Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house

any normal person would not attack someone with a loaded shotgun

but thats what must have happened

the jogger was attacked and could have been wounded directly in front of the truck because the gunman was in front of the truck and at point blank range from the jogger when the first shot was fired.
I dont think you understand how it works with shotguns. The person holding the gun does not want to get into a wrestling match and will try to keep a comfortable distance

if there was a struggle for the gun arbrey was the one who started it
Idiot, for someone who wanted to keep a safe distance, he sure fucked that up moving towards Arbery. :eusa_doh:
Calling me names does not make up for a bad argument

there is no video evidence either way

but as I have shown, mcmichaels had no reason to start a wrestling match with arbrey
I call idiots, an "idiot." When you claim the person with the gun wants to keep a comfortable distance when in fact, Travis moved towards Arbery before shooting him for the first time, you're an idiot. So don't be surprised when you get called an "idiot."

Your whining aside, there's video evidence Travis moved in towards Arbery.

Travis is at one point, near the center of the oncoming lane. By the time Arbery rounds the truck and turns towards Travis, Travis is now in the other lane in front of the truck. That's a distance of about 5 to 6 feet Travis moved towards Arbery. It's all on video.
You seem to have magical powers of observation that no one else has

the vedeo does not tell us anything about what happened in the final few seconds of the incident because the two men were not in the camera’s view

but there os no logical reason for the man with the gun to charge the other man and wrestle with him

Exactly how blind are you?? The video shows Travis moving as much as 6 feet towards Arbery. That doesn't require any magic to know; only functioning eyesight.
I concede that the father and son were trying to impede the black guy from running away

Which I have already labeled as stupidity

But I cant see mcmichaels choosing to wrestle with arbrey over procession of the shotgun

That had to be arbreys fatal mistake
I never said he chose to wrestle with Arbery. It may not have even occurred to him that Arbery would do that. I don’t know what he was thinking. That doesn't discount the fact that he did move in on Arbery. It's indisputable -- it's on video.
Arbery is a criminal! He had large spaces to run, but why run if you did nothing wrong?

he ran because he heard the neighbors come out and call 911 to report him....he was hauling ass down the street to get away from the scene.....and then to add to his misfortune his path took him right in front of the house of a former policeman who had investigated him long before....and the former policeman was outside of his house and recognized the suspect and the chase was on.....the black dude realized he would go to jail for a long time if caught...thus he jogged on with much energy....dat nigha could really run when da man was after him. hehheh

But no matter how fast he ran he could not outrun the truck....thus in an agitated state of mind ...aided and abetted by a mental condition of which they are still keeping under wraps....he grew frustrated and very angry and thus out of desperation lashed out aka attacked Travis McMichaels.....end of story.

Scratch a conservative, find a racist.

Oh, and by the way, racist... no, it's not the end of the story. There's plenty more to come. The end will be when the cook Travis for felony murder.

and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him.
If he had not attacked the man holding the shotgun arbrey would be alive today

If Mc Michaels had minded their own business Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels had approached Arbery like a normal human being and simply asked what he was doing Arbery would be alive today.

Had the McMichaels left Arbery alone and let the cops do their job, Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels hadn’t chased Arbery maybe Arbery would be alive today.

If two white McMichaels had treated Arbery like a white man he’d be alive today.

But the McMichaels didn’t do that. They saw a black man checking out the construction of a house. Something BTW other people in the neighborhood had also done both white and black. It was caught on the property owner’s camera. THE PROPERTY OWNER WAS AWARE OF TRESPASSERS. It was his job to defend and secure his own property not the McMichaels. HE CHOSE NOT TO! Instead he installed the camera. The McMichaels stuck their nose where it didn’t belong. All the should have done is call the police and let them handle it. Instead they chased and harassed Arbery for no reason. The man didn’t take anything. For all the McMichaels knew Arbery was a friend of the owner checking on the property for him. Something people do all the time. But the McMichaels didn’t care about any of that. Instead they chased and killed an innocent man. The police said Arbery had no stolen property on him. The man was just jogging when two neighborhood bullies stalked him and shot him. Even the video shows the McMichaels waiting for Arbery, truck door open as an intimidation tactic or perhaps a challenge to bait the young man. The McMichaels could have taken a picture for police. They could have followed him at a distance until the police arrived. There were 1000 better ways to deal with this THEN KILLING HIM. I hope they rot in jail. They gave the Arbery family a much harsher sentence because they will never see their loved one again.

You will also note the charge is murder and not manslaughter. Something I was surprised at because the lesser charge manslaughter would be easier to prove. I’m not sure if the police are trying to get the McMichaels acquitted by making the prosecution prove a higher charge or if there’s more proof we don’t know about.
Guess we wait and see. Hopefully the aggravated assault charge will stick and the stupid bastards will get some jail time.
The only thing I blame McMicheals for based on evidence so far was getting out of the truck

they should have followed arbrey till the cops showed up to question him

but arbrey was a naturally angry and aggressive person and its likely arbrey attacked the son who was holding the shotgun

maybe new evidence will change that but so far thats how I see it

I agree that McMichael shouldn’t have gotten out of the truck. The problem is he did and now Arbery is dead. The McMichaels instigated the entire situation. But for the actions of the McMichaels, Arbery would be alive today. The McMichaels now have to pay for that action and poor judgement. They should have let the police handle it.

They will no doubt not be found guilty of murder because the reality is they should have been charged with manslaughter unless the cops know something we don’t. I think the only charge they will be found guilty of is aggravated assault.

If Arbery did not attack a man with a shotgun, he would be alive today. In prison, but alive.
In prison for what? Trespass? And who would press charges? Mr. English the owner? He didn’t even call the police. No, Mr Arbery would certainly not be in prison for anything related to this case. The police said he didn’t steal anything. No official in their right mind would send someone to prison/jail for trespass and definitely not during a pandemic. You’re delusional.
The intent to steal is a felony, we see him with a hammer, so they had a right to stop but didn’t

Liar, you do not see him with a hammer since there was no hammer.

You couldn't find a single news article stating there was a hammer. No one but racists like you on forums like this are even claiming there was a hammer.

Gregory McMichael, standing in the bed of his pickup truck and on the phone with 911 did not say Arbery was holding a hammer or that Arbery disposed of a hammer.

Travis McMichael who defense would be greatly bolstered if Arbery had a hammer did not say there was a hammer.

The police did not report a hammer was found.

Neither Gregory McMichael nor Travis McMichael told police Arbery had a hammer.

Bryan, the guy in the car following Arbery has said nothing about a hammer.

Larry English, the owner of the home under construction said no hammer was taken. And he had videos of Arbery inside the structure where he would have seen Arbery taking a hammer had he actually done so.

In the video, the stick on the ground you idiotically call a hammer is already on the ground before Arbery gets there; and Arbery is not seen on the video either holding a hammer or throwing a hammer.

There were other witnesses who were out there, none of who said anything about a hammer.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
The police report was not well put together, there was def a hammer AA stole, I have pics of it
Really! Maybe I should contact authorities and let them know. I’m sure they’d be interested that you are withholding evidence in a murder case.
It’s in the video, and from what I hear the new report includes the stolen hammer
I have pretty much accepted the idea that arbrey was a thief

though I cant imagine an experienced thief like him still having the hammer after being chased around the neighborhood by two guys in a pickup truck

he surely would have ditched the evidence by then
All thoughtful people should wait for the trial where all the facts will be laid out by both sides.

Hopefully, the jury will have the courage to come up with a just verdict, as it did in the Florida case a few years ago that also involved a young man.

Sadly, the media's one-sided presentation has made it difficult for a dispassionate investigation.
and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him.
If he had not attacked the man holding the shotgun arbrey would be alive today

If Mc Michaels had minded their own business Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels had approached Arbery like a normal human being and simply asked what he was doing Arbery would be alive today.

Had the McMichaels left Arbery alone and let the cops do their job, Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels hadn’t chased Arbery maybe Arbery would be alive today.

