Video of Police moving the barrier for the MAGA Mob at the Capital

Someone on the inside helped the mob. trump came home early from his Florida whorehouse. Maybe he came home to arrange for this attempted Coup? I has been boasting for weeks that something special was going to happen. I think it will come out in the Investigation. He needs to be jailed.

BULLSHIT. DC is normally a police state of security and police. Why were they all absent when the Leftwing infiltrated the rally and started a riot? Just the latest incidence of the Left creating violence at yet another peaceful Trump rally and trying to make ity look like Trump is behind it all.
How many times has the Capital Building been occupied by every crazy, fringe, Anarcho-Marxist group from the Black Panthers to Code Pink, etc. etc. with nobody even arrested? Here is a great update on this specific incident from Salty Cracker.

Has the negro security guard who murdered a White female military vet received an award yet from the democrats for protecting "democracy" from the American patriot Ashli Babbitt ?

Mark Dice's view.

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Why does it have to be from the inside? It's been shown that the police are largely far right and racist so I'm sure they supported this.

Then they must be the only far right racists in the city! What, does DC IMPORT them from another state?
Bullshit. That was all Trump/Trumpers

You can't defend and excuse it one minute and then claim it was the other guy doing it (with no evidence) the next
Why does it have to be from the inside? It's been shown that the police are largely far right and racist so I'm sure they supported this.
DC mayor mobilized this police force over a week ago to face the threat of the Stop the Steal protest--but the commie has never done that for any other march or protest in DC. You guys have Trump so far up your ass, you're going to need to pull your head out so he can get away.

The ONLY protests that have been opposed and vilified in the past year have all been conservative ones fighting to expose the corrupt Left.

The ONLY violence the Democrats have vilified in the past year is this violence here which THEY started with their own people sent in to blow things up so they could blame Trump.

When the Left were DESTROYING whole CITY BLOCKS for months on end last summer, all Nancy had to say about it is: "People will do what people will do."
Bullshit. That was all Trump/Trumpers

You can't defend and excuse it one minute and then claim it was the other guy doing it (with no evidence) the next

Asshole, you can shutdown FB and Twitter, but real eyewitnesses to what really happened there are getting around your news barricade and getting the word out. This was another craven act by the blood-thirty Left trying to destroy Trump, destroy MAGA, destroy his support and end all possibly of another person like him ever challenging the Left's corrupt criminal autocratic totalitarian power in DC again.

America will never stand for this.
I still can't get over how amazing the thought of Americans taking back our capitol building during certification of a fraudulent election is.

For every person dozens and dozens support them all over the country.
Last year, Democrats pushed a needless impeachment measure need for it. Dems didn't like...stuff. Ok. We don't like liberals, either. Lets be open minded and critical. We get liberal driven race riots that killed people that cost millions and terrorize millions over basically hysteria. Almost every single character the left/Democrats/BLM was confabulated. What happened in DC is people are pissed off!

BLM protested over an unjust justice system. Trump supporters protested because the system worked.
Unjust? Hmm. Bullshit. Just about everything the BLM says is shit. A nothing burger.Big for instance: Jake Blake beat a woman, had a warrant out for his arrest, RESISTED arrest AND could have just...compiled to a reasonable police requests instead of assaulting his former, beating her and resisting arrest and trying to steal a vehicle and kidnap children and then tazed, then tried to flee with a knife in his hand. Lets be honest, you idiots don't care about facts. Nope.

The lady that got killed could have just complied to a reasonable request, right?
I'd bet 100 bucks the man that shot her will be charged then pardoned.
And NO, shooting her was not justified

Many shootings of people have been unjustified. SOme people are just now understanding that and some are still OK with that.
We have a judicial system for that. Molotov cocktails solve nothing and only further deepen the problems.

The judicial system was a part of the problem. The violence has indeed worked. That's what people are upset over. They aren't upset at the violence. They are upset the violence has enacted changes.
No, thinking people are upset tens of thousands of innocent Americans had their livelihood ruined because some thug got killed.

You are a moron.
How did they have their livlihoods ruined? Perhaps you should blame the cop/thug who murdered ashli Babbit.
He wasn't a thug lol. He was a sheltered elite that shit his pants and overreacted
Dude, try to keep up. I’m talking about the thug in Minneapolis that instigated all the midnight shopping sprees

You can not take one instance. It's been decades of instances.
And yet you don’t give a shit about the thousand+ black kids gunned down each year in just Chicago.

Cowardly response. I support addressing the reason for crime. Poverty.

The real reason for crime is not having a good education with skills for a good paying job.

That is the main reason for poverty which is the main reason for crime.

Give more people a good education that includes college or training for a good job, the problem of poverty will get better which will make crime less.
Bullshit. That was all Trump/Trumpers

You can't defend and excuse it one minute and then claim it was the other guy doing it (with no evidence) the next
No dear-----------anti-fa was put in and looks like the DC swamp helped them.
Turtlesoup is in a lying spree:
Give more people a good education that includes college or training for a good job, the problem of poverty will get better which will make crime less.

Criminal behavior has nothing to do with education. Combine that with the fact that most blacks and browns literally do not have the cerebral capacity to be educated and prefer screwing 24/7 in the context of getting free shit from White taxpayers you have a no win situation.
Why does it have to be from the inside? It's been shown that the police are largely far right and racist so I'm sure they supported this.

Then they must be the only far right racists in the city! What, does DC IMPORT them from another state?

Have you ever seen the police taking selfies with the protesters at a BLM protest?
Last year, Democrats pushed a needless impeachment measure need for it. Dems didn't like...stuff. Ok. We don't like liberals, either. Lets be open minded and critical. We get liberal driven race riots that killed people that cost millions and terrorize millions over basically hysteria. Almost every single character the left/Democrats/BLM was confabulated. What happened in DC is people are pissed off!

