CDZ Views which you find inconsistent


Gold Member
Nov 15, 2009
I find some political stances to be inconsistent with each other. Please post some others.

-Those against socialized medicine who want hospitals to continue treating everyone.

-Those against abortion who don't value the potential lives enough to raise those they want to save.

-Anyone who picked on Obama for his deficit and love the Reagan recovery.

-Those for small government who want to regulate my sex life.

-Environmentalists who won't let me store my old electric car batteries in their neighborhoods.
Obama calling Bush unpatriotic and irresponsible for 4 Trillion in added debt, then went on to add 9 Trillion 'by hiz lonesome'.

Sen. Harry Reid commenting on Obama's light skin with no negro dialect unless he wants one accusing those who opposed Obama's policies of being racists.

Popular phrase during the Bush years, 'dissent is patriotic' morphing to 'dissent is racially motivated' during the Obama years.

Labeling mmgw skeptics as science deniers while denying the settled science of dna.

Advocating for abortion choice but not school choice.

Expressing concern over the plight of inner-city kids as long as the educational ticket out isn't written in the form of a voucher.

Lecturing America on health destroying obesity while allowing the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program funds to include the purchase of sugary drinks and salty snack foods.

That'll do - for now.
I find some political stances to be inconsistent with each other. Please post some others.

-Those against socialized medicine who want hospitals to continue treating everyone.

-Those against abortion who don't value the potential lives enough to raise those they want to save.

-Anyone who picked on Obama for his deficit and love the Reagan recovery.

-Those for small government who want to regulate my sex life.

-Environmentalists who won't let me store my old electric car batteries in their neighborhoods.

Pro-lifers who eat meat and are for war and executions.

Those for small govt who want to stop you cross the road, drinking alcohol, taking drugs etc.

Those who are against welfare for poor people, but for the govt giving massive tax breaks and subsidies to the rich.

Those who shouted that the system should change before the election in November, and suddenly thought the system was amazing after the election.

Those who mistrust the US govt at home, and trust it 100% abroad.

Those who blame one president for something, and lord the next president for doing exactly the same thing.
I find some political stances to be inconsistent with each other. Please post some others.

-Those against socialized medicine who want hospitals to continue treating everyone.

-Those against abortion who don't value the potential lives enough to raise those they want to save.

-Anyone who picked on Obama for his deficit and love the Reagan recovery.

-Those for small government who want to regulate my sex life.

-Environmentalists who won't let me store my old electric car batteries in their neighborhoods.

Pro-lifers who eat meat and are for war and executions.

Those for small govt who want to stop you cross the road, drinking alcohol, taking drugs etc.

Those who are against welfare for poor people, but for the govt giving massive tax breaks and subsidies to the rich.

Those who shouted that the system should change before the election in November, and suddenly thought the system was amazing after the election.

Those who mistrust the US govt at home, and trust it 100% abroad.

Those who blame one president for something, and lord the next president for doing exactly the same thing.
#1 is not inconsistent. Pro-life for the innocent does not equate to opposing the death penalty for the guilty and war is another story altogether.

The rest I agree with.

I would add:
Those that do not trust the government to run anything or to limit their rights but suddenly trust the police unequivocally in almost any situation.
Saying you're for the American poor and working class Americans while simultaneously supporting open borders, sanctuary cities and unlimited immigration, legal or otherwise and protecting criminals from deportation.
and the most obvious of all -- those who claim they stand for women's rights and gay rights defending Islamists at every turn.
This is one of the biggest misconceptions I have ever seen. I am against the religion of Islam. The people who practice this religion, Muslims, I am not against. I do not wish them all dead. I know that the overwhelming majority of them are peaceful. Like Christianity there are some over zealous radicals but that doesn't mean I paint the whole Muslim population as one type. That would be very bigoted and flat out wrong. Why is this so hard to comprehend by many? I know many Christians and Muslims who are against women's rights and gay issues. I will never defend their religion but I will defend their right to free speech and their right to live in this world.
Yea, anyone opposed to abortion is opposed to women's rights.
-Being against abortion, while also being against welfare.
-Driving around in jumbo jets and gas guzzling SUVs while telling me to turn off my air conditioner
-Being against immigration while supporting incentives to illegals
-Blaming the gun when someone kills someone and blaming the person when they kill a lion
Distrusting the government's adequate management of its employees (re: public sector unions) yet trusting the same to adequately manage our health care.
and the most obvious of all -- those who claim they stand for women's rights and gay rights defending Islamists at every turn.
This is one of the biggest misconceptions I have ever seen. I am against the religion of Islam. The people who practice this religion, Muslims, I am not against. I do not wish them all dead. I know that the overwhelming majority of them are peaceful. Like Christianity there are some over zealous radicals but that doesn't mean I paint the whole Muslim population as one type. That would be very bigoted and flat out wrong. Why is this so hard to comprehend by many? I know many Christians and Muslims who are against women's rights and gay issues. I will never defend their religion but I will defend their right to free speech and their right to live in this world.

The truth of the matter is that I have seen posters make a claim such as you are making here, and then turn around and lie about what Muslims actually believe while justifying the terrorist acts they perform in service to Jihad.
and the most obvious of all -- those who claim they stand for women's rights and gay rights defending Islamists at every turn.
This is one of the biggest misconceptions I have ever seen. I am against the religion of Islam. The people who practice this religion, Muslims, I am not against. I do not wish them all dead. I know that the overwhelming majority of them are peaceful. Like Christianity there are some over zealous radicals but that doesn't mean I paint the whole Muslim population as one type. That would be very bigoted and flat out wrong. Why is this so hard to comprehend by many? I know many Christians and Muslims who are against women's rights and gay issues. I will never defend their religion but I will defend their right to free speech and their right to live in this world.

The truth of the matter is that I have seen posters make a claim such as you are making here, and then turn around and lie about what Muslims actually believe while justifying the terrorist acts they perform in service to Jihad.
Muslims believe different things. Just like Christians believe different things hence the hundreds of different denominations. I don't believe the terrorist acts are justified but I certainly understand why they do it. If anyone thinks it's just because of their religion then they would be flat out wrong. The CIA used the term Blowback. The US has played an integral part in creating these terrorists.
Voters who insist on picking "winners" when we ALL end up losing.

Eco-cops who want me to pull 1Watt chargers out of my wall to save energy -- so my neighbor can suck up 1,200 Watts 3 times a week to charge his SUBSIDIZED Nissan Leaf.

Folks who want MORE "Universal Anything" when the last Universal program (Social Security) was robbed blind for 30 years -- IGNORED --- and is now costing the same working poor victims AGAIN for current deficits.

Folks who consistently BASH "small government" when they cannot list more than 2 things that BIG govt focuses on and does with excellence and efficiency or wisdom and competency..
Those who think a child having a right to their life entitles them to a free ride on taxpayers backs for the rest of their life.
Folks who are perfectly willing to strip rights from others but draw the line at their own.

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