If two white McMichaels had treated Arbery like a white man he’d be alive today.

But the McMichaels didn’t do that. They saw a black man checking out the construction of a house. Something BTW other people in the neighborhood had also done both white and black. It was caught on the property owner’s camera. THE PROPERTY OWNER WAS AWARE OF TRESPASSERS. It was his job to defend and secure his own property not the McMichaels. HE CHOSE NOT TO! Instead he installed the camera. The McMichaels stuck their nose where it didn’t belong. All the should have done is call the police and let them handle it. Instead they chased and harassed Arbery for no reason. The man didn’t take anything. For all the McMichaels knew Arbery was a friend of the owner checking on the property for him. Something people do all the time. But the McMichaels didn’t care about any of that. Instead they chased and killed an innocent man. The police said Arbery had no stolen property on him. The man was just jogging when two neighborhood bullies stalked him and shot him. Even the video shows the McMichaels waiting for Arbery, truck door open as an intimidation tactic or perhaps a challenge to bait the young man. The McMichaels could have taken a picture for police. They could have followed him at a distance until the police arrived. There were 1000 better ways to deal with this THEN KILLING HIM. I hope they rot in jail. They gave the Arbery family a much harsher sentence because they will never see their loved one again.

You will also note the charge is murder and not manslaughter. Something I was surprised at because the lesser charge manslaughter would be easier to prove. I’m not sure if the police are trying to get the McMichaels acquitted by making the prosecution prove a higher charge or if there’s more proof we don’t know about.
Guess we wait and see. Hopefully the aggravated assault charge will stick and the stupid bastards will get some jail time.
The only thing I blame McMicheals for based on evidence so far was getting out of the truck

they should have followed arbrey till the cops showed up to question him

but arbrey was a naturally angry and aggressive person and its likely arbrey attacked the son who was holding the shotgun

maybe new evidence will change that but so far thats how I see it

I agree that McMichael shouldn’t have gotten out of the truck. The problem is he did and now Arbery is dead. The McMichaels instigated the entire situation. But for the actions of the McMichaels, Arbery would be alive today. The McMichaels now have to pay for that action and poor judgement. They should have let the police handle it.

They will no doubt not be found guilty of murder because the reality is they should have been charged with manslaughter unless the cops know something we don’t. I think the only charge they will be found guilty of is aggravated assault.

If Arbery did not attack a man with a shotgun, he would be alive today. In prison, but alive.
In prison for what? Trespass? And who would press charges? Mr. English the owner? He didn’t even call the police. No, Mr Arbery would certainly not be in prison for anything related to this case. The police said he didn’t steal anything. No official in their right mind would send someone to prison/jail for trespass and definitely not during a pandemic. You’re delusional.
The intent to steal is a felony, we see him with a hammer, so they had a right to stop but didn’t

Liar, you do not see him with a hammer since there was no hammer.

You couldn't find a single news article stating there was a hammer. No one but racists like you on forums like this are even claiming there was a hammer.

Gregory McMichael, standing in the bed of his pickup truck and on the phone with 911 did not say Arbery was holding a hammer or that Arbery disposed of a hammer.

Travis McMichael who defense would be greatly bolstered if Arbery had a hammer did not say there was a hammer.

The police did not report a hammer was found.

Neither Gregory McMichael nor Travis McMichael told police Arbery had a hammer.

Bryan, the guy in the car following Arbery has said nothing about a hammer.

Larry English, the owner of the home under construction said no hammer was taken. And he had videos of Arbery inside the structure where he would have seen Arbery taking a hammer had he actually done so.

In the video, the stick on the ground you idiotically call a hammer is already on the ground before Arbery gets there; and Arbery is not seen on the video either holding a hammer or throwing a hammer.

There were other witnesses who were out there, none of who said anything about a hammer.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
The police report was not well put together, there was def a hammer AA stole, I have pics of it
Really! Maybe I should contact authorities and let them know. I’m sure they’d be interested that you are withholding evidence in a murder case.
It’s in the video, and from what I hear the new report includes the stolen hammer
I have pretty much accepted the idea that arbrey was a thief

though I cant imagine an experienced thief like him still having the hammer after being chased around the neighborhood by two guys in a pickup truck

he surely would have ditched the evidence by then

Nothing Ahmaud Arbary did makes any sense......we still need to hear about his mental history....they are keeping that under wraps.

Ahmaud Arbary is a good example of what happens to a black boy that grows up on the democratic plantation.
and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him.
If he had not attacked the man holding the shotgun arbrey would be alive today

If Mc Michaels had minded their own business Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels had approached Arbery like a normal human being and simply asked what he was doing Arbery would be alive today.

Had the McMichaels left Arbery alone and let the cops do their job, Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels hadn’t chased Arbery maybe Arbery would be alive today.

If two white McMichaels had treated Arbery like a white man he’d be alive today.

But the McMichaels didn’t do that. They saw a black man checking out the construction of a house. Something BTW other people in the neighborhood had also done both white and black. It was caught on the property owner’s camera. THE PROPERTY OWNER WAS AWARE OF TRESPASSERS. It was his job to defend and secure his own property not the McMichaels. HE CHOSE NOT TO! Instead he installed the camera. The McMichaels stuck their nose where it didn’t belong. All the should have done is call the police and let them handle it. Instead they chased and harassed Arbery for no reason. The man didn’t take anything. For all the McMichaels knew Arbery was a friend of the owner checking on the property for him. Something people do all the time. But the McMichaels didn’t care about any of that. Instead they chased and killed an innocent man. The police said Arbery had no stolen property on him. The man was just jogging when two neighborhood bullies stalked him and shot him. Even the video shows the McMichaels waiting for Arbery, truck door open as an intimidation tactic or perhaps a challenge to bait the young man. The McMichaels could have taken a picture for police. They could have followed him at a distance until the police arrived. There were 1000 better ways to deal with this THEN KILLING HIM. I hope they rot in jail. They gave the Arbery family a much harsher sentence because they will never see their loved one again.

You will also note the charge is murder and not manslaughter. Something I was surprised at because the lesser charge manslaughter would be easier to prove. I’m not sure if the police are trying to get the McMichaels acquitted by making the prosecution prove a higher charge or if there’s more proof we don’t know about.
Guess we wait and see. Hopefully the aggravated assault charge will stick and the stupid bastards will get some jail time.
The only thing I blame McMicheals for based on evidence so far was getting out of the truck

they should have followed arbrey till the cops showed up to question him

but arbrey was a naturally angry and aggressive person and its likely arbrey attacked the son who was holding the shotgun

maybe new evidence will change that but so far thats how I see it

I agree that McMichael shouldn’t have gotten out of the truck. The problem is he did and now Arbery is dead. The McMichaels instigated the entire situation. But for the actions of the McMichaels, Arbery would be alive today. The McMichaels now have to pay for that action and poor judgement. They should have let the police handle it.

They will no doubt not be found guilty of murder because the reality is they should have been charged with manslaughter unless the cops know something we don’t. I think the only charge they will be found guilty of is aggravated assault.

If Arbery did not attack a man with a shotgun, he would be alive today. In prison, but alive.
In prison for what? Trespass? And who would press charges? Mr. English the owner? He didn’t even call the police. No, Mr Arbery would certainly not be in prison for anything related to this case. The police said he didn’t steal anything. No official in their right mind would send someone to prison/jail for trespass and definitely not during a pandemic. You’re delusional.
The intent to steal is a felony, we see him with a hammer, so they had a right to stop but didn’t

Liar, you do not see him with a hammer since there was no hammer.

You couldn't find a single news article stating there was a hammer. No one but racists like you on forums like this are even claiming there was a hammer.

Gregory McMichael, standing in the bed of his pickup truck and on the phone with 911 did not say Arbery was holding a hammer or that Arbery disposed of a hammer.

Travis McMichael who defense would be greatly bolstered if Arbery had a hammer did not say there was a hammer.

