Video shows Georgia students repeatedly slapping a teacher

A lot of overt racism in this thread. You white guys that engage in this make the rest of us white guys look bad.
There is a reason whites regressed back to cave man like levels during the Dark ages.
During the Dark Ages, we still lived in actual buildings, had real roads, and agriculture and science.

You were living in mud and grass huts and eating pygmies and monkeys.
You were living in the remains of the Roman empire that learned how to build from African via the Greeks.

We were building empires like the Mali Empire and we came over to europe to help whites learn how to be civilized again. We taught you the virtues of taking a bath and how to read.
you bestow whiteness on people blacker than a licorice stick \
Really?..... what people would that be?? ..... :cool:
Some white scientist say the Masai and Somalis are Caucasoids based on physiognomy and bone atructure...regardless of skin color.

But if there is a.connection between. so-called Caucasoid Africans and Caucasians
Remember, the Africans had those features first.
Your Neanderthal forebears looked nothing like humans of today. The "Causoid" looking" Africans aren't tainted by neanderthal bloodlines. So it was their mating with Neaderthals that produced YOU.

The TRUTH, that many just don't want to hear, is that GOD created Adam and Eve SEPARATELY even while humanoid beings roamed the earth.

Even though there were "humans" for a long time before Adam and Eve, it wasn't until their creation that Man began real civilization.

This is why the American Indian never "evolved," nor those roaming Africa living in mud and grass huts

Tell us the Hebrew word for Adam and what it means? Never mind i will tell you. Adam in Hebrew means reddish brown earth. The same reddish brown as most African Americans to be precise. Now lets forget that and get to Noah. If he was white everyone would be white. The fact that he had Black kids means he was Black. White people cant produce Black people. That is known scientific fact.

He was made from red clay. That doesn't mean anything as far as skin color you moron.

The truth is, your people never "evolved" except as you live in the world of Adam's descendants, much like the comforts my cat enjoys when compared to the bobcat in the woods.
There is a reason whites regressed back to cave man like levels during the Dark ages.
During the Dark Ages, we still lived in actual buildings, had real roads, and agriculture and science.

You were living in mud and grass huts and eating pygmies and monkeys.
During the Dark Ages, Europe was enveloped in cannibalism , rape, murder, theft and other crimes...
Stop ignoring history because it makes you a liar...
During the Dark Ages, we still lived in actual buildings, had real roads, and agriculture and science. You were living in mud and grass huts and eating pygmies and monkeys.

I guess Milkweed never watched any of a thousand movies, all loosely based on the Dark and Middle ages, where men lived in Castles, road horses, and everything.

Dark Ag·es
[ˈdärk ˈˌājiz]
  1. the period in western Europe between the fall of the Roman Empire and the high Middle Ages, c. ad 500–1100, during which Germanic tribes swept through Europe and North Africa, often attacking and destroying towns and settlements.
You kinda have to already HAVE towns and buildings, etc., to DESTROY them.
White people cant produce Black people. That is known scientific fact.
I beg to differ. ..... :cool:

During the Dark Ages, we still lived in actual buildings, had real roads, and agriculture and science. You were living in mud and grass huts and eating pygmies and monkeys.

I guess Milkweed never watched any of a thousand movies, all loosely based on the Dark and Middle ages, where men lived in Castles, road horses, and everything.

Dark Ag·es
[ˈdärk ˈˌājiz]
  1. the period in western Europe between the fall of the Roman Empire and the high Middle Ages, c. ad 500–1100, during which Germanic tribes swept through Europe and North Africa, often attacking and destroying towns and settlements.
You kinda have to already HAVE towns and buildings, etc., to DESTROY them.
You shouldnt get your facts from movies. If I did that I would think the Egyptians, Jesus and God were white.
The fact that he had Black kids means he was Black. White people cant produce Black people.

Hey Milkweed! Little known fact: all of humanity all came from a region around Mesopotamia. We started out all the same. You ought to focus on THAT, and whether good or bad, friendly or kind, rather than if their skin is black, white, brown, red or chocolate.
There is a reason whites regressed back to cave man like levels during the Dark ages.
During the Dark Ages, we still lived in actual buildings, had real roads, and agriculture and science.

You were living in mud and grass huts and eating pygmies and monkeys.

Monkey brains were especially a delicacy.
Europe boasts the oldest fossil evidence of cannibalism. In a 1999 Science article, French paleontologists reported that 100,000-year-old bones from six Neanderthal victims found in a French cave called Moula-Guercy had been broken by other Neanderthals in such a way as to extract marrow and brains. In addition, tool marks on the mandible and femur suggested that tongue and thigh meat had been cut off for consumption.

Europe’s Hypocritical History of Cannibalism
From prehistory to the present with many episodes in between, the region has a surprisingly meaty history of humans eating humans

Read more: Europe’s Hypocritical History of Cannibalism | History | Smithsonian
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Read more: Europe’s Hypocritical History of Cannibalism | History | Smithsonian
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