little Georgia crackers out to murder somebody.
There you go with the racial slurs again

I say the black guy initiated the physical contact based on common sense

the man holding the shotgun has no reason to wrestle with the other man
jeus f christ people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the people in the truck INITIATED the problem----this is undeniable
..Zimmerheadman INITIATED the problem
As I keep pointing out this was an intersection of three dummies rather than just two

yes the father and son were wrong to confront the jogger

It appears they did call 911 but police reaction time is notoriously slow.

thats all they should have done

just follow the guy till the cops show up

if they had done that their lives would be much better today

the the jogger acted stupidly also by attempting to use force against 2 armed men

otherwise he would be alive today
this is very easy and undeniably explained:
..this is no different than if an armed ROBBER was robbing you --you have every right to fight back
..they are not police and are ILLEGALLY trying to detain/hinder the jogger
well if you fight back, grab the gun and the gun goes off during the struggle, that's on him
There is no "odds are" in this. Why would you make such a statement? It looks much more like two ignorant little Georgia crackers out to murder somebody.
There you go with the racial slurs again

I say the black guy initiated the physical contact based on common sense

the man holding the shotgun has no reason to wrestle with the other man
jeus f christ people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the people in the truck INITIATED the problem----this is undeniable
..Zimmerheadman INITIATED the problem
As I keep pointing out this was an intersection of three dummies rather than just two

yes the father and son were wrong to confront the jogger

It appears they did call 911 but police reaction time is notoriously slow.

thats all they should have done

just follow the guy till the cops show up

if they had done that their lives would be much better today

the the jogger acted stupidly also by attempting to use force against 2 armed men

otherwise he would be alive today

Woulda coulda shoulda....that is a game that can be played endlessly in any situation...what if....they did not take their weapons and the suspect was armed?

In Georgia you have the right to carry in a lot of states.....and if you are carrying a weapone and someone attacks you....what would you do?
Do you have the right to shoot people running in Georgia?
Dont be silly
Leroy is gonna be real silly in the state pen
No....I'd give the video to the cops and go from there. It's their job to confront people. But these guys pushed the envelope and now if they go thru heck then we'll they've earned it. It's what they wanted perhaps.

I don't know much about the Georgia case except for what I read here and I couldn't see the video, so watched it here. The two's story does not jive as they didn't attempt to call the police and they confronted the unarmed jogger with a shotgun. It does look like a racially motivated killing to me. Give them life in prison or the death sentence. It seems open and shut to me with the video.

The difficult part would be to show a racially motivated killing.

Now, you bring George Zimmerman into this and I think that makes it more confusing of a case if you do that. You have to remember that "super dumbass" Zimmerman was found not guilty and shot in self-defense. Okay, that case was crazy, but why bring that into the black jogger in Georgia case when it appears the father and son's testimonies are full of holes? We haven't even gotten to their arrest nor a criminal case yet.

It makes it sound that you think the father and son will get off scot free in this case. How do you know? these sorts of cases bias in the facts are ignored, spun, censored or as in the case of the video on cbs ....the whole video is not shown....when you watch the whole video you see the black guy run over to the guy with the shotgun and attack him.....thus in defense of his life he shoots the black guy....not a complicated case...another case of simple self defense....yet the media once again is attempting to ignite racial tensions by not correctly reporting the story.

That is why there were no arrests in the we will see what the grand jury has to say.....if they follow the law and do not bow to political and media pressure the shooter will be exonerated.

well actually if you are watching the video, the struggle is over the gun and the gun goes off three times during the struggle, the white kid never aimed his gun at the jogger. Therefore, there isn't an intent to shoot.

Exactly and any competent jury will clearly see and understand that.
..allow me to respond to everyone--
...the armed men are no different than armed robbers--they are illegally trying to detain/hinder the jogger....the jogger has every right to defend is not illegal/wrong to ''attack'' [DEFEND] yourself
There is no "odds are" in this. Why would you make such a statement? It looks much more like two ignorant little Georgia crackers out to murder somebody.
There you go with the racial slurs again

I say the black guy initiated the physical contact based on common sense

the man holding the shotgun has no reason to wrestle with the other man
jeus f christ people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the people in the truck INITIATED the problem----this is undeniable
..Zimmerheadman INITIATED the problem
As I keep pointing out this was an intersection of three dummies rather than just two

yes the father and son were wrong to confront the jogger

It appears they did call 911 but police reaction time is notoriously slow.

thats all they should have done

just follow the guy till the cops show up

if they had done that their lives would be much better today

the the jogger acted stupidly also by attempting to use force against 2 armed men

otherwise he would be alive today

Woulda coulda shoulda....that is a game that can be played endlessly in any situation...what if....they did not take their weapons and the suspect was armed?

In Georgia you have the right to carry in a lot of states.....and if you are carrying a weapone and someone attacks you....what would you do?
Again, why put yourself in that situation if it isnt necessary?

If I had been them it would not have ended they way it did

Lookee here boyo.....monday morning quarterbacking is very easy.

Anyhow....they were within their legal rights to confront the guy....and if the dumbass had not decided to attack them then nothing would have happened.