The police did not report a hammer was found.

Neither Gregory McMichael nor Travis McMichael told police Arbery had a hammer.

Bryan, the guy in the car following Arbery has said nothing about a hammer.

Larry English, the owner of the home under construction said no hammer was taken. And he had videos of Arbery inside the structure where he would have seen Arbery taking a hammer had he actually done so.

In the video, the stick on the ground you idiotically call a hammer is already on the ground before Arbery gets there; and Arbery is not seen on the video either holding a hammer or throwing a hammer.

There were other witnesses who were out there, none of who said anything about a hammer.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
The police report was not well put together, there was def a hammer AA stole, I have pics of it
Really! Maybe I should contact authorities and let them know. I’m sure they’d be interested that you are withholding evidence in a murder case.
It’s in the video, and from what I hear the new report includes the stolen hammer
I have pretty much accepted the idea that arbrey was a thief

though I cant imagine an experienced thief like him still having the hammer after being chased around the neighborhood by two guys in a pickup truck

he surely would have ditched the evidence by then

Nothing Ahmaud Arbary did makes any sense......we still need to hear about his mental history....they are keeping that under wraps.

Ahmaud Arbary is a good example of what happens to a black boy that grows up on the democratic plantation.

Unfortunately....we got thousands and thousands like dat.
and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him.
If he had not attacked the man holding the shotgun arbrey would be alive today

If Mc Michaels had minded their own business Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels had approached Arbery like a normal human being and simply asked what he was doing Arbery would be alive today.

Had the McMichaels left Arbery alone and let the cops do their job, Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels hadn’t chased Arbery maybe Arbery would be alive today.

If two white McMichaels had treated Arbery like a white man he’d be alive today.

But the McMichaels didn’t do that. They saw a black man checking out the construction of a house. Something BTW other people in the neighborhood had also done both white and black. It was caught on the property owner’s camera. THE PROPERTY OWNER WAS AWARE OF TRESPASSERS. It was his job to defend and secure his own property not the McMichaels. HE CHOSE NOT TO! Instead he installed the camera. The McMichaels stuck their nose where it didn’t belong. All the should have done is call the police and let them handle it. Instead they chased and harassed Arbery for no reason. The man didn’t take anything. For all the McMichaels knew Arbery was a friend of the owner checking on the property for him. Something people do all the time. But the McMichaels didn’t care about any of that. Instead they chased and killed an innocent man. The police said Arbery had no stolen property on him. The man was just jogging when two neighborhood bullies stalked him and shot him. Even the video shows the McMichaels waiting for Arbery, truck door open as an intimidation tactic or perhaps a challenge to bait the young man. The McMichaels could have taken a picture for police. They could have followed him at a distance until the police arrived. There were 1000 better ways to deal with this THEN KILLING HIM. I hope they rot in jail. They gave the Arbery family a much harsher sentence because they will never see their loved one again.

You will also note the charge is murder and not manslaughter. Something I was surprised at because the lesser charge manslaughter would be easier to prove. I’m not sure if the police are trying to get the McMichaels acquitted by making the prosecution prove a higher charge or if there’s more proof we don’t know about.
Guess we wait and see. Hopefully the aggravated assault charge will stick and the stupid bastards will get some jail time.
The only thing I blame McMicheals for based on evidence so far was getting out of the truck

they should have followed arbrey till the cops showed up to question him

but arbrey was a naturally angry and aggressive person and its likely arbrey attacked the son who was holding the shotgun

maybe new evidence will change that but so far thats how I see it

I agree that McMichael shouldn’t have gotten out of the truck. The problem is he did and now Arbery is dead. The McMichaels instigated the entire situation. But for the actions of the McMichaels, Arbery would be alive today. The McMichaels now have to pay for that action and poor judgement. They should have let the police handle it.

They will no doubt not be found guilty of murder because the reality is they should have been charged with manslaughter unless the cops know something we don’t. I think the only charge they will be found guilty of is aggravated assault.

If Arbery did not attack a man with a shotgun, he would be alive today. In prison, but alive.
In prison for what? Trespass? And who would press charges? Mr. English the owner? He didn’t even call the police. No, Mr Arbery would certainly not be in prison for anything related to this case. The police said he didn’t steal anything. No official in their right mind would send someone to prison/jail for trespass and definitely not during a pandemic. You’re delusional.
The intent to steal is a felony, we see him with a hammer, so they had a right to stop but didn’t

Liar, you do not see him with a hammer since there was no hammer.

You couldn't find a single news article stating there was a hammer. No one but racists like you on forums like this are even claiming there was a hammer.

Gregory McMichael, standing in the bed of his pickup truck and on the phone with 911 did not say Arbery was holding a hammer or that Arbery disposed of a hammer.

Travis McMichael who defense would be greatly bolstered if Arbery had a hammer did not say there was a hammer.

The police did not report a hammer was found.

Neither Gregory McMichael nor Travis McMichael told police Arbery had a hammer.

Bryan, the guy in the car following Arbery has said nothing about a hammer.

Larry English, the owner of the home under construction said no hammer was taken. And he had videos of Arbery inside the structure where he would have seen Arbery taking a hammer had he actually done so.

In the video, the stick on the ground you idiotically call a hammer is already on the ground before Arbery gets there; and Arbery is not seen on the video either holding a hammer or throwing a hammer.

There were other witnesses who were out there, none of who said anything about a hammer.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
The police report was not well put together, there was def a hammer AA stole, I have pics of it
Really! Maybe I should contact authorities and let them know. I’m sure they’d be interested that you are withholding evidence in a murder case.
It’s in the video, and from what I hear the new report includes the stolen hammer
it wasn’t found at the crime scene so it can’t be in the video. Nevertheless
Proof or it didn’t happen.
and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him.
If he had not attacked the man holding the shotgun arbrey would be alive today

If Mc Michaels had minded their own business Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels had approached Arbery like a normal human being and simply asked what he was doing Arbery would be alive today.

Had the McMichaels left Arbery alone and let the cops do their job, Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels hadn’t chased Arbery maybe Arbery would be alive today.

If two white McMichaels had treated Arbery like a white man he’d be alive today.

But the McMichaels didn’t do that. They saw a black man checking out the construction of a house. Something BTW other people in the neighborhood had also done both white and black. It was caught on the property owner’s camera. THE PROPERTY OWNER WAS AWARE OF TRESPASSERS. It was his job to defend and secure his own property not the McMichaels. HE CHOSE NOT TO! Instead he installed the camera. The McMichaels stuck their nose where it didn’t belong. All the should have done is call the police and let them handle it. Instead they chased and harassed Arbery for no reason. The man didn’t take anything. For all the McMichaels knew Arbery was a friend of the owner checking on the property for him. Something people do all the time. But the McMichaels didn’t care about any of that. Instead they chased and killed an innocent man. The police said Arbery had no stolen property on him. The man was just jogging when two neighborhood bullies stalked him and shot him. Even the video shows the McMichaels waiting for Arbery, truck door open as an intimidation tactic or perhaps a challenge to bait the young man. The McMichaels could have taken a picture for police. They could have followed him at a distance until the police arrived. There were 1000 better ways to deal with this THEN KILLING HIM. I hope they rot in jail. They gave the Arbery family a much harsher sentence because they will never see their loved one again.

You will also note the charge is murder and not manslaughter. Something I was surprised at because the lesser charge manslaughter would be easier to prove. I’m not sure if the police are trying to get the McMichaels acquitted by making the prosecution prove a higher charge or if there’s more proof we don’t know about.
Guess we wait and see. Hopefully the aggravated assault charge will stick and the stupid bastards will get some jail time.
The only thing I blame McMicheals for based on evidence so far was getting out of the truck

they should have followed arbrey till the cops showed up to question him

but arbrey was a naturally angry and aggressive person and its likely arbrey attacked the son who was holding the shotgun

maybe new evidence will change that but so far thats how I see it

I agree that McMichael shouldn’t have gotten out of the truck. The problem is he did and now Arbery is dead. The McMichaels instigated the entire situation. But for the actions of the McMichaels, Arbery would be alive today. The McMichaels now have to pay for that action and poor judgement. They should have let the police handle it.