BLM protested over an unjust justice system. Trump supporters protested because the system worked.
Unjust? Hmm. Bullshit. Just about everything the BLM says is shit. A nothing burger.Big for instance: Jake Blake beat a woman, had a warrant out for his arrest, RESISTED arrest AND could have just...compiled to a reasonable police requests instead of assaulting his former, beating her and resisting arrest and trying to steal a vehicle and kidnap children and then tazed, then tried to flee with a knife in his hand. Lets be honest, you idiots don't care about facts. Nope.

The lady that got killed could have just complied to a reasonable request, right?
I'd bet 100 bucks the man that shot her will be charged then pardoned.
And NO, shooting her was not justified

Many shootings of people have been unjustified. SOme people are just now understanding that and some are still OK with that.
We have a judicial system for that. Molotov cocktails solve nothing and only further deepen the problems.

The judicial system was a part of the problem. The violence has indeed worked. That's what people are upset over. They aren't upset at the violence. They are upset the violence has enacted changes.
No, thinking people are upset tens of thousands of innocent Americans had their livelihood ruined because some thug got killed.

You are a moron.
How did they have their livlihoods ruined? Perhaps you should blame the cop/thug who murdered ashli Babbit.
He wasn't a thug lol. He was a sheltered elite that shit his pants and overreacted
Dude, try to keep up. I’m talking about the thug in Minneapolis that instigated all the midnight shopping sprees

You can not take one instance. It's been decades of instances.
And yet you don’t give a shit about the thousand+ black kids gunned down each year in just Chicago.

Cowardly response. I support addressing the reason for crime. Poverty.

The real reason for crime is not having a good education with skills for a good paying job.

You don't really say anything different than I do.
I suppose this sentence from the NYT should not make me burst into tears. Still ... "Philips, the 50-year-old man who died [of a stroke], ran a pro-Trump social media website that also sold animal toys created to look like the president."
Give more people a good education that includes college or training for a good job, the problem of poverty will get better which will make crime less.

Criminal behavior has nothing to do with education. Combine that with the fact that most blacks and browns literally do not have the cerebral capacity to be educated and prefer screwing 24/7 in the context of getting free shit from White taxpayers you have a no win situation. could be a little more racist but you'd REALLY have to try
Last year, Democrats pushed a needless impeachment measure need for it. Dems didn't like...stuff. Ok. We don't like liberals, either. Lets be open minded and critical. We get liberal driven race riots that killed people that cost millions and terrorize millions over basically hysteria. Almost every single character the left/Democrats/BLM was confabulated. What happened in DC is people are pissed off!

BLM protested over an unjust justice system. Trump supporters protested because the system worked.
BLM protesters saw a great opportunity for a shopping spree. Trump supporters were protesting a tainted election and a group of them with the aid of

Someone on the inside helped the mob. trump came home early from his Florida whorehouse. Maybe he came home to arrange for this attempted Coup? I has been boasting for weeks that something special was going to happen. I think it will come out in the Investigation. He needs to be jailed.
I just saw that, and was about it start a thread but found yours.

Here's the thing, I don't usually talk about what I do here, but I own and operate a security consulting firm. We do everything from close personal protection (body guards) on up, but our specialty is large events. Concerts, rallies, big parties, you name it.

From a professional stand point the capital police failed, and failed big.

Obviously from your video they failed at screening their officers. When you're working with high profile protectees screening is a must, and I'm not just talking about a criminal background check. They need something like what folks are put through for high security clearances. You talk to their friends, their family, and their neighbors at the very least.

They failed at training as well. When officers saw the size of the crowd they should have immediately locked down the building and assumed a defensive posture. Evac the protectees if possible, retreat to your strong points (I'm assuming the have them), hunker down and call for backup.

Command and control failed. There should have been regular check-in by radio and a quick reaction force ready to deploy in minutes if not seconds.

Almost every VIP in the federal government was there for Christ's sake! They were woefully unprepared, understaffed, and every other "un" you can think of. This should have had as much security as the state of the union address. The only thing different was the president wasn't in attendance. He was inciting sedition as we all know.

When they rushed the steps, tear gas, flash bangs, and rubber bullets. When they forced the doors, lethal force. If back up is two hours away kiss your ass goodbye.

Just my opinion.
Thank you for a well informed educational post. They are so rare these days.
I heard the head of Capital police resigned yesterday. He knows how badly he fucked up.
I heard the head of Capital police resigned yesterday. He knows how badly he fucked up.
Interesting. He clearly wasn't given the resources required.

The Governor of Maryland finally sent in the NG...and was ready to do so much sooner but the request didn't come until far too late. Pence finally made that request.

It should have been made BEFORE the Elector counting began
I heard the head of Capital police resigned yesterday. He knows how badly he fucked up.
Interesting. He clearly wasn't given the resources required.

The Governor of Maryland finally sent in the NG...and was ready to do so much sooner but the request didn't come until far too late. Pence finally made that request.

It should have been made BEFORE the Elector counting began
He didn't ask for the resources he needed. He thought they had it covered. Overconfidence.
I heard the head of Capital police resigned yesterday. He knows how badly he fucked up.
Interesting. He clearly wasn't given the resources required.

The Governor of Maryland finally sent in the NG...and was ready to do so much sooner but the request didn't come until far too late. Pence finally made that request.

It should have been made BEFORE the Elector counting began

The governor said he was rebuffed from sending in troops.

Maryland governor tried to deploy National Guard in DC only for his calls to be ignored

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