Viewers Freak Out Over Coca-Cola Super Bowl Ad

These guys are little late getting offended by Coke. This was their big ad from 1971:

I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke Commercial - 1971 - YouTube

The more I hear about all the rightous indignation going on in this country over just about everything, the more I realize that too many people have just too much time on their hands.

Back in 1971 the Southern Dixiecrat Bigot (who had yet to move to the GOP) didn't have access to the internet or twitter. They kept their illiteracy to themselves.
What I found far more disrespectful is the idiots posting on FB and in the comment sections of news stories.

You know, those Americans who were outraged that Coke had people singing our national anthem in foreign languages?

Singing the National Anthem in a foreign language is a slap in the face. I would be far more disturbed by that than "America the Beautiful."

Which is why I found it disrespectful that these idiots were posting about something and didn't even know what the national anthem is, or is not.
See this is where words are twisted.
I never said it was a requirement.
Everyone learned it without it being a requirement, that is called freedom.
With everyone wanting to speak English is what ties us all together as a nation. Any other way divides us.
it has nothing to do with freedom you retard. Its a choice and nothing more. English doesnt tie us together.

English and the Constitution do.
This was already talked about earlier, you seem to have miss that.

You are the one who is not understanding that one language plus our constitution does.
Everyone speaking a different language would be chaotic. No one would be able to understand anyone at all.
Spanish would only be with Spanish, Germans with Germans, Italians with Italians.
Arabs with Arabs. This would divide us. Speaking English unites us.

everyone already speaks a different language now anyways. The constitution has nothing to do with this. You look like a psycho
These guys are little late getting offended by Coke. This was their big ad from 1971:

I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke Commercial - 1971 - YouTube

The more I hear about all the rightous indignation going on in this country over just about everything, the more I realize that too many people have just too much time on their hands.

That commercial was about harmony and togetherness.
This one is an insult and it is divisive.

Exactly how is it divisive? I could follow the song, since I know the words. Hearing someone sing it in another language reminded me that so many have come from other places and see our country as beautiful.
These guys are little late getting offended by Coke. This was their big ad from 1971:

I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke Commercial - 1971 - YouTube

The more I hear about all the rightous indignation going on in this country over just about everything, the more I realize that too many people have just too much time on their hands.

That commercial was about harmony and togetherness.
This one is an insult and it is divisive.

you are the only one being divisive
America is not ready for an openly gay couple with a child sorry the end.
Some States are but not America as a whole.
it has nothing to do with freedom you retard. Its a choice and nothing more. English doesnt tie us together.

English and the Constitution do.
This was already talked about earlier, you seem to have miss that.

You are the one who is not understanding that one language plus our constitution does.
Everyone speaking a different language would be chaotic. No one would be able to understand anyone at all.
Spanish would only be with Spanish, Germans with Germans, Italians with Italians.
Arabs with Arabs. This would divide us. Speaking English unites us.

everyone already speaks a different language now anyways. The constitution has nothing to do with this. You look like a psycho

So sorry this is going over your head and you are not understanding it.

The vast majority of this nation still speaks English with their native languages and cultures still being spoken and observed at home.
America is great because of our diversity and why we work as a melting pot.
Too bad you can't see that English and our rights are what unite us.
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Yiddish is not a "slang language", it's a dialect - and it was the PRIMARY language of my entire family.

Whatever you say, Sparky.

My grandfather doesn't speak a word of Polish, but he grew up (in NYC) speaking Yiddish at home.

He speaks English though, because it is the language of the nation.

And the people I'm referring to - their great-grandparents generally emigrated from various towns and villages in Eastern Europe, where everyone was Jewish, and everyone spoke Yiddish.

And they also spoke the native language.

That's the point. The very nature of Yiddish is as a second language. There are other aspects that I think are very unsavory, but I'll leave that for another time.

You realize the way english is spoken in America is BECAUSE of the many cultures -- dialects are formed over generations of children being schooled together.

For example, the Long Island / NYC - dialect (pronunciation and phrasing) comes from Dutch and English settlers, then later Yiddish and Irish.

The Southern Dialect is a product of Aristocratic Slave Owners, Scots, and Black Slaves. The White children played with the black children and over generations created the Souther Dialect -- many key pronunciation and grammatical traits of the South can be traced back to West Africa.

So if you're from the South, you drop 'ng' and sonorants because your great grandpappy was trying to mimic the speech patterns of his black peers.

Throw in a little French and you got Creole.

The South West and West Coast gets their dialects from 2nd Generation Settlers coming from Missouri mixing with Mexicans and a melting pot of Irish, Swedes, Chinese.

and btw - The english language is more germanic than anything else -- from the 5th Century Anglo Saxons.
English and the Constitution do.
This was already talked about earlier, you seem to have miss that.

You are the one who is not understanding that one language plus our constitution does.
Everyone speaking a different language would be chaotic. No one would be able to understand anyone at all.
Spanish would only be with Spanish, Germans with Germans, Italians with Italians.
Arabs with Arabs. This would divide us. Speaking English unites us.

everyone already speaks a different language now anyways. The constitution has nothing to do with this. You look like a psycho

So sorry this is going over your head and you are not understanding it.

The vast majority of this nation still speaks English with their native languages and cultures still being spoken and observed at home.
America is great because of our diversity and why we work as a melting pot.
Too bad you can't see that English and our rights are what unite us.

neat..speaking english doesnt make you an american you nutjob.
everyone already speaks a different language now anyways. The constitution has nothing to do with this. You look like a psycho

So sorry this is going over your head and you are not understanding it.

The vast majority of this nation still speaks English with their native languages and cultures still being spoken and observed at home.
America is great because of our diversity and why we work as a melting pot.
Too bad you can't see that English and our rights are what unite us.

neat..speaking english doesnt make you an american you nutjob.

I never said that.
So sorry this is going over your head and you are not understanding it.

The vast majority of this nation still speaks English with their native languages and cultures still being spoken and observed at home.
America is great because of our diversity and why we work as a melting pot.
Too bad you can't see that English and our rights are what unite us.

neat..speaking english doesnt make you an american you nutjob.

I never said that.

Too bad you can't see that English and our rights are what unite us.

uh huh....shut up already...
What I find most amusing is the complete lack of English proficiency in the outraged tweets

Irony is always lost on that sort
Coca Cola did some brilliant marketing. By doing this, they marketed their high fructose corn syrup in a bottle to new demographics. The first being immigrants, who they increased brand recognition with. The second being SWPL liberals, who previously would never by a product from this evil multinational corporation, but now will, so they can feel superior to racist white hicks.

I also think it was a troll job to piss of certain segments of the population.

All in all. Coca Cola succeeded in getting people to talk about them. The advert was succesful

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