They will no doubt not be found guilty of murder because the reality is they should have been charged with manslaughter unless the cops know something we don’t. I think the only charge they will be found guilty of is aggravated assault.

If Arbery did not attack a man with a shotgun, he would be alive today. In prison, but alive.
In prison for what? Trespass? And who would press charges? Mr. English the owner? He didn’t even call the police. No, Mr Arbery would certainly not be in prison for anything related to this case. The police said he didn’t steal anything. No official in their right mind would send someone to prison/jail for trespass and definitely not during a pandemic. You’re delusional.
The intent to steal is a felony, we see him with a hammer, so they had a right to stop but didn’t

Liar, you do not see him with a hammer since there was no hammer.

You couldn't find a single news article stating there was a hammer. No one but racists like you on forums like this are even claiming there was a hammer.

Gregory McMichael, standing in the bed of his pickup truck and on the phone with 911 did not say Arbery was holding a hammer or that Arbery disposed of a hammer.

Travis McMichael who defense would be greatly bolstered if Arbery had a hammer did not say there was a hammer.

The police did not report a hammer was found.

Neither Gregory McMichael nor Travis McMichael told police Arbery had a hammer.

Bryan, the guy in the car following Arbery has said nothing about a hammer.

Larry English, the owner of the home under construction said no hammer was taken. And he had videos of Arbery inside the structure where he would have seen Arbery taking a hammer had he actually done so.

In the video, the stick on the ground you idiotically call a hammer is already on the ground before Arbery gets there; and Arbery is not seen on the video either holding a hammer or throwing a hammer.

There were other witnesses who were out there, none of who said anything about a hammer.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
The police report was not well put together, there was def a hammer AA stole, I have pics of it
Really! Maybe I should contact authorities and let them know. I’m sure they’d be interested that you are withholding evidence in a murder case.
It’s in the video, and from what I hear the new report includes the stolen hammer
I have pretty much accepted the idea that arbrey was a thief

though I cant imagine an experienced thief like him still having the hammer after being chased around the neighborhood by two guys in a pickup truck

he surely would have ditched the evidence by then

Nothing Ahmaud Arbary did makes any sense......we still need to hear about his mental history....they are keeping that under wraps.

Ahmaud Arbary is a good example of what happens to a black boy that grows up on the democratic plantation.
It does make sense if he did nothing at all which is what he did. My brother in law flips houses. People look at sites all the time. Actually that’s how he met my sister. She was curious and checked out the house across the street that he was flipping. It’s also why most contractors either take their equipment with them or lock it up good. My brother in law always takes it with him because good tools can be pricey. The house in question was wide open so I can’t imagine anyone leaving something to be stolen. I think he was just looking around. But we will never know because Arbery is dead.
any normal person would not attack someone with a loaded shotgun

but thats what must have happened

the jogger was attacked and could have been wounded directly in front of the truck because the gunman was in front of the truck and at point blank range from the jogger when the first shot was fired.
I dont think you understand how it works with shotguns. The person holding the gun does not want to get into a wrestling match and will try to keep a comfortable distance

if there was a struggle for the gun arbrey was the one who started it
Idiot, for someone who wanted to keep a safe distance, he sure fucked that up moving towards Arbery. :eusa_doh:
Calling me names does not make up for a bad argument

there is no video evidence either way

but as I have shown, mcmichaels had no reason to start a wrestling match with arbrey
I call idiots, an "idiot." When you claim the person with the gun wants to keep a comfortable distance when in fact, Travis moved towards Arbery before shooting him for the first time, you're an idiot. So don't be surprised when you get called an "idiot."

Your whining aside, there's video evidence Travis moved in towards Arbery.

Travis is at one point, near the center of the oncoming lane. By the time Arbery rounds the truck and turns towards Travis, Travis is now in the other lane in front of the truck. That's a distance of about 5 to 6 feet Travis moved towards Arbery. It's all on video.
You seem to have magical powers of observation that no one else has

the vedeo does not tell us anything about what happened in the final few seconds of the incident because the two men were not in the camera’s view

but there os no logical reason for the man with the gun to charge the other man and wrestle with him

Exactly how blind are you?? The video shows Travis moving as much as 6 feet towards Arbery. That doesn't require any magic to know; only functioning eyesight.
Hey retard, the video shows Arbery RUNNING 100 feet towards Travis.
Most of that was before Travis brandished a firearm.
One doesnt suddenly pull a shotgun out and "brandish" it. He was holding it the whole time.
and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him.
If he had not attacked the man holding the shotgun arbrey would be alive today

If Mc Michaels had minded their own business Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels had approached Arbery like a normal human being and simply asked what he was doing Arbery would be alive today.

Had the McMichaels left Arbery alone and let the cops do their job, Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels hadn’t chased Arbery maybe Arbery would be alive today.

If two white McMichaels had treated Arbery like a white man he’d be alive today.

But the McMichaels didn’t do that. They saw a black man checking out the construction of a house. Something BTW other people in the neighborhood had also done both white and black. It was caught on the property owner’s camera. THE PROPERTY OWNER WAS AWARE OF TRESPASSERS. It was his job to defend and secure his own property not the McMichaels. HE CHOSE NOT TO! Instead he installed the camera. The McMichaels stuck their nose where it didn’t belong. All the should have done is call the police and let them handle it. Instead they chased and harassed Arbery for no reason. The man didn’t take anything. For all the McMichaels knew Arbery was a friend of the owner checking on the property for him. Something people do all the time. But the McMichaels didn’t care about any of that. Instead they chased and killed an innocent man. The police said Arbery had no stolen property on him. The man was just jogging when two neighborhood bullies stalked him and shot him. Even the video shows the McMichaels waiting for Arbery, truck door open as an intimidation tactic or perhaps a challenge to bait the young man. The McMichaels could have taken a picture for police. They could have followed him at a distance until the police arrived. There were 1000 better ways to deal with this THEN KILLING HIM. I hope they rot in jail. They gave the Arbery family a much harsher sentence because they will never see their loved one again.

You will also note the charge is murder and not manslaughter. Something I was surprised at because the lesser charge manslaughter would be easier to prove. I’m not sure if the police are trying to get the McMichaels acquitted by making the prosecution prove a higher charge or if there’s more proof we don’t know about.
Guess we wait and see. Hopefully the aggravated assault charge will stick and the stupid bastards will get some jail time.
The only thing I blame McMicheals for based on evidence so far was getting out of the truck

they should have followed arbrey till the cops showed up to question him

but arbrey was a naturally angry and aggressive person and its likely arbrey attacked the son who was holding the shotgun

maybe new evidence will change that but so far thats how I see it

I agree that McMichael shouldn’t have gotten out of the truck. The problem is he did and now Arbery is dead. The McMichaels instigated the entire situation. But for the actions of the McMichaels, Arbery would be alive today. The McMichaels now have to pay for that action and poor judgement. They should have let the police handle it.

They will no doubt not be found guilty of murder because the reality is they should have been charged with manslaughter unless the cops know something we don’t. I think the only charge they will be found guilty of is aggravated assault.

If Arbery did not attack a man with a shotgun, he would be alive today. In prison, but alive.
In prison for what? Trespass? And who would press charges? Mr. English the owner? He didn’t even call the police. No, Mr Arbery would certainly not be in prison for anything related to this case. The police said he didn’t steal anything. No official in their right mind would send someone to prison/jail for trespass and definitely not during a pandemic. You’re delusional.
The intent to steal is a felony, we see him with a hammer, so they had a right to stop but didn’t

Liar, you do not see him with a hammer since there was no hammer.

You couldn't find a single news article stating there was a hammer. No one but racists like you on forums like this are even claiming there was a hammer.

