Video shows Georgia students repeatedly slapping a teacher

Pyramids too.
Benin Wall
Actually, the use of "etc" was invented by a white man. ..... :cool:
False. Whites didnt know how to write until Blacks gave them an alphabet so anything whites have written are only possible because of Black people.. :cool-45:

The Phoenicians were not black, dip shit they were Mediterranean and believed to have migrated from what is now India
Nope they were Black. Phoenician was the name the Greeks called the Canaanites who guessed it. Black. We can prove this pretty quickly. The question is can you prove they were not Black?

No they were not and you can flap your arms all day long and squawk and it won't change it. Some idiot black told you that didn't they?

You're stupid, boy and you prove it constantly
The Hebrews wrote the code book of eponymous Black history in the Old Testament. We have chosen to read and understand that history and have come to know what it portends beyond the metaphysical implications. Black people seeing the names and origins of their kind reflected prominently therein...have found their true history which white men have vainly tried to conceal from them.
Every Ethiopian and Eritrean I know laughs when they hear this and says that Black people here in the US listen to white people too much. They consider themselves Black Africans.
I have many Somali friends. Most will tell you they are intermixed with the Yemen arab's who are their close neighbors right across the Gulf of Aden.

Somali's look down on the typical wide nose African jungle bunny. .... :cool:

Yemen is almost 50% Black African so that makes sense.

I had a girlfriend from Somali when I was younger. She seemed to like me just fine and considered herself Black.
I said white not caucasoid. Whites are just a subset of caucasoids.

Same thing jackass. When I fill out a form, I don't put down Zulu. I put down CAUCASIAN. Caucasoids are that genus of people of or being structurally of Caucasian origin. You can put a Black in Iceland and eventually his genes will develop a white skin; put a White in Africa long enough and he will develop a predisposition to black skin. DO YOU REALLY THINK SKIN COLOR MAKES THEM DIFFERENT PEOPLE, Racist??? To you, "Whites" are just that percentage of humankind that you simply hate and blame for all of your shortcomings! You're a moron. If whites are anything like what you think, it is only from putting up with bullshit like yours. Conversation ended.
The DNA does not lie and Asslips takes it up the chute, again.


Before going into the origin of the Phoenicians, two things musts be made clear. The Phoenicians do not have their origin in Europe or in Africa. They were neither European nor where they black Africans. Their origin is in the eastern Mediterranean, as recent DNA studies prove -- they belong to the ancient Mediterranean sub-starum.

Ethnic Origin, Language and Literature of the Phoenicians

The werent Africans. They were Blacks. Descendants of Shem and with a sprinkle of Hams.

LOL Give it up Rufus
I will when you show me they werent Black. Got any proof? Again I do have proof they were Black.

The area of the world they lived in is mixed, there are ancient Ethopian Christians however that were Christian long before Europeans got the notion.
The DNA does not lie and Asslips takes it up the chute, again.


Before going into the origin of the Phoenicians, two things musts be made clear. The Phoenicians do not have their origin in Europe or in Africa. They were neither European nor where they black Africans. Their origin is in the eastern Mediterranean, as recent DNA studies prove -- they belong to the ancient Mediterranean sub-starum.

Ethnic Origin, Language and Literature of the Phoenicians

The werent Africans. They were Blacks. Descendants of Shem and with a sprinkle of Hams.

LOL Give it up Rufus
I will when you show me they werent Black. Got any proof? Again I do have proof they were Black.

The area of the world they lived in is mixed, there are ancient Ethopian Christians however that were Christian long before Europeans got the notion.
Its really mixed now. Once Arabs were all Black and the ME was known as part of Africa. There are still some indigenous tribes left however and Yemen has a huge population of Black people but you wouldnt know it by looking at TV.
Why would that be acting white when Black people taught whites how to read and write? :cool-45:
You mean interpreting indistinguishable drawings etched into the wall of a cave.
Medu Neter was written on papyrus and stelae. Cuneiform writing was written on clay tablets with reed stylii.

View attachment 150550

Obama, visiting Egypt's relics, even found his likeness carved on Egyptan stelae...a creation thousands of years old!
Looks more like Alfred E. Gyptian.
You bahs-turds just can't accept the evidence of the black genesis of civilization...even when it is written in stone and placed right in front if you. Your butthurt jealousy is noted.

I see a mixture of races, as God is, and different 'styles' of decoration:

I said white not caucasoid. Whites are just a subset of caucasoids.

Same thing jackass. When I fill out a form, I don't put down Zulu. I put down CAUCASIAN. Caucasoids are that genus of people of or being structurally of Caucasian origin. You can put a Black in Iceland and eventually his genes will develop a white skin; put a White in Africa long enough and he will develop a predisposition to black skin. DO YOU REALLY THINK SKIN COLOR MAKES THEM DIFFERENT PEOPLE, Racist??? To you, "Whites" are just that percentage of humankind that you simply hate and blame for all of your shortcomings! You're a moron. If whites are anything like what you think, it is only from putting up with bullshit like yours. Conversation ended.
Its not the same thing.
Egyptian Immigrant Wants to be Reclassified as Black |


this dude look white to you?

Youre an idiot. Show me one Black person that came to iceland Black and became white. Same thing with a white person that went to Africa.
And here the insults come: WE ARE ALL GOD'S CHILDREN, race is just color.
Makes sense because the Hebrews were Black people that were often told by god to go to Africa and hide.
That's rich!! .... :lol: :lol: :lol:
You dont really believe that god told white people to hide among Black people do you? They would be kind of obvious dont you think? I mean how do you think Moses was able to be raised in the palace of the Pharaoh that was trying to kill him? He must have been more or less the same skin color as the Egyptians.

to futher that point why would god turn Moses hand white if he was already white?
But the ancient Africans had no idea how to use their invention. When the European's first confronted African's, their main weapon was still a stick with a sharpened stone lashed to the end. ....

That is right. Africans may have discovered high carbon steel and rubber, but they had no idea what to do with it. It took Caucasians to come along and figure out they could make ships and trains, and tanks, and skyscrapers and gaskets, and medical implants, and car parts from the stuff.

Last I checked, I still couldn't buy any ships, trains, tanks, gaskets, medical implants or car parts made in Africa, nor would I want them if I could. AFAIK, every African nation is largely dirt poor. And every place in America where Africans predominantly run things, the place turns to shit, beat into the ground, with nothing but crime, drugs and shootings. Blacks can't be trusted to be in charge of anything 99% of the time until they get a little White Blood in them because they are too busy blaming Whitey for all their failings. Meantime, if not for us, they'd still be running around in a loincloth with a bone through their nose being eaten by tigers. ;)

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