VIDEO: More Evidence of Grossly Inflated COVID-19 Death Numbers


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
I've been telling people for months that these COVID statistics are science fiction. Here's the proof.

An investigation by CBS 12 News TV in Palm Beach County Florida on July 23 showed that the number of deaths from COVID-19 are grossly exaggerated. Not just a case or two here and there but out of 581 deaths examined, only 169 or much less than a third of that total could be directly attributable to COVID-19.
It is no accident covid19 originated in China.

What's going on in America is not random nor accidental.
it is one of the most well planned and executed agendas in world history.
It seduces young and weak minds into a near cult like worship of it.

China is a large part of it through the UN

It's called Agenda21 and is an exceptionally well thought out step by step plan
to transform America and the world into a more "controllable" place at the hands of a conglomeration of the extremely wealthy and powerful.
President Obama fully supports Agenda21, as do the Bush's (all of them)

Of all the cults in history, this one is the mother of all cults.
ANYONE who sides with the Left on transforming America has been brainwashed into the Agenda21 Cult such that
they see extreme violence, even death against non cultist as reasonable.

Because Trump is not fully onboard with Agenda21 (yet), the cult has put a bounty on his head.
I ask that you please take the time to view the video below.

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