Video: Joe Biden political ad. Look at all the jump cuts.

His ADS make him look bad! :laughing0301:

The Dems need another pandemic and they need to lock Joe in a basement. He is a corpse.
He said he was endorsed by the Border Patrol Union.

The border patrol union immediately rejected Biden’s claim.

The whole "We need to save DEMOCRACY!!!" narrative from the left makes me shake my head in disbelief! If you really cared about democracy, wouldn't be using your Justice Department to go after your political opponent. All of those trials that Democrats are subjecting Trump to? Those aren't an indictment of Trump...they are an indictment of a sitting President doing unprecedented things to interfere with his chief political opponent's campaign! Nobody in the history of this country has ever done what Joe Biden is doing right now! Nobody!

In a PRODUCED COMMERCIAL they cannot make Joe Biden seem cogent. This man needs to be removed from office immediately. He is a threat to National Security and a DANGER TO DEMOCRACY.

Totally bogus. He gives a look to one of his staffers in the audience, which is obviously a cue, and says "Four more years." At that point his staffers start repeating what he said, to incite the others into chanting. This is the complete opposite of what happens at Trump rallies. Their chants of "USA USA" are unscripted and spontaneous.

The whole Biden administration is the phoniest sham that's ever been played on this country.
The whole "We need to save DEMOCRACY!!!" narrative from the left makes me shake my head in disbelief! If you really cared about democracy, wouldn't be using your Justice Department to go after your political opponent. All of those trials that Democrats are subjecting Trump to? Those aren't an indictment of Trump...they are an indictment of a sitting President doing unprecedented things to interfere with his chief political opponent's campaign! Nobody in the history of this country has ever done what Joe Biden is doing right now! Nobody!

It is all bullshit.

These people are communists.

“To all these beautiful civil rights defenders. They’re instrumental in the process of the subversion only to destabilize a nation. When their job is completed, they’re not needed any more. They will be lined up against the wall…” -Yuri Bezmenov

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