What would you do if you had a gun and some guy attacks you?
Dont be so sure about that

y informstion is that neither the father or son witnessed an actual crime
There is no "odds are" in this. Why would you make such a statement? It looks much more like two ignorant little Georgia crackers out to murder somebody.
There you go with the racial slurs again

I say the black guy initiated the physical contact based on common sense

the man holding the shotgun has no reason to wrestle with the other man
jeus f christ people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the people in the truck INITIATED the problem----this is undeniable
..Zimmerheadman INITIATED the problem
As I keep pointing out this was an intersection of three dummies rather than just two

yes the father and son were wrong to confront the jogger

It appears they did call 911 but police reaction time is notoriously slow.

thats all they should have done

just follow the guy till the cops show up

if they had done that their lives would be much better today

the the jogger acted stupidly also by attempting to use force against 2 armed men

otherwise he would be alive today
this is very easy and undeniably explained:
..this is no different than if an armed ROBBER was robbing you --you have every right to fight back
..they are not police and are ILLEGALLY trying to detain/hinder the jogger
well if you fight back, grab the gun and the gun goes off during the struggle, that's on him
sorry ---common sense and the law says you are wrong
No....I'd give the video to the cops and go from there. It's their job to confront people. But these guys pushed the envelope and now if they go thru heck then we'll they've earned it. It's what they wanted perhaps.

All they wanted was to talk to the guy and make sure he was not the burglar....they had no idea they would be attacked ...especially so being armed.

The guy with the shotgun was fortunate that the weapon was not wrestled from him and used against him. He must have had a firm grip on it and the sense to keep pulling the trigger till one shot finally hit the mark.
well if you fight back, grab the gun and the gun goes off during the struggle, that's on him
So, if you were walking down the street minding your own business, and a couple of black guys blocked your path, pulled out a gun, and said you were being detained, and then you were shot while struggling with them, you’d be at fault? You deserved it?
There is no "odds are" in this. Why would you make such a statement? It looks much more like two ignorant little Georgia crackers out to murder somebody.
There you go with the racial slurs again

I say the black guy initiated the physical contact based on common sense

the man holding the shotgun has no reason to wrestle with the other man
jeus f christ people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the people in the truck INITIATED the problem----this is undeniable
..Zimmerheadman INITIATED the problem
As I keep pointing out this was an intersection of three dummies rather than just two

yes the father and son were wrong to confront the jogger

It appears they did call 911 but police reaction time is notoriously slow.

thats all they should have done

just follow the guy till the cops show up

if they had done that their lives would be much better today

the the jogger acted stupidly also by attempting to use force against 2 armed men

otherwise he would be alive today

Woulda coulda shoulda....that is a game that can be played endlessly in any situation...what if....they did not take their weapons and the suspect was armed?

In Georgia you have the right to carry in a lot of states.....and if you are carrying a weapone and someone attacks you....what would you do?
Again, why put yourself in that situation if it isnt necessary?

If I had been them it would not have ended they way it did
ok. you weren't there, and the facts are, they called 911, they were going to hold the guy until they came, during the stop, the jogger attacks the kid with the gun, grabs the gun, it goes off once, they continue to struggle for the gun, and the gun goes off again, and they continue to struggle to control the gun and the gun goes off a third time into the joggers midsection, while he has it pulled into his own midsection. he put the gun there. Now if the man and his son had no authority to attempt a citizen arrest, then manslaughter would be what the charges for the death most likely will be. One has to prove intent to kill for any other murder charge. Let's wait and see how this plays out. I can only discuss what's in the video, and I described what I see.
..if the jogger had just robbed some place, and the men did not know about it, and shot him--I'd say GOOD !!!!!
..but if the jogger has committed no crime, the armed men are just like robbers/thugs/etc
I don’t understand the black guy ran at the car he read at the guy with the gun try to wrestle it from him he got fucking shot.. It’s like two liberals want the white guy just a handgun over to the black guy to shoot them?? I’m
There is no "odds are" in this. Why would you make such a statement? It looks much more like two ignorant little Georgia crackers out to murder somebody.
There you go with the racial slurs again

I say the black guy initiated the physical contact based on common sense

the man holding the shotgun has no reason to wrestle with the other man
jeus f christ people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the people in the truck INITIATED the problem----this is undeniable
..Zimmerheadman INITIATED the problem
As I keep pointing out this was an intersection of three dummies rather than just two

yes the father and son were wrong to confront the jogger

It appears they did call 911 but police reaction time is notoriously slow.

thats all they should have done

just follow the guy till the cops show up

if they had done that their lives would be much better today

the the jogger acted stupidly also by attempting to use force against 2 armed men

otherwise he would be alive today

Woulda coulda shoulda....that is a game that can be played endlessly in any situation...what if....they did not take their weapons and the suspect was armed?

In Georgia you have the right to carry in a lot of states.....and if you are carrying a weapone and someone attacks you....what would you do?
Again, why put yourself in that situation if it isnt necessary?

If I had been them it would not have ended they way it did

Lookee here boyo.....monday morning quarterbacking is very easy.

Anyhow....they were within their legal rights to confront the guy....and if the dumbass had not decided to attack them then nothing would have happened.

What would you do if you had a gun and some guy attacks you?
Dont be so sure about that

y informstion is that neither the father or son witnessed an actual crime

You do not have to witness an actual crime to talk to or question if they had tried to arrest him...then what you say would have some significance...depending on how the jury felt about it....but they did not arrest or even attempt to arrest the black guy. At all times he had freedom of movement and thus was never under arrest....look up the definition of arrest and you will understand what I am saying.
well if you fight back, grab the gun and the gun goes off during the struggle, that's on him
So, if you were walking down the street minding your own business, and a couple of black guys blocked your path, pulled out a gun, and told you you were being detained, and you were shot while struggling with them, you’d be at fault? You deserved it?
my hands on the weapon and I pull the weapon into my midsection and it goes off, indeed.

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