Gregory McMichael, standing in the bed of his pickup truck and on the phone with 911 did not say Arbery was holding a hammer or that Arbery disposed of a hammer.

Travis McMichael who defense would be greatly bolstered if Arbery had a hammer did not say there was a hammer.

The police did not report a hammer was found.

Neither Gregory McMichael nor Travis McMichael told police Arbery had a hammer.

Bryan, the guy in the car following Arbery has said nothing about a hammer.

Larry English, the owner of the home under construction said no hammer was taken. And he had videos of Arbery inside the structure where he would have seen Arbery taking a hammer had he actually done so.

In the video, the stick on the ground you idiotically call a hammer is already on the ground before Arbery gets there; and Arbery is not seen on the video either holding a hammer or throwing a hammer.

There were other witnesses who were out there, none of who said anything about a hammer.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
The police report was not well put together, there was def a hammer AA stole, I have pics of it
Really! Maybe I should contact authorities and let them know. I’m sure they’d be interested that you are withholding evidence in a murder case.
It’s in the video, and from what I hear the new report includes the stolen hammer
it wasn’t found at the crime scene so it can’t be in the video. Nevertheless
Proof or it didn’t happen.
I saw a screen shot from the video of a hammer that he dropped. I cant guarantee its authenticity, but it look legit. Those pics are in this thread.
any normal person would not attack someone with a loaded shotgun

but thats what must have happened

the jogger was attacked and could have been wounded directly in front of the truck because the gunman was in front of the truck and at point blank range from the jogger when the first shot was fired.
I dont think you understand how it works with shotguns. The person holding the gun does not want to get into a wrestling match and will try to keep a comfortable distance

if there was a struggle for the gun arbrey was the one who started it
Idiot, for someone who wanted to keep a safe distance, he sure fucked that up moving towards Arbery. :eusa_doh:
Calling me names does not make up for a bad argument

there is no video evidence either way

but as I have shown, mcmichaels had no reason to start a wrestling match with arbrey
I call idiots, an "idiot." When you claim the person with the gun wants to keep a comfortable distance when in fact, Travis moved towards Arbery before shooting him for the first time, you're an idiot. So don't be surprised when you get called an "idiot."

Your whining aside, there's video evidence Travis moved in towards Arbery.

Travis is at one point, near the center of the oncoming lane. By the time Arbery rounds the truck and turns towards Travis, Travis is now in the other lane in front of the truck. That's a distance of about 5 to 6 feet Travis moved towards Arbery. It's all on video.
You seem to have magical powers of observation that no one else has

the vedeo does not tell us anything about what happened in the final few seconds of the incident because the two men were not in the camera’s view

but there os no logical reason for the man with the gun to charge the other man and wrestle with him

Exactly how blind are you?? The video shows Travis moving as much as 6 feet towards Arbery. That doesn't require any magic to know; only functioning eyesight.
Hey retard, the video shows Arbery RUNNING 100 feet towards Travis.
Most of that was before Travis brandished a firearm.
One doesnt suddenly pull a shotgun out and "brandish" it. He was holding it the whole time.
He had just gotten out of his vehicle as Arbery approached. It wasn't until Arbery was not far from the truck that McMichael stood near the middle of the lane Arbery was jogging in. About the time he does that, Arbery then starts moving to the right.
and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him.
If he had not attacked the man holding the shotgun arbrey would be alive today

If Mc Michaels had minded their own business Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels had approached Arbery like a normal human being and simply asked what he was doing Arbery would be alive today.

Had the McMichaels left Arbery alone and let the cops do their job, Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels hadn’t chased Arbery maybe Arbery would be alive today.

If two white McMichaels had treated Arbery like a white man he’d be alive today.

But the McMichaels didn’t do that. They saw a black man checking out the construction of a house. Something BTW other people in the neighborhood had also done both white and black. It was caught on the property owner’s camera. THE PROPERTY OWNER WAS AWARE OF TRESPASSERS. It was his job to defend and secure his own property not the McMichaels. HE CHOSE NOT TO! Instead he installed the camera. The McMichaels stuck their nose where it didn’t belong. All the should have done is call the police and let them handle it. Instead they chased and harassed Arbery for no reason. The man didn’t take anything. For all the McMichaels knew Arbery was a friend of the owner checking on the property for him. Something people do all the time. But the McMichaels didn’t care about any of that. Instead they chased and killed an innocent man. The police said Arbery had no stolen property on him. The man was just jogging when two neighborhood bullies stalked him and shot him. Even the video shows the McMichaels waiting for Arbery, truck door open as an intimidation tactic or perhaps a challenge to bait the young man. The McMichaels could have taken a picture for police. They could have followed him at a distance until the police arrived. There were 1000 better ways to deal with this THEN KILLING HIM. I hope they rot in jail. They gave the Arbery family a much harsher sentence because they will never see their loved one again.

You will also note the charge is murder and not manslaughter. Something I was surprised at because the lesser charge manslaughter would be easier to prove. I’m not sure if the police are trying to get the McMichaels acquitted by making the prosecution prove a higher charge or if there’s more proof we don’t know about.
Guess we wait and see. Hopefully the aggravated assault charge will stick and the stupid bastards will get some jail time.
The only thing I blame McMicheals for based on evidence so far was getting out of the truck

they should have followed arbrey till the cops showed up to question him

but arbrey was a naturally angry and aggressive person and its likely arbrey attacked the son who was holding the shotgun

maybe new evidence will change that but so far thats how I see it

I agree that McMichael shouldn’t have gotten out of the truck. The problem is he did and now Arbery is dead. The McMichaels instigated the entire situation. But for the actions of the McMichaels, Arbery would be alive today. The McMichaels now have to pay for that action and poor judgement. They should have let the police handle it.

They will no doubt not be found guilty of murder because the reality is they should have been charged with manslaughter unless the cops know something we don’t. I think the only charge they will be found guilty of is aggravated assault.

If Arbery did not attack a man with a shotgun, he would be alive today. In prison, but alive.
In prison for what? Trespass? And who would press charges? Mr. English the owner? He didn’t even call the police. No, Mr Arbery would certainly not be in prison for anything related to this case. The police said he didn’t steal anything. No official in their right mind would send someone to prison/jail for trespass and definitely not during a pandemic. You’re delusional.
The intent to steal is a felony, we see him with a hammer, so they had a right to stop but didn’t

Liar, you do not see him with a hammer since there was no hammer.

You couldn't find a single news article stating there was a hammer. No one but racists like you on forums like this are even claiming there was a hammer.

Gregory McMichael, standing in the bed of his pickup truck and on the phone with 911 did not say Arbery was holding a hammer or that Arbery disposed of a hammer.

Travis McMichael who defense would be greatly bolstered if Arbery had a hammer did not say there was a hammer.

The police did not report a hammer was found.

Neither Gregory McMichael nor Travis McMichael told police Arbery had a hammer.

Bryan, the guy in the car following Arbery has said nothing about a hammer.

Larry English, the owner of the home under construction said no hammer was taken. And he had videos of Arbery inside the structure where he would have seen Arbery taking a hammer had he actually done so.

In the video, the stick on the ground you idiotically call a hammer is already on the ground before Arbery gets there; and Arbery is not seen on the video either holding a hammer or throwing a hammer.

There were other witnesses who were out there, none of who said anything about a hammer.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
The police report was not well put together, there was def a hammer AA stole, I have pics of it
Really! Maybe I should contact authorities and let them know. I’m sure they’d be interested that you are withholding evidence in a murder case.
It’s in the video, and from what I hear the new report includes the stolen hammer
it wasn’t found at the crime scene so it can’t be in the video. Nevertheless
Proof or it didn’t happen.
I saw a screen shot from the video of a hammer that he dropped. I cant guarantee its authenticity, but it look legit. Those pics are in this thread.

There is no hammer, ya moron.

I posted a video in rebuttal to that nonsense showing that object on the ground was already there.

Greg McMichael on the phone with 911 says nothing about a hammer.

Neither McMichael told the police about a hammer.

Nothing in the police report indicated a hammer was at or near the crime scene.

The homeowner has videos where he watched Arbery checking out his house and said nothing was taken.

Bryan was following Arbery in his car and said nothing about a hammer.

It makes no sense for Arbery to drop a hammer, if he had one, after being chased for 4 minutes and while he's approaching the McMichael's road block.

The only mention of a hammer in the news is that there wasn't one but that far rightwingers and neo-nazi's are claiming there was a hammer (and that Arbery was wearing Timberland boots and not sneakers).
and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him.
If he had not attacked the man holding the shotgun arbrey would be alive today

If Mc Michaels had minded their own business Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels had approached Arbery like a normal human being and simply asked what he was doing Arbery would be alive today.

Had the McMichaels left Arbery alone and let the cops do their job, Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels hadn’t chased Arbery maybe Arbery would be alive today.

If two white McMichaels had treated Arbery like a white man he’d be alive today.

But the McMichaels didn’t do that. They saw a black man checking out the construction of a house. Something BTW other people in the neighborhood had also done both white and black. It was caught on the property owner’s camera. THE PROPERTY OWNER WAS AWARE OF TRESPASSERS. It was his job to defend and secure his own property not the McMichaels. HE CHOSE NOT TO! Instead he installed the camera. The McMichaels stuck their nose where it didn’t belong. All the should have done is call the police and let them handle it. Instead they chased and harassed Arbery for no reason. The man didn’t take anything. For all the McMichaels knew Arbery was a friend of the owner checking on the property for him. Something people do all the time. But the McMichaels didn’t care about any of that. Instead they chased and killed an innocent man. The police said Arbery had no stolen property on him. The man was just jogging when two neighborhood bullies stalked him and shot him. Even the video shows the McMichaels waiting for Arbery, truck door open as an intimidation tactic or perhaps a challenge to bait the young man. The McMichaels could have taken a picture for police. They could have followed him at a distance until the police arrived. There were 1000 better ways to deal with this THEN KILLING HIM. I hope they rot in jail. They gave the Arbery family a much harsher sentence because they will never see their loved one again.

You will also note the charge is murder and not manslaughter. Something I was surprised at because the lesser charge manslaughter would be easier to prove. I’m not sure if the police are trying to get the McMichaels acquitted by making the prosecution prove a higher charge or if there’s more proof we don’t know about.
Guess we wait and see. Hopefully the aggravated assault charge will stick and the stupid bastards will get some jail time.
The only thing I blame McMicheals for based on evidence so far was getting out of the truck

they should have followed arbrey till the cops showed up to question him

but arbrey was a naturally angry and aggressive person and its likely arbrey attacked the son who was holding the shotgun

maybe new evidence will change that but so far thats how I see it

I agree that McMichael shouldn’t have gotten out of the truck. The problem is he did and now Arbery is dead. The McMichaels instigated the entire situation. But for the actions of the McMichaels, Arbery would be alive today. The McMichaels now have to pay for that action and poor judgement. They should have let the police handle it.

They will no doubt not be found guilty of murder because the reality is they should have been charged with manslaughter unless the cops know something we don’t. I think the only charge they will be found guilty of is aggravated assault.

If Arbery did not attack a man with a shotgun, he would be alive today. In prison, but alive.
In prison for what? Trespass? And who would press charges? Mr. English the owner? He didn’t even call the police. No, Mr Arbery would certainly not be in prison for anything related to this case. The police said he didn’t steal anything. No official in their right mind would send someone to prison/jail for trespass and definitely not during a pandemic. You’re delusional.
The intent to steal is a felony, we see him with a hammer, so they had a right to stop but didn’t

Liar, you do not see him with a hammer since there was no hammer.

You couldn't find a single news article stating there was a hammer. No one but racists like you on forums like this are even claiming there was a hammer.

Gregory McMichael, standing in the bed of his pickup truck and on the phone with 911 did not say Arbery was holding a hammer or that Arbery disposed of a hammer.

Travis McMichael who defense would be greatly bolstered if Arbery had a hammer did not say there was a hammer.

The police did not report a hammer was found.

Neither Gregory McMichael nor Travis McMichael told police Arbery had a hammer.

Bryan, the guy in the car following Arbery has said nothing about a hammer.

Larry English, the owner of the home under construction said no hammer was taken. And he had videos of Arbery inside the structure where he would have seen Arbery taking a hammer had he actually done so.

In the video, the stick on the ground you idiotically call a hammer is already on the ground before Arbery gets there; and Arbery is not seen on the video either holding a hammer or throwing a hammer.

There were other witnesses who were out there, none of who said anything about a hammer.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
The police report was not well put together, there was def a hammer AA stole, I have pics of it
Really! Maybe I should contact authorities and let them know. I’m sure they’d be interested that you are withholding evidence in a murder case.
It’s in the video, and from what I hear the new report includes the stolen hammer
it wasn’t found at the crime scene so it can’t be in the video. Nevertheless
Proof or it didn’t happen.
We don’t know there were 12 cops there only two are on the police report,, I got in to a fight and police reports are 3 pages ,, self defense incident with someone dying should be 20 pages
and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him.
If he had not attacked the man holding the shotgun arbrey would be alive today

If Mc Michaels had minded their own business Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels had approached Arbery like a normal human being and simply asked what he was doing Arbery would be alive today.

Had the McMichaels left Arbery alone and let the cops do their job, Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels hadn’t chased Arbery maybe Arbery would be alive today.

If two white McMichaels had treated Arbery like a white man he’d be alive today.

But the McMichaels didn’t do that. They saw a black man checking out the construction of a house. Something BTW other people in the neighborhood had also done both white and black. It was caught on the property owner’s camera. THE PROPERTY OWNER WAS AWARE OF TRESPASSERS. It was his job to defend and secure his own property not the McMichaels. HE CHOSE NOT TO! Instead he installed the camera. The McMichaels stuck their nose where it didn’t belong. All the should have done is call the police and let them handle it. Instead they chased and harassed Arbery for no reason. The man didn’t take anything. For all the McMichaels knew Arbery was a friend of the owner checking on the property for him. Something people do all the time. But the McMichaels didn’t care about any of that. Instead they chased and killed an innocent man. The police said Arbery had no stolen property on him. The man was just jogging when two neighborhood bullies stalked him and shot him. Even the video shows the McMichaels waiting for Arbery, truck door open as an intimidation tactic or perhaps a challenge to bait the young man. The McMichaels could have taken a picture for police. They could have followed him at a distance until the police arrived. There were 1000 better ways to deal with this THEN KILLING HIM. I hope they rot in jail. They gave the Arbery family a much harsher sentence because they will never see their loved one again.

You will also note the charge is murder and not manslaughter. Something I was surprised at because the lesser charge manslaughter would be easier to prove. I’m not sure if the police are trying to get the McMichaels acquitted by making the prosecution prove a higher charge or if there’s more proof we don’t know about.
Guess we wait and see. Hopefully the aggravated assault charge will stick and the stupid bastards will get some jail time.
The only thing I blame McMicheals for based on evidence so far was getting out of the truck

they should have followed arbrey till the cops showed up to question him

but arbrey was a naturally angry and aggressive person and its likely arbrey attacked the son who was holding the shotgun

maybe new evidence will change that but so far thats how I see it

I agree that McMichael shouldn’t have gotten out of the truck. The problem is he did and now Arbery is dead. The McMichaels instigated the entire situation. But for the actions of the McMichaels, Arbery would be alive today. The McMichaels now have to pay for that action and poor judgement. They should have let the police handle it.

They will no doubt not be found guilty of murder because the reality is they should have been charged with manslaughter unless the cops know something we don’t. I think the only charge they will be found guilty of is aggravated assault.

If Arbery did not attack a man with a shotgun, he would be alive today. In prison, but alive.
In prison for what? Trespass? And who would press charges? Mr. English the owner? He didn’t even call the police. No, Mr Arbery would certainly not be in prison for anything related to this case. The police said he didn’t steal anything. No official in their right mind would send someone to prison/jail for trespass and definitely not during a pandemic. You’re delusional.
The intent to steal is a felony, we see him with a hammer, so they had a right to stop but didn’t

Liar, you do not see him with a hammer since there was no hammer.

You couldn't find a single news article stating there was a hammer. No one but racists like you on forums like this are even claiming there was a hammer.

Gregory McMichael, standing in the bed of his pickup truck and on the phone with 911 did not say Arbery was holding a hammer or that Arbery disposed of a hammer.

Travis McMichael who defense would be greatly bolstered if Arbery had a hammer did not say there was a hammer.

The police did not report a hammer was found.

Neither Gregory McMichael nor Travis McMichael told police Arbery had a hammer.

Bryan, the guy in the car following Arbery has said nothing about a hammer.

Larry English, the owner of the home under construction said no hammer was taken. And he had videos of Arbery inside the structure where he would have seen Arbery taking a hammer had he actually done so.

In the video, the stick on the ground you idiotically call a hammer is already on the ground before Arbery gets there; and Arbery is not seen on the video either holding a hammer or throwing a hammer.

There were other witnesses who were out there, none of who said anything about a hammer.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
The police report was not well put together, there was def a hammer AA stole, I have pics of it
Really! Maybe I should contact authorities and let them know. I’m sure they’d be interested that you are withholding evidence in a murder case.
It’s in the video, and from what I hear the new report includes the stolen hammer
it wasn’t found at the crime scene so it can’t be in the video. Nevertheless
Proof or it didn’t happen.
I saw a screen shot from the video of a hammer that he dropped. I cant guarantee its authenticity, but it look legit. Those pics are in this thread.

There is no hammer, ya moron.

I posted a video in rebuttal to that nonsense showing that object on the ground was already there.

Greg McMichael on the phone with 911 says nothing about a hammer.

Neither McMichael told the police about a hammer.

Nothing in the police report indicated a hammer was at or near the crime scene.

The homeowner has videos where he watched Arbery checking out his house and said nothing was taken.

Bryan was following Arbery in his car and said nothing about a hammer.

It makes no sense for Arbery to drop a hammer, if he had one, after being chased for 4 minutes and while he's approaching the McMichael's road block.

The only mention of a hammer in the news is that there wasn't one but that far rightwingers and neo-nazi's are claiming there was a hammer (and that Arbery was wearing Timberland boots and not sneakers).
You act like that police report was well
and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him.
If he had not attacked the man holding the shotgun arbrey would be alive today

If Mc Michaels had minded their own business Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels had approached Arbery like a normal human being and simply asked what he was doing Arbery would be alive today.

Had the McMichaels left Arbery alone and let the cops do their job, Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels hadn’t chased Arbery maybe Arbery would be alive today.

If two white McMichaels had treated Arbery like a white man he’d be alive today.

But the McMichaels didn’t do that. They saw a black man checking out the construction of a house. Something BTW other people in the neighborhood had also done both white and black. It was caught on the property owner’s camera. THE PROPERTY OWNER WAS AWARE OF TRESPASSERS. It was his job to defend and secure his own property not the McMichaels. HE CHOSE NOT TO! Instead he installed the camera. The McMichaels stuck their nose where it didn’t belong. All the should have done is call the police and let them handle it. Instead they chased and harassed Arbery for no reason. The man didn’t take anything. For all the McMichaels knew Arbery was a friend of the owner checking on the property for him. Something people do all the time. But the McMichaels didn’t care about any of that. Instead they chased and killed an innocent man. The police said Arbery had no stolen property on him. The man was just jogging when two neighborhood bullies stalked him and shot him. Even the video shows the McMichaels waiting for Arbery, truck door open as an intimidation tactic or perhaps a challenge to bait the young man. The McMichaels could have taken a picture for police. They could have followed him at a distance until the police arrived. There were 1000 better ways to deal with this THEN KILLING HIM. I hope they rot in jail. They gave the Arbery family a much harsher sentence because they will never see their loved one again.

You will also note the charge is murder and not manslaughter. Something I was surprised at because the lesser charge manslaughter would be easier to prove. I’m not sure if the police are trying to get the McMichaels acquitted by making the prosecution prove a higher charge or if there’s more proof we don’t know about.
Guess we wait and see. Hopefully the aggravated assault charge will stick and the stupid bastards will get some jail time.
The only thing I blame McMicheals for based on evidence so far was getting out of the truck

they should have followed arbrey till the cops showed up to question him

but arbrey was a naturally angry and aggressive person and its likely arbrey attacked the son who was holding the shotgun

maybe new evidence will change that but so far thats how I see it

I agree that McMichael shouldn’t have gotten out of the truck. The problem is he did and now Arbery is dead. The McMichaels instigated the entire situation. But for the actions of the McMichaels, Arbery would be alive today. The McMichaels now have to pay for that action and poor judgement. They should have let the police handle it.

They will no doubt not be found guilty of murder because the reality is they should have been charged with manslaughter unless the cops know something we don’t. I think the only charge they will be found guilty of is aggravated assault.

If Arbery did not attack a man with a shotgun, he would be alive today. In prison, but alive.
In prison for what? Trespass? And who would press charges? Mr. English the owner? He didn’t even call the police. No, Mr Arbery would certainly not be in prison for anything related to this case. The police said he didn’t steal anything. No official in their right mind would send someone to prison/jail for trespass and definitely not during a pandemic. You’re delusional.
The intent to steal is a felony, we see him with a hammer, so they had a right to stop but didn’t

Liar, you do not see him with a hammer since there was no hammer.

You couldn't find a single news article stating there was a hammer. No one but racists like you on forums like this are even claiming there was a hammer.

Gregory McMichael, standing in the bed of his pickup truck and on the phone with 911 did not say Arbery was holding a hammer or that Arbery disposed of a hammer.

Travis McMichael who defense would be greatly bolstered if Arbery had a hammer did not say there was a hammer.

The police did not report a hammer was found.

Neither Gregory McMichael nor Travis McMichael told police Arbery had a hammer.

Bryan, the guy in the car following Arbery has said nothing about a hammer.

Larry English, the owner of the home under construction said no hammer was taken. And he had videos of Arbery inside the structure where he would have seen Arbery taking a hammer had he actually done so.

In the video, the stick on the ground you idiotically call a hammer is already on the ground before Arbery gets there; and Arbery is not seen on the video either holding a hammer or throwing a hammer.

There were other witnesses who were out there, none of who said anything about a hammer.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
The police report was not well put together, there was def a hammer AA stole, I have pics of it
Really! Maybe I should contact authorities and let them know. I’m sure they’d be interested that you are withholding evidence in a murder case.
It’s in the video, and from what I hear the new report includes the stolen hammer
it wasn’t found at the crime scene so it can’t be in the video. Nevertheless
Proof or it didn’t happen.
I saw a screen shot from the video of a hammer that he dropped. I cant guarantee its authenticity, but it look legit. Those pics are in this thread.

There is no hammer, ya moron.

I posted a video in rebuttal to that nonsense showing that object on the ground was already there.

Greg McMichael on the phone with 911 says nothing about a hammer.

Neither McMichael told the police about a hammer.

Nothing in the police report indicated a hammer was at or near the crime scene.

The homeowner has videos where he watched Arbery checking out his house and said nothing was taken.

Bryan was following Arbery in his car and said nothing about a hammer.

It makes no sense for Arbery to drop a hammer, if he had one, after being chased for 4 minutes and while he's approaching the McMichael's road block.

The only mention of a hammer in the news is that there wasn't one but that far rightwingers and neo-nazi's are claiming there was a hammer (and that Arbery was wearing Timberland boots and not sneakers).
I dont know if any of what you say is true, just like i said i couldnt verify the screen shots authenticity. YOU are the moron for thinking you KNOW the truth.
Some people here are still living precariously in the Wild Wild West. Even the Old West was better; the McMichaels weren't even bona fide bounty hunters.
and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him.
If he had not attacked the man holding the shotgun arbrey would be alive today

If Mc Michaels had minded their own business Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels had approached Arbery like a normal human being and simply asked what he was doing Arbery would be alive today.

Had the McMichaels left Arbery alone and let the cops do their job, Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels hadn’t chased Arbery maybe Arbery would be alive today.

If two white McMichaels had treated Arbery like a white man he’d be alive today.

But the McMichaels didn’t do that. They saw a black man checking out the construction of a house. Something BTW other people in the neighborhood had also done both white and black. It was caught on the property owner’s camera. THE PROPERTY OWNER WAS AWARE OF TRESPASSERS. It was his job to defend and secure his own property not the McMichaels. HE CHOSE NOT TO! Instead he installed the camera. The McMichaels stuck their nose where it didn’t belong. All the should have done is call the police and let them handle it. Instead they chased and harassed Arbery for no reason. The man didn’t take anything. For all the McMichaels knew Arbery was a friend of the owner checking on the property for him. Something people do all the time. But the McMichaels didn’t care about any of that. Instead they chased and killed an innocent man. The police said Arbery had no stolen property on him. The man was just jogging when two neighborhood bullies stalked him and shot him. Even the video shows the McMichaels waiting for Arbery, truck door open as an intimidation tactic or perhaps a challenge to bait the young man. The McMichaels could have taken a picture for police. They could have followed him at a distance until the police arrived. There were 1000 better ways to deal with this THEN KILLING HIM. I hope they rot in jail. They gave the Arbery family a much harsher sentence because they will never see their loved one again.

You will also note the charge is murder and not manslaughter. Something I was surprised at because the lesser charge manslaughter would be easier to prove. I’m not sure if the police are trying to get the McMichaels acquitted by making the prosecution prove a higher charge or if there’s more proof we don’t know about.
Guess we wait and see. Hopefully the aggravated assault charge will stick and the stupid bastards will get some jail time.
The only thing I blame McMicheals for based on evidence so far was getting out of the truck

they should have followed arbrey till the cops showed up to question him

but arbrey was a naturally angry and aggressive person and its likely arbrey attacked the son who was holding the shotgun

maybe new evidence will change that but so far thats how I see it

I agree that McMichael shouldn’t have gotten out of the truck. The problem is he did and now Arbery is dead. The McMichaels instigated the entire situation. But for the actions of the McMichaels, Arbery would be alive today. The McMichaels now have to pay for that action and poor judgement. They should have let the police handle it.

They will no doubt not be found guilty of murder because the reality is they should have been charged with manslaughter unless the cops know something we don’t. I think the only charge they will be found guilty of is aggravated assault.

If Arbery did not attack a man with a shotgun, he would be alive today. In prison, but alive.
In prison for what? Trespass? And who would press charges? Mr. English the owner? He didn’t even call the police. No, Mr Arbery would certainly not be in prison for anything related to this case. The police said he didn’t steal anything. No official in their right mind would send someone to prison/jail for trespass and definitely not during a pandemic. You’re delusional.
The intent to steal is a felony, we see him with a hammer, so they had a right to stop but didn’t

Liar, you do not see him with a hammer since there was no hammer.

You couldn't find a single news article stating there was a hammer. No one but racists like you on forums like this are even claiming there was a hammer.

Gregory McMichael, standing in the bed of his pickup truck and on the phone with 911 did not say Arbery was holding a hammer or that Arbery disposed of a hammer.

Travis McMichael who defense would be greatly bolstered if Arbery had a hammer did not say there was a hammer.

The police did not report a hammer was found.

Neither Gregory McMichael nor Travis McMichael told police Arbery had a hammer.

Bryan, the guy in the car following Arbery has said nothing about a hammer.

Larry English, the owner of the home under construction said no hammer was taken. And he had videos of Arbery inside the structure where he would have seen Arbery taking a hammer had he actually done so.

In the video, the stick on the ground you idiotically call a hammer is already on the ground before Arbery gets there; and Arbery is not seen on the video either holding a hammer or throwing a hammer.

There were other witnesses who were out there, none of who said anything about a hammer.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
The police report was not well put together, there was def a hammer AA stole, I have pics of it
Really! Maybe I should contact authorities and let them know. I’m sure they’d be interested that you are withholding evidence in a murder case.
It’s in the video, and from what I hear the new report includes the stolen hammer
it wasn’t found at the crime scene so it can’t be in the video. Nevertheless
Proof or it didn’t happen.
I saw a screen shot from the video of a hammer that he dropped. I cant guarantee its authenticity, but it look legit. Those pics are in this thread.

There is no hammer, ya moron.

I posted a video in rebuttal to that nonsense showing that object on the ground was already there.

Greg McMichael on the phone with 911 says nothing about a hammer.

Neither McMichael told the police about a hammer.

Nothing in the police report indicated a hammer was at or near the crime scene.

The homeowner has videos where he watched Arbery checking out his house and said nothing was taken.

Bryan was following Arbery in his car and said nothing about a hammer.

It makes no sense for Arbery to drop a hammer, if he had one, after being chased for 4 minutes and while he's approaching the McMichael's road block.

The only mention of a hammer in the news is that there wasn't one but that far rightwingers and neo-nazi's are claiming there was a hammer (and that Arbery was wearing Timberland boots and not sneakers).
I dont know if any of what you say is true, just like i said i couldnt verify the screen shots authenticity. YOU are the moron for thinking you KNOW the truth.

I already know you don't know shit. What was your point of reiterating that?
Some people here are still living precariously in the Wild Wild West. Even the Old West was better; the McMichaels weren't even bona fide bounty hunters.

Well most have heard blondes are prove it.

A bounty hunter, in simple terms, is a skilled professional who is hired by a bail bondsman to find and capture a fugitive in exchange for a monetary reward. The bounty hunter's reward, which is considered the “bounty,” is typically a percentage of the bail.
any normal person would not attack someone with a loaded shotgun

but thats what must have happened

the jogger was attacked and could have been wounded directly in front of the truck because the gunman was in front of the truck and at point blank range from the jogger when the first shot was fired.



Left is still going with a "jogger" narrative.

Dictionaries should change the meaning of the word.

Jogger... person in cargo pants and timberland's, running away from a property he broke into with a hammer in his hand.

The plain stupidity of the "jogger" is self evident. Although I wish he stayed alive, with just his balls blown off, so he can't procreate anymore.
Dumbfuck, he was wearing "gray athletic shoes," not Timberlands. It's amazing (but not surprising) to see how divorced from truth and reality you rightwingnuts are.

Is that the guy inside the house being built ?? How old is this guy ? Most who would stray onto a property under construction (while out walking or jogging), would be neighbors or family members taking a look at what's going on over at Billy and Aunt Marie's place or maybe an older person that might be wanting to check out the quality of construction going on or maybe to check the square footage out to see how big they might want to build something they are thinking about building themselves. Otherwise the profiles that do these types of things are specific in most cases. Young person venturing into a property like that, and no one knowing that person is highly suspect, and it has nothing to do with a person's color ever. So does the profile fit that of a jogger just out for a run, or maybe someone curious as to the quality of construction, curious as to the square footage, or maybe just a good neighbor admiring his friends success in life ??? Add your thoughts as to how the profile fits with the property breech here also.

Now the two who confronted the person, had the right to call 9-11, stay back a safe distance, keep the police on the phone during the transfer to an officer in the area, and report locations of the individual until the police arrived on scene. It's never a good idea to approach a potential criminal element unless that criminal element/person is engaged in the harming of an innocent civilian in your immediate sight. And then you had best be right about who is harming who if take any action to try and help someone. Complicated stuff, so be safe, and use your head American Citizen's.

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