Video shows Republicans walking out of the Senate chamber as Ketanji Brown Jackson was confirmed as the first Black female Supreme Court justice

Sweet Lindsay was so "incensed" that he didn't even come in, he stood at the door and shouted his vote of "No!"
Same goes with Harris. She may very well be our first Black female President. She also got the position, not from her merits, but for the skin tone she was born with. This is a very disturbing "trend" and, I believe, harms all the minorities (and White people) that earned their positions in our society.
Same goes with Harris. She may very well be our first Black female President. She also got the position, not from her merits, but for the skin tone she was born with. This is a very disturbing "trend" and, I believe, harms all the minorities (and White people) that earned their positions in our society.
The idea is to try and harm white people
I just can not imagine how this could be more racist. If someone told me that I got the position (even partly) because all women and minorities were excluded from consideration , because they required a White male......well,.. I would not feel comfortable accepting that position, and if I did, it would feel extremely icky. Down deep this judge knows this, and she should feel icky about her new position.
Yep...agreed he certainly is overcompensating to cover up his racism.

Wow...he's got a black friend...that means he can't be a racist scum bag geez....

Biden surrounded himself with blacks he put into positions of power.
Trump was adjudicated a racist by the federal government.
I just can not imagine how this could be more racist. If someone told me that I got the position (even partly) because all women and minorities were excluded from consideration , because they required a White male......well,.. I would not feel comfortable accepting that position, and if I did, it would feel extremely icky. Down deep this judge knows this, and she should feel icky about her new position.
The irony is that's how every supreme court justice until Thurgood Marshall was chosen.
Republicans walked out of the Senate chamber during a standing ovation as Ketanji Brown Jackson was confirmed as the first Black female Supreme Court justice in US history.

Video footage showed several Republican senators leaving their seats and heading to the exits as applause erupted in the chamber after the Senate voted 53-47 to confirm her to the Supreme Court on Thursday.

The one Republican senator filmed joining the applause as colleagues filed past was Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah, who was one of only three moderate Republicans who voted to confirm Joe Biden's nominee. The others were Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Sen. Susan Collins of Maine.

CNN's chief political correspondent, Julia Borger, said that Republicans had shown "disrespect" toward Jackson, and singled out Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, who she said had been late for the vote, and Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who said he had not been admitted to the Senate chamber because he wasn't wearing a tie and had to cast his "no" vote from the cloakroom instead.

"Whether you agree with the outcome or not, you need to pay this woman the respect that she is due. And you need to do that for any Supreme Court nominee," Borger said.

Jackson's confirmation hearings were a grueling process, with the US appeals court judge at times subjected to questioning and accusations by Republicans that legal experts have denounced as unfair and misleading.

During the confirmation, Sen. Josh Hawley misleadingly claimed she had been lenient toward offenders guilty of child-sexual-abuse-image offences, in a line of attack criticized by the White House as a dog whistle to the far-right QAnon movement.

Sen. Tom Cotton baselessly claimed that she would have defended Nazi war criminals, falsely saying that she had chosen to defend Guantanamo Bay inmates while neglecting to mention the cases were assigned to her when she was a public defender.

In a sign of the deep partisan divisions in the Senate, the vote to advance Jackson's confirmation in the Senate Judiciary Committee was deadlocked, with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer having to use a special procedure to advance the process to a full Senate vote.

The Grand Old Party, the party of inclusions. WAFJ.

This is a prime example why black folks don't support this party.

Whether you agree with her or not, this is a historic moment in this country's history and these cowards get up and walk out.
This should not be surprising. It is just another sign of the decline of America as each side sticks to their politics unable to come together on anything. What chance is their for any meaningful improvements in immigration, healthcare, Social Security, Medicare, drugs, or crime.

im not a republican. Thats fuckin gross.
You make an OP whining about the lack of respect and then say she dont need respect.
You are truly an idiot dude. No joke. You are stupid as fuck.
You cant help it and i get that. But someone has to tell you..
I guess you think your stupid ass is intelligent. She didn't need their damn resespect, she was confirmed without it dumb ass. I am just showing how stupid these clowns are.
Affirmative action (IMHO) started out as a noble effort to counter balance historical racism. It has now morphed into a very ugly concept that is far removed from it's initial purpose. It has literally become "If you have a penis, or are any other race other then Black, don't even think about getting the job." For me, that is insulting for all Americans....especially Black American females.
You support a pedo lover on our highest court just because she is black.
That is just more racist stupidity.
You supported BLM riots that caused 2 billion dollars in damages to private business that didn't have a dog in the fight, just because they are black. You need to go an find a dictionary of what racism is. You will find you picture there.
I supported BLM protest idiot, who in the hell supports riots. I don't need a dictionary I grew up with first hand experience. I guess that is the new thing today, white racist call black folks racist.
I guess you think your stupid ass is intelligent. She didn't need their damn resespect, she was confirmed without it dumb ass. I am just showing how stupid these clowns are.
Im not that smart but i am a shitload smarter than you. Obviously.
Yet, they are racist because they didnt give it to her.. You are a goddamn joke :lol:
I guess you think your stupid ass is intelligent. She didn't need their damn resespect, she was confirmed without it dumb ass. I am just showing how stupid these clowns are.
So you think not being respected is a good thing? Does that apply to everyone or just her?

Republicans walking out of the Senate chamber as Ketanji Brown Jackson was confirmed​

That's right. The republicans walked out in disgust to throw up while the RINOs stayed behind with their lap masters the democrats.

Really a pathetic "victory," pretty sad really that Jackson was NOT HIRED FOR HER CONSTITUTIONAL ACUMEN in being the best, most learned mind out there to properly and faithfully interpret the law, but as a judge put there only for her black skin and sex (racism and sexism) with the hope that her radical extremist social views can further erode the nation.

And THAT is super bad.
"Congratulations ! You got the position. Of course we excluded 95% of all other candidates, but hey don't think about that. Just be happy you won. Your accomplishment is a historical event. It proves that a Black female can rise to the top...but only because we excluded 95% of the other people. You must be so proud of yourself!".... Now how in the hell is this not insulting to the judge.
That's right. The republicans walked out in disgust to throw up while the RINOs stayed behind with their lap masters the democrats.

Really a pathetic "victory," pretty sad really that Jackson was NOT HIRED FOR HER CONSTITUTIONAL ACUMEN in being the best, most learned mind out there to properly and faithfully interpret the law, but as a judge put there only for her black skin and sex (racism and sexism) with the hope that her radical extremist social views can further erode the nation.

And THAT is super bad.
Actually she was put there for her wide and vast experience from being a public defender, a district judge, and an appeals court judge. Plus her clerking for the supreme court, and ivy league lawschool record.
"Congratulations ! You got the position. Of course we excluded 95% of all other candidates, but hey don't think about that. Just be happy you won. Your accomplishment is a historical event. It proves that a Black female can rise to the top...but only because we excluded 95% of the other people. You must be so proud of yourself!".... Now how in the hell is this not insulting to the judge.
She has a better resume than most of the white male justices on the court.
Actually she was put there for her wide and vast experience from being a public defender, a district judge, and an appeals court judge. Plus her clerking for the supreme court, and ivy league lawschool record.
Being easy on pedophiles gave her a shot in the arm